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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Well done to the winners of the "Bring Your Best" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 2.5 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Queen of Aces 2nd: Moon Moth 3rd: Raifeina Honorarys: Far too many to count!
  2. I just tested my little modified version of the build too and whilst Rikti at +4/x8 solo were easy as ever, Arachnos on the same difficulty however were killer, would have to pop a purple to boost my def enough to make it all the way through. - Lauci x
  3. Let us know how it goes! And if you have extra tips make sure to let us know here ❤️ - Lauci x
  4. Basically you shift forms so fast that you proc endurance faster then they can drain it whilst firing off attacks and killing them ❤️ - Lauci McQueen XD
  5. What in Force of Will are you using hun? And what are the other power pools you already have? - Lauci x
  6. Well done to the winners of the "Naughty" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: A Snowball's Chance 2nd: Hum-Bug 3rd: Dis-Order Honorarys: Toy Braker Coal Stuffer Lady Dramatic Merry Malice St. Krampus
  7. Well done to the winners of the "Winter Holidays" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Gruss Vom Krampus 2nd: Holiday Hearth 3rd: Menorah Honorarys: Mr. Finbulwinter Jack As Frost & Jack E Frost Cool Woman Noel Nonsense
  8. That's 100% looking a lot better! And yeah if you use the powers it's fine to have slots in them 😄 I personally only use 3 st attacks, 3 aoes, and the two nukes on PB hence why I was just making sure as we can never have enough slots as a Triform Kheldian lol. And like @GM Crumpet said about picking the powers you want, you may pick powers I swear against but if you want to use them then pick them 🙂 After all this is YOUR Kheldian and no one elses, we can just offer our opinion when asked ❤️ - Lauci x
  9. My Mids is playing up and for some reason and won't let me updated as it's moving some sets around to be impossible, but cross comparing it to the picture you posted there is a few things: - Resistance, With Eclipse your resistance is normally sorted with only a few slots and hitting a few enemies, so you could save some slots in that power (I have my Lightform version 4 slotted) and with powers like Absorption and Shadow Cloak you could swap out the extra resist procs for an extra slot and another Kismet to boost your accuracy (As hitting things is essential to a WS) - Attack slots, I don't know what your attack rotation is but you have a lot of slots spread out amongst attack powers, if you use all of them great! But if you find yourself not using powers as much you could slot them in your other attacks to limit how many attacks you need on your bar and increase the damage of powers you do use 🙂 - Form enhancements, Now depending on how much time you spend in the form depends on what you slot here, if you are quickly in and out of forms a build up proc in nova and end proc in dwarf is a good choice, if you are spending a lot of time in the form then things to boost the forms key boost is good (to hit for nova, hp for dwarf) as your eclipse will carry into the form and boost your Resistant to cap still Without being able to see the build probably (Error on my end lol) I couldn't suggest more, but overall it looks like a good build just feels a little spread too thin for my personal taste 😄 - Lauci x
  10. Well done to the winners of the "Toys" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 850 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Private Toy Box 2nd: Le Marionnette 3rd: Creyogenic Honorarys: Timmy the Toy Maker Super Mini Fighter Huggz
  11. Well done to the winners of the "Winter" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 500Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Lord Frostwork 2nd: Frosty Jr 3rd: God Boreas Honorarys: North Polly Chrome Frost Winter Samurai Hugh Juan
  12. That's an amazing job! I would love to see your build to see what kinda set up you are running as yeah that is amazing damage hun! - Lauci x
  13. The second slot in Hasten makes it close to perma (1 sec downtime) alongside the Agility Alpha, personally I wouldn't use Nova Bolt and use them slots to get the 6 slot bonuses in that some other powers but Crumpet wants that power so it's up to them 🙂 Photon Seekers is yeah to stop the KB effect, White dwarfs main use once you get perma lightform is to taunt, melee attack, and break out of stuns, lightform will cover your resists completely. I would change one of the heal enhancements in Essence Boost to recharge to make that perma too but I don't like to rely on it as a heal since it has a super long cooldown ❤️ Hope that helps clear up some of the reasons - Lauci x
  14. Well done to the winners of the "Moon" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 900 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: MoonMoth 2nd: Mystical Moon 3rd: Universe Is Honorarys: Moon Scape Luna Stone Wild Space Space Cadet Tom
  15. Well done to the winners of the "Circus" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 500 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Splonk 2nd: Seer Mneme 3rd: Captain Cannonball Honorarys: Unknown Ringmaster Fabulous Bearded Theydie Comrade Calamiti Audacious Tamer
  16. To make up for not laughing before ❤️
  17. This lol, I am still in the mind that Sentinels were made due to Kheldians being too complicated to develop as they both fill a similar role - Lauci x
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