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Automatic Block Feature with Specific Phrasing

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Thing is . . . those other people wouldn't know if their words were being filtered unless they get told so.  If they're unaware they're getting filtered, then they have no real impetus to try and change up their words.  That's the beauty of a client-side filter; it's on the client's side.

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1 hour ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

Thing is . . . those other people wouldn't know if their words were being filtered unless they get told so.  If they're unaware they're getting filtered, then they have no real impetus to try and change up their words.  That's the beauty of a client-side filter; it's on the client's side.

... are you arguing for or against that? 🙂

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2 hours ago, EmmySky said:

Regarding dev time:  might it be quicker/simpler to add keywords to the existing filter?  Add MAGA and COVID and the n word if its not in there already.  I believe I read somewhere that attempting to circumvent the filter is a violation of some sort so let people dig their own holes.  

It would be a heck of a can of worms to open, for the dev team or GMs to decide what language is and isn't acceptable. Political language is broad and complicated. Blocking 'vote Gary' but not 'vote Greg' would be a disaster.*


It would have to be clientside, leaving it up to the individual what they want to tune in and out of.


It would be a lot of work for the player, I wouldn't use it myself, but I can appreciate the virtue of a system. It would mean players can try to block topics rather than people, which is a much more neutral way to control what you see.



*Sorry to anyone who might be in the midst of a heated, controversial Gary vs Greg election. I did try to google this to make sure it wasn't happening.

Edited by Lines
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I think this just sounds unnecessarily complicated because we already have a profanity filter and an ignore feature. Adding single words and phrases to a filter list in order to cover everything you don't want to hear is extremely cumbersome, and if the whole message gets filtered based on a keyword, you'll probably end up filtering out mostly neutral chat with a longer list. Personally, I just don't really see any added value in this as you can already permanently rid yourself of trolls and idiots via /gignore, which is much more effective than a list of keywords to filter out certain vaguely defined topics usually discussed by trolls and idiots.

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8 hours ago, Lines said:

It would be a heck of a can of worms to open, for the dev team or GMs to decide what language is and isn't acceptable.

They already are doing this.  If you create any character with a variation of COVID in the name, it will get reported and they will change it. 

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2 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

They already are doing this.  If you create any character with a variation of COVID in the name, it will get reported and they will change it. 


That's fine!  I'll just use SARS-COV2...  :classic_wink:

I'm all for profanity filtration, even if I'm a BIT uncontrolled with my language at times too.
Then again, this is why we HAVE the profanity filter.

I'm also nominally in favor of the "No politics" rule.
Unfortunately, I'm smart enough to realize that politics has infested pretty much EVERYTHING these days.  It's like a case of herpes.  Inconvenient, uncomfortable and simply WILL NOT GO AWAY.

This being said, do I want the devs diving headlong into Project Censorship 4 All?
Hell the **** NO!

It's a bottomless pit once you start.

For the most part, everyone here is an adult (or at least pretending to be).
Sticks and stones.

At some point, someone's going to say SOMETHING offensive to you in your life.
You have no inalienable right not to be offended by something you dislike.

Yes.  If someone's breaking the rules here, report it.  But on a personal level, just cope.

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A feature in which the player can personally add or subtract from the list of words on their own profanity filter seems reasonable though I wouldn’t personally use it. 

Would it apply to GM speech as well or is their format of messaging immune?

Edited by arcaneholocaust
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43 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

Would it apply to GM speech as well or is their format of messaging immune?

Is that even a question?

Of course any notices / messages from the GM's are going to come through unfiltered.


If a GM is telling someone they're crossing a line and to stop, if the tells were quashed by this filter, that person would probably end up with a much more severe action / ban than if they saw the GM's warning and ceased and desisted on the first warning.

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11 minutes ago, MTeague said:

Is that even a question?

Of course any notices / messages from the GM's are going to come through unfiltered.


If a GM is telling someone they're crossing a line and to stop, if the tells were quashed by this filter, that person would probably end up with a much more severe action / ban than if they saw the GM's warning and ceased and desisted on the first warning.

Of course. Just thinking out loud since the GM’s have waded into political messaging like that discussed in some posts here in recent months. 

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37 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

Of course. Just thinking out loud since the GM’s have waded into political messaging like that discussed in some posts here in recent months. 

In that topic a few weeks ago I spoke up against that MOTD because it was setting a precedent in game where now, if you really did a deep dive into BLM, fringe ideals were going to be promoted so now would they allow counter arguments?


On my console any game that had that messaging I uninstalled but I care about this one too much so I voiced my concern.  That MOTD has since been removed in the last week if you hadn't noticed and I don't doubt there was good intent behind the team in this regard.  It was a rush to say something so that they may not have been bullied into anything so I don't begrudge any missteps since the intent wasn't malicious.  


I think you're harping on something they've come to realize.  

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On 7/9/2020 at 3:10 PM, Bill Z Bubba said:

Global channel? Removed. LFG channel, only viewed if I'm bored.

Broadcast stuff I don't wanna see? Get global name and gignore.

People can not be reasoned out of beliefs they didn't reason themselves into and I'm far too old to give any of them a single moment's thought in a game I play.

I don't need extra code added for something I can so easily control myself.

But we'll all choose our own path on that.

Agreed. I don't think it's worth the limited dev time this team has. That's perfectly reasonable to say.

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4 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

The biggest one for me (that is, phrase I'd want automagically blocked) is..ANYTHING that mentions AE. I am sick of people (usually the same toon) begging for AE hour after hour.

But can you PL Meh now?


If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

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