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What are your next 3 Alts?


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On 10/10/2020 at 12:45 PM, Uun said:

Started a Dual Pistol/Ninja blaster about a week ago for a themed SG team. Rolled an Archery/TA corruptor about a month ago that's up to lvl 43. I don't have anything planned yet for Page 6.

Now have Uunflammable, a Fire/Nature controller and Uunflappable, a War Mace/Willpower brute (who of course has a bird head and wings).

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  • 4 weeks later
On 11/29/2020 at 9:45 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

Since the last time I saw this thread, I've moved on to a new RP project on Excelsior.


A supergroup called The DEFCON 5.  Five females who formed an elite team to protect the POTUS and the nuclear football, but the team disbanded for unexplained reasons.  Starting as heroes but will switch over via alignment missions at level 20.


DC5 Fade Out:  (Blue) Ice Melee/Rad Armor Stalker

DC4 Double Take:  (Green) Illusion/Rad Controller

DC3 Round House:  (Yellow) Martial Arts/Ice Armor Brute

DC2 Fast Pace:  (Red) Fire Blast/Radiation Corruptor

DC1 Cocked Pistol:  (White) Storm/Dual Pistol Defender

I got completely sidetracked from this project.  I figured the DEFCON Five needed a nemesis, a time traveler from a post-nuclear future, whose objective is to foment nuclear war.  DEFCON Zer0 is a rad/bio brute and incredibly entertaining.  He is the most villanous villain I have ever villained.

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Who run Bartertown?


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My new StJ/Inv Stalker is currently my first priority, got a good concept and costume for this character and it looks like Invulnerability should be extremely tough on a Stalker.


I rolled a Demons/EA Mastermind a few week ago in response to a post on this forum. I've been looking for a team-support Tankermind for a while now (haven't rolled an MM and levelled it beyond the teens since Retail Live) and I think this is The One. I'm not sure whether I should PL her to level 22, which I normally do (I hit AE after Hollows and KR), because I really should relearn playing Masterminds.


Got a Claws/Bio Scrapper in the works too. Still looking for a good name, but costume and build are ready and done. I think this will be a fun combo, I've played both powersets seperately but not together. Should be a beast.


My main concern now is finding the time to play..

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I have been working on getting a 50 of each Tanker primary since coming back a few months ago, and hopefully without a bunch of secondary duplicates.


Most likely:

Elec/Elec Tanker (all others are 35+, half are 50’s)

Savage/Energy Aura Stalker (never got a Stalker to 50)

MM or PB... the other two ATs I never reached 50 with. Probably the MM.  


Loved my WS in the day, never wished I was a PB. We ran a trio, two WS, one PB, and 0-4 periodic guest stars / supporting cast. The two WS really pulled the load.


Rolled Elec/Energy Melee Tanker - I had done Scrapper with EM and this will be a different path.

Edited by Max Firepower
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Whatever springs from my mind that I feel I need to create.

Made another couple the last couple of weeks or so.

Both blasters.

dual pistols/martial arts


Character conception and name?

It's a secret.

Maybe you will run into them in THE CITY or maybe just another one or more of my scores of characters ... regardless of what server you play on.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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4 hours ago, Snarky said:

I just 50'd a rad rad Brute.  Meh, something about it i do not like.  I am now levelling a Dark Fire Brute.  Thi...I like.  I have a Dom project in my mind.  and probably another Brute.  Always, another Brute

My farmer is a rad/fire brute. It does what it is built to do. However, I haven’t really enjoyed rad melee. Maybe I ought to give it a try in a non-farming context, but it’s been meh for me. 

One of my most recent alts is a stone melee/bio brute. This is the first time I have ever made a stone melee character and I am quite impressed. Seismic smash is quite amazing. 

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First and foremost would be a War Mace/Willpower scrapper. I've been playing the game since I was about 7 years old and I never really learned how to play anything other than "run in and hit numbers at it until it's dead". I heard from a frequent collaborator that Willpower can be slotted in such a way that makes your character damn near unhittable. I haven't double checked this idea (I've been informed that I have a terminal case of "filthy casual") but I've been meaning to give it a shot, for kicks. (literally.) Being an elusive, terrifying ninja with a silly cartoon hammer just seems like the perfect blend of really cool and really stupid. Right up my alley.


Second up would be a strong Defender. I've never rolled up any kind of support character (except one half-assed Mastermind on Redside that I might have to abandon), and I've always liked playing the healer/buffing boy in other games. (If it's anything like playing the Medic in TF2, then I'm interested.) I mostly want to be that guy that lets everyone have effectively infinite endurance, because whenever I'm playing a melee character on a team with a defender that can do that, I'm having a hell of a lot of fun. World needs more supports anyways.


Third would be anything with a Mutation origin. I don't really build characters around their powers, I just like to make characters in my head and give them whatever powers seem to fit. I want to try to run up a Blueside mastermind with a Mutation origin of some kind, but I haven't really thought about it much further than that.


Reading through this thread is daunting, to be honest. You guys seem like you understand the game down to the metal.

Edited by Doctor Spitvalve
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Not sure, honestly. 


It changes, periodically, as I discover some new aspect of a powerset or AT that I hadn't know about yet.  For the past 3 to 4 weeks, I've become obsessed with blasters, after discovering I actually enjoy "Blapping" quite a lot.  It's given me a new perspective on an AT that I had always previously run as a pure ranged at, only using the melee powers as a matter of last resort.  Now that I've played around with a different approach, I'm really getting into the play style.  It's aggressive and risky, with big payoffs for taking those risks, which offers a thrilling mode of play that I very much enjoy.


Currently, newest alts are my Dark/Energy and Rad/Energy Blappers are providing plenty of enjoyment.  Not certain what powersets I would try out if I went for Blapper #3.

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Next three things I want to try my hands at:


Plant/Kin Controller

Fire/Nature Corruptor

Savage or Psi Melee Stalker. Willpower, Radiation or Bio Armor Secondary.


I have some costumes in mind but none of the concepts are fully fleshed out yet.

Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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Well I can only work backwards on this question because if I planned an alt either I'd create it or quickly forget it about and it would likely never get made. So my last three alts were:


Data Warez: Technology Traps/Beam Defender. Came out of an idea of what if Data from the Goonies grew up and became a superhero. I was hesitant to make a defender after leveling up my corruptor solo was such a pain in the ass. However, I think traps is one of the few support sets that are really good for soloing.

Blue Efreeti: Magic Fire/Savage Dominator. Simple idea of a freed efreeti, it's taken some time to figure out how the sets and AT worked, but I'm getting the hang of the synergies with this one. Made good use of the genie costume, and originally made the fire powers blue but I didn't like how that came out. So instead all the savage and fire powers are orange with blue undertones.

Cherenkov Punch: Mutation Rad/Electric Brute. The biggest turnoff for radiation sets for me is the ugly green glow. Turns out though around nuclear reactors there is a pretty blue glow called Cherenkov Radiation. So now I had an excuse to make all the powers blue, and then combined it with a boxer motif. I'm finding the combination has amazing AOE potential and a good heal built in, and I'm even getting good use of the experimentation pool. It is a little toggle heavy and endurance recovery comes late, but one of the powers gives a speed boost before that which makes it OK to run around missions without sprint.

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Sentinels.  I am on a Sentinel kick.  Just did an ice/ice and a dark/dark to 50.  Liking the more AoE than a Brute.  Played hard fire support the last 8 levels on the Dark/Dark in various farms.  Only like 3 deaths.  The short time on the nuke is nice.  I will prob look at other Sentinel sets.  Give me range Devs!  Where are the ranged nukes???

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