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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Thanks Bill. I was wondering about that for my heavies
  2. Procs require the power they are in to be activated in order to work. In a click power, they go off once with every click. In a passive power or active toggle, they continuously pulse on once every 10 seconds per target. Certain pseudo-pet powers will inherit the proc and if they fire off for a set duration, the Proc has a chance to pulse several times (once every 10 seconds) during that period. Procs which are labeled Proc120s will work for 120 seconds in a click power. They are always on in a Passive power. In a Toggle power, they turn on with the Toggle is turned on and turn off when the Toggle is turned off. 120s or Proc120s always activate when the power they are in is activate; there is no "Chance to" on them. Obviously, if you are exemplaring and the power the Proc is in is greyed out, then you can't get the benefit of the Proc. However, the upside of Procs is that they continue to work even if you exemplar way below their level. E.g., a level 50 Stealth in Sprint will work even if exemplared to level 10. Basically the PROC will "go off" regularly, giving your character health and End outside the normal recovery process.
  3. I am giving Sentinels another shot. I ties so many combos when we first got back. this time is a little different. I am exploring a character concept I am doing some writing on. A vampire. I chose a Dark/Dark Sentinel due to having the right feel for the character more than anything else. I am going to be slamming procs/globals, sets like Overwhelming Force on. Maybe even Purple it out. But not going for a "Build" per se. Just dropping on some power. I have read some of the Dark/Dark threads here with great interest. There were some deep discussions and incredibly well articulated analyses. Thank you. Since I am running the character just to amuse myself instead of min/max or perfect build searching I have this feeling I will really enjoy the AT. we all know Sentinels are...well, being looked at I hear. There are a thousand good and well reasoned changes that have been offered up. I would offer a simple one. Take the Sentinel inherent. Give it it's own power button(s) like Domination. No to-hit check. No choosing it by what power fires/hits. Just choose which power up mode you want and move on. Not the only tuning the AT needs but it would help greatly. I have a feeling this will be the first Sentinel I Incarnate. One question I would ask. What would be the better choice between Dark Epic and Soul Mastery Epic? and, of course, why?
  4. Does this apply to soloing or is it team specific? The “leader” of a solo team is the ... k done explaining. You get the question
  5. I hate having to shop and reshop for basic supplies. This is exacerbated by the price finder being... moving on. If (and when) someone says something like that I ask them if they are new. If they say they are new or relatively new I throw them 1-5 mil, depending on my mood and resources on that character. If it is their first character I make sure to throw them 10 mil. That's just me. Also it is literally paying it forward. I am not new and I have literally had drive bys where really cool players I don't know send me 100 mil because I was whining about trying to grind for the perfect build. That is the community on Everlasting. The opposite of toxic. There for the game, the love of the game, and the enjoyment of working together to make stuff we like.
  6. Everyone plays different. I don't love "Speed TFs" I enjoy "quick TFs" like a hour Synapse or a 30 min Posi 1. I do not enjoy TFs done at +levels. Except ITF, when it is clearly stated up front. And I loathe "Speed TFs" that are for w/e reason set at +levels, with little or no warning. I am (from what I gather) a boring player. I just like to plod through and pick up rewards, enjoying when my teammates work smoothly and sort of getting by otherwise.
  7. Are you saying the hard cap on yellow salvage is 100k per unit?
  8. I would love to see a hard cap on prices. This would be easily enforced by the simplest of methods. Have a Dev have a billion yellows at X value. Maybe 10k or 5 k or w/e. People can play the market and buy sell. But a soon as you try to corner the market you hit an i finite wall this would stop market abuse from going to stupid levels from bots and griefers. Same could be done with each class of recipe so nothing could get oddly out of bounds
  9. Ich. That would drive me crazy. Looks around. Never mind. Made it without the push
  10. I save all rare salvage. Because 1/2 mil a pop. I dump ALL other salvage on market at 1. I drop 100-200 pieces a day on average. I buy for crafting purples and pvps. My only other crafting is 50-100 low level yellow recipes that use no rare that i use to convert to procs and globals to sell i do this once or twice a week. Last night i did 24. Spent 15k a pop on yellows. Which i believe is the highest i ever paid. But my memory is crap so less that a half mil on all my crafting i did last night. 10k a pop on buying the recipes. Total expenses under a mil. I never buy converters . I run TF endlessly. So i made approx 100 mil. in short if people are going to that much work to get a few thousand off the market. Just. Roflmao
  11. I know nothing about tech. So i spend mony. I have a brand new 55” HD tv monitor i got in Nov and use as a game monitor. I dialed most if the setting in game to pretty high. Water quality and reflections are beautiful. my only compliant is the one i have on all things MMORPG. When you get big high level teams you might as well forget it because your monitor turns into a rorshak test if shape color ans special effects. whatever tou believe is happening there is what you have to assume is the next gen MMORPG will hopefully look at This issue i am hoping. But (with zero tech exp) get a comp that has a dedicated graphics card a high end monitor and knock the sliders up all the way and have fun
  12. I decided to be lazy. I half read this post and determined it has little to no effect on how i build or play. Ranged def on squishies and s/l on melee and deal with when that falls to crap when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a ....i need some more enhancements in this hammer
  13. Fanatics and TRUE believers are the best at villainry. Because what they do they believe is necessary to further the cause Burn babies? Well its the only way to make sure everything works out! Hmmm. Okay, fire up the Roastmaster 5000 a regular criminal villain is a little boring in comparison. Not Robin Hood but just robbin’ da hood. They draw the line at anything that doesnt pull in cash and a lot of them have boundaries on crimes they do based on experience, risk/reward, and some personal ethos and motivations
  14. How many alts have you just inspired? Think man, before you type, THINK!
  15. It is an odd situation i have. I love super strength concepts. SS in game is good. But it does nit match my concept. If you compare Invul and Willpower and get a good idea on how they differ i would want a STrength power set that is maybe not as Invul and more WP. And ti really get my dream a Brute class that does not depend on Anger mechanic. So no Rage and no Fury. Just a Str/Will Brick who does super stuff
  16. I like to do story arcs. I used to solo every story and side mission redside. Did it a few times. Recently tried again and made it past 30 before i wanted the thing incarnated these days i like helping out. It is real common on Everlasting for many people to jump into missions or help with difficult problems when someone gives a shout out. I do this quite often if i am not in a trial. and of course teaming and task forces. There is a lot to the game and i still do not have it all worked out. I need to do a Blueside story arc toon. Just worked out in my head a different plan for it. Go to ouro and look at each story arc listed and just do those and call it done. Traditionally i have hunted and scoured every contact and did every story arc and mission badge or not. and so... obsessing over gaming. Pretty much the meta activity here lol
  17. I kind of wish I hadn't looked. no one wants to know where the sausage comes from I did not find info on if/when it would ever go live. not going to say what I did take away from it, for the simple reason I believe they will change it again.
  18. I think that its a moot point. Not for simplistic reasons. For meta reasons. The future of CoX is.... in it's past. The Ouroboros gives us a stock steady tool to investigate (repair/destroy/rewrite) various timelines. It is an integral part of the game already. And, indeed, the pathway to Incarnates and the end game. The reality. We are players in an MMORPG. (unless I am a brain in a jar, in which case you folks may/may not exist.) By structure we log in and redo (endlessly, thanks Homecoming team!) the same stuff over and over. Do you know how many times I have done the Dam TF in the last few months?!? How many times do I have to stop this Dam problem?!? Surely there is another dam solution?!? Writing content for timelines and revisions and alternates of what the City is while exploring its depth of groups and plots is a great possible trove of writing/arcs/plotlines/incarnate stuff. Including Statesman stuff. All while adding breadth to the game without altering it. And if part of a storyline bothers you, either ignore it, or write an AE timeline mission and erase it! (might get picked up and used.) Bonus. All of it is City of Reuse. We recycle!
  19. I honestly thought someone had completely mis-typed the description. Because the only way it makes sense is if it goes more damage when just used as an attack and less damage when grabbing End. Having it do more damage when your character is tanking on End is gimping the power, and seriously messing up the fake rules of comic book logic. When you are focusing something to damage, it does more damage. When you need to modify that power to do something else (like grab end) the damage suffers. Otherwise the power is less useful on well running builds. My DM/Invul Brute uses Dark CONSUMPTION as an attack! This took years to get comfortable with in a set that behaves real odd compared to all other attack sets. Now the design is to gimp the power further..... Um.. Wow. Just...really? Just haul out the nerf bat and have it do no damage, then I can drop it from builds without staring at it wondering what to do with it.
  20. So. I know nothing. Most of you know this but just bringing anyone casually reading up to speed. I heard a rumor of changes to the Dark Melee attack set. Since this is literally my go-to set on my go-to ATs I am turning the holiday lights back on. I spoke with someone in game briefly. Does anyone have details on the possible changes, how likely they are to become reality, and what kind of timeline we are looking at? Thank you very much to the Homecoming Team as well. Dark Melee has always been a great, yet slightly off kilter set. I run dark off kilter concepts so it has worked for me. (I can't run water Blast, though I know how good it is, have nothing that fits in my head) Dark Melee has always just fit. From what I heard they are staying true to the sets quirks while modifying a few things to make it work better in the modern game. Can't wait!
  21. I would suggest a new player not jump onto Sentinels. If I have to explain why it is not worth it.
  22. I think in comics in general this goes one of two ways 1) The HERO who did X and we all remember and will never live up to 2) Revive everybody, it can be used in cheesy storylines and saves on writing another backstory to fill that slot.
  23. I love to hand a beatdown to Clockwork King (Robo ChoMo) in the Synapse. Yes the reference is from Dwayne Johnson's evil invention SNL skit.
  24. not exactly a TF but just finished SSD Who Will Die Redside. 7 arcs, all adding up to....a waste of time looking at horrid writing and (insert snarky comment here) It was bad, and crap and bad
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