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My questions about servers and a million other things as a returning enthusiast!


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45 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Find contact + teleport to contact.  


This game is just gold.


Thank you so much.



'Not gonna be all spoilery... BUT... After you've run through Laura's arc once? Go to Ouro and run it again.

And keep an eye out for something you didn't come across the first time around. ^_^

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Also, keep a hanky handy. Just saying.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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21 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

What's Ouro.


I swear I've played this game before,  😕

Ouroboros, just ask someone in game to drop a portal for you.  Or run Doc Delilah's arc in Faultline or about a gazillion other ways to get there seems like.  


You can run just about any story arc you have out leveled  as a "flashback" from there.

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3 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Self reliance is sexy!

The fastest way to get an Ouroboros portal (at level 1, even though you can't even use it at that level) is to use a base teleporter to go to Echo: Galaxy City, then go to Ouroboros through the tram. That'll put you in the back of the zone, so you just go to the top of the sundial to get the exploration badge and get your portal.


Since bases are free, can be made at level 1, and you don't need to unlock beacons anymore, you can do this on anyone.


Edit to add: it's in one of the loading screen hints, but if you didn't know you can also use "/altinvite {character name}" to invite your alts to a super group without needing someone else.

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Using this awesome thread again for another quick question:  Are there unlockable costume pieces? I saw someone pass by yesterday and thought "this is EXACTLY" what I need for my Beast MM character so I went to the trainer, hit the Customize Appearance thing and I've looked and looked, never found it.


This is keeping me awake at night.

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17 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Using this awesome thread again for another quick question:  Are there unlockable costume pieces? I saw someone pass by yesterday and thought "this is EXACTLY" what I need for my Beast MM character so I went to the trainer, hit the Customize Appearance thing and I've looked and looked, never found it.


This is keeping me awake at night.

There were on live, but Homecoming removed the unlock requirements for all costume pieces, so you have access to virtually everything from the get-go.

I say virtually everything, because the only thing you actually can't use is the Crab Spider backpack, unless of course you are an Arachnos Soldier who went with the Crab Spider path.

Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

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Thanks for the answer!


What I actually saw was a pair of shorts with a single large ring on them.  My Beast MM character is barbarian/jungle theme (sue me, I'm a sucker for classics) and I use the "barbarian" set from "tops/bottoms with skin" but these shorts I was would work so much better!


I guess I'll look again!

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It's similar to what you show there but is was a complete short.


Edit: Then again, maybe it was a combination of that belt and a short.  I will have to try things.


And my Beast MM is not a Tarzan, but a Jane, so it's all good 🙂

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The belt was in the right.


What I don't like about the barbarian female shorts is that they look more like lingerie and it's just silly. They don't look like something that would be worn by a jungle-themed character.  A "tarzanette" would either wear fur shorts like you see in all the Conan or He-Man settings, or something very minimal that only covers the "please don't sue us this is not an adult game" bits.  Because, you know, my wolves and lions are quite butt-naked.


The costume piece I was yesterday was of the second category. It covered the frontal area but looked like a thong from behind.


Edit: If I combine that belt with the "thong" color scheme from "bottoms with skin", that might be it.

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Yeah, and I've only been married once, and am still married to that same person.


It's a little funny to me, honestly, in a slightly sad way:  Other than a few roleplayers and the Pride community, I've not really come across many of the players from my Legacy days.  And other than the person who informed me of the initial SCoRE leak and played on Homecoming for about two months then disappeared, I've not run in to much of any of the people who were a part of my core play group or intimate connections.

But I've made new connections and relations, so it's all fine.  Get a little nostalgic from time to time, but enjoying myself with new folks is wonderful too!

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16 minutes ago, FoulVileTerror said:

intimate connections

this thread has taken a daytime drama turn..

just kidding 😃

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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