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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I did the Graveyard Shift Vahz arc redside. very nice. now trying to complete it Blue. "investigate Pathogen's Warehouse" step inside. Metal grate door blocks entire mission. "need key" Glowie beside door. unresponsive. No clues, nothing to interact with. Stoooooopid.
  2. he loves bombs. a dual pistol/device. while not super fire/fire blaster.....it could work. toe bombing is funny
  3. I would go so dar as to say build an entirely different (but similar) SS set with no Rage. Toggle instead of Rage cycle. Called MIGHt or something. 1) Hand Clap is....meh> meh a good word? meh. Hurl. Okay, picking up slabs of street and throwing it. 1) childish 2) disrespectful 3) inefficient. But since we cannot even get a consensus on the Rage issue I am entirely sure yjis idea is about as useful as straw building material in a hurricane. carry on....
  4. no. i must have made an oopsie. when doing this for a couple months at a time there will inevitably be imperfections. sigh. thanks for the feedback
  5. I am diligently trying to solo the entire game, every contact, arc and side mission. Once I start a contact's content I do not quit until they absolutely refuse to give me anything else. Then i verify they do not have later level content. I was quite surprised therefore to find that while I did all Eagle Eye's content I somehow missed his 'personal story' which I completed through Ouro. Has a badge "You Should See The Other Guy" It is an odd mission in that you go back in time as another character with different powers. Can anyone confirm this is available through his regular contact or is it Ouro only?
  6. Super Strength is great. I love it. I love the old school concept. I have stories to tell about SS toons. But the rage crash…. I started on SS Brutes. Played them for years. Prefer 1 stack Rage due to crash mgt. would love it to be a toggle. Will not ever play it again until something changes Doing what Bill Z Bub said is wise. Possibly a second SS set that us exactly the same except with a different buff (as suggested by BZB). If that would be mechanically easier to implement
  7. Any Super Strength that is not built around being a Rage Monster. Like, a noble heroic Super Strength. A cold calculating Super Strength, etc. etc
  8. number 2 might be Soul Drain....from many Dark sets. a personalized 30 second Fulcrum Shift that can be near perma'd oh, you meant T2.....a lot of attack powers that become a base of an attack chain. not flashy, but neither is a car engine
  9. No. They have their buffs, gimmicks, and other benefits. Also, you ignored the fact i pointed out Smashing was a very commonly resisted/defended against damage type. So, lets just agree to ignore each other fully, rather than this part time crap eh?
  10. Smashing may not be the highest resisted damage. But it is very commonly resisted. Also. Comparing what damages PvE enemies do and resist with what players do and resist is not a straight up apples to apples comparison. MA, Staff, StJ and War Mace all have boosts and gimmicks going for them that SS does not. Are you talking about removing those build ups and benefits and doing a comparison then? If so you might have a point. It is stupid to do, but sure, then you would need to give the sets something. Perhaps like the build ups and benefits those sets have. As a guess.
  11. let me say it then, Rage should be a toggle. 1 stack, permanent with toggle on. Balanced vs other sets in that it is Smashing Damage, Proof..... SS is not all that popular even though you can double stack Rage.
  12. Grenades. I started using stun grenades when i switched back from Blaster to Brite in a solo the game project. I quickly picked up the explosive one as well. You can carry about 200 of each. They are Very useful at low level (at least through 25) when soloing on a low AoE toon. The stun grenade is arguably useful all the way to 50. Need to grab a glowie? Pop a purple and lob a stun grenade!
  13. My understanding of the Dev Lore is that they were originally trying to create a "Holy Trinity" game (Tank/Healer/DPS) and on Redside they designed the MM as the Tank, in Bodyguard mode. So..... Yeah. Great game. But they had no F-ing idea what they were doing.
  14. did we really start to ignore this?
  15. Are you at all factoring in that SS is Smash damage in a game where smash is decidedly not king? Or are you just doing a straight number to number comparison Smash = Energy = Psi = Dark all the same?
  16. THe two above pulled quotes bookend where Brutes are now. Brutes max damage cap is very nice, if you plsay in optimized team settings. (Big IF!) Tankers got a much needed (and deserved) buff. That Brutes will always be jealous of. Could Brutes use some tweak? Maybe. I love Brutes. i am soloing the game (every arc/contact/side mission red/blue/gold) on a Dark/Invul Brute. F-ing s l o w going. No AoE to speak of and very light damage until I am swarmed and pop a couple reds. I would love to see Brutes get something. They got a nerf hammer because they were out damaging Scrappers years ago and havent been touched since. Again, Tankers needed some love. Sentinels NEED love. Brutes.....well, being meh in some ways is not going to get you very far up a incredibly long list of to do projects for a Dev team that is woefully understaffed, unpaid, and constantly being told what players NEED RIGHT NOW! But, bon chance.
  17. Arguably wrong. Sleep in truck during the day, work nights, keep on the move for dietary reasons
  18. Super Strength is great. I love it. I love the old school concept. I have stories to tell about SS toons. But the rage crash…. I started on SS Brutes. Played them for years. Prefer 1 stack Rage due to crash mgt. would love it to be a toggle. Will not ever play it again until something changes
  19. I do not market flip. But i know a few characters who buy/convert/flip/whatever on the PVP and they have a target sales range in the 8+ neighborhood.
  20. Maybe. But since the main roadblock was “we want a toggle” bs “ we want doible with no crash”. Complicating the issue is not advised at this time 😝
  21. It talks of bonus damage at different values of rage, which must refer to fury. Rage has no fluctuations.
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