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Flaming Whip Pool Powers


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Let's give everyone flaming whips.  The standard issue for proliferating the whips as a powerset to other ATs is that there isn't enough animations to make it work.  So instead of trying to build a full whip primary or secondary powerset, why not make a pool power set similar to the Fighting pool?


(Corruption - renamed) - Level 4 - Ranged, Light DMG (Lethal) + Foe DoT (Fire)

(Lash - renamed) - Level 4 - Close, Moderate DMG (Lethal) + Foe DoT (Fire) + chance of KB

Perimeter Defense - Level 14 - Toggle: Self +Def (Melee)
"Your expertise with the whip allows you to keep foes at a distance, making it more difficult for them to strike you in melee."

Redirect Flame - Level 14 - Toggle: Self +Res (Fire)
"Your flaming whip absorbs some incoming fire damage."

Whip Mastery - Level 14 - Short Range (Cone), Moderate DMG + Foe DoT (Fire) + chance of KB



Turn the fire damage into lethal and the toxic DoT into fire to differentiate it from the hellish version MMs have, while still explaining the flaming aura around the whip animations. The attacks would be okay but not better than primary & secondary attacks, and no new animations would need to be created. Animations for the defense & resist toggles could be borrowed from super reflexes and invulnerability.

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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

Let's give everyone flaming whips.  The standard issue for proliferating the whips as a powerset to other ATs is that there isn't enough animations to make it work.  So instead of trying to build a full whip primary or secondary powerset, why not make a pool power set similar to the Fighting pool?

Yeah.  This is... a really solid approach.!

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43 minutes ago, Cooltastic said:

While we're at it, would it be possible to use the same animations but replace the fire with a normal whip? I bet more people would get far more use of a regular whip over the flaming one anyhow, no matter how cool it looks. 😜 

The ERP crowd will definitely be scarier ...

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for the record, there are enough hellfire powers from the demon MM set [including the hellfire demonling and demon's powers to provide a full powerset. plenty of attacks to pull from. here is my proposed Hellfire set, keeping animations pure and maintaining whips as the 'feature' weapon of the set... again, made from existing assets and powers, just tweaked a little, and obviously numbers adjusted to be comparable to other similar sets for the AT but still have something unique.


Hellfire Assault:

-Corruption [Ranged] -- Minor DMG(Fire), Foe DoT(Toxic), -Res

-Lash [Close] -- High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, Minor DoT(Toxic)

-Crack Whip  [close cone]-- Short Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, DoT(Toxic)

-Hellfire Aura -- Toggle PBAoE Minor Toxic Damage [demon hellfire aura fx]

-Build Up -- Self +DMG, +To-Hit

-Abyssal Strike -- Melee, High DMG(Fire), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All) [hellfire smash meelee animation with hellfire fx]

-Bind and Seal -- Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), DoT(Toxic), Foe Immobilize, -DEF(All), -SPD, -Jump, -Fly ***[using hell on earth whip animation]

-Living Hellfire -- PBAoE, Minor Damage, Summon Living Hellfire [4 temp pets simultaneous summon instead of over time]

-Hellfire Eruption -- PBAoE, High DMG(Fire), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All) [skinned from hellfire burst]

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Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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4 hours ago, Cooltastic said:

While we're at it, would it be possible to use the same animations but replace the fire with a normal whip? I bet more people would get far more use of a regular whip over the flaming one anyhow, no matter how cool it looks. 😜 

I think that the flaming part is attached to the whip animations.  Removing that would require animating a flameless whip.

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You know, there's another REALLY easy way to do this. Just add the Flaming Whip as a Flaming Sword replacement option in the character editor for the Fire Melee set that already exists. There's literally 3 attacks of each. I'd much rather have the flaming whip than the flaming swords myself.


Yes, that means they would become melee ranged only as to not screw with the set.

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The also keep giving out permanent pets at level 1. 


Which is just... BWUH? 


Their design philosophy very much seems to be "This would probably be OP and use a bunch of limited system resources, but that doesn't matter!"


They took Illusion Control, put Phantasm at tier 1, and made it a DOMINATOR SECONDARY. So if you're a Water/Illusion Dominator you can start out with 2 pets. Or Wind/Illusion. 


Also I hate them, forever, for stealing the PB Attacks to make them a Defender Secondary that provides Healing and/or Damage with every single attack.



Edited by Steampunkette
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On 9/19/2019 at 11:42 PM, Player2 said:

I think that the flaming part is attached to the whip animations.  Removing that would require animating a flameless whip.

If at some point we have a team providing alternate animations, some other whip possibilities:


Normal Leather Whip
Chain Whip (Both with & without padlock(s) on the end)
Segmented Metal Spiked Whip (Both New & Dirty/Rusted Versions)
Energy Whip (In the style of Vanguard Energy Weapons, but flexible)
Elemental (Water, Electricity, Lava, Whirling Sand/Rock chunks/Metal fragments funnel Whip, etc...)
Vine Whip with thorns
Octopus arm
Python Snake
Flexible robotic tentacle

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There is no whip.


The whip isn't a weapon whose model we can swap in or out. It's a Power FX. Like the arrows you shoot from a bow, or energy blasts from your hands.


Any whip set the team creates would be using an entirely new art asset. Like how Stone Armor has the Crystal option. And it would take a lot of time.


But hey. At least the animations are done, right?

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While I would love a bunch of reskins for whip, Steampunkette hit the nail on the head. These are dynamic skins, not static skins. The amount of work for reskinning the whips once would be about the same as adding a dozen new skins for every other weapon in the game. (give or take).

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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6 hours ago, Zepp said:

While I would love a bunch of reskins for whip, Steampunkette hit the nail on the head. These are dynamic skins, not static skins. The amount of work for reskinning the whips once would be about the same as adding a dozen new skins for every other weapon in the game. (give or take).

No... it's not a "Dynamic Weapon". There's no weapon model involved.


It's as much a 'weapon' as Radiant Infection's green and red cloud of debuff aura on enemies is a 'weapon'. Or Rain of Fire's Flaming Rain is a weapon.


It doesn't exist as a model within the game engine. There's no Geoset that could be put into a display case in your base. You can't "Equip it" and carry it around. It exists as one step down from Particle Physics.


We can't "Reskin" it. We'd be making new version of it, from scratch. The only thing we'd be taking from the current Whip Powers is the player model animations. Reskinning only works if there's an object present that you're changing the skin of, swapping one for another.


This is more like Dark Blast vs Soul Noir. Different FX, not Different Models.

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I was trying to explain it in a manner that was easier to grasp.

It is a series of animations paired with particle effects in a manner to create what appears to be a weapon, which makes it more complex than most animations used in the game. And the skin would also not be a "skin" per se, but a new set of animations that follow the model of the original animation.

But, because that is hard to understand I tried to explain it through analogy.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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