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Bleyszen Lord

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Angel Red


Protector was my home server, but I met Dramen at HeroCon and re-rolled my main on Justice so I could play with him online along with a bunch of others he introduced me to.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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I don't know about Justice, but just.... thank you  Thank you all and you are superior


I don't have enough F*uck Yeahs to express my delight at discovering its back


I feel like I owe someone a lot of good alcohol.

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Former Hero Mains:

  • Frost Maiden X (Ice/Ice Blaster)
  • Miss Triage (Empathy/Dark Defender)


Former Villain Main:

  • Epsilon Thirteen (Claws/Dark Stalker)


Current Main on Torchbearer:

  • Hesperus (Night Widow)

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Hello boys and girls.  Lomyril, checking in.  You may also have known me as Lomwyn.  My main was a level 50 Peacebringer on Justice.


I just want to know when someone will make the Justice Badges chat channel in the game.  =)


I'm currently on Torchbearer server with my toons.


Here's my old info from CityInfoTracker.  Sadly, as of this writing I last logged in 2,365 days ago (about 6.5 years ago) for my main.  Luckily, I'm slowly leveling up and gearing my new Peacebringer.  The delay is caused by having fun with all the alts I've been making!



"The Sky is not the limit to Mastery, for (as any science fiction enthusiast can tell you) there are infinite worlds left to explore once the sky is left behind." From "Role Playing Mastery", by Gary Gygax.

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Lil Mac (ill/emp troller)

Lil Mac's Mom (ws)

Maj Mal Function (merc/trap mm)

Totally Insane (kat/regen scrap)

Chosen One (emp/rad def)

plus many others...


Member of the SG: Drow


I'm not dangerously unbalanced...

I'm gracefully insane!

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@PSLAnimal, running my main of the same name as Justice's Sexiest Tank.


Now this guy I remember!  Mostly just had a couple of Tanks on Justice for TT's.  I wish I could remember which ones they were.  @PapaSlade then...@PapaSlade now

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