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A few screen shots from  tonight's "mostly" plant team.   We picked up a corrupter by zone chat early on, and he stuck with us for the duration.

I'm sure he was a bit surprised when he first joined, but he promised to keep us all well watered.  :)


We ran quite a few 50+4 radios in PI,  and we rocked.



















Great shots, @krj12!  I hated to miss last night, but I have family in town, and family is important (family first!).  It looks like everyone had a blast and enjoyed some planty fun and wreckage!  That's what it's all about, after all. 


I'll be there next Tuesday, and from what our sg leader Irresponsible Creeper tells me, I need to finish up Gordon Bower's arc in Croatoa to be ready to go with our Croatoa fun.  I will do that this weekend for sure.


So next Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior we will have one content group in Croatoa and then another group, headed up (most likely) by @krj12, doing lvl 50 stuff!  So exciting!  If you are interested in joining the plant troll (and dom) fun, /chanjoin our chat channel Parks and Wreck and let whomever is there know you want to join our Parks and Wreck sg adventures or send a tell to me @Tahliah.  We'll get you situated in no time.  


You can be any level to join us, so if you are just rolling a new plant troll (or dom) for the group, don't be shy!  We'll be happy to have you join us for the awesome fun and wreckage of an all-plant troll/dom team.  If we have enough new rolls, we can always have a team that is starting out, too.  I know I have a lvl 2 plant/nature troll who is itching to get some planty wreckage on.  Heh.


And a quick reminder:  tomorrow is the non-troll team run by Irresponsible Creeper.  Any plant-related toon (via name or powers or theme/bio) of any level is welcome!  This does include trolls/doms, of course, but we want to give our planters a chance to run other ATs with our sg.  To join, just get on Parks and Wreck channel chat to let us know you are there and interested or send a tell to me @Tahliah  The third Thursday plant-related team meets this Thursday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.

  • Like 1
19 hours ago, Dark Current said:

Who's going to be on tonight?


Manticore is the WST, so I was thinking we could that. It's 30+ for those of you interested.

I saw this last night and was glad I did since my toon is not yet 30.  I hope you guys had a blast  and wrecked the Manti TF!


Maybe next week we can do something that everyone can participate in, regardless of level.

Posted (edited)

Our next all plant (and dom) team will meet on Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  We will be in Croatoa and finish up Gordon Bower's arc before moving on to Skipper's. The goal is to finish all Croatoa arcs and unlock the Katie Hannon tf . . . and to have tons of planty, wrecky fun while we get in a lot kills for badges and future accolades. 


Once we finish up in Croatoa, we will focus on the Task Force Commander accolade. It's one of the BIG FOUR, after all, and as such, a must-have for all serious planters.  In the earlier weeks, we completed Posi 1, but we have new planters on our crew now and will run it again (what planter of any level doesn't need some yummy merits/xp/infl to perfect his or her build?).  Plus, plant team fun!


As always, all level plant trolls (and doms) are welcome!  If you would like to join us, join our Parks and Wreck chat or send a tell to me @Tahliah

Edited by Tahliah
typos, clarity
Posted (edited)

Tahliah, sounds like a good plan.  I've never gotten the Task Force Commander accolade.  I've only completed the Manticore and Synapse TFs once, and I've never done the Numina TF on any character.  This should be an exciting experience!


EDIT:  I've done all the other TFs (some of them many times).

Edited by Gregg247
2 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

Tahliah, sounds like a good plan.  I've never gotten the Task Force Commander accolade.  I've only completed the Manticore and Synapse TFs once, and I've never done the Numina TF on any character.  This should be an exciting experience!


EDIT:  I've done all the other TFs (some of them many times).

Hey Gregg247, I actually couldn't remember if we did all the TFC task forces on the original plant troll team on Freedom or not.  I know we did some of them, but obviously not all of them if you didn't.  Heh.


I think it will be exciting, too!  I love having a purpose to our weekly plant festivities, not that having a complete blast with other plant trolls (and doms!) isn't amazing, it is!  But it's also fun to work on our accolades and to get lots of shinies along the way. 


Anyone wishing to join us on their own plant troll (or dom) is more than welcome to do so!  We will be meeting in Croatoa at 9 p.m. EST tomorrow night (Tuesday) on Excelsior.  Just send any planter you see there a tell, join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, or send a tell to me @Tahliah 


Our tenth all-plant troll night was a mixed bag.  We had four planters show up and finished up both Gordon Bowers' and Skipper's arcs in Croatoa.  We had a blast going through the arcs . . . until we came to the dreaded "Stop 30 Fir Bolg entering door" mish.  As there were only four of us, that mission was a bit of a challenge. 


I had redone this mission on my main (an ice/ice blaster) not too long ago, and I got frustrated in it because I hadn't remembered how the mission worked and thought I had to stop 30 from entering the door.  After stopping what felt like hundreds and not seeing any progress on the bar, I resorted to Help chat for some insight.  Happily, the Excelsior server is chock full of fabulous people who are always eager to help, and I quickly learned that it was a clear all and that the counter was for those who made it out the door (none did on that run).  Well, that changed things for my blaster.  Instead of just standing at the door twiddling my thumbs between waves, I went out and cleared the map (checking back to make sure none had made it to the door).  It went super smoothly once I understood what was required. 


Recalling that experience and hating to just stand around when we can be all planty and wrecky, I--like a big dummy, as it turned out--proposed three of us clearing while someone held the door, but that was a bad strategy as we quickly discovered.  Planters just can't kill as fast as blasters, alas, so we revised that strategy pretty quickly.  In the end, we were a bit all over the place and couldn't wait for it to end.  We had 13 Fir Bolg escape by the time the mission ended.  Not bad, but a bit of a disappointment if you're competitive (like me! heh). 


By the time we finally got that mission filed away, it was getting late, so we decided to clear a mission in Striga for one of our planters.  After that, it was time for him to head off to get some sleep for work the next day. 


The three of us who remained didn't want to call it a night just yet, though, so we headed off to the Ski Chalet for some Baby New Year saving.  One of our planters even got the Silver medal for the ski run while waiting for us to train and zone!  I have to say that I really (as in really really) missed the Winter Event for the years between sunset and the Homecoming miracle, and I just can't get enough of the winter stuff. 


We had a great time wrecking Tuatha and even went ahead and "interrogated" a bunch of Winter Lords after we "arrested" the Guard and got the key because . . . fun!!  Of course, the ugly little BNY was at the end of the last of the three tunnels we checked.  Snaptooth was quickly rendered toothless by our planty awesomeness, and BNY was saved.  Again. 


Next week, we will pick up in Croatoa for Kelly Nemmers' arc and hopefully make good headway in finishing up that zone.  After that, we will take on the Task Force Commander tfs and get that accolade under our belts.


Our plant troll (and dom!) team runs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  If you would like to join us, please do!  You can simply show up on Tuesdays (next week we'll meet in Croatoa) and send a tell to any planter in zone, join the Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, or send a tell to me @Tahliah.


Any level and any secondary is welcome!  If you are on a new roll, we will tp your toon to the missions, and you'll quickly gain levels while having a planty good time!  If you're on a higher (than 30ish for Croatoa) toon, you can exemp down and enjoy the controlled chaos and creepery-flytrap goodness of an all-plant team.  If we have a lot of planters show up (yay!), we can run two teams as we have before, with higher level planters doing higher level content.

Posted (edited)

Our eleventh plant troll night (no doms last night) alternated between super fun and downright frustrating.  We had six planters, and happily everyone was great fun and often hilarious even as we unanimously decided that we hate Croatoa . . . at least on all plant trolls.


We kicked off the night by picking up and finishing Kelly Nemmers' arc.  Then we moved on to Buck Salinger's arc, and that's where things got messy.  So messy, in fact, that we decided to autocomplete his "Escort the hostages to safety" mish and just move on.  That was fine and all was fun and planty wrecky awesomeness again . . . until we got to the mission where we had to save Walter.  The ambushes were overwhelming, often occurring both in front of and behind our team at the same time.


It got so bad that at one point one of our planters made the excellent suggestion that we just kill him ourselves and blame it on the Red Caps.  Hee!


Here we are contemplating Walter's untimely demise:




Happily for Walter, we couldn't kill him, and no one else could, either.  We were stuck with him.  After many of us earned damage badges in this nightmare mish, we decided to all exit and reset it to a lower, 'just get 'er done' setting ("cough" -1/x1 "cough").  Yes, it was sad, but the map was huge, the ambushes many, and our patience thin.


We got him out finally by clearing a path to him and then escorting him out after locking down the ambushes, leaving them there, and running forward with him.  I don't think any of us want to see Walter again for a very long time.  Heh.


By this time, it was getting late, and we were fed up with Croatoa, so I suggested that a couple of us complete it later, before next Tuesday (with them on their mains for good measure).  This was agreed upon so we could put Croatoa in our rearview and get on with our exciting Task Force Commander tf plans next week.


Everyone took off for some much needed sleep except me and our ever-fabulous Parks and Wreck sg leader Irresponsible Creeper.  We needed to unwind, so we got our dance on at our sg's beach party:




This was immensely cheering, and I felt refreshed enough to venture back to Croatoa after Creeper logged for the night.  The next mish was Broadkin, and I figured I could knock that out easily enough on my own.  So I did.  Yes, still on baby settings, but in my defense, I just wanted out of there.  😛


Then I thought, why not take a stab at the final mish in Salinger's arc?  That's the one where you save a few civilians, lead them out, and then defend the portal for 15 mins.  So I did that, too.  Woots!  Now we have Katie unlocked, and we are done with Croatoa!  Joy!!!  I see you dancing a happy jig @Gregg247!


AND I finally got my Flytrap!!  I started on a totally different planter (Over Thyme), but as the team needed SB and heals, I rolled Power Plant. and got her zoomed to SB in a week.  So I was doubly happy to finally get my flytrap.  Now I just have to think of  a great name for him ("Audrey" is already taken, heh).


Happily, too, while in Croatoa, we all got a lot of the kill badges for the Geas of the Kind Ones accolade!  Woots!


So next week we will start our TFC badge fest with a two-parter all-plant Posi-palooza starting at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  We will likely start closer to 9:15ish, though, to ensure everyone who wants to has time to log on and can get the first badge towards their TFC accolade. 


NOTE:  Both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on Tuesday this year, so we will just break for those.  We can always pick an alternate night during these two weeks if everyone wants to, though.


 So here's the TFC Troll Night schedule (as of now):


December 17th:  Posi 1 and 2, level 8+

December 24th:  Break for Christmas

December 31st:   Break for New Years

January 7th:        Synapse, level 15+

January 14th:      Penelope Yin, level 20+ (this is a short one, so we will likely also do some missions/radios/etc.)

January 21st:       Citadel, level 25+

January 28th:      Manticore, level 30+

February 4th:      Numina, level 35+


As many of us are already 30 / 35, we may want to run these out of order and run Manti and Numina first (starting on the 7th).  Just tossing that out there, let us know here or in-game what you think/want in that regard.  We'll go with the majority as long as everyone is at least level 30, so we don't leave anyone behind/out.


All plant trolls (and doms) are welcome!  Since we will be doing TFs, your toon will need to be at least the minimum level to join.  Next week, we will be doing both Posi tfs, so the minimum level is 8.  A quick DFB or two on a new roll will get you there in no time (as will pretty much anything, including mish arcs and even street sweeping, at that level, hehe). 


So if an all-plant troll (and dom!) team sounds fun to you, and you want to run Posi 1 and 2 with us, join in!  We will be meeting in Steel Canyon next Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  You can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out at any time between now and then, and one of us will get you in the sg, or you can send a tell to me @Tahliah.



Edited by Tahliah
typo, added stuff
  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Shadowfane said:

Twas a lot of fun finally getting involved - just a shame I had to leave when I did, but time zones are sadly a thing!

It was so wonderful to have you join us, @Shadowfane!  I have to say that you ran Chaos Orchid like a pro!  I had plenty of time to watch as I was lying dead beneath you as you worked your awesome planty magic!  Heh


Maybe if you work in naps to compensate for our Troll Nights occurring in the dead of night your time. . . . ah, she dreams. 


As much as I may beat myself up whenever I die in games like this, I can't really fault myself or any of us for that final mission last night. 


The enemies on that map, once aggroed, stayed aggroed, even after we were all killed and exited to the hospital.  At one point, I returned to the map and stayed by the entrance, waiting for the rest of you to enter.  The enemies we had been fighting "sensed" my return and ran across the entire map (and it was a BIG map!) in order to attack me.  That's why you guys returned to a hot door and had such a rough entrance.  I haven't seen enemies that have unlimited tethering on a map before!


As I said in-game last night, that map was either bugged, or designed by an extremely disgruntled employee!

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
On 12/11/2019 at 7:16 PM, Gregg247 said:

As much as I may beat myself up whenever I die in games like this, I can't really fault myself or any of us for that final mission last night. 


The enemies on that map, once aggroed, stayed aggroed, even after we were all killed and exited to the hospital.  At one point, I returned to the map and stayed by the entrance, waiting for the rest of you to enter.  The enemies we had been fighting "sensed" my return and ran across the entire map (and it was a BIG map!) in order to attack me.  That's why you guys returned to a hot door and had such a rough entrance.  I haven't seen enemies that have unlimited tethering on a map before!


As I said in-game last night, that map was either bugged, or designed by an extremely disgruntled employee!

Don't beat yourself up!  The whole thing was crazy; simply entering the mish resulted in my being immediately deadened.  That was the crazy mobs suddenly parking at the door for no real reason, drawn as you say across a HUGE map to where any of us were.  It could have been anyone.


Heh, I have to agree, whomever created that mish was completely unhappy and wanted us all to die.  Over and over.  😛 Or maybe they were secretly hoping to help with our death badges? 


On the bright side, we got it done, and now that it's over, we can focus on the fun and planty goodness of our TFC adventures.  At least we know that we have those TFs in the bag (she says, hoping she didn't just jinx us all!)

Edited by Tahliah
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Just a quick reminder that the Parks and Wreck all plant troll (doms are welcome, too!) will meet tonight at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  We are kicking off our Task Force Commander accolade festivities with a Posi tf double feature.  The minimum level is 8.  We'll run Posi 1 and then run Posi 2 and will likely kick off a little after 9.  If you miss Posi 1, you can always join us when we start on Posi 2.


If you would like to join us, you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, and one of us will get you in the sg, or you can send a tell to me @Tahliah.   Or just show up in Steel and shout out to let us know you are there and want to run with us.  All plant trolls and doms of any level (8+ for the tf) are welcome! 

Edited by Tahliah
Posted (edited)

Best. Plant. Night. Evah.  Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but oh my goodness was tonight's Posi plant adventure awesome!


We started our twelfth all plant troll/dom night with six planters, and we decided to broadcast in LFG for two more planters to round out our all-plant troll/dom Posi 1 tf.  Two completely awesome planters joined us for the Posi tfs (both 1 and 2) and our Parks and Wreck sg.  Yay!!


We had such a hilariously good time bantering and strangling (er "hugging") our way through Posi 1 that I was surprised when we got the tf mission complete window!  It was that fun, and I had completely lost track of time. 


So after Posi 1, one of our planters had to get going, so we decided to send out another LFG for an eighth planter to round out our Posi 2 team.  We had a taker, but that toon ended up being a defender.  Well, what can ya do?  So we *hugged* our new oddball emp/ and carrioned on.


I have to say that the CM was most welcome and the def ran a great emp, so our hope is that s/he will roll a plant/emp to join our Parks and Wreck crew on a regular basis!


Mostly, we just had a blast all night.  We strangled and vined and wrecked mobs like butter . . . even on a lowbie Posi tf.  It was wondrous and super good fun.  We were (unofficially) Task Force Kickass, and we reveled in our planty awesomeness.


Having completed both Posi 1 and 2, and thus getting yummy merits and that first badge on the way to Task Force Commander, we batted around ideas for the coming weeks.  With both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve occurring on Tuesday, we thought we would meet on Thursdays for the next two weeks only.  We will leave the TFC schedule (posted above) the same, but next Thursday, for example, we will do Winter Event stuff.


We'll do the Snaptooth mish until we all get that badge.  Saving ugly little Baby New Year never gets old, right? And we'll do the Lady Winter mish to get that badge and some yummy candy canes, and who knows, we may have a ski challenge for those badges, too!  I'll sit that one out since I am the worst at skiing, but I will cheer from the sidelines and have hot cocoa seeds for all planters.  We may do some present opening and winter horde killing to add to our planty fun.  Winter Lord will not want to meet our creepery, flytrap wrath!  Essentially, then, next week will be a fun Winter Event experience for all plant trolls/doms!


I may even come up with a festive holiday planty costume for Power Plant., too.  Obviously, festive holiday costumes aren't required, but . . . fun!  If you want to festoon yourself in holiday happiness, do so!  We'll be amazing.


If you are interested in running your plant troll/dom with our all plant troll/dom team, don't be shy!  We love welcoming new people to our Parks and Wreck crew!  The next two weeks will be "off" since we officially meet on Tuesdays; however, the Parks and Wreck crew wants to meet up even with the holidays taking place, so that is going to happen on Thursdays.


Next week, we will break for Christmas Eve, which falls on a Tuesday this year, but will meet on Thursday, December 26 at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior for some Winter Event planty fun and lots of wrecky shinies. 


If you would like to join us in our wintery plant wreckage next Thursday, you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, and one of us will get you in the sg, or you can send a tell to me @Tahliah.   Or just show up in the Ski Chalet and shout out to let us know you are there and want to run with us.  All plant trolls and doms of any level are welcome! 



Edited by Tahliah
typo, added stuff

I am plan(t)ning to roll up a Plant/Kin soon, so I will be sure to join you! I have been wanting to roll a Kin since Live, but never really found one that suited me. It seems like Plant/ is a good thing to pair it with. Well, anything would be, I guess, but Plant seems quite different from my Grav controller, so it will be something new for me.


I do have one question, is Carrion Creepers worth taking? It has such a long recharge time. It looks like it only does meh damage, and the slow looks unexciting. Thing is, I am only getting my info from Mids, so I need some input from folks with real experience with it.


Also, I'm thinking of going Leviathan Mastery, mostly so I can have a Coralax. Is that a decent Epic?

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, VV said:

I am plan(t)ning to roll up a Plant/Kin soon, so I will be sure to join you! I have been wanting to roll a Kin since Live, but never really found one that suited me. It seems like Plant/ is a good thing to pair it with. Well, anything would be, I guess, but Plant seems quite different from my Grav controller, so it will be something new for me.


I do have one question, is Carrion Creepers worth taking? It has such a long recharge time. It looks like it only does meh damage, and the slow looks unexciting. Thing is, I am only getting my info from Mids, so I need some input from folks with real experience with it.


Also, I'm thinking of going Leviathan Mastery, mostly so I can have a Coralax. Is that a decent Epic?

Awesome, @VV! We'd love to have you join us on your shiny new plant/kin.  I love plant/ and /kin and the combo is lots of fun!  It's very different than grav, but lots of fun.


Yes, Carrion Creepers is one of those "must have" powers to me.  YMMV, but they are incredible in terms of damage, debuff, and even control (they'll flop baddies around and otherwise keep them busy).  I typically aim for perma Creepers, they're that good!


I haven't tried Leviathan, but I think Coralax is awesome (and so perfect for plant!).  (As an aside, my second favorite Halloween costume is the Coralax one!).


We're a bit off-schedule for the next two weeks due to the holidays falling on Tuesdays, but you are welcome to join us next Thursday (and/or the following Thursday) on your new planter.   After that, we'll be back to Tuesdays and will pick up our TFC accolades on the 7th with Synapse, so you'll want your toon to be at least lvl 15 by then (which will happen in one night with us between now and then!).  Yay! So happy to have you join us!! :)

7 hours ago, Tahliah said:

Yes, Carrion Creepers is one of those "must have" powers to me.  YMMV, but they are incredible in terms of damage, debuff, and even control (they'll flop baddies around and otherwise keep them busy).  I typically aim for perma Creepers, they're that good!

Oh, maybe I misunderstood what they do. I got the impression that they were stationary. Do they move around?


Don't know if I'll ever be able to run with the sg (off times and limited hours for gaming) but we're going to build a Plant/Therm and maybe Plant/Storm.  Vicarious reading only goes so far. 😄

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, VV said:

Oh, maybe I misunderstood what they do. I got the impression that they were stationary. Do they move around?

Yes, Carrion Creepers swirl and bat around, smacking baddies and generally being marvelous!  You can see them in the last of @krj12's screenies above.  They are the tall viney looking things toward the back of the shot. 


One great thing about all the respecs we get on Homecoming is that you can try all of the powers as you level and then respec out of them later if you don't like them or find you no longer need them.  I typically will respec out of Spirit Tree, for example, on post 50 plant trolls because by that time, it's just not needed on teams any longer.  Everyone has their incarnates rocking and the minor heals from ST are not even noticed. 

Edited by Tahliah
1 hour ago, Doomguide2005 said:

Don't know if I'll ever be able to run with the sg (off times and limited hours for gaming) but we're going to build a Plant/Therm and maybe Plant/Storm.  Vicarious reading only goes so far. 😄

We typically only run for two to three hours once a week, but I get that 9 p.m. EST on Tuesdays (Thursdays for the next two weeks) might be a bad/off time for you for any number of reasons.  That said, if you and/or your friend are ever on while we are running, you are both more than welcome to join us and experience the real thing!  :P

On 12/20/2019 at 6:13 AM, VV said:

Oh, maybe I misunderstood what they do. I got the impression that they were stationary. Do they move around?

So, Creepers spawns an invisible pseudopet that follows you around for the duration and spawns the vines - its slower than you are, so it has a bit of a delay when you start fighting a new group, but it will turn up until the power expires.

And yes, it's not an optional power for Plant - it comprises a fair amount of your AoE damage.


You can slot it a fair number of ways - my preferred is 5 damage procs and a single recharge IO - that gets it close to permanent damage and basically murders groups.

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

Don't know if I'll ever be able to run with the sg (off times and limited hours for gaming) but we're going to build a Plant/Therm and maybe Plant/Storm.  Vicarious reading only goes so far. 😄

As one of the plant/storms in the group - it's a monster of a combination;)

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