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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. First: WOOT!!! Second: Thank you Homecoming Team. Best group of Devs in geek game world!
  2. Yes, and it was horrid back in the day, taking 2 hours or more and almost a cringeworthy recipe for failure on PUG teams
  3. I been playing a long time. SS/EnA is not something I see a lot of. Either from Tanky Tank builders or Farmy Farm builders. Maybe it is the perfect niche. But I think we would have noticed by now if it was OMFG good
  4. I am Snarky 100% time lol. I was saying in another thread I drive a semi in a major metro area. So....I really do try and be courteous and safe. You learn people have a thousand things on their mind while driving....that is not driving. At the same time I have to get from point A to point B, and I want to do a speed TF if you know what I mean. So, I am not going to stop traffic so someone can creep out 30 feet before they start accelerating. You read the road, you more or less know the patterns, and you get it done. There are always the crazies, makes it tough, but you just deal with it. And yes, I snark at people from behind the wheel. That airhorn sees a use about every other day. 2 times a day on bad days. Keep in mind I can only use it when things are FUBAR. So....yeah
  5. I don't know peacebringers at all, but the enhancer setup itself is straightforward. You have done nothing glaringly wrong. You boosted a LOTG 7.5% 5 levels? how much net defense did that actually give you? Other than that it looks okay. I cant click on the enhancer and see which ones you boosted or set bonuses. Keep in mind with Enhancers everything is built up from the old dual origin single origin store bought enhancers. Go back a long time and think of how this game evolved. I promise it will help. Then they added Enhancer Sets. Enhancer Sets boosted multiple things, many times with better overall percentages, and gave you global set bonuses. Here is the thing. Originally the Enhancer Sets were as set in stone as those single origin enhancer. You buy a level 26 LOTG Def/End. It will NEVER change value, unless you are on a team below its level, then it scales downward. It never goes up. You go 3 levels below its value you lose it as a piece for considering set bonuses. it still works, just no longer gives set bonuses. Then they added Purple Enhancers. Only available at 50....but they kept their set bonuses when playing low level. they still scaled downward, but those sweet set bonuses remained. Then we got attuned (very new addition really, not counting SNAP hiatus) Those climb in value with you and keep set bonuses right down to the floor level of the entire set. ATOs are available at level 10, are automatically attuned, and you can "purple" them at 50 for Superior versions. But all the content, well almost all, is based on the old school SO game. That is why when you start throwing sets on a level 17 and doing Synapse you feel like you are cruising. Your character has bonuses the original designers KNEW were never going to be available. Because in their world there was nothing that was on the drawing boards to create it. There is a slight uptick in overall complication in more modern arcs, but by and large the game is still balanced around SOs. Except Praetoria. No one can tell what the Devs were thinking there. Extremely hard low level content marketed to the newest players. I still avaoid Goldside. I soloed it a couple times on Brutes back on live and it does not call to me. Politics, lies, more politics, more lies, and content that is nearly impossible depending on how many inspirations you have left in the tank. I prefer Redside. Just tell me we are robbing a bank or killing a bozo because....yeah, don't care, getting paid, getting a badge.
  6. someone has to make their money driving those trucks, and everyone wants crap delivered lol. Yes, for real. Full size semi day cab, 48' trailer, steel and wood products, usually 500-5000 pd per item. And the traffic. ooof. I will not say that trucking made me Snarky. Let's just say everything has a purpose.
  7. It's a Nemesis plot. So....we will let you know when you are near the bottom.
  8. Constantly i remind myself not to assume others have certain mobs missions or task forces memorized. Because while i am Snarky i try not to act like the impatient WoW veterans i have had to deal with memorizing the fact that the Malta guy with the cool looking blue energy rifle is one of the most hated people in the game is just how we roll around here Also certain maps take forever to learn At least for me. The cave (blueish tone) with the large round layer cake design was super annoying to learn. It kills soloing speed too. But there is a cave with a strange tunnel over the Regular room you have to curve around and line up to the opening or you miss it. Took me forever to figure it out. CoT caves? I can get through them but there are some rooms that still give me fits. There is just about enough variety of mobs in the city to make it seem like they are nearly infinite. But you just learn the real problem children (mr sapper with blue rifle) and treat everybody else as either s hard target or a soft target. It gets to where you just classify them with their groups “Cimerora ITF romans debuff your defense” rather than picking out the specific mob that is doing it
  9. You can. But trying to figure out whether it means one thing or the other in the options is not freaking clear at all
  10. A well built Dark Melee / Invulnerability Brute will out tank 80% of tanks without hitting Dull Pain once.
  11. I played CO after the Snap. I cannot say I wanted to like it, but I wanted something real bad. It...felt small. Then I did a freeform and ….yeah. So. Game Over. Then I went to Wow. Because, after all, I wanted something really bad.
  12. bland? as bland as more costume options, more power options, and more enhancer types I suppose. yes, bland. Also not something I threw up as easy. I personally don't have a vet over teen level. I alt a lot and enjoy low level stuff. But I think it is neat to have a main and reward a player for staying with one character. Maybe instead of vet levels, or in combination with, badge levels. 100 vet levels plus 500 badges = 1. 200 vet levels and 700 badges = 2. Obviously the formula would need to be tweaked. I do stand behind the idea. While the Homecoming team is doing a wonderful job and working to refine (and overall I like the refinements, and really appreciate all the work) the end game system is pretty much defined and not moving forward. While small this would allow rewards to those who really stay with one character for a very long time.
  13. I formally petition for every hundred veteran levels there be 1 extra enhancer slot slot. With a maximum of 10.
  14. little black dress. well, I only run males so I have to use the toga. but the look is classic, timeless, Blue Steel.
  15. He time travelled and killed the Dodo. Getting around to the rest on the list.
  16. You have a slight misunderstanding of sets. It is really old school CoH. A set like LotG is available 25-50. Which means the first one you can get is level 25. slottable at 22. And it is stuck at those bonuses. forever. unless you exemplar down. then the bonuses scale downward. The set bonuses disappear below 22. at level 50 you still have a level 25 bonus. Attuned allows the Enhancer to bounce around with you. It goes to your level, as you level. Still set bonuses disappear below the minimum level of the set -3, but overall much better deal
  17. I love min/maxing and building outrageously expensive builds just because Homecoming allows me to. That said I pretty much only boost Hasten I/O so those two are +5. And it is pretty much the law of diminishing returns. I have a blaster with a bunch of Purple sets on. Crazy expensive build. I got the Purples non attuned, in case I ever want to boost them, then left them raw. On this Blaster I am chasing damage, and in pursuit of that, recharge. But as was mentioned above I left off the DAM Purple enhancer on each set. You are still cranked hard into ED zone without the DAM enhancer (89.92% pre Ed 92.75%) The reason I then moved away from tinkering with these sets is my Incarnate choices. In this case Musculature total Radial Revamp (Dark/Dark Blaster) which kicks you far into ED and dwarfs anything throwing boosters on this purple set can accomplish. I also took all 3 toggles from Leadership. Because at this point outside buffs are the only thing significantly pushing this power's damage up. Cranking 15-20 boosters onto each of the purple sets on the build will have....meh effects. Don't get me wrong, when I have stopped building insanely powerful alts and want to burn another ton of money on the one character I might do it. Part of the reason I do not may even be the interface. I find boosting and creating superior enhancers slightly boring, time consuming, and overall unfun. This got me interested. So I tinkered in mids. for the raw power Blackstar (tier 9 Dark Blast) the overall damage goes up just under 1% with all its enhancers sets at +5. (4 values pre incarnate, exemplared, 615.5 to 634.1 at +5, with Alpha slot active 672.9 to 681.6 at +5.) Which I may actually do. I have 3 Purple sets on the build. But it is sort of a waste of Inf. Because logically I know that team buffs is where the next step in the characters effectiveness is. There are statistically zero times I leave a mob hanging on by 1 health. That Blaster either rocks their world or they require....extreme measures. Looks at goal for today, crafting converting selling about 1000 merits worth of enhancement converters (3000 EC) to finance mad new Dark/Invul Brute build. Hmmmm. Yeah, Even on my main Blaster I am not going to take the time out to do that today. Just not earth stopping good.
  18. There is a target nearest. I use it 99% time even with my Blaster. I have It hot keyed but the Setting is baked into the game. It is not a macro
  19. Snarky

    Optimal Brute

    I have a Dark/Dark Brute that is stupid Insane powerful. It is practically a farmer. Although instead of one damage type/farm it can jump into +4/x8 of anything. This has to do with the insane recharge and using all the PBAoE buffs/heals/end recovery as a freaking attack chain. With the side ...mmm benefit, yes, of having ENDLESS buffs, health, stamina The thing is a buzzsaw, basically doing its own melee version of a constant rotating fulcrum shift. Enemies get -tohit debuff, tons of damage, feared, confused, Character gets +Dam, +toHit, +Health, +Endurance and it rolls constant, including having a damage aura.
  20. Here is the BEAST that Hyperstrike replied to my request for anyone to help with a SS/Invul Build. I still have the exact same build. No changes. It does exactly what it needs to do, it does it well. It falls to Hamidon, incarnate death patches, and needs to use Dull Pain during MoM trials or when Lam Fist of Death strikes.. Nothing else scratches the paint. Like, not at all.
  21. I seem to remember using AR rifle snipe, possibly with some range boost to level an LT. Then a couple of his friends ran toward me....and ran...and ran...and seemed to forget why they were running. But I play that powerset only once every few years, so maybe it is my memory that is faulty. I don't enjoy disappearing weapons, limited weapon options, nor redraw.
  22. Life. So I play Dark The awesome power of Darkness That Will destroy Life
  23. I find myself liking the Sentinel comment and agreeing. I am a meta game min max builder and find Sentinels impossible to do that with. I think that was the design but at low levels and with little effort they will do well because of range/mez prot and some light armor
  24. Snarky

    Optimal Brute

    I need to revisit rad/invul. While half of my game is madly min maxing toons the other half is deep seated perfectionism in concept. That is one major reason certain ATs and sets never even get tried. Water Blast. So many things i wanted for so long. Water. Conceptually i can’t do crap with water. It does not fit my personal style. Thankfully i found a way to live Dark Blast. Rad/Invul i have concepts for. Just need to continue rolling them around
  25. when I start a new character and slow grind story arcs at low level Brute is the easiest by far. As has been mentioned they do great damage, huge health and can be kitted out for ACC and End Recovery by 2 DFBs Then I shut off exp at 4, 9, 14, 19, etc and finish arcs. I did this on a Tank recently and it was annoyingly slower. So, on the heavy side, for me, Brutes are easier than Tanks. I cannot conceive how giving up a ton of health and some armors (no pre 20 character has 'great' armor) in order to get ...some extra damage or damage mitigation (just like Melees armors do not come in fully until after 20 or later trollers and doms don't mez whole spawn one after another pre 20) is going to make it easier. I will concede in the hands of a very good player a well built I/o'd squishy can blast through content faster than most Brutes. I have never done it, but I have seen it. It is like watching a wizard or hacker at work. But at low levels the Brutes mechanics and high health, mez protection, and damage shine.
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