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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. catsi563


    Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  2. White court vampire = Martial arts or Street justice or katana or broadsword or dual blades scrapper/tank/ brute/ stalker with invuln will power or SR defense sets with a shiny sparkly aura Black/red courts vampire Dark melee with regern willpower or dark armor melee archetype
  3. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  4. never had end issues on my own fire fire fire blaster most times everything she blasts is ash long before she even has to touch a blue
  5. *Stand behind Snarky holding snarkys voltron underoos and pants*
  6. Dont you threaten me with a good time 😸
  7. commiserate my brother commiserate
  8. I feel personally attacked 😛
  9. Super stunners are a pain in the arse almost worse then malta Sappers that said they do have one weakness THEY DO NOT rez if no one is near them. yep their rez which is VERY painful as it not only does damaage but drains a crapton of endurance is a triggered rez when people are nearby, So make sure that the last blow to a super stunner is delivered at range. with no teamates near it.
  10. *naps in lifefguard chair behind glasses with big alert eyes painted on them* AKK BEFJKJFJK =>_>= =O_o= *Tweet* 1 hour free water slide time!!
  11. catsi563

    Battle Ax?

    She held up nicely before I got her an IO build with just SOs EA basically mitigates all end issues, and ices slow effect bolsters the defense of which makes ice a solid defense combined with Axe hitting like a truck so damage wasnt generally an issue. only real issues i have are when trying to gather a bunch together to hit EA with for the big defense boost if i wait too long or i goof and dont use hibernation fast enough and the mobs get some good RNG you can take it on the chin, But beyond that its one of the more fun builds to play in my experience
  12. *TWEET* Free swim time
  13. the court rules wif teh moggies. and orders sunbeams and naps and treats *gavel gavel*' next case please
  14. *poke head out of Citchen* no need the roomba we got will take care of it *nod nod* *refurbished council warbot rushes out of Citchen slams through wall runs out into traffic and is run over by a truck* =O_o= nevermind carry on *pokes head back into citchen* *plate of fresh made pie slides out to moggies*
  15. all rise Kitty Court is back in session. teh honorable judge catsi presiding *walk out to chair plop down in chair* Next case please *gavel gavel*
  16. Well is everyone having fun? if so then keep chasing its good exercise for everyone if not the courst suggests randomly placed landmines to really up the Suprise factor *gavel gavel* Ok thats an hour recess for lunch! *gavel gavel*
  17. hes in the pound for catnip dealing
  18. Compromise get a bigger supply of treats leave a bowl of the treats out and keep the top on the box *nod nod* next case *gavel gavel^
  19. =O_O= wait!! They arent allready?? =>_<= Plushy you had one job *BEANS catsi plushy wif squeaky gavel* *squeaky gavel comes flying back and beans judge* =@_@= the court so orders *collapse* next case please
  20. ORDER UP!! *big thick meatball sammich with zesty sauce spicy cheese fries a pickle and a pepsi slide out to Brittany*
  21. *slice of warm new york style pizza with a pepsi and an order of chips slide out to Cyrick*
  22. *Tweet!!* Free swim over Wave pool time *activates wave pool which has TIDAL wave sized breakers*
  23. *beans ranklet onna noggin wif squeaky gavel* the court so orders make a record of that in the transcript *catsi plushies googly eyes roll and plushy face plants* =@_@= What do you mean by that?? dont look at the desk when im talking to you Next case please
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