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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. what if we just wanted to stand around the water cooler and laugh about it?
  2. The Freakshow are grafted onto their parts, or their parts are grafted onto them, surgically. They use Excelsior to overcome the pain and live in a constant high that would make a meth head seem like an upstanding philosophical genius. Dr V, and all his creations are grafted into their new selves as well. But rather than kill the pain they pretty much are undead. When you are dead, there really is a different relationship with the physical world.
  3. shit costs money and isnt that effective. just recruit more peeps and hand them sappers and machine guns, or rig up another exploding zombie
  4. It took me a while of diving into the lore. It all starts to make sense to me now.
  5. You want SS/Invul with a Hyperstrike build. There is a current thread with his builds on front page of Brutes. For sheer PvE I don’t give a shit laugh off anything and pound everyone SS/Invul is ALL. The only two reasons I quit running it are rage crash and I have a undead fixation. Which I would have worked i to SS/Invul if there was no crash. It is simply the best. Not improved on tanks because FS barely got an AoE increase it was already so good. Brute SS rules
  6. Empyrean merits. You can email them one at a time or convert 50 to a Transcendent at Wentworths ATM and mail that. Once you start rolling 50s you will find this incredibly helpful. Save your emps, earn emps, then only on a new 50 burn emps to slingshot to 50+3. I immediately farm a new 50 for about 5 minutes opening Alpha. Email Transcendents (target 2-4) and make a 50+1. Then run an ITF kill all, or 2-3. Until you get next 4 incarnate slots open. Then 50+3. Hybrid is a luxury.
  7. Well…the reason you struggle to find anything is the sets. Regen…. That got nerfed multiple times so hard it is either comedy or tragedy. Besides which it does not fit the mechanics if the game well. Mathematically you are in a big hole. StJ looks cool but is a meh performer and a combo builder at that, and combo builders…say it with me…do not do well in the modern game. Oh, and Brutes suffer from being nerfed and having severely underpowered ATO in comparison to their bros Tank and Scrap Aside from that Snarky intro….. I am really glad you are playing to a concept. So much better than chasing the flavor of the month and building a toon that has no concept value to YOU, the player. I have never built either of the sets so aside from my “wisdom” i have little to offer
  8. Keep shadow maul. Glorious when surrounded and a justifiably wonderful spot to drop big powerful sets into
  9. For the love of all the dark gods... please get rid of Darkest Night Cros Punch and Kick Take anything... Like Soul Tentacles, Dark Obliteration, and heck if you HAVE to have another punch Shadow Punch, but I would add Super Jump or another Travel Power.
  10. can it find all 17 mages in that stupid blueside mission too?
  11. We need a response icon for facepalm. Peeps got no idea how to play the game. I never refuse anyone for a team. Nor do i kick them if they are slow/lost/pulling wrong agro etc. It just doesnt matter in modern game. One or two strong teammates who know the gig can pull pretty much anything. Maybe slower without help, but c;mon.
  12. people did not want a kin? dam, thats like refusing free money lol
  13. I would pvp for $50 hour real money, 1 hour minimum charge. If you do not have that leave me the F alone
  14. You are going to enhance shadow maul with 4-6 slots. I almost always go 6. If you enhance cross punch (in my mind) you are crazy. The damage therefore is not comparable. You can nudge one of the lotg into hover and slam a kismet or another defense global into a def power always active. Again, getting doible use of a pick by something utilitarian and freeing up one slot. Or pick something else. Leadership etc. or another Soul Mastery power. In my mind literally anything is better than cross punch. The time to use it and the crap results have no place in modern ROFLSTOMP steamroller teams
  15. I love how a bunch of posters whizzed past my entry and complained an agro limit would change everything and ruin farming. When my post above specifically requires 1 (or 3?) power picks and is a player option that is turned on (and off) No need to read when you can scream there is a conspiracy to destroy your life I suppose
  16. Yes, I struggle with this in every game really. You can have a cool concept and three days in you are off to stop an alien invasion with your godlike powers. Like, wait, I was just a vampire trying to not get killed by hunters like 72 hours ago….
  17. My only real suggestion is providing players an “agro bouy”. For want of a better term. The agro cap i am pretty sure in laced through a ton of code. Changing things in the old beast causes….issues. So instead add a pet that draws agro. Possibly transferring damage to the player towing using existing mastermind bodyguard code. Thus extending agro cap. Perhaps in a power pool with taunt etc but, again, the extremely vocal .01% will find it ruins how they play and start hurling fecal matter at everyone until they get their way Just like they F-ed the SS fix because it ruined their ability to double stack Rage. So they complained nonstop until the change was dropped.
  18. In no game that i have seen is that happening Also it would kill the fun. Learning how to dismantle mobs with powers while they try to kill you is the challenge
  19. I just want everyone to somehow convince the Devs to do it, have them code it, then have the .01% vocal minority cry like a wounded baby elephant until they reverse back and trash it. Just like they did with Super Strength….
  20. I never use cross punch. Shadow Maul on a Brute takes a while to get the feel of. It is very good once you learn it, but it takes a while. One of the main reasons I do not use Cross Punch are....there are so many other good options. For instance, I think you are using TP for a travel? How about taking hover, and using it as a mule for LOTG 7.5% and then you can relax as you TP around. Double benefit. A dozen other better picks than an un enhanced meh attack from a pool.
  21. I would just go for the standard overpowered uniques. Kismet +Acc, Glad Arm, Panacea, Miracle, Shield Wall, Reactive Def, Steadfast Prot, Numina if room. You want to prop up your end. Keep Dark Consump. Its great in the odd encounter with drainers and otherwise it is ghetto AoE. Definitely work on Recharge as a major build goal as you layer in your primary goal (which i a ssume is rock solid def) and maybe S/L resists? I mostly build Dark Dark for Resist, and you are rocking a Defense build. So, kind of sideways to the tricks i use. You will find that Dark Melee is a wonderful toolkit set. Not one of the highest damaging AoE sets but nearly unparalleled when discussing tricks for all situations. To hit debuff stacked with Defense is a great idea. I mean, are you incarnate softcap in all areas? If not... more is not bad... Someone cuts past your DDR.... you got backup.... Good luck. Most of all have fun.
  22. Statesman died? I never did those stories. (No rewards). Wow. Could have given a spoiler alert. Now you ruined it
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