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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. When I get time, I can look into this (not sure if tonight, maybe this weekend) but this should be easy enough for anyone to test on the Pineapple server. Put in a bunch of procs and see if they each are firing 90% of the time or 25% of the time. The discrepancy is so large that it will be obvious. When I get the chance, I'll make a Shield/Elec tank (or brute) and see if I can verify Shield Charge, Lightning Rod, and Spring Attack (leaping) all at once. I think all will work the same
  2. Just a quick test, but it appears it is the same probability to proc on each teleport, however it does not use the 90 second recharge. If it had been using the 90 second recharge I would have expected every proc to fire 90% of the time. Since that is not the case, I suspect it is using the 10 second activate period that is typical of pseudopets. However, I do not know what the radius is of the pseudopet. I think it will be either 10 or 15 feet, but it will take more of a sample size to determine that. One thing to notice in the below log, the annihilation proc shows that it reduces targets damage resistance in groups of 8. This is likely a bug as it is displaying that message for all 8 resistance types (Smash, Lethal, Energy, Negative, Fire, Cold, Toxic, Psionic). Test 1: Proof that Burst of Speed uses a pseudopet, it does not use a 90s recharge for Proc calculations, and each teleport uses the same probability to proc (due to same activate period that I suspect is 10s). Did some follow on testing and I found out two things: The max targets hit is 16 (nice), and the radius of the attack is likely 15 feet (not bad). I did my test by using 5 damage procs: Armageddon (4.5 PPM), Blaster's Wrath (4 PPM), Obliteration, Scirocco's Dervish, and Eradication (each 3.5 PPM). The results are as follows: Total Hits: 1107 Armageddon Procs: 304 (309 expected for a 15 ft radius; 27.4% actual vs. 27.9% theoretical) Blaster's Wrath Procs: 277 (275 expected, 25.0% vs. 24.8%) Scirocco's Procs: 251 (240 expected, 22.7% vs. 21.7%) Obliteration Procs: 234 (240 expected, 21.1% vs. 21.7%) Eradication Procs: 259 (240 expected, 23.4% vs. 21.7%) All 3.5 PPM combined: 744 (721 expected) Total Procs: 1325 (1304 expected) I hope that helps in your understanding of the power. To summarize, each teleport acts as a pseudopet, so it uses the 10s activate period for its Proc calculations. The radius of the attack is 15 feet and the max targets it can hit is 16.
  3. I can look into that too. If you have a list of other tele-attacks, I'll do some research. I know most are pseudopets, but some are like Savage Melee
  4. As in you will no longer be involved in the Mids Reborn project? Or are you developing something new?
  5. Gah, of all days to not bring my personal laptop to work. Thanks for the request, that is certainly a unique power and I'll be happy to look into it for you. I suspect the 90 second recharge is always used for ppm calculations and that a granted refresh is provided to allow for the 3 attacks. If my hunch is right, you could potentially have a very powerful proc nuke. I'll try to manually test it tonight and provide feedback tomorrow evening.
  6. You can read about it on the Beta Forum section, but basically they are going to buff tanker damage (along with other mechanics). I'll edit this post with a link shortly. Link 1 (most recent): Link 2 (original post):
  7. Pre-ED means pre-enhancement diversification. As you probably know, the enhancement buffs have diminishing returns when you overslot for the same buff. The pre-ED is showing what you would have had if those diminishing returns were not implemented. Quick history lesson, when the game originally came out there was no ED. You could get haste, 6 slot it with 6 Recharge reduction SOs for 200% reduction. When ED was implemented, they reduced an enhancement's effects if the enhancement percentage got too high. So now that 200% reduction would turn into something like 120%.
  8. It does have it, however I don't think it can be enhanced and is only Mag 2. But stacking it with Soul Tentacles could be useful, although I was thinking more in terms of having a ranged AoE immobilize for runners, but there certainly synergy there. I haven't tested this explicitly but will do so later. I know as a single target, KO-B is near automatic while Foot Stomp is near automatic when swarmed. CP is a bit of a mixed bag, but given it provides a reliable +10% buff with the occasional proc keeps it in my lineup. I mainly look forward to CP when it goes live. Certainly is considered, and I tend to use a Darkest Night slotting that results in a -18% ToHit debuff which puts me at effectively 63.3% defense. The question then becomes how much of the debuff is resisted. If it's 25% resistance or less, I should maintain the 58.75% defense, otherwise I will need to rely on a teammate running maneuvers. This is certainly something I will want to revisit once it goes live. Overall, I like a lot of the things you incorporated and will look to see what tweaks I would want to make. Certainly the incorporation of winter sets should be considered more. I tend to not use them due to their costs, but if it could solve some of the holes in the build I will certainly address it. Thanks!
  9. I'm thinking the same thing. I like the idea of having supplemental DPS, but immobilizing mobs could be useful in spot situations.
  10. Made two alterations to address @Caulderoneconcerns of accuracy. The first, I reduce regeneration to improve accuracy. The second, I replace Summon Widow with Soul Tentacles (which becomes a Ragnorak mule). Build 1: Summon Widow, 89.88% F/C Resist, 447% Regen (65.9 HP/sec), +31.4% ToHit, +18% Accuracy, +59% Damage, +90% Haste, Minimum Accuracy Attacks against +3s: 93.73% Build 2: Soul Tentacles, 465% Regen (68.4 HP/sec), +31.4% ToHit, +33% Accuracy, +66% Damage, +93.75% Haste, Minimum Accuracy Attacks against +3s: 105.6%
  11. You bring up a good point. To answer your question, yes, I still feel it's adequate. However, I looked over the build and decided I can swap out the ToHit/End enhancement for a ToHit enhancement for rage, then make all the ToHit enhancements +5. That gets me to 86.5%. If I can squeeze in another 11% accuracy into the build, I should be able to get it to 95%. I'll look it over now. Thanks for the critique. Edit: The quickest/simplest thing to do is remove the Heal in Health and replace is with Kismet +6 To-Hit. The HP/s drops from 70 to 66 (not that it makes a difference given the already extreme survivability). However, this quick fix only takes us to 93% To-Hit.
  12. I introduce to you my Super Strong Rock Star with just a touch of Soul: Proc-Rocks, my first tanker Proc-Star. Upfront Disclaimer: This build is intended for level 50 content only and has no cost/influence limitations. I would love feedback, but any criticism in regard to how it plays while leveling or its massive Psionic hole is not needed here. We get 3 builds for our characters, and content that pertain to either of those two matters can and will be solved in other build designs. Highlights: 45% Defense S/L/E/N/F/C, 90% Resistance S/L/E/N/F/C, Capped HP (3534 HP), 476% Regeneration, 225+ DPS I had been away from the game for awhile due to a bad luck streak of illnesses (pneumonia followed by flu), a change in job positions, fantasy football, and fatherhood in general. Due to that, I have not logged on much over the last couple months. Nonetheless, I started getting the itch again and decided I wanted to theory craft a tank that I could turn into a Proc-Star. My main goal was to maximize survivability…I mean truly maximize. Soft-capped defenses, hard-capped resistances to everything, capped HP, and very good regeneration (hey, can’t have it all…regeneration benefits linearly wheras defense and resistance benefits exponential-like, so I don’t mind not maximizing regeneration). My secondary goal was to be adequate at damage. I’m not trying to solo AVs/GMs or anything, but I do want to impose my will on anything below that. For me, the obvious choice was to make a Granite Armor Tank. Sure, it comes with major hindrances (can’t move, -30% damage debuff, -65% recharge debuff), but in as little as two power selections (Earth’s Embrace and Granite Armor) you can achieve capped defenses, capped resistances, and capped HP. Sure, it will take some IO bonuses and Weave to get there, but that’s a relatively small price to pay for that much survivability. Throw in the fact Granite Armor comes with 43.3% defense debuff resistance (DDR), there is nothing to take it down. Well… psionic attacks can, but as mentioned in my disclaimer I will leave that for a non-proc based build. For what it’s worth, I have designed Stone Tanks that can swap out of Granite and still achieve over 80% psi resistance with capped psi defense… but it comes at a cost of damage. To pair with Granite Armor, I wanted to go with something that can counter the debuffs from Granite Armor and the obvious choice became Super Strength. Rage is unpopular for its crash, but the crash won’t be enough to take down a Granite Tank. Plus, with all the procs I’ll be using, I won’t be completely worthless when attacking while crashed (those procs aren’t subject to the damage debuff from granite armor, which is more reason to not be scared off). Also, Super Strength comes with the 2nd most efficient power for using the Force Feedback (FF) +Recharge Proc: Knock Out Blow (KOB). To achieve at least 90% probability to proc, FF needs to be used in a power that offers up a Modified Recharge Time (MRT) + Cast Time of 27 seconds. KOB has a 25s base recharge and 2.23s cast time, so if I don’t add any recharge enhancements, it will proc FF 90% of the time. Throw in the fact Foot Stomp is already an FF proc darling, I should be able to achieve consistent levels of +100% recharge boost. Since I have used so few spots to achieve my survivability goals, and I had no need to take Tough, but still needed to take Weave, I decided to go ahead and take all 3 attacks from the Fighting Pool to maximize the abilities of Cross Punch. When used, Cross Punch will give me a temporary 10% recharge boost and will have its base damage increased by 30%. It can also take the FF proc and numerous damage procs to help make it a viable attack power. Once the tanker AoE changes go live, it could become very useful in the right situations. For Ancillary, I decided to stick with my theme of a max survivability Proc-Star by selecting Soul Mastery. Darkest Night is a no brainer for a Tanker as it basically acts as additional resistance despite being resistance capped while also debuffing the enemies’ damage which will be useful in incarnate content. For a Tank, Darkest Night affects enemies in a 25 ft radius with -30% damage debuff and -15% to-hit debuff(-23% when enhanced). Pretty sweet. On top of that, Gloom is a fantastic attack as it has a high enough recharge to provide strong Proc performance but low enough recharge to fit it into almost any reliable attack chain. Dark Obliteration provides similar Proc performance as gloom (~72% probability) and hits in a solid 15 ft radius. To top it off, each use Negative Energy which is fairly exotic when it comes to enemy resistance. With all that said, I still had a ton of powers to pick. So I went with the standards: Hasten (gotta make up for the granite debuff), Teleport (gotta make up for the granite debuff), Rooted (if I can’t move anyways, why not regen like crazy…and get some set bonuses and DDR out of it), Mud Pots (let’s face it, I was always gonna take mud pots), Summon Widow (free DPS, why not), and finally Taunt (yeah…I was always gonna take this too, obviously). In the end, I also wound up taking every power from Stone Armor as they were needed mules for LotG and Uniques. For Incarnates, I have gone with T4 Intuition Radial for its enhanced damage, range (makes teleport more effective), slows (makes mud pots more effective), and to-hit debuffs (makes my Soul powers more effective). For Destiny, T4 Ageless Core was the obvious pick. Running toggles and focusing on Procs makes for a very endurance hungry build, so the boost to recovery and endurance makes up for it. Not to mention, the recharge boost is important given the granite debuffs. For Judgment, I went with T4 Vorpal Radial Final as the +30% defense will come in handy during a rage crash (note, the build shows Vorpal Core only because I didn’t want the +30% defense to show in the Totals). As for the other incarnates, I left that to personal preference. Assault Core Hybrid for more damage, Longbow Superior Core Lore for -regen. That’s it, basically the entire thought process behind the build. With nothing left to say, here it is: Build Data Link: Build Details: Build Totals:
  13. Neither did I when I was helping the team with the fixes for PPM calculations (my bad). Luckily enough the first thing I did this morning was pull up a tanker build I was running numbers on last night and noticed a big discrepancy with my Knockout Blow (17.8 ft radius). The Mids team is already aware of the bug and hopefully a simple fix can be made eventually.
  14. That's a big and I already notified the MR team. If you come across any others like that, let me know. Just about all tanker attacks can incorporate 4-6 damage procs. I dont think psi was overlooked, just that it would not teach us anything we haven't learned already.
  15. Tankers are currently bugged due to the gauntlet mechanic. The single target attacks have a taunt AoE, and the radius of that taunt is feeding into the ppm calculations erroneously.
  16. I wish I had a crab with a pack on its back And a fix for imps. Holla'
  17. If that's the case, I would definitely 2 slot it for the damage procs. If you can afford it, do the recharge debuff procs as well (combined I believe the procs add -45% recharge for 20 seconds, -75% is the cap). If you want to 6 slot it, then use the last 2 to improve the tohit debuff and possibly the endurance/accuracy.
  18. It's a fantastic proc power if you can avoid slotting it with recharge. Left alone, it will provide a 87% probability to proc a 3.5 PPM IO. The downside is the fact it takes forever to cast (~3sec). Also, it might he a bug, but it shows that it can take Slow IO sets on Mids Reborn. If that is true, then you can slot 2 damage procs, and 2 -rech debuff procs (also a recovery debuff and a tohit buff procs are available).
  19. Great job on all the testing. It truly is a major contribution to the community.
  20. That would depend on how much of your attack chain is using procs. A proc build will still provide adequate dps during the downtime.
  21. Is this still true? I've seen other debuffs that have been described the same way actually get impacted by the purple patch. But in any sense, it still makes your point, assuming resists and purple patch, the 150+% I quoted may not be enough (I do assume sleet and snowstorm are applied as they are AoEs, SS is a toggle so you'd anchor that on your hardest target and keep it on, and sleet offers good debuffs). So it would be worth a test to see if those powers combines could floor a targets recharge ro -75% on a +3 AV/GM/EB.
  22. This should be added in next update. I had been helping the programmer with this and we were able to get toggles and clicks working. However pseudopets are a different problem and won't be fixed until later.
  23. Is it worthless? Seems like a pretty awesome debuff power. But you're right, it is an ideal power for procs: longish base recharge with a quick animation time. The -recharge debuff proc can probably be skipped though. Odds are your enemy will already be capped at the -75% recharge limit (infridgidate and snowstorm does -150% and I forget what sleet does, so odds are even if resisted, you will cap it). But like you said, a 1 sec animation power that you can cast every ~5 seconds to do 215 damage while debuffing defense and resistance is awesome. Personally I would 4 slot it with the 3 damage procs and Achilles. Since you're already debuffing defense, you won't need the +tohit (but if you have a slot to spare, it is a nice buff for your other attacks)
  24. Correct Not true. But it certainly is a popular choice. It depends. You should compare the dps of a traditional attack chain with the dps of a proc-based attack chain, then decide.
  25. In the guide, I specifically tested empty clips if you'd like to see the performance. But as mentioned, the probability to proc is equal to 1 - Probability to not proc on all hit targets. Using the formula in the guide, you get: 1 - (1 - Prob2Proc)^n, where n is the number of targets hit by empty clips
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