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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky

    Brute farmer

    Going with a Rad Fire. It is time to Brute forward to the inf dispenser
  2. I am definitely in the minority. I love Dark Melee and believe it pairs well with most sets. Not so much Regen. If i recall Regen has no endurance issues whatsoever. One of Dark Melees big bonuses is a PBAoE that replinshes an end bar from none to full. Another draw is an attack that does okay damage and gives a heal 10% of health bar. So. This Becomes a slow mediocre attack with health benefits you dont need in Regen. Shadow Maul as already pointed out is a long animation during which you have no access to you Regen click powers. So. You have your first two punches that are working for you minir damage and moderate and then waiting for the PBAoE buff power and tier 9 attack. Almost any other set would be better with Regen. I like Dark Melee. Not enough to gimp a build. My two cents.
  3. Snarky

    Kinetic melee

    I have not but that is soecifically the language on the Paragon wiki. I have not looked at the power desription or leveled a scrapper KM high enough to check. Was hoping the Scrapper community would both know and know if this effect is better than a crit. The spreadsheet on scrapper damage specifically says the proc effect of rech power siphon happens 2-3 times a minute. That is what the paragon wiki says it will do. The spreadsheet guys were not overly impressed from the brief read i got
  4. That does help. I never understood how the converters really worked and when i get burned during experiments my Rage bar goes past softcap (like with 10 mil winter buy fiasco) i will start a Farmer tonight. Can pretty much kit one out with procs and uniques and some lower level sets i have laying around. (I do not sell once i buy. I really hate the AH so if i go to the trouble of buying it i own it forever) i will also experiment with the converter tricks you mention. Crafting and selling to buy back attuned sort of makes sense but gives me trepidation. I dont want to lose money there. But i will give it a week or two. I am bery good at math and not good at science. Weird i know but my Calculus carried me thru intro to science for science majors with a B and i understood nothing. The Doctor teaching the course pulled me aside and commented on this. I owned up to it. He still gave me the B. Said my math was perfect. As long as i had a formula i got the answer. Just never understood what the number implied
  5. I hear people talk about casually playing the market as they level up and having ATOs and purples ready when they 50. Then my brain squirts out my ear i dont play casually. I grind pretty hard. A full set 6 enhancers of Winters Bite or Superior Avalanche or the 5 sets of 4 Gladiators Armor i have did not come from casually playing the market. Can you casually play the market and make a billion? If you can props! I Ground task forces for merits. like it is a second job it is not that i do not believe you. I do. So many people say they casually kit out 50s in a few days and make tons of money on the market they must be telling the truth. No one challenges them so people must see it among their community personally that just does not happen for me. I tend to lose on the market much like i lost 10 million on this latest debacle. I do not make millions every minute farming as was stated earlier in the thread. O. A good hour i make enough for one ir two nice enbancers. And then am so burnt i wont go near a farm for days i like task forces and the experience of eating a few maps with teams. I make decent rewards there. But i do not earn lime you folks ut
  6. Nice thanks. I think i willl roll one this weekend and at least olay a stalker for a few hours. Ever found a powerset and combo that ciuld keep me hiding. We will see
  7. This has not been my experience on Homecoming. It took a little over a month of non stop task forces after i hit 50 to outfit my build. And i statrted with procs and uniques in my bank as well as an ATO set and other parts of final build. maybe you are just more efficient than me. I am not the best at this thing i play non stop task forces earning over 50 merits weeknights and almost 200 on weekend day grinding. Converted to converters sold and then used to buy. For some expensive i/os i just spend 100 merits to get and slap them superior sure you can take 300-500 merits cash out and have an okay build. It will not be top rated. Not close. O can play the game on a SS/Will Brute using i/os. With a single task force paying for every SO. For the entire game. Does not make it optimal maybe you could share more on your 1 week strategy? Because i would love to fully enhance 1 character per week
  8. Snarky

    Best Brute?

    That 4 inch curb though. I can’t believe the team just hopped over it and ran off. Sigh. Lets see teleport? Maybe shed heavy armor and run. Darned. Who put these curbs here anyway?
  9. Snarky

    Best Brute?

    Were you trying to saw willpower and said dark? Because dark.... its a little tough to shore up due to its 17 toggles and still being a bit squish despite that
  10. Snarky

    Best Brute?

    Heyas. I have played SS Invul and SS Will forever. With a SO build both are very survivable and Invul impressively so. Of course with SO Invul struggles for End until you get physical perfection Dark added to Invul is insanely tough. I personally believe the Dark/Invul melee is the toughest combination in the game. Almost zero AoE. That will really feel stupid after farming. It is not unless you try to farm with it Hyperstrike posted a very expensive I/O build i am using on my main SS/Invul. The only thing that puts a dent in it are when i exemplar down to 15th level and run a task force. Still insanely good. And the patches of death in incarnate trials. Nothing else mi es either its red or blue bars below 80%. This includes Comic Con Farms fire farms etc. the build is literally bulletproof some peeps love shield defense but it is more work intensive and you mentioned not liking clicky. Invul and Will are both background. I look down every 5 minutes and am like yep still there. I do check my health bar in my main after huge alphas. Usually still above 95%. The thing is scary I have not tried Bio Armor. I hear it is good and fun if you like to shift gears from attack to defense tactics. I think it benefits well from I/Os and as a farmer i know you will be doing that stone...cannot be killed. Curb will mess your butt up though. Just standing there looking at that 4inch mountain screaming whhyyyyyygh most of the rest of the armors are either def based. You will get screwed by the RNG at some point in these. The heavier you run the more often it will happen. Or Damage dealing armors. These tend to be like fire aura. Good in one area or as part of a strong team but more squishy otherwise regeneration.... reminds me of the motorcycle rider in the old coast to coast race movie gumball rally. Ooof. That is a rough choice. Glad they put it in for us concept players Good Luck Brute brother
  11. Snarky

    Kinetic melee

    That response left me confused. Thankfully i am used to that feeling seriously though. How does Kinetic Melee iNterfere with Fury? As an old school Brute player Fury is really easy to get. I can peg the softcap by just walking into a large mob and hitting no one as far as the strangeness of Kinetic Melee with Scrapper mechanics at least one of the attacks (and a really good one). Concentrated strike level 32 extreme damage does not crit. I personally see taht as ...possibly.... interfering with Scrapper mechanics. Instead the scrapper crit it might have got recharges power siphon. I do not know if this is good. I have most Brute Answers memorized even in sets I dont play because i have read through Brute forums old and new endlessly. But i have no idea about Kinetic Melee and scrappers thanks for the input. Sorry i did not understand much of it
  12. Okay. My mistake. I don’t jnow why but i thought the rewards were categorized. You get 1 enhancer. Some weird insp. A pick from another type of thing long story short i did a Posi on my 50 with some lowbies. Real fast of course. Made a little over 10 mil once rewards were converted and wasted it. 10 mil i should havr just given to domrone random really angry i was so gullible. In future i will not buy these things. I may just start doing AE solo as well. The rate of return is higher farming. Why am i wasting my time running task forces. Especially if the money sinks are everywhere bas teleporter. 1 mil. Everyone else used passcode bind 10 mil to buy a few insp? everyone in game telling me its such a good deal. Really pissed at myself forBuying fhat
  13. Snarky


    Yeah i ran one i/o’d on live built for recharge. I am going to enjoy pushing this Scrapper build with modern i/o s and see how mean it can get
  14. Snarky


    Thanks Bill. I know you have playtested this a few minutes and actually know lol
  15. Snarky


    Having my coffee before work and looking at Dark Melee in the standard testing thread. A couple things come to mind. 1) Dark Melee is a ST excellent set. Since this appears to be a more farm like environment DM would not be expected to perform well 2) Dark Melee has the tools of a secondary slapped into a Primary. A good, dependable heal that is part of an attack chain. A 30 sec damage buff! (With no crash!) a PBAoE End Recovery power. This last cannot be overstated. This power will fuel the hungriest of Secondaries. It was designed to. Dark Armor has so many toggles if you die you spend seven minutes casting spells to bring them all back up Basically i am appreciative of the data. I love data. But i love discussion as well. What does the data mean? I slap Dark Melee on a Brute Tank or Scrapper paired with Invulnerability and throw some recharge on the build. That will be one of the toughest Brutes Tanks or Scrappers you will find. Even just in SOs compared with other SO builds you will find few tougher including Stone Armor Yes Titan Weapons deserve top spot on the charts. It was designed to make the company money lol. Steak sells. But DM has been the bread and butter of many tough builds for years. Titan weapons creates imbalances that need to be compensated for. Dark Melee solves imbalances and will do you proud standing againt EBs and AVs
  16. I am not worried anout what people expect me to be. The good players know to inspect a Brute to see what sets they are rolling if they need agro management. i played on live. I was about 2 years late to the party and started on Brutes. We had no inherent health and taunt was a luxury few could afford. So we learned to do without. Redside Bruting is more art than science. And more Jackson Pollock than Leonardo da Vinci. If (big if and teams know this) you are trying to punchboke 17 mobs RQ then get there before the team and herd. Or in my style get there before the team and punch 1) any sapper of any type 2) the biggest boss preferably in the biggest cluster. Let the team figure it out as they roll in. You got a full agro bar i love Bruting. With the changes in Tanks i will be rolling one. Dark Melee Invul. Er Inv/DM. My Brute order is showing lol now i want to build a Scrapper that fits how i roll. I do not like weapons even (especially) the ones that appear and disappear. So that leaves me a few sets to pick at. Trying to figure them out on a Scrapper is a new problem for me. The descriptions in the game when you click on the power appear to be unexited bersions from 15 years ago. Red Tomax no longer exists. So. I am relying on advice and testing appreciate the help. Seriously not worried about team expectations. I can tell after one or two mobs whether a team needs me to gently remind them what i am there for. On Everlasting most of those vets run circles around my Brute literally and i just grind on.
  17. Snarky


    I love this combo on a Brute and am soloing redside with these powersets on a Tank. After thinking about various Scrappers all day it just struck me... i got to see this in a Scrap only done 2 DFBs. Level 12. Of course i like it one thing. I gave inly seen one crit in 2 runs. A couple Dark powers do not have % crit in their detailed info on power screens. Does thus set not crit with many if its powers ?
  18. I get crap for purple drops. Maybe 2 in the last few months. And of course oddball ones like the Mez dom set not Hecatomb. I have one Heca in my base and sold maybe 2 and that is all i have gotten since Homecoming booted up
  19. Snarky

    Kinetic melee

    Could you Scrappy folks let me know exactly how Kinetic Melee actually works with the Scrapper Crit mechanics? i am specifically interested in if this Primary is synergistic with Scrapper AT or if the mechanic conflicts or deflates the Scrapper AT thanks
  20. I am going to take a side project Kinetic Melee and 50 it to give it a real chance and see if I like it. I have palyed a number of them to 30s but tend to alt and they get forgotten is this combo better on a Brute or a Scrapper? I think Scrapper has a weird crit interaction with Kinetic Melee? Is that good? Does it mess up regular crits? Would that make it better on a Brute? thanks for any input and ideas
  21. 1st) lets not bring religion into this 2nd) grrrrrrr 3rd) you should probably know. I’ m a biter. Not particularly proud of it. But it happens
  22. Thanks Lines. I do enjoy getting the lore.
  23. I was shopping for a high end enhancer 2 months back. I was trying to bring the bid in low rather than pay 10 million. I bid 6 mil 6.25 mil 6.5 mil etc. working up to 8 mil. No luck. Took a bio or something. Came back and moved on needed a SO accuracy at low level. So I went to auction found it and bid. I thought I did. my computer still had the 8 million bid remembered that is right. Trying to save money I bought a level 18 accuracy enhancer for 8 Million 8,000,000 be concerned. Some of us are really dumb
  24. Ice Blaster is ‘worse’ but I like it for concept and live it for range. Ghetto Dom/Ghetto Blaster
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