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Safe Mode Client Discontinuation FAQ (READ THIS IF YOU USE SAFE MODE)

The Curator

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As we’ve mentioned in the past, the Safe Mode client was a temporary measure to be used during our transition to the new client (labelled as 32-Bit and 64-Bit in Tequila / Island Rum). We will soon be ending support for the Safe Mode client entirely - please read the FAQ below for more information on this.


Why are you doing this?
Maintaining both the new (32-Bit / 64-Bit) and old (Safe Mode) clients in parallel is very time consuming severely limits our development capabilities. In order to move the game forwards we need to fully switch over to the new client.


The new client doesn’t work for me!
Ok! If that’s the case, then you need to tell us why. Without reports, we aren’t able to fix your issues.


If you’re not able to run either the new 32-Bit or 64-Bit client on the Beta server please post in this thread if you need support with Windows or post in this thread if you need support with Mac OS X. Not everyone will be able to run both 64-Bit and 32-Bit, as long as one works you’re fine.


Please read this if you need help accessing the Beta server.


When will Safe Mode disappear entirely?
It’ll likely be early this year - we don’t have an exact date right now. If you are having issues with the new client, please let us know as soon as possible.

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Since today it has been impossible to play CoX. Double click on the icon, Tequila it launches but almost instantaneously it turns off. 
I tried with the compatibility but nothing (at the same time I didn't modify my windows). 
I tried the administrator mode, it doesn't work either. 
I tried to launch from homecoming.exe/homecoming-beta.exe/tequila.exe which are in the game folder, well guess...it doesn't work^^^ 
Small difference on my pc, two days ago I changed my graphic card. My 3gb gave up the ghost, I replaced it by an 8gb. It worked great with the new card until yesterday and today it refused to start. 
For info except CoX, all my games work perfectly. 

I just tried this

But it doesn't work because the tequila page stops instantly.


  Sorry, I'm French, I speak bad English and I use this translator.--------->Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Edited by Blyzzard
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  • City Council
1 hour ago, Blyzzard said:

Since today it has been impossible to play CoX. Double click on the icon, Tequila it launches but almost instantaneously it turns off. 
I tried with the compatibility but nothing (at the same time I didn't modify my windows). 
I tried the administrator mode, it doesn't work either. 
I tried to launch from homecoming.exe/homecoming-beta.exe/tequila.exe which are in the game folder, well guess...it doesn't work^^^ 
Small difference on my pc, two days ago I changed my graphic card. My 3gb gave up the ghost, I replaced it by an 8gb. It worked great with the new card until yesterday and today it refused to start. 
For info except CoX, all my games work perfectly. 

I just tried this

But it doesn't work because the tequila page stops instantly.


  Sorry, I'm French, I speak bad English and I use this translator.--------->Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Hi Blyzzard,


What you are describing generally is a result of actions being taken by anti-virus software due to a false positive detection. Since that is the case, the first thing I would try is whitelisting the directory where you have COH saved within the anti-virus software. How this is done is different for each of them so, I would refer you to that program’s documentation.

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My issue isn't that I can't run the new 32-bit client, its that the new 32-bit client is unstable and frequently crashes. Which is to say, I'm a guaranteed to crash once a night if I play for more than an hour. By contrast the old version of CoH (and current Safe Mode) crashed less than once a month. Given that it's only been four months since the 64-bit update—a short window even for a professional development studio—yanking Safe Mode seems remarkably premature.

Edited by Ulysses Dare
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My issue is Steam Controller Support.  Safe Mode supports the Steam Controller, the rest don't.


Back in November Manga was my heads up that this was coming. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12648-safe-mode-client-may-be-going-away-soon/?tab=comments#comment-130412

After realizing that resistance was futile, I returned/ramped-up my modern gaming. 


If you like the "Model T" adding a modern air conditioning system would be nice but not at the expense of having the car. The "Model T" and  Tesla's "Model S"  have different niches. 


I don't see how "development" is going to draw in the masses.  Yesterday I was playing a modern game and a teammate commented about my screen name about how much fun coh/cov was. I let them know that actually its been back for almost a year... 



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  • City Council
18 hours ago, The Curator said:
30 minutes ago, mendel053 said:

Hi I'm also not able to access on my mac, I used to use that "safe mode" option but now it's not available for some reason? Is that possible to get back?

Safe Mode is gone from Tequila and I can’t play!
Swap Tequila / Island Rum to the Safe Mode manifest ( http://patch.savecoh.com/safemode.xml ) in order to continue playing for now. If you need instructions on how to add a manifest to Tequila, look at this post.


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As per this post of mine, both 32 and 64 bit clients crash after an hour or so of play. This was not the case until recently, and only Safe Mode remains able to stay cownected for any length of time. I've added a crash report from just now of it doing so, and my entire folder of prior reports further up. I've done a full RAM test and nothing appeared.

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  • City Council
2 hours ago, ILIWAPCT said:

My issue is Steam Controller Support.  Safe Mode supports the Steam Controller, the rest don't.

Can you give us any details other than "Doesn't support it". The only reference to this I could find on the forums is this:

However there doesn't seem to be much there beyond "it doesn't work, use safe mode".


Can you provide some details about exactly what you've tried and what happens? Doesn't show up in the controller list? Shows up but doesn't respond to input? Buttons don't map properly? Something else? We need detailed information to have a chance of solving the problem.

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  • City Council
1 hour ago, BovineAvenger said:

As per this post of mine, both 32 and 64 bit clients crash after an hour or so of play. This was not the case until recently, and only Safe Mode remains able to stay cownected for any length of time. I've added a crash report from just now of it doing so, and my entire folder of prior reports further up. I've done a full RAM test and nothing appeared.

I looked at your latest crash report and it's in the PhysX DLL again, which means we have zero visibility into what's going wrong. There doesn't seem to be anyone else that I'm aware of suffering from the same issue, so the most likely cause is something system-specific that's interfering with it.


One difference between the two is that the 64-bit and 32-bit clients use a slightly newer version of PhysX that is supposed to contain bug fixes. However the old one should be compatible, so I'd like to have you try copying the older physx DLLs from the root of the COH installation into the hc-bin32 directory and running the 32-bit client to see if it makes a difference. That will be somewhat difficult since Tequila annoyingly overwrites modified files every time you run it, so it will take setting up a shortcut to run it without the launcher for testing.

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1 hour ago, death_jester said:

MY Graphics card doesn't support Open GL. I ran a shim for a while until a patch in August 2019 rendered it obsolete, that is when tech support told me to run in safe mode, which worked, until now.

Which graphics card is it?  Can you make a ticket in Support with your system specs?


That's not a coincidence - August 2019 was when the 64-bit client was made available for the first time on Homecoming.  It also came with a note concerning Safe Mode:


You should only use this if you run into problems with the other two versions, and you should let us know what the problems were.

While folks don't read patch notes every time they play, it's been mentioned elsewhere that this was coming down the line.  This change hopefully gets people to speak up if they are having issues so we have more work where it is needed.

Formerly a bunch of things that didn't work out.  Inactive account.  Not likely to return.

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Perhaps an in-game GMotD would be a good place to repeat the announcement.  Perhaps as a second, separate pop-up with a 5 second timer before it can be closed, since I imagine most people have grown use to the monthly GMotDs and just close them right away now.

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I had all sorts of problems until I redownloaded the entire game. It seems tequila doesn't verify broken and corrupted files that well because everything worked just fine for me after deleting everything but the tequila launcher and having it download clean files.


edit: Also if you're crashing alot do you alt tab while playing or run in windowed mode? I find that when I tab back in the games fps sometimes gets choppy and frames drop until I tab back in and click the screen. When the frames keep dropping like that the game will eventually crash but this is how I work around that crash from happening.

Edited by Noyjitat
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On our MAC we played on Safemode in Island Rum, as the 32 and 64 Bit versions didn't work. Now that it is gone, we can't play on our other laptop. 


Attempts to launch the 64 Bit version result in a box that says "this launcher may not work properly" when I click Launch Anyway, nothing happens.


Launching the 32 bit version gets a Program Error box saying "The program cityofheroes.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." There are Program Error Details, attached below in a word doc.




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4 hours ago, Number Six said:

I looked at your latest crash report and it's in the PhysX DLL again, which means we have zero visibility into what's going wrong. There doesn't seem to be anyone else that I'm aware of suffering from the same issue, so the most likely cause is something system-specific that's interfering with it.


One difference between the two is that the 64-bit and 32-bit clients use a slightly newer version of PhysX that is supposed to contain bug fixes. However the old one should be compatible, so I'd like to have you try copying the older physx DLLs from the root of the COH installation into the hc-bin32 directory and running the 32-bit client to see if it makes a difference. That will be somewhat difficult since Tequila annoyingly overwrites modified files every time you run it, so it will take setting up a shortcut to run it without the launcher for testing.


Happy to test this; I've tried running both "Homecoming.exe", "Homecoming_Beta.exe" and "Score.ex" and all crash after the CoH title splash screen (where it would open the Log In details). How would you recommend setting up a short cut that by-passes the Launcher then please?

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4 minutes ago, Number Six said:

Use the safe mode manifest from the first post in this thread. What version of MacOS?

When I click on the Link for safemode manifest it takes me to a page with a bunch of code that I don't know what to do with.
The instructions listed underneath that first post appear to be about adding manifest to Tequila, not to Island Rum. 
I don't have Tequila on the Mac, so the very detailed step-by-step instructions aren't applicable to my problem. At least, not as far as I can tell.

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  • City Council
6 minutes ago, moonboy said:

Thanks. Figured it out. It was similar enough. Wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. 

Will this option remain, or will this be going away at some point?

It will be going away at some point, but the reason for moving it to a separate manifest was to get a feel for how many people are using it and get them to report what issues they're having, so that we can work on fixing them before it goes away.


The specific one you're running into seems to be related to the way it's being launched on older versions of MacOS (10.12 and earlier). I'm in contact with one other person who's experiencing the same issue and is working with me to try and pin down whether it's a problem with the game client that we can fix, or if it's a launcher issue we'll need to get the Island Rum author to address.

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Unfortunately, cityofheroes-beta encountered an unexpected error and must close.

The error occurred in ntdll.dll at relative address 0x32a13



That is what I get as soon as I try to open HC-Beta 32


HC-Beta 64 attempts to open and then I immediately get the "Windows is Searching for a solution" thing.


I run on WIndows 7.

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