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How likely is this reborn CoH to suddenly shut down?


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54 minutes ago, Ya'dig said:

Exactly. Why can't people just enjoy the moment and let the decision makers decide? Our little posts mean nothing in the end-game. Just play and shut up. It's really not that difficult imho.


On my work team, we build software integrations, when we hear the old "why can't they just" we know we are simply dealing with people that are uninformed/inexperienced.


The simple fact is that not everyones brain chemistry is such that what seems easy to one person is as easy to another.


In my work world, it means that these folks do not understand the technology.

In the real world, IME, it means that people typically have a really hard time understanding that other peoples brains "can't just" do this or that.


My favorite easy example is being on time.

Both my wife and I were wait staff. For that job, on-time is late.

We worked with a person for like 15 years in an office who could never be on time. An otherwise incredible employee, ran HR even, but could not be on time, always late.

My wife could never get over her attitude of "she could just"...


Some people have allowed this game to become an emotional pillar in thier realities and thoughts of losing it terrify them.

They cannot "just" not think about it ...

In some case here as well, I think people are just looking for words from thier fellows of comfort and solice, because this game is such a large part of thier emotional fabric.


IMO, with our Internet connect world, if some people don't get a message about something every few minutes/hours then they immediately think the worst as well and panic.

When there is no news, poeple will start making stuff up, even when no news is good news...


Fun Times.

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On 9/11/2019 at 3:47 PM, jubakumbi said:

Setting aside how over-the-top this is...


I chose to not give NCSoft any cash after they dropped CoH and I have not.

If they choose to help bring the game back, even if it means *gasp* they make a buck, I am fine with that.


Personally, I have no real trust of longevity about anything that is ever contolled by a single entity, because a single point of failure then exists.

Thinking HC will somehow magically be 'better' than another single point of failure is not, IMO, wise.


Since the HC team is mum on what, exactly, is being discussed, all we can do is wait.


Last I saw, NCSoft had filed for copyright to the code.

I cannot seeing them give that away for free, so I think NCSoft will be part of the solution.

I think the number of people it will turn away because NCSoft is involved will be dwarfed by those that get to play.

So, as an individual, one must follow ones heart and mine does not harbor the hate toward companies some do here.


I hope you can find a game you like run by a company that meets all of your expectations.

When did they do the copyright?

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FWIW Cryptic/NCSoft didn't have to file for copyright to the code, copyright is automatic. Not knowing the nature of the initial relationship with Cryptic, NCSoft either got it right away or bought it from Cryptic when the companies ended their relationship. 


Now if nobody registered the copyright that does limit how much one can receive in an infringement lawsuit. 


Now to the question from the OP, I fully expect the HC servers existence to be directly tied to the deal with NCSoft. If a deal is reached, they will likely be around for a while. If a deal can't be reached, I fully expect NCSoft to shut all the bigger servers down. That is unfortunately beyond my control and with such limited information all we can do is speculate. So I'm choosing to just go with it not worry too much about it. I fully realize that is easier said than done at times, I'm generally terrible at not worrying. 

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10 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

Long as I get a weekend's worth of heads up to crank up my own server, what shall be will be. I was without Bill Z Bubba for too damn long. That won't be happening again.

Agreed.  I keep MEANING to troubleshoot an issue I have with my private server, but then I go back to playing on Homecoming.   I just need a few days to ensure that I can ask for any final help.  

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1 hour ago, Sidious said:

anyone else notice that the OP who started all this only has 1 post to their name and hasn't commented further at all?

I smell troll.

If true, with 3 pages of impassioned replies, I'd call that a pretty successful troll!🤣

What was no more, is REBORN!

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I've come up with the perfect way to answer this question everytime it comes up.  (You know, every other week)  I think it has an answer for everyone 




Edited by Skyhawke
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Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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1 hour ago, Frostbiter said:

Feels like we've all been here before.



... that sign so very much NEEDS a barrel filled with clubs installed next to it ... 😄 😄 😄

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Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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IMO the servers shutting down is IMMINENT! I strongly recommend liquidation. Sell all of your IOs and turn it into Influence. I will be happy to convert that Influence into more valuable prayers for you and yours. 100mil INF = 3.14 prayers. Email your influence to me for safe keeping until you can find a more stable place to park your Heroes. Delete all of your toons! Give your INF to ME!


But seriously....in the words of one very plagiaristic animated old turtle: "You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why we call it the present".

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Trademarked Name (@Trademark)

Hocus-Pocus, Assault, Joan (of Atlas), Homunculous, Ensorcellress, Seismic, Wolfin, J0LT, The Limit, Transparency, Fastball, Loremaster, Monkey-Boy, Presto Chango, Kazam

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12 minutes ago, Extor Prime said:

The only correct answer to this question is: anytime and without a warning. I wish the HC team all the luck in the world, but that does not change the fact that legally speaking we are playing on stolen code that belongs to NCSoft.


So play like today is the last day.

Pretty sure that part has been understood from the jump.  The part that gives us hope is that they didn't swat down the server when they certainly could have already, the fact that they entertained even the notion of discussions about legitimizing the operation, and the fact that according to the small bit of information we have, things are going well. 


So, while I would never tell anyone not to be concerned at all, I would also say that this has a better than average chance of becoming permanent.  If the signs were pointed otherwise, I would feel much less optimistic.  But, that has not been the case, and until/unless it becomes that way, the very fact that we are still here, against all odds, speaks volumes.  Things will continue as they are until the conclusion of the talks.  Then depending on the outcome, things will likely change drastically.


This is how it goes in my mind's eye, anyway.  If they fail, then it will be DOOM, with the sky is falling piled on top of that.  A scramble for the survival of the game, and the community.  However, if they are successful, expect a full court press effort to get the word out to the world, and watch as the population rises drastically.  There will be adjustments to the influx of new players, and a new round of questions on topics that have likely already been addressed for current players, where we will be the wizened sages answering those questions, or posting links where they can find the information themselves.  There might be more changes to the game to compensate for a larger constant population, which will put focus on more on the changes made during the SCORE years, to accommodate a low population environment.  The end result will hopefully be a thriving population, happy to play, and eager to see what the future holds. 


That is what I hope to see from all of this.

Edited by Abraxus

What was no more, is REBORN!

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20 minutes ago, Extor Prime said:

stolen code that belongs to NCSoft.

NCSoft: "You stole my code!"

Captain Jack Co*: "Actually-"

NCSoft: *smack*

Captain Jack Co*: "Borrowed!  Borrowed... without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back."

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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On 9/11/2019 at 9:30 AM, Ya'dig said:

But in all honesty this is going to come down to dollars and cents.

This is actually my biggest concern.  Current server populations are still quite small.  There is no money to come rolling in to NC Soft.  I can't think of a good business reason for them to let us have this game.  It really comes down to how NC Soft executives feel  imo.


The only thing I can do right now is trust the devs (of SCORE) when they say that negotiations seem to be going well and might actually succeed.  What are their chances?  I dunno, maybe 50/50?  It's a roll of the dice right now.


Jump in, play.  The XP is turned on high so it won't take you much time to recover what you lost.  You can at least enjoy the game for now.

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7 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:

I can't think of a good business reason for them to let us have this game.

The IP has been "dead" for 8 years, other than a couple of references or playable characters in other games.  They've generated $0.00 from it in that time, and there's been no indication of renewed interest... except by former players.  Players who are so keen to get back into the game that they throw money at the HC team so quickly that the monthly donation goal is reached in minutes.


But the potential revenue is actually secondary, because it's small potatoes.  "Free" money, but probably not enough to pique their interest.  The primary consideration is what it would cost to issue C&D orders, file infringement suits, pursue legal action, etc.  Lawyers are expensive, corporate lawyers more so, and courts have fees.  Realistically, they face the possibility of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to "protect" an IP they all but buried years ago.


Yes, they could spend the money to shut down every publicized server and keep the "City of" brand locked in their basement filing cabinet, but unless they're planning to resuscitate the brand or launch a sequel, it'd be flushing money down the toilet, and considering that the server code is now publicly available, ineffective.  Alternatively, they can work with the players, come to an arrangement and collect revenue from that.


And that's the financially responsible response.  Accept a small, regular income from a "dead" IP, rather than hemorrhage money trying to shut down every server.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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my Tin foil hat theory is that this is secretly being done by NcSoft as a way to see how much interest there is for bring this game back to life. You could almost say we are unknowing being marketing testers for them. I played this game from 1 month after launched till the final minutes. I still miss the game.


Edited by Mad Hobbit
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I played for 3 months straight coming back in late May, just taking a break for other games, and my DVR, Netflix, and Amazon Prime has been screaming at me.  I'll just say this-if this gets shut down again-I don't care where it pops up again-I can't start up again.   I can't start from scratch for a 3rd time.  I no longer have the time frame and life to let me play COH/V like I did from 2005-2009, I just can't.

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1 hour ago, Mad Hobbit said:

my Tin foil hat theory is that this is secretly being done by NcSoft as a way to see how much interest there is for bring this game back to life. You could almost say we are unknowing being marketing testers for them. I played this game from 1 month after launched till the final minutes. I still miss the game.


I'm not sure how much tin foil hat such a theory is. It would be the obvious and smart move by NCSoft.

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You have this

1 hour ago, Luminara said:

Players who are so keen to get back into the game that they throw money at the HC team so quickly that the monthly donation goal is reached in minutes.

and this

1 hour ago, Luminara said:

Realistically, they face the possibility of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to "protect" an IP they all but buried years ago.

with a shitload of MMO gamers who are still pissed off at NCSoft, because CoH is not the only Western MMO shutdown by NCSoft.

To have them come back and complain about something being used that they abandoned seven years ago, just brings that anger to the surface for me. I don't give a fuck that NCSoft used to own CoH; they abandoned it and did not properly secure it, so it's ours now... as in the whole Western MMO Community, and if we wanted to we could force NCSoft to play Wac-the-mole, until the internet shut down.


How much money could be raised to force NCSoft to leave any MMO they abandoned alone, and in the process stick it to them, if we the Western MMO Community chose to do so.

I would not directly give a cent to NCSoft, but would give a bit more than a cent to give-it to NCSoft... and I don't figure I'm the only one.

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