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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Yeah I had a very different build come up to that 😄 I will try reinstalling mids and having another look, but for incarnates I would suggest the following: Alpha: Agility Core (Defense + Recharge) Judgement: Pyronic Core (Highest dps) Interface: Reactive Radial (Good debuff + dmg) Lore: Polar Lights (Kheldian powers) Destiny: Ageless Core (End+recharge) Hybrids: Assault Radial - Lauci x
  2. I am not normally a big believer in fate, but that moment I feel was fated and I am thankful to of met Lure and even though the news was sad, I would rather know then not know.
  3. And just going on from this, I love you @GM Crumpet but we are opposite on the Photon Seekers XD, slotted with a kb/kd they are an extra nuke that you can even prepare in advance, like with Adam or many bosses that you know will spawn soon, you can pop them up for an instant nuke as soon as they spawn WHILST you are free to go to town on their ass. Also with stealth just swap out Combat Jumping for the stealth as they both give same amount of def, just stealth hides your costume XD - Lauci x
  4. Having a quick look at it there are a few things I would change: - Glinting Eye has a random Purple Acc/Dam enhancement in which is like 10m for something you probably won't use. - Radiant Strike you have 5 of the winter sets so you might as well go for all 6 and get an extra 2.5% def in AOE (Or put a dmg proc in there). - Essence boost you don't need to worry about that pure Resist IO as Lightform will cover your resists fully. You also have numinas in there but not wanting to take the best enhancement out of the set (The final one) - Same as Radiant Strike regarding Proton Scatter, you have 5/6 winter in there, might as well go for all 6. - Personally I would put a lot more procs into Incandescent Strike as it is a slow recharge power and the set bonus you have in there is not that great for a Kheldian imo. - In Luminous Detonation you have the Kheldian Grace proc slotted, but that is a passive bonus so can be slotted into a random power you don't use and it still takes effect. - Solar Flare has two KB/KD procs, I would swap out the Overwhelming force one as that isn't a 100% conversion like Sudden Acceleration is. - Photon Seekers is slotted a bit weird imo, Blood mandate is a good set for boosting defensives, but unless you want to kb enemies with it you need a Sudden Acceleration in there. I would have 5 Blood mandates and a Sudden Acceleration. - You haven't slotted Panacea proc in there which gives both health and end, personally I would put that in health. At the start you said you tried to make a cheaper build but tbh, it still looks pretty expensive, 2 almost full winter sets (200m) 5 Armageddon (75m) and 9 other purps (around 90m). If you want to make it a bit easier for your toon as you fully slot them try to use the incarnates to buff yourself up (Alpha will really help with def and recharge same as Ageless) Then once you are a fully slotted badass you can swap the incarnates around for more damage (Though Ageless is still great) - Lauci x
  5. If there could only be 1 for sure it would have to be a tri form PeaceBringer, anything less then all 3 forms you are missing out on something imo, and WarShades are too reliant on external things to pull ahead imo - Lauci x
  6. Updated - 19/09/23 - Added a list of KB for PB thanks to Mack008 ❤️
  7. That is so neatly laid out and pretty!!!!!!! Are you okay if I include that list in the guide and credit you hun? - Lauci x
  8. Well done to the winners of the "Clean" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 400 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Rooftop 2nd: Bar Maid 3rd: Family Housekeeper Honorarys: Maid a Killing Whistle Clean Captain Sanitation
  9. Well done to the winners of the "First Responders" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: K9 Unit 2nd: Blazing Rescuer 3rd: PPD Shield Honorarys: Medlab Coastguard Canadian Diamond Fireknight 013
  10. I talk about it in my guide and include the bindings and video examples of what to do ❤️ - Lauci x
  11. Thats okay I know a few people agree with you, was just saying the GMs are aware of it and will keep it in the game until the Kheldians get reworked ❤️ - Lauci x
  12. Yeah sadly Human only does fall short at the moment compared to Tri form, but I feel like they always will as Kheldians are all about the different forms and being utility based, switching to doing what the team needs at the moment and a Tri form can do that better then a human only (Even without the exploits) - Lauci x
  13. The GMs have already said they will keep it in the game for players to use until Kheldians get a buff 🙂 - Lauci x
  14. 100% gives Captain Marvel vibes which is always a bonus ❤️ And yeah I feel to get the MOST out of a Kheldian it is best to understand and use each form for it's strengths (Like Dwarf heal being better then human heal) But for a WarShade leveling build I would suggest a nice cheap one like the one on my guide and taking your time to practise using the different forms (It will be a rougher start, but easier at the end for you ❤️) - Lauci x Warshade Basis.mxd
  15. From what I can read of it without being able to open in the actual mids program, you defo need set bonuses to get lightform perma, without it we are very squishy even with all the shields (Unless you stay in dwarf) I do have a cheapish build for PeaceBringers that gets you perma lightform if you want to take a look at that? - Lauci x Peacebringer Basis.mxd
  16. Yeah as Crumpet said, the Devs are well aware and have said they will keep it in the game (Though nerfed from what it was when found (It now roots you as you fire off your powers)) until Kheldians get a rework, that could be in the next patch or a patch 5 years from now so there's no saying how long it has left. And with the kind of damage, even with how spammy it is it won't compare to a damage AT otherwise it would be changed instantly XD - Lauci x
  17. Maybe this is a sign to remake one of them ❤️ XD - Lauci x
  18. Well done to the winners of the "Sports" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Roller Derby 2nd: Back Woods Bobby 3rd: Ice Capades Honorarys: Swing Star Leon Andro Sphinx Baseball Bat Fox Hunt
  19. Well done to the winners of the "Back to School" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Sadie the Lunch Lady 2nd: Custodian Karl 3rd: Dreaded Pencil Honorarys: Power Goth Mister Gun Show Mahogany Jones Classroom Nerd
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