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First Ever Homecoming Base Contest!

GM Miss

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On 9/12/2020 at 5:01 PM, GM Miss said:
  • Your character name (the character with the red star): Saint Lavitra
  • Your global handle: @Elltenia DelGanis
  • Your Supergroup name: The Church of Eternal Mercy
  • The shard you’re on: Everlasting
  • The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: MERCY-7529
  • The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): @Elltenia DelGanis

The fortress cathedral of the Church of Eternal Mercy. A mix of old world and seemingly Victorian architecture, and more modern technology that recently (and mysteriously) appeared on a small trio of islands off the east coast of the United States. Aside from the large cathedral, there is also a lighthouse and an old fort that houses a small Vanguard presence (which Vanguard themselves have dubbed 'Fort Redemption,'.) There are also tunnels and catacombs that connect Fort Redemption and the cathedral.






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On 9/12/2020 at 4:10 PM, Squidget said:


Character name: Spirit

Global Handle: @Squidget

SG Name: Hallowed Grounds

Shard: Everlasting

Passcode: GHOST-1471

Contributors: None (unless you count me?)

Ok. There are  just no words for this. Win or not, if you don't go see this you are missing out on an incredible experience. Oh and try to get a tour. there is absolutely no way you will be able to see and appreciate everything without a guide.

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Character Name:  Galelleo

Global Name:  @Galelleo

SG:  Interstellar Alliance

Shard:  Excelsior

Base Passcode:  IAEMBASSY-2361

I am the sole contributor to base design for this base.


The basic theme is a ground based embassy for a space-faring alliance, so high tech but inside a well protected structure in a hidden area.
This base is more classic COH editor, done completely inside the original large plot.  Parts of the base are currently under construction, but highlights are: 


The transport room with a custom teleport hub, the operations room,

A secret lounge the entrance to which is hidden behind trees in a smaller lounge with big screens and couches (All work and no play right?)

And the secret lab (not pictured here) which will require the following teleport points be used in the correct order:  Start at heth point in the transport room, then go to yodh, kaph, lamedh, keep selecting lamedh until the option is no longer there, then samekh, and finally daleth.  any other order will not get you to the right location.  The secret lab is small and a bit unorthodox, but different from the main engineering bay and armory, and houses the most powerful equipment of the alliance.


Thank You for your consideration







Edited by voyager2001dl
Forgot to specify whether or not there were other base contributors
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On 9/12/2020 at 4:01 PM, GM Miss said:


  • Your character name (the character with the red star):  Girl Detective
  • Your global handle:@Rubberlad
  • Your Supergroup name:  Blackwood Hall
  • The shard you’re on:  Indomitable
  • The passcode for entering the Supergroup base:  BLACKWOODHALL-7442
  • The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base: Girl Detective (aka @Rubberlad)
  • OPTIONAL: Up to five screenshots of your base : see below for 5 screenshots attached


    "Blackwood Hall" is a mystery/adventure/teen detectives/ sleuths supergroup dedicated to everyone who loves a good mystery! 

    With nods to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, Silent Hill, The Haunting of Hill House and Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None

    (ie. Can you find the 10 body bags hidden in the shadows of the ghostly estate...?

    Bonus points if you can figure out HOW they died.... It'll be pretty obvious if you find them, lol).


    There are four main areas - 

     - The Cemetery (Entry Area / Clues to Other Areas)

     - Blackwood Hall Estate (MedBay, Ouroboros Crystal)

     - Archaeological Dig Site (Teleporters and NPCs)

     - Garden Maze (Crafting Workshop and Storage)

    Plus four *hidden* areas only accessible via beacon portals (no screenshots provided so folks can be pleasantly surprised while exploring the estate...)

    (so find the right secret passage or fall through the wrong trap door and you may discover...)

    - The Estate's Great Hall   

    - The Secret Church

    - The Phantom's Hideout

    - The Sinister Wine Cellar

  All locations are built for exploration, sightseeing and sleuthy selfies galore! 

  Feel free to tp in, and immerse yourself in the mystery and adventure of Blackwood Hall....! 

    Have fun exploring the estate (and searching for the Phantom at BLACKWOOD HALL!!!)

    Happy Halloween!








Edited by Rubberlad
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  • Character name: Valkyrie HellFighter
  • Global Handle: @Stop Drop And Lol
  • SG Name: I Have No Idea
  • Shard: Indomitable
  • Passcode: WTF-512
  • Contributor: @BlackOleander (100% of her work!🙂)

Our beloved base builder has created 5 layers of biome (not including the main base floor) to experience the beauty of Earth from top to bottom 😉

Aleph: Space

Beth: Terra

Daleth: Water

Gimel: Swamp

Kaph: Lava

IHNI - Pond 2.jpg

IHNI - Gimel 3.jpg

IHNI - Aleph 2.jpg

IHNI - Beth 1.jpg

IHNI - Kaph 1.jpg

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"Sey lives on a Pirate Ship near Rogue and Peregrine Isles with her loyal and fiercely protective friends, the Clocks."


Character name: Bella Isles
Global handle: @Seychelles
Supergroup name: SEYCHELLES
Shard: Torchbearer 
Passcode: SEYCHELLES-3949
Base engineers: @seychelles, @Ancient Ones Maid, @Photon Kitty, @Solar Arc, @So sus

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A nice relaxing place to sit for a spell, reflect on your deeds of the day, and prepare to do what must be done 🙂

  • Your character name: Temporal
  • Your global handle: AristoMachus
  • Your Supergroup name: Phoenix Force
  • The shard you’re on: Reunion
  • The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: PF-2837
  • Contributors: Me

Screenshot 2020-10-27 230907.png


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Reunion: Proximus, Aristomachus, Temporal, Vanadium, Visceral, tenet, Resolve

Formerly of Guardian and Pinnacle

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  • Character Name: AN-D257
  • Global: @JelloMold (sole contributor)
  • Supergroup: Aegis House
  • Shard: Everlasting
  • Passcode: Aegis-10808

Aegis House is a non-profit living-learning center for metahuman youth and young adults located on the top floors of the Rogers building in Steel Canyon. The lower floor features the med bay, transportation hangar, assembly hall, administration, laundry, commons area with kitchen (Image 1, 2), junior dormitories, the garden, the library (Image 3), locker rooms, and the fully equipped rec center (Image 4) with (to-scale!) volleyball, tennis, basketball courts , Olympic size pool with Olympic scale diving platforms, and gym. The second floor features games and media areas, senior dormitories, classrooms, and (restricted access) the magic and tech labs. The roof deck - accessed via either stairwell - features some of the best stargazing in the city and a great spot for a cookout.


The one semi-hidden feature is the portal (Image 5) in the magic lab on the second floor. It leads to three alternate dimensions, but the destinations are randomized so it may take a good deal of clicking to see them all (and to get back to the safety of the lab).






Edited by JelloMold
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Your character name (the character with the red star): Termyt
Your global handle: @termyt
Your Supergroup name: Friends of Ouph
The shard you’re on: Everlasting
The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: foo-602
The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): @termyt








There are many features of the base that I am very happy with, far too many to show in a few pictures.  The base requires a lot of exploration to find them all.    All 10 inner-base TP locations are in use with several portals to let you explore them.


The above-ground area has all the amenities a base requires and allows for quick access to trainers, stores, and, of course, TP pads.  Highlights include the Lantern Festival, the Colosseum, the hot springs, and the Sky Lounge. 


Take a walk on the arcade and take in a movie or perhaps a show at the theater.  Browse the books in the library (don't forget to visit the library basement - but beware the librarian), or take a swim in the park and walk along the stream.  Points of interest include the pool, the chapel, the subway and the catacombs (if you can find them).  


If you are up for challenging your stamina, climb the Stairway to Heaven or jump from A-Bomb's Leap.  


Whatever you do and whereever you go, I hope to can always observe the first rule of Ouph - Have Fun.  Bring along a friend, because the second rule is, the first to die buys the first round of drinks.

Edited by termyt
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  • Harrowblade (SG Leader)
  • @Phoebus Imago (Global handle)
  • Grimmsel College (SG name)
  • Everlasting (Shard)
  • GRIMMSEL-8446
  • Harrowblade (@Phoebus Imago: solo builder)
  • Grimmsel College  arose from the old days, when beautiful and puissant lords and ladies of the gentry held court over the 'lesser people,' over their human bondsmen and wards and slaves, and paid homage to the Summer Queen and everything was perfect, everyone rejoiced, and everyone had endless days of wine and roses.  Like all things made of glamour, it was all illusion.  


    You've read the stories.  You know how things go among fairies.  Imagine how bad bad can get when there are no limits of a soul to confine the appetites, when a human can be tricked into service for ten thousand years, babies can be abducted from their cribs and replaced with dying monsters, when toothsome youths and maidens can be stolen to dance all night long forever, forever, with no dawn in sight.

    The truth was worse than that, there.  But then something happened, something truly magical: this Court changed.

    Most of the unendurable things of this world are toppled over by the foundation-shaking anger of the oppressed below.  Not so at that Court, at that time and place. The ones with power gave up their power.  The ones who were bound found their chains were broken.  The ones who wanted to leave had freedom to go and prosper.  The ones who stayed for love brought in others to love.  Something new and different was being born.  This new Court called itself Grimmsel College.

    Other faerie courts were shocked and disgusted by these new-turned "Collegians" and their decision to dismiss notions of 'high' and 'low,' to live together as equals, learn from each other, teach one another, and make common cause for each other's protection, health, and dignity.  Those are the vows the Collegians swear to.

    Today there is no real way to differentiate between Grimmsel Collegians who are human-born, goblin-bred, sidhe-redcap-nephil-born, rakshasa-dwarf-drinda-wrought, Hell-spawned or burped up into the world by the will of God.  They welcome all and turn away none.  Distrustful of the Elder, 'pure-blooded' fairy creatures, shy with witches and mages, and harboring a shocking amount of power in their midst, they confine their home turf to a single lost and hidden street in The Flop area of St. Martial.

  • The following are pictures taken of the Collegians' base of operations, Brierwood Street, St. Martial, the Rogue Isles.  Points of interest include:

The Decrepit Medbay
The Tree Root Teleporters
The Apothecary
The Orpheum Theater
The Farmer's Market
The Imps' Sanctuary
John Barleycorn's Pub
The Park
The Thieves Guild Warehouse
Banshee's Laundry Service
The Smuggler's Canal
(below in a basement entered opposite the park) The Burrows of the Red Branch Brothers
AND: various buildings that the Collegians have appropriated for their use, both enterable and non-enterable.


  • Please note that the street is seasonally decorated: currently for Fall (Sept.-Nov), but in December: Winter, in March: Spring, and in June: Summer.
  • This base and supergroup is a work in progress: new members of magically-other-touched or human nature are always welcome.  Chat @Phoebus Imago for more information.


BBC20 Entry 1.png


BBC20 Entry 2.png





BBC20 Entry 3.png





BBC Entry 5.png


BBC20 Entry 4.png

Edited by Phoebus-Imago
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Wolfgangsmergnof created everything but the pee statue that was created by @NuclearWynter.


The Base is Huge from below the bottom to almost the very top of the zone there is a lot to see but you can reach it all without teleporting. Flying helps but is not needed. and yes it is still a work in progress.

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Character Name: Blakanblu

Global Handle: Blakanblu

Supergroup: The FIST of Justice

Shard: Excelsior

Passcode: FIST-705







The FIST of Justice.


Hello GM Miss.


The aspect of the Well of the Furies and the surrounding grounds currently under the stewardship of the FIST of Justice is now open for self-guided tours.

The Well has drawn heroes to it throughout Time and evidence of their passage is scattered around the surrounding area; every artifact a story untold.

Only the surface level has been prepared for guests. The lower levels remain restricted and mostly disguised by an invisibility cloak.

Feel free to stroll the neighborhood where the support staff and their families live in reconditioned buildings that date from the time of the Roman empire.

Explore the Wheelhouse (sounds better than 'Administration Building' or 'Main Office') featuring stone construction from the middle ages.

Browse the Mercantile for that must-have Salvage, Inspiration, Enhancement, Recipe, or whatever else....

Test your conditioning by ascending the ramps through the Crystal Tunnel to the Summit apartments (there are vending machines and bathrooms about halfway up).

Cross under the ancient Druid henge to take a dip in the hot tub, relax by the firepit, or maybe do some snorkelling in the lake to see some ancient (and not so ancient) relics. 

Or maybe you just want to find a nice spot to enjoy one of the streams cascading through the grounds and just... unwind.

Failing that you can hit Bamboo Kat's nightclub for dancing, arcade & billiard action, casino gaming, full bar, and three VIP areas (each floating on its own cloud - assuming all the FX animations play properly). 

The techno-dance-challenged might even find a drum-circle in the woods.

And apparently some of the staff's kids have built a tree-fort. Explains the missing stack of pallets. 


Exploring on foot will reveal more than merely flying about, but there are some aerial views that are pretty cool.

I recommend at least /vis_scale 8 to be able to see details from far off.


There are 2 hidden areas:


To get to the Reading Room, find the hallway that leads to the back of the Mercantile (the big brick building with the rooftop garden) and look for a passageway under the staircase.


To get to the Aquarium: find the Well of the Furies (the pond with the deep blue vortex in the middle) and locate the fallen maiden statue. Walk into the water until you begin to swim and put your left hand on the polearm the fallen maiden is holding (use it as a handrail) then swim along until you drop under water. Keeping your left hand on the wall continue in a clockwise spiral down into the well. You will drop out of the vortex into the Aquarium and resume swimming underwater until you activate the exit teleport-beacon on the floor where you dropped in.







There are a lot of FX animations in this base. A LOT. Hundreds, possibly over 1000. Anyway, sometimes they don't function properly on newer video cards if you are close to the effect, but from across the valley they usually look great. Bubblers/fountains and other Fluid FX in particular, but all the items from all the FX categories (and the torches) have issues. The CoT Waterfall 1 is the worst; it often pulses or just doesn't render. The issue is not related to FPS: they can all look great, or like $h!t, at any frame rate. This is only an issue in the base. Vis_scale (1 all the way to 20) does not seem to affect the FX animations. Any advice on how to mitigate the problem, other than cut way back on the quantity of FX, would be appreciated. 


My Rig:

ASUS TUF Z370+ Gaming MB


i7 9700K CPU


WIN10 64b



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Character: Gizmouse

Global: @Crazy Cat

SG: R.A.T.S.

Shard: Everlasting

Passcode: RATCITY-2259

Gizmouse (@Crazy Cat) - ME! Primary builder

Bilge Rat - Support and base enthusiast, useful screenshot taker!

Cheezi Rat (@Havox) - Support, encouragement, high speed walkway tester.

Operative Mouser (@owt) - Support, encouragement, feedback, useful screenshot taker!

Rock Opossum (@OokySpooks) - Support, critique & idea contributor! 


We are Many and Mighty

We are Fierce and Free

We Are


(Released Animal Test Subjects)



In the late 90s, Arachnos began something called “The Nimh Project” run by a master of masters in the field of genetics and biology, 'Dr. Nimh.' 


The objective of The Nimh Project was to create a disposable rapid response military force, capable of following basic orders and military strategies while maintaining enough autonomy to adapt to dynamic combat situations. Dr. Nimh sought to do this by ‘tweaking’ the genetic code of pre-existing animals, utilizing their natural behaviors and adaptations for military purposes and giving them just enough intelligence and modification to fight.


Then, On May 18th, 2019, Nimh's power plant underwent a catastrophic failure.


As the labs went dark, specimen doors burst open and the halls became filled with shrieks and demands of freedom. Facility staff were too late to learn that this wasn't just a power outage - but a plan of sabotage that had been years in the making by the very subjects they created.


The Escapees fled on make-shift rafts, spreading out throughout the Rogue Islands. Many sought shelter in the old sewers of Port Oaks. But as the exodus of newly freed specimens started crowding into the shanty town, there came a need for organization and infrastructure.


Rat City was born!


Today, word of the city draws in misfits and outcasts who don't fit in to normal society. Citizens of Rat City pride themselves on their independence and resourcefulness, even if a lot of their culture is a shabby copy of what they see on TV.


The city welcomes visitors, but the council of RATS is hesitant to receive military or technological help from surface worlders, for fear of becoming too reliant on them and losing their hard-fought independence.







(Some screenshots taken during EVENTS and includes outsiders and guests! We like to tweak the lights during parties so it may not look the same as when you visit)

Edited by CrazyCat
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Character Name: Gempathy

Global Handle: Gem

SG Name: Blame the Healers

Shard: Indom

Passcode: Indohub-1675


 To the 'left' of Pocket D you'll find the Indohub Dance Club; just a block of clubs with space docking and donuts, floating in the shard. For your amusement, there are 5 exploration badges hidden outside the club. Enjoy!





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I haven't touched my base in a long time and I don't need the merits, but what the heck, let's see how this old thing fares!  It took me about 6 months to make.


Character: Veracor

Global: @Veracor

Supergroup: Simulacrum

Shard: Everlasting

Passcode: SIMULACRUM-6940

Builders: @Veracor


Base description: A massive and mysterious castle on an island of perpetual night, trapped between dimensions, it's little wonder as to why its denizens delved into forbidden magics to escape their prison.  But the dimensions beyond contained friend and foe, and the castle Simulacrum became a martial order of dark magics for little other than its own protection.  Contact and suspicion eventually gave way to contract and politics, and the Simulacrum became partners with several factions of Primal Earth, usually acting as an interdimensional neutral ground.  Nowadays the Simulacrum has opened its extensive library and knowledge for others to peruse in exchange for service, and Arachnos has mostly risen investment in a bid to take over the castle's arcane order.  But Arachnos will find that Simulacrum's rule may be more than they can handle.


Note: This base is huge Perspectives were designed to "cover" all draw distances from a walking/running height on visscale 2.  If you fly or zoom out from the base, you'll want to use visscale 5 to see it all.  It's generally easiest to tour the base floor-by-floor.


The main things that people touring the base often miss are:

  • The castle has an underground three-dimensional labyrinth that is accessed from the upper judgment room on the third floor.  You fall through the square pit of red water and must escape the labyrinth to prove your innocence.  If you get stuck inside geometry in the labyrinth (usually from Super Speeding), use /stuck to appear back at the base entrance.
  • The castle has a teleporter room accessed from the fourth floor, adjacent to the library.  Magic space!
  • The castle has an entrance at the top floor of the tower that leads to a standalone dimension.  The fog in this dimension takes a very long time to kick in for some reason that I can't fix, so this area looks cheesy for a while upon entry.


Minor things often missed when touring:

  • The symbol on the banners indicate which room you're in.
  • There's a swamp-like area near the starting docks.
  • The outside of the castle, past the forest, has a mercenary camp with a cave that has a secret passage into the castle basement.
  • The first floor's chapel room has a secret passage dropping down into the basement.
  • The basement has a not-so-secret passage leading outside behind the waterfall.
  • The basement has a crypt that teleports outside, mostly to avoid backtracking.
  • The second floor has a giant angry robot in the workshop that was mostly made as a joke.
  • The fourth/fifth floor's library contains latin on the floor (which I probably got wrong).
  • The seventh floor (roof of the keep) contains a large scene of Arachnos and Rikti bartering.  Yes, a fair number of people have actually missed this.
  • There's pizzas hidden in tiny crevices around the castle.  I don't actually remember how many, like 6 or 7.  Nobody has found all of them.  Funny, they don't seem to have pineapple on them...


There would be more secret passages and room decor, but I hit the 20k object limit too early.  The labyrinth itself takes up 4k objects, and it was on my schedule to be removed in order to have its object count to populate the rest of the base with.  I never got around to doing this, so enjoy the maze!



(A zoom-out of the main gate)



(The main entrance, floor 1)



(Ground of the library, floors 4 and 5)



(Throne area, sixth floor)



(Entrance of the tower, seventh floor, it's windy up there!)


Edited by Veracor
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@Veracor - Veracor, Bio/TW Tanker on Everlasting.  Retired raid leader.

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This started as a base remake for the wife, and it's totally gotten the better of me. I've been editing for 2 months straight without so much as leveling an alt. Is this a cure for altism, or another form of addiction? The answer is yes, and also yes.


  • Your character name (the character with the red star): Ankh
  • Your global handle: @ankh
  • Your Supergroup name: The Divine
  • The shard you’re on: Excelsior
  • The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: Divine-1512
  • The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base: @ankh


You're going to want to use /visscale 5, and have in-game music on. I also can't account for the performance using lower-end graphics cards when viewing. I've got a gtx 1080 and get around 25-30fps in some areas. I also have a macro available: /macroimage InherentBase_Furnace "Teleport: The Divine Base" "enterbasefrompasscode Divine-1512". This base is still very much a WiP.


This cathedral is known as The Cathedral of Heroic Sacrifice. Below is a description of how it attained this name. (note: in game spoilers below read at your discretion)



It is dedicated to all the heroes in Paragon City who have given up their lives to save others. When the body of Statesman was found, a ceremony for his interment was being conducted in celebration of his life. Several thousand patrons attended the funeral, including notable heroes of the Freedom Phalanx. It was just after the eulogy of Positron, that a temporal distortion ripped the cathedral into a timeless realm. Luckily no one was injured, as time stood still here. No one could die, and even the small pond next to the cathedral never ran out of water despite pouring into the abyss. Another side effect of the time distortion was that no one could leave. It was difficult to tell time since the sun never set, they estimated 7 years had already passed by trapped in this realm. 


This is when the hero known as Ianna proposed using her ability to create portals. She had already created a few within the cathedral itself, but she could not control the time period, nor could she hold it open long enough for all of the citizens to use it. She realized that with enough energy perhaps she could. She begged with the heroes present to lend her their power to do this, knowing full well what would happen to her. They agreed not knowing of the consequence.


As the heroes began transferring power to Ianna, she began glowing brighter and brighter until she became a single point of pure energy. Ianna was able to create permanent one way portals to the correct time period 7 years ago. Everyone rejoiced, profusely thanking the heroes for creating an escape. As the last citizens went home to their loved ones, the heroes began to follow. Just as Positron was about to leave through the portal he realized that Ianna could not share the same fate. Someone had to stay behind to hold the door open, she had become a part of the cathedral itself. He vowed that Ianna would not be left alone.


Once on the other side Positron began making a stable portal able to reach the same point in time that the Cathedral was trapped. It was a success. After having explained the situation, the victims of this occurrence returned, and built a monument befitting of Ianna's sacrifice. To this day both heroes, and citizens return to give thanks









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