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Just a couple power idea's

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I had thought that it would be nice if hasten was an autofire power. Most everyone takes the power and puts it on a control autofire, but thinking that you could use that for another power such as a heal or buff. Another thought is possibly making the fighting pool inherent like they did long ago with the fitness pool. I maybe the only one who hates to take boxing or kick just to get tough and weave. I feel like I'm wasting a power and opportunities. The final idea I had was for kheldians to have the second (squid) and third (tank) forms to have built in 2 or 3 slots for each abilities or form, since it takes so many enhancements to use all three forms balanced. Just to be clear I am grateful and happy this game came back into my life. It may sound sappy, but I have felt a tremendous loss when this game was taken away. Thank all of you for what you do.

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Hasten is a real hot button issue. Any change whatsoever is met with pitchforks usually. That being said its not as essential as it once was and i rarely use it myself.


As far as the fighting pool goes. Most mmos that feature skill trees force you to choose weaker abilities early on in the tree to unlock the more effective ones later. This is fairly normal and accepted as a standard. Changing this pool to inherent sets a dangerous precedent. For example nearly all support AT's take the leadership pool, should this also become inherent? 


I personally use a pure human form kheldian and find him to be terribly powerful as is. Built and played properly kheldians are quite good on their own. Adding more slots to just one AT is unfair to other AT's and is a definite power creep. 


Finally, welcome back. Its great to see you again. We hope you stay awhile to kil skuls.

Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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Only 40% of my characters touch the Fighting pool at all. 


Tough/Weave are not even close to required. 

You may choose to take them on all your characters, but that is your choice, and some choices come at a cost.


Also, having Hasten autofire is a thing that I would not want uuntil / unless I was ready for it.

Like, "Increase # of Autocast powers to 2"?   I could probably support that. 

Have Hasten always be autocast?  No.  Just burns my low level characters out of END before they're ready or wastes it if I don't have enough Recharge to perma it.

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10 hours ago, ChickenLittle said:

Just to be clear I am grateful and happy this game came back into my life. It may sound sappy, but I have felt a tremendous loss when this game was taken away. Thank all of you for what you do.

Good to have ya back!

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I know you've gotten some pushback from posters in this thread, but Hasten is as the previous poster pointed out, a hot button. I am one of the ones who uses Hasten in legitimately 100% of my builds to "push" the game to its absolute limits. I find it fun to do stupidly broken/OP strategies/ideas on mobs and get recognized for the roles I play on teams/activities. Seeing how the statistics indicates that approximately 80% of level 50s utilize Hasten for one reason or another, I think that DOES show that it is still very heavily used as well. Here are my thoughts as a very active Hasten user: you cannot please everyone. There are many builds based around Hasten (Dominators, Blasters, certain (read: LOTS) Defenders, Controllers, etc.) changing a power these people are familiar with and making it either weaker or better can heavily impact their build and cause it to become inferior. In the present state of the game, I think Hasten just is what it is, and doesn't really need a ton of changing though I'm not going to throw out pitchforks UNLESS someone recommends something that reduces its recharge bonus/uptime.


I'm going to disagree with some posters here and say I agree with you that Kheldians SHOULD gain more slots. In fact, I think Kheldians as a whole NEED a buff pretty badly because of their horrid ST capability. Their damage is very weak for their activation times. The perception of "feeling powerful" doesn't always translate to how powerful it actually is.

10 hours ago, MTeague said:

Like, "Increase # of Autocast powers to 2"?   I could probably support that. 

Not quite the same thing, but there IS a way to autofire two powers at once (kind of) it works very well for those interested in having something like Domination + Hasten or Ageless + Hasten on "auto" via movement key binding. 

Edited by Zeraphia
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Welcome back. As for the ideas,

1. I have hasten on very few builds. Those I do have it on, I have few I put it on auto on. I'd rather have control over that END hit.

2. Tough and Weave are not that universal - another "have it on very few builds" here, myself - and I'd like to avoid power creep, thanks.

3. More slots for Khelds would probably break things, given how the code is 🙂 Also, note that sets slotted into forms *still have their bonuses in effect* even while not in that form - that could be "just too much." I'm not necessarily *against* it, I'm just half wondering what all would break.

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There are many threads about hasten, pools and Kheldians in the sub sections to peruse, with many opinions concerning each.


Glad to have a returning player! At this time I must no vote the ideas and I encourage a dive into the previous related threads for reasons why.

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Hasten is perceived as being more powerful than it is. However, any reduction would require significant changes to 3-9 powers (depending on powersets - ironically, Temporal Manipulation is one of the sets that needs Hasten the most) in each control and support powerset. DpS rarely benefits much, if at all, from Hasten (although many believe they benefit). As such, reductions would be more harmful to the ATs that are already suffering from the overall shift in emphasis to DpS.

Tough & Weave are very good powers, but often the sacrifice of the boxing powerslot is difficult. They are less important on melee toons and my proposal for a Pool Power makeover would actually address that issue as part of an overall adjustment/realignment of pool powers.

Kheldians, adding one slot to form powers would be an extra 10 slots for tri-form builds and encourage human-only builds to take the forms as mules. (I mean, I could get +15% runspeed, +3% Defense, TP protection, +57% Regen, an absorb shield, +12% Recovery, +2.25% Psi/Tox res, +3.75% Mez Res, 20% Slow Res, and 4pt KB reduction from two powers that basically become auto if I don't use them?) While I understand that Kheldians have slotting difficulty, this solution may be a little too powerful.

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Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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5 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

I'm going to disagree with some posters here and say I agree with you that Kheldians SHOULD gain more slots. In fact, I think Kheldians as a whole NEED a buff pretty badly because of their horrid ST capability. Their damage is very weak for their activation times. The perception of "feeling powerful" doesn't always translate to how powerful it actually is.

I can only speak for WS, but I would agree that the Archetype needs a pass. Not necessrialy a blanket buff, but some holes need to be filled in. There also an AT that really relies on being pretty well slotted out to be effective. Extra slots possibly would be a bit too much, but ATM they are too pure burst, and AoE burst dependent on lots of enemies in range (and dead enemies in range for healing).

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