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You know you have found your main...


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When you have 1200+ merits because you have every set you want and you do not farm.


You have even more vanguard merits.


And more badges than Empyrean Merits.


You have T4 incarnates for everything plus extras T4s like different pets.


Also, probably means you play too much. 😛

Edited by KaizenSoze
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Is there such a thing as playing too much?   Congrats on finding your main.

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Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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I have three level 50 characters so far, with a few still coming through the ranks, and I have yet to decide which will be my standard bearer for the long haul.  I love that it is such a difficult decision, made even more so by the fact that I love playing them all in different ways.

What was no more, is REBORN!

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Here's another way to identify your main:  when you log in, see a group of your friends already teamed, and join them, and someone suggests that for the difficult  mission they have in mind, you should switch -- but they don't suggest a name or powerset.  Instead, they just say, "Get him" (or "Get her.")

Edited by Sailboat
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I can't identify a main.  My farmer has the most time logged so far but that's because I am getting her outfitted for her job lol once that's done she may come out once every week or two and I will play the ones I have yet to get to know!  (Yes they all have personalities of their own lol)

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