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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. I will add my vote in for EMP Arrow Faraday Cage effect working on the caster. It would allow me to avoid using Clarion or break frees solo. When soloing, I fight in the middle of the group, so the stay close until I get all the powers deployed. Then they run like chickens... slowly. 🙂
  2. I have been playing with different bane and widow builds on the beta server. I have probably gone through half dozen builds. Even tried out the new teleport pool. Bane damage is not comparable to Night Widow damage. I am guessing that Bane damage is a balanced around venom grenade. But the redraw eats into the DPS. Bane suggestions: Add no redraw, whoever that wonderful person is who fixed the Titan Weapons animations. Please, ask them to look at Arachnos. This has been mentioned earlier in the thread. Change Mace Beam Volley to mace based venom grenade. Obviously, this blocks taking the solider version.
  3. You are probably out of range, which I have complained about. There is no indication why it's failing, either do to range or LOS issues.
  4. So, I tried it out on my all mace Bane. Teleport Target - There needs to be a way to make it a mag 3+ teleport, being only able to TP minions isn't that useful. Maybe a special TP only enhancement set that adds +1 TP mag, that does work in PvP. Combat Teleport - Fine as is, work best with a powexec_location target bind Fold Space - This need to give better feedback on way it failed to TP any mobs. It does not give an out of range or LOS error. Otherwise, works well. It was good for gathering mobs around me for crowd control hits.
  5. I tested on a number of non resistant targets. The -resist effect was not very obvious. Defenders drain very well by default. I was hoping that it would make resistant mobs a little vulnerable. But the default end drain resistance for sappers and some static shielded EBs someone with nice enough put in an AE for me, is too high for one TA with Acid Arrow to dent. Now, 2-3 or more AAs on a target, oh yes. I see all TA teams in the future. 🙂
  6. No hate for Acid Arrow, but -resists are not turning out as useful as designed if only one teammate is TA. Now, 2-3 TA players stacking this is another story! It is still a proc monster, I have 5 procs in my builds on beta.
  7. Glue will be very necessary for some builds. Just it's not mandatory like EA, FA, IA, PGA, AA, DA, OIL, EMP for almost all builds. EMP being the other..kinda..maybe..optional power. I have been fooling around in Mids with different AT builds. I am quickly getting tight on powers due to TA being so awesome now. Trying to think of ways to reduce the build pressure.
  8. I would love to see the effect of a whole team of TA-def/cont/cor/mm on a TF. Eight Acid Arrows, Flash Arrows, EMP, etc... Might compete with those all fire/rad corrupter groups.
  9. A question, are there any particularly resistant mobs you would like me to test? Endurance drain and ToHit have been covered. How about Regen, Recharge Time, and Endurance discount? Though, I am not clear on what powers effect endurance discount. And a suggestion, it is starting to look like Acid Arrow -resists are very situational or for PvP. Now, TA has lots of useful powers, which will make builds tight. It's good problem to have, but it's still a problem. Move the -defense from AA to Poison Gas Arrow or Disruption Arrow. This makes AA much more optional like Glue Arrow. IMO, the only really skip-able power is Glue Arrow. Maybe EMP arrow is you solo a lot. Proc heavily builds need to the -defense to compensate for low accuracy. My defender proc builds have to take 8/9 powers, but at least heavily slotting is not required.
  10. I haven't tried a controller TA yet. Only Defender and Master Mind. I was thinking about making a Elec/TA, Plant/TA, or Fire/TA. PSA and SF should stack, but you won't be able to use Acid Arrow. AA inflicts a small dot. IMO a Elec/TA should consider not taking AA if they want to use sleep a lot. But darn it's hurts to lose AAs -defense. Also, see my post above. AA's -resist to endurance drain does not appear to help with mob that are resistant to said drains, like Malta sappers.
  11. First round of testing endurance drain -resists from Acid Arrow completed. I think it's the same situation as the -toHit resists, If a mob has endurance drain resists, they are so high, it's going to negate Acid Arrow's effect. This is somewhat guess work as the Power Analyzer does not show endurance drain resistance. Note, I am not talking about recovery resistance. AAs effect on recovery resistance shows nicely in the Power Analyzer. Testing attempted: Someone on discord was nice enough to point that Malta sappers have end drain resistance. I used AE 1945. Not the best for sappers, but there are always a few on the first map. I was using my TA/Elec/Mu defender with fully end slotted Power Sink and Short Circuit, end drain is at max power. Test subject, con sapper held with Ice Arrow, so no end usage from it attacking me. Two rounds of power sink fully slotted for end drain. Endurance stayed at 100%, ie no effect. Acid Arrow applied. Endurance stayed at 100% with AA applied and two rounds of power sink. Also, I waited for any -recovery to wear off. If I cannot overcome the end drain resistance of a even con minion, then the end drain -resist is going to work on any resistant mobs. Unless there is something special about sappers. Any other mob suggestions to test on? Of course, against non-resist mobs, the Power Sink and Short Circuit can drain a 54 boss in one round. Maybe 2-3 players with TA could debuff end drain resistance to matter, but it's not happening with just one player. The changes are still awesome, just wanted to see if AAs -resists would allow mobs known for particular resistance could be effected.
  12. This a no judgement zone, except for Ion. I guessed necro/ta was bad, just didn't realize it was rant worthy bad. Did my description give you an idea of the difference the TA changes made? I would happy to demonstrate on the brainstorm server. Note, I used T4 Intuition Radial to get the -tohit as high as possible. You have to four slot and use Intuition to get the FA to apply 18% -tohit.
  13. Ah, I didn't realize that necro/TA with the bottom of the barrel. Cons: Slower kill rate, not horrible just very noticeable compared to ninja Pets, especially zombies, took more damage every fight. I was losing a minion every 2-3 fights. Often zombies were down 30-50% health each fight. I think this could have been prevented if I keep better control of the pets Pros, there are some: Slower pets mean less accidental aggro. The two mult-group fights had more to with the map layout than pets chasing mobs Better crowd control, between TA and the Lich So, if nerco/TA is supposed to be horrible, it's now decent-good even in my inept hands. An example fight, 54 4x8 council. Two groups with a small gap. Flash Arrow both groups, run in with pets on passive, Acid Arrow, Poison Gas Arrow, Pets set to aggressive, Disruption Arrow, Oil Slick Arrow. Council will often set OSA with their grenades, but not this time. So, I step back and fire Mace Beam Volley to ignite it. The second group has still not aggro'ed. Ten or so second later I feel that the first group is under control. OSA is KDing and burning away. I see that an zombie has aggro'ed one mob in the second group. I FA the second group again and Ion Judgement. Start debuff cycle on the second group, AA, PSA, move the DA to a point covering both groups. For that point it's lt and boss cleanup mode with Ice Arrow and AA which has procs. Chase down the runners and done. I think I lost one minion.
  14. I used Intuition Radial to up my -tohit plus my slotting.
  15. I made a TA/necro... give me my Ninjas back! Slotted with T4 incarnates, just like ninjas. I lost 1 lt and 3 zombies in a 4x8 council mission. I lost one minion in two 4x8 missions, Council and CoT, with TA/ninja. I think the difference is the kill speed. Ninjas kill so much faster. I did end up taking on two groups at once, twice. Flash Arrow allowed me to debuff the second group at range, which was probably the difference. Note, I am not using the popular pet keyboard binds. I am clicking everything. Build, it's a direct port of my TA/ninja, so it has all the same issues.
  16. Bopper and Lines helped me test end draining. Basically, if the mob has end drain resists, it's likely to be ~85% at 50. One Acid Arrow will not be enough to overcome that. You need another TA partner. So, no solo draining AVs. 😞
  17. I turned off Incarnates. Things are a lot harder. More inline with what you're saying Full incarnates, much easier. Maybe tomorrow. 🙂
  18. Don't tell anyone, but I just solo'ed MoITF and MoML at the same time with just Ice Arrow. 😛 Unless it causes an issue in PvP. My only problem with IA is that I forget to use enough. So many good powers now!
  19. So, I tried an MM Ninja/TA out. I am pretty clueless with MMs. Take that in consideration. @Monos King What is the soloing expectation for MMs? I understand that Ninja are high damage, super squishy. I was able to solo at 51 4x8 Council and CoTs easily. I lost one minion over two missions. I just FA then run into the middle and start debuffing and AOEing. This build was whipped up with a little research on the MM forum.
  20. I am trying to test out Trick Arrow on different ATs. This is my ninja/TA. I am not a mastermind expert, but I was at 51 able to solo 4x8 council and cots. And I only lost one minion over both missions. Pretty low stress, Flash Arrow, move in, start debuffing and AOEing. The pets did the rest. FA: -18% tohit PSA: -30% damage, effective 30% resists Acid Arrow, -20? to defense. Pets had no issues hitting at 4x8 Here's the build, it's probably got a dozen things wrong with it, but it worked pretty well. Of course, this build doesn't reflect the beta server changes, but the slotting is the same regardless.
  21. Finally, got a partner today, fire/dm tanker. We tried out Inferno, easy at 4x8. I even pulled Inferno aggro off him a couple of times. Due to all the debuff and AOE. Inferno's toHit resistance is 90%, so Acid Arrow barely scratched that, but I did get the 18% un-resistable debuff.
  22. I have been testing TA on the defender side. The number will be less for controllers, but the overall effect is close. Between the -32% -toHit Flash Arrow, though there are caveats. You can soft cap defense with only ~23% defense. Poison Gas Arrow, 25-50% -dam, 25% is un-resistable. Basically for you, a minimal of 25% resists for any effected mob. And -25 def from Acid Arrow. So, you don't have slot accuracy. IE your pets will hit stuff. TA is now tanky. I can stand in groups of 4x8 council, take the alpha, and destroy them with my ice secondary. Mezzing is still an issue and massive Arachnos def debuffs are still problematic. But controllers have a primary to deal with that! The main downside is you'll want to take everything.
  23. Interesting, so the stun does not guarantee aggro. Learned something new. Either way, to me Flash Arrow is the cornerstone power of the revamp. I want it to work in a predictable manner.
  24. I like most of your suggestions, except this one. I do not want anything that could notify mobs on Flash Arrow. I understand it's only a single target effect, but I want to be able to debuff in peace from the shadows. 🙂
  25. Update, TA/Ice is even nastier. So much AOE with slows so hard that even council wolves have a hard time escaping.
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