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How much inf do you make per hour on the AH?


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Title. Whatever your chosen method of making money is, how time efficient is it?


To be transparent, I'm attempting to get a feel for whether or not there exist methods with significantly better time to inf ratios as compared to my current system.


EDIT: By my own rough estimates, I am making somewhere in the range of 300-500 million an hour.

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It's difficult to quantify it in an apples to apples basis with something like farming.  You can hop on at 1pm, farm until 2pm, and count your inf.  But you can't hop on at 1pm, spend 60 minutes in the AH, then profit.  


My experience though is that in terms of actual minutes spent, marketing blows everything else away.

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It's certainly harder to estimate, but depending on what you do, you can estimate it by gauging time spent on the AH in the last session to the money collected in this one (or a ballpark average of this over time).


This should roughly be possible even if you perform long-term sales, so long as you've been implementing your current system longer than it takes for your most long-term investment to sell.


That said, unless you're keeping spreadsheets, this amounts to a *very* rough estimate.

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If I play converter roulette with crafting enhancements and then converting, I’ll typically make about 100 million/hour.  


My one toon though has made a billion inf in the last month just logging in about 5 minutes a day.  She typically buys more expensive things in lower volume for just over half the going  price, and resells for the full price.  Some days she might buy and resell 8 or more things, other days none.  She gets more bites on weekends. But it’s literally log in, collect inf, relist anything she has bought, and logout. 

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I will go based on actual time spent on the market including crafting time, but not time spent waiting for item to sale.


My latest full turnaround session took less than 10 minutes crafting, converting, and placing on the market. I made a little over 135m after taking fees out when I picked up the inf on the sold items the next day. So that would equate to ~810m per hour.  Taking out original crafting costs drops that to about 400m per hour. 

That said, I only spend about 10-15 mins on the market 2-3 times a week. So I don’t actually earn all that much. If I actually spent hours on it I would have much more than I do. 

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I think you need to distinguish between revenue (collecting sales) and profit (net of costs including materials, crafting fees, cost of converters).  For the most part, I don't record keep unless it's for a specific project -- it's too much like work!


For my 24-hour challenge, which was primarily rare roulette, I netted approximately 2mm in profit per IO after all costs.  Then it just comes down to how many transactions you can execute per minute.  Rare roulette is probably a lot slower in terms of transactions per minute than most niche marketing, and it might be less profitable as well.


There's also the aspect of actual time passing.  I tend towards markets (and pricing) that I can expect to have made most if not all of my sales by my next login for that alt.  If I'm going to do something, for example, with a lot of Hero Packs, then I know it's going to take me more than a few days to make my sales, so I price accordingly. 

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Thank you all for the replies; it is illuminating to both to see numbers and hear the general terms of how others perform their tasks.


I am referring to profit; my present system is converter roulette, but with specific parameters set to minimize time spent and maximize effective profit. For the most part, my efforts have been focused on reducing the number of decisions I need make during the process, which has *significantly* improved my rate of inf acquisition.


From this, it seems worthwhile to try to find a "market niche" to invest in for a while- though I have my doubts as to how well that approach lends itself to mass retail.


I appreciate the interest, and wish everyone good luck.

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Say you start off with a common yellow IO; Springfoot: Endurance.   Not worth much by itself.


Convert Out of Set by Type to something that is rare (Orange), perhaps it converts to Celerity: Stealth.


That is worth a bit more.  Maybe you want to sell this one or try for something better.


Convert Out of Set by Rarity.  Maybe you get lucky and hit Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% Recharge Speed on the first roll.  Or perhaps you get another not so good IO.


I'll roll a few times to try to get into a category that I know sells; Health, Resists, Defense, etc.  


Once I get to the category I go back to Converting Out of Set Type and then maybe I will do a few In Set Conversions to get something that sells really well.



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On 10/19/2020 at 8:09 AM, Umagon 23 said:

how does converter roulette specifically work? I'm not very familiar with all the IO changing techniques. How does that make a profit?

Usually you buy a lower level yellow recipe to keep crafting costs low. I use level 31 as I like the rare options in that level range. I then convert by type to get to rare, and then by rarity until I get a rate that sells for 2m+. 

At level 31, there are good rares in melee, pbaoe, ranged, resists, defense, healing, end mod, and a few others. So you don’t often have to use a lot of conversions to get to a good one. I think it is generally a bad idea to chase specific IOs, especially chasing within a set as that can waste a lot of converters. Only time I’ll use some extra converters is to change a defense IO to LOTG, but I don’t chase the +rech one. 

This can be very profitable, and it can pretty much always be done because it isn’t a niche. It is diversified so you can do it even if everyone else is. It is just somewhat slower than niches because of the number of clicks involved. 

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12 hours ago, Dekordius said:



I am referring to profit; my present system is converter roulette, but with specific parameters set to minimize time spent and maximize effective profit. For the most part, my efforts have been focused on reducing the number of decisions I need make during the process, which has *significantly* improved my rate of inf acquisition.


Systems/assembly lines really work.  If you can put 100 IOs into the market in 1-2 minutes, you are cooking with gas.

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On 10/18/2020 at 8:34 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

There's also the aspect of actual time passing.  I tend towards markets (and pricing) that I can expect to have made most if not all of my sales by my next login for that alt.  If I'm going to do something, for example, with a lot of Hero Packs, then I know it's going to take me more than a few days to make my sales, so I price accordingly. 

Right. An hour of farming pays off immediately, and hour of AH can take days or weeks to pay in full. Looking at time spent in game, I find AH to be far superior. (Then again, I don't AFK farm, so those returns might be crazy high if "in game" just means time at the keyboard). 

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  • 4 weeks later

If I only count the time the AH window is open, I make about 500M every 5 minutes. The problem is - I only have the window open 2-3 times a day. And the inf made isn't made the first time I open the window, but the next time I open it. And sometimes it's 300M, others close to 700m. On average, about 500m, and while the window's closed, no telling what inf is being earned because I'm playing the game and not using metrics to track it. 


People have varying interests - but I don't understand why more folks aren't marketing AND afk-farming. The two go hand in hand quite nicely. 

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On 11/13/2020 at 9:20 AM, Ukase said:

If I only count the time the AH window is open, I make about 500M every 5 minutes. The problem is - I only have the window open 2-3 times a day. 

You are blowing me out of the water.  My base across all markets is assuming a 2mm profit per marketing slot, so my bottleneck is how many transactions I can do per minute, then wait.  But there is no way I can make 1-1.5bn profit per day in 10-15 minutes.  I just can’t process the raw materials that quick and if I’m reposting cheap items, I can’t count on replenishing them every day or even weekly.

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In the threshold I have before I get tired, I can confidently get 80m out of one crafting/selling/waiting session. My patience runs out after about 30 minutes before I want to do something else. So if I focused on it for an hour, I guess I would be at 160m - which is about how much I'd expect to spend on a character to get to a mid-range build.


No idea what Ukase is doing. Presumably sorcery.

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  • 2 weeks later

I may not be “doing it right,” but the answer for me still is to do both Marketeering -and- farming.  AFK farming in particular.


What slows me down for Marketeering is taking the “old fashioned” approach of buying cheap recipes, buying salvage for same, converting to rare then converting to something valuable and then listing it to sell.  This takes time.  Even if you just buy stacks of one kind of recipe.  It’s several steps.  So “in an hour” must include the effort needed to list the enhancement for sale.  It can take several hours per week (or even an hour or so per day) to do it this way and amass your fortune.  


The faster approach is to buy ready-made enhancements (or Super/Winter packs) and skip the whole crafting part.  You’ll make less money per 10 enhancements doing it this way, but if you’ve got the funds to buy several hundred at a pop, you can make a good return.  Not as good as crafting yourself, but faster obviously.   This is especially true if you can stock up on the handful of certain level cheaper enhancements that are “insta converts” into something far more valuable.


But what I’ve found works best is letting a handful of AFK farmers just go do their thing -WHILE- I’m Marketeering.  In an hours time, as long as I’m quick on the boring-af shopping/crafting/reselling click-o-rama and the equally boring-af enter map/exit map/reset map activities, I can easily clear 250MM per hour INVESTED.  I won’t earn that much at the end of the hour as you have to wait for your enhancements to sell.  But after a few sessions of doing this it’s usually place all my bids to purchase for the NEXT session and then start that next session by collecting all my proceeds from the LAST session.  Then it starts to snowball and it goes faster (minus all the current sessions click-fest).


Thing is, neither of these activities amounts to much enjoyment in playing the game.  It’s just an alternative ‘grinding’ method for amassing wealth.  So I tend to do it in spikes of activity.  I won’t do it at all for weeks to months, slowly whittling down my funds by building up alts, etc.  Then I’ll realize I have a couple of dozen alts to start playing and blow several billion outfitting them all.  Then I’ll marketeer + AFK farm for awhile again, almost not playing the game at all during this time.  Then repeat the cycle.  



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5 hours ago, Crysis said:

What slows me down for Marketeering is taking the “old fashioned” approach of buying cheap recipes, buying salvage for same, converting to rare then converting to something valuable and then listing it to sell.

I have a similar approach - but I don't buy cheap recipes. I use the drops from the farmers. The farmers already have all the salvage required. 

With one exception - my "marketer" will place low-ball bids for the pvp IO level 10 recipes (cheaper to craft). As I "get" a stack of 5 of a given needed salvage for the recipe, I'll reorder the same at a lowball price. This way, I always have the salvage on hand and just grab it as needed, reorder as needed. 

I have done the same with red fortunes, and other similar type "niche" items. Having the salvage in inventory on the AH speeds up the process a bit. 

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