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Posted (edited)

While my @global friends list is getting very extensive. I am also realizing I team with A LOT of folks. Especially of late with more folks finding out about CoH being around. I am also the guy who has the Post in Archtype General: JJDrakken's Random Builds. Check it out, request if you can't find a build. You'll need Mid's Hero Designer. I suggest joining their club.


I know I got my fan club of folks who love to hate me cuz of my teaming rules. Confuse my confidence in a game with arrogance. That is fine, I' really am not bothered by it. But if you see any names I list. You know that's @JJDrakkenI have some simple basic rules on my team. (Yes I am the guy who normally dislikes majority of Blaster Community I've teamed with. So if you want to ignore me globally I am also no bothered by that). Now yes, I try remember to tell folks these on teams, but I am very distracted with tells, RL, & managing my Online D&D Campaigns in my head( I D.M. two different groups a week), & Music.


Also understand my Global Ignore is extensive too. So I mark every account with 1 star, add notes, 25% time do a global ignore. Meaning I can see that star above your head, no matter who your on, I'll check to see why. I always like to give 1 stars a second chance to see if I was mistaken about them.(Unless I or they or both of us have global ignored each other already). If you don't like any of my rules. It's literally as simple as just not joining my team. With list of names I provide, perhaps that can help you in the future. No need to bitch about it. You have no right to tell me how to run my team, cuz you don't have to join it. Just like I have no right tell you how to play(If you want to play different way, go for it, just don't join my teams 😛 ) I just have a set rules I prefer we all follow. In exchange, I promise you levels and maybe some random banter.


Simple Rules of my Team.


1. Follow the Team Lead(Unless otherwise stated)

2. No running off to Solo(Refer to Rule 1). We work as a team.(I literally could just solo everything, but I like watching folks lvl, sorta of a addiction)

3. I'll be handling any pulls(Unless otherwise stated)

4. Everyone puts in the work(No door sitters). If you need to AFK, just say Hey, gotta AFK. I understand RL before Game life.


Another way to spot me in LFG: Blueside or Redside Mish Team, Lvl(insert level). (Lowbies Welcomed or All Welcomed), Spot:


Also when joining my team. If I actually ask you with my patent: LFT? /invite. Don't freak out if your lowbie. I am confident in my skills & team skills. Just jump in there and put in the work with the rest of us. That's all I ask. Don't freak out if you see extra mobs being pulled to the group. Just do your best 🙂  If you ask WHAT ZONE??. I'll respond with Check your Nav Bar. It literally tells you 98% time, if does not click missions on it, it should show, If it doesn't, then ask. If you are lost outside the mish as in you have no clue how to get to said zone. FOR LOVE OF CHEESE, ASK! I watch so many folks zoning all over place with no idea how to get to say P.I. or D.A. or R.W.Z., etc.. JUST ASK. I'll gladly tell you how to get there.


My list of Characters(So you can better team or avoid me)


My 50s

  1. Shield Spider(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Crab Melee Tank

  2. Huntsman Delirium(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Huntsman

  3. Toiletbreaker(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Brute

  4. Polyphagia(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Tank

  5. Mechanized Storm(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

  6. Josiah Stark(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

  7. Soundstone(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Controller

  8. Mockingbow(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared -- Defender

  9. Hemoglobin(Next on list to clear out lvl 50 contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Mastermind

10. Trauma Hound(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Scrapper

11. Bully Goat(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Tank


Those I'm leveling.(All of which have attuned recipes for most part)

  1. Kadrak Flinteye -- Scrapper

  2. Space Penguin -- Peacebringer

  3. Cuban Pete -- Sentinel

  4. Lucha Libre -- Scrapper

  5. Hyoketsu Shogun -- Mastermiind

  6. Pestilent Pyre -- Controller

  7. Hotdog Cart -- Mastermind

  8. Eli Electric -- Sentinel

  9. Dorian Night -- Stalker

10. Colton Rayzer -- VEAT Ranged Night Widow

11. JJDrakken -- VEAT Range Bane

12. Darkmire -- Controller


JJDrakken the person.


I'm your typical 44yr old Gamer.  I've played games since I was 5(if not younger). Board Games, Card Games, Video Games.  I spent 30+ Yrs playing/DMing/GMing. Many Tabletop RPG games. I use to do Tourny Play in MTG. (Played since Early Beta). I love to BBQ/Smoked foods. I was a Chef for a lot my life. Use to enjoy Basketball & Football(I watch highlights more then anything anymore). Fan of Geek/Nerd Culture and Science stuff. I write on the side(Nothing published, though folks tell me I should). I use to do graphic art, till that desire in me died.  I love music in general and pets(Though I have none(pets)


I am Anxiety/Social Anxiety ridden Guy. I've had two Heart Surgeries for SVT, Im 5'10 & Weigh 367lbs(Was 430lbs 5 months ago and working on losing more). I, like many of us in RL, lack confidence in myself or abilities. But hey, that's humanity right? I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, though working on it. I have bad knees/back/hips. But I work on it. My brain is a constant jumbled mess of insanity trying get out(Arnt we all). I 6yrs ago attempted to take my life, but was talked out of it by a man I consider my brother. Who I met because of this game. In fact many of my close friends/family is do to City of Heroes. I am currently trying to do Disability thing. Cuz my social anxiety gotten so bad, I tend to shut down or become aggressive when I am around people, especially crowds of folks. But hey, I'd rather find some work from home and never deal with humans, then living off dwindling savings doing this disability stuff. I aint that lucky though.   Yes, I have depression, one could say Manic-Depressive at times especially if I get anxiety attack. I have OCD nature.(Thus my love of rules/teamwork in game)


If you have questions about me ask. I'm pretty much open book. Don't take my silence & quiet/caring nature as weakness though. I've lived through era when being a Gamer/Nerd/Geek was not "Cool" had to fight mentally and physically most my growing up life.  Maybe this will give ya'll some insight to who/why I am in the game. Inside the game, I am a confident person. I know for sure I'm good at it. Outside of it, I'm a mess like rest of humanity. -waves- Ya'll be well.

Edited by JJDrakken
  • Like 1



So I'll engage because it seems like you're offering both a game and personal perspective.


On the personal level congratulations on the weight loss - sincerely. From one internet stranger to another that's awesome. I have family who struggle with the same and it's heart breaking to see them continue to struggle. I hope your mental state is in good shape and on the upswing.


I'd like to offer an opposing perspective on some of your in game takes though.


You seem to be grouping a play style by AT? That's what I presume you're talking about when referring to the "Blaster community"? The type of players who play ahead of the team/don't wait on pulls etc. For the sake of argument I'll presume you primarily play tanks, as that's the gameplay you're describing. In your view the role of the tank is to pull the mob to the group, keep the mob on you, and keep aggro contained. That's a very traditional mmo playstyle and *can* work in CoH. It's also boring as all get out for the 7 people who are drooling and staring at their monitors while you're doing said pulling.


I'd like to offer a counter proposal. Everyone should get to do their "stuff". They should spend as much time in game doing their "stuff" as is feasibly possible. Blasters blast, scrappers punch, trollers troll. Every time you make 7 people /nosepick while you herd 'em up those people are not doing their stuff. While that likely feels like pinnacle tanker gameplay, and I have no doubt that you play that version of the game exceptionally, you might do well to examine what's actually happening. You're under-utilizing your teammates.


I play tankers too, and veats (a bit hairier), and trollers. All of them can (and do) solo +4/x8 any mob. Malta, Carnies, LB, Arachnos, all day. Chew em up. Never played a blaster tbh, but I am that guy who hears "Let the tank pull" and calmly replies "No.". A bad tank makes a team wait while they corner pull. A great tank sets the *maximum* pace for the team. Sometimes that's going to be corner pulling, but usually what a great tank is doing is hopping ahead, eating the alpha, rounding them up for aoe's, and jumping out *before* they're dead. Rinse and repeat as quickly as possible. When that's happening every player is doing their "stuff" the maximum amount of time. You do have to cede the ability to micromanage in that scenario.


The triad paradigm is alive and well in other games/mmo's. It genuinely sounds like you're trying to attach that to CoH. The fun of an 8 man team is seeing the chaos pop off when everyone gets to play. Luckily, I'm not shy about running my own teams, so I suspect we'll never bump heads in game. I'd encourage you to loosen up a bit though. Try it out. If your fun comes at my expense maybe that's a me problem, but maybe ......

  • Like 5

@vibal  While I strongly advocate for the position that there is no "wrong way" to enjoy your favorite game, I will say that I've played in groups that adhere to both philosophies of team combat and, personally, I very much prefer JJDrakken's approach (whether I'm playing a Tank, Blaster, or any other AT).


Also, I'm strongly of the position that if you're forming the team, it's your rules.  Just make sure you make those rules clear to everyone present and give anyone who doesn't like them the chance to quite team before you start the mission(s).  Also, bear patiently with people new to the game.  It's quite difficult to reliably perform according to instruction, when you're first learning how everything in the game functions.


I don't think any of @JJDrakken rules are unreasonable, and we would probably get along well on a team, depending on how he feels about knockdown (I am not in the camp of those that feel knockdown makes tanking a chore.  I love knockdown and have no problem with the blaster knocking things about, so long as they help chase down and neutralize the mobs.  I've got "F" key, combat teleport and jaunt macro's to address that.  No, my tanking won't be as efficient if they do it, but if they don't gripe about that, I won't gripe about the knockback.).

  • Like 2

@Grindingsucks the key difference is that in the game play I'm advocating nobody is being told unilaterally what they *cannot* do. If I grab a tank who want to round em up, great! Have at it. I'll be dropping PA and confusing the next spawn - holler when you get here! See how everyone is doing their thing and having fun? The hours i spent playing, testing, building, and slotting aren't just /foottapping waiting for my turn to play. We'll all get down.

  • Like 1

@vibal  Oh, I get the difference.  I still enjoy having a designated leader and structured team play.  Granted, I'm primarily a roleplayer, and have the most fun when I'm roleplaying coordinated team combat like in the comic books, when Cyclops is giving orders and everyone is synched up, doing their part to support the team, rather than lone wolfing it and doing whatever, while waiting for everyone to catch up.


Again, not saying there's anything inherently wrong with your style of play.  It's just not my preference, is all.

Posted (edited)

Primary a Mastermind, Controller, VEAT player. I have 1 50 Tank, 1 50 Brute, 1 50 Scrapper(who needs to clear 50 contacts).  Everything is is Masterminds, Controllers, random Defender or Sentinel. I do have another Tank I slowly piddle about on though.  Once a 50 is Decked out in Attuned Recipes, Cleared out all lvl 50 Contacts and full T4 Incarnate. It's basically retired. As I lvl, I have the funds to cover attuned recipes.


I use my Lvl 50 Contact clearing to lvl basically the whole server at some rotation or another, Use the 1-1.5 Bill I make for next Toon, passing cash down the line, etc... Maybe I want to get back to my 220 50s I once had, All I know this what I enjoy doing.

Edited by JJDrakken
  • Like 1


  • 2 months later
On 1/28/2021 at 7:01 AM, JJDrakken said:

While my @global friends list is getting very extensive. I am also realizing I team with A LOT of folks. Especially of late with more folks finding out about CoH being around. I am also the guy who has the Post in Archtype General: JJDrakken's Random Builds. Check it out, request if you can't find a build. You'll need Mid's Hero Designer. I suggest joining their club.


I know I got my fan club of folks who love to hate me cuz of my teaming rules. Confuse my confidence in a game with arrogance. That is fine, I' really am not bothered by it. But if you see any names I list. You know that's @JJDrakkenI have some simple basic rules on my team. (Yes I am the guy who normally dislikes majority of Blaster Community I've teamed with. So if you want to ignore me globally I am also no bothered by that). Now yes, I try remember to tell folks these on teams, but I am very distracted with tells, RL, & managing my Online D&D Campaigns in my head( I D.M. two different groups a week), & Music.


Also understand my Global Ignore is extensive too. So I mark every account with 1 star, add notes, 25% time do a global ignore. Meaning I can see that star above your head, no matter who your on, I'll check to see why. I always like to give 1 stars a second chance to see if I was mistaken about them.(Unless I or they or both of us have global ignored each other already). If you don't like any of my rules. It's literally as simple as just not joining my team. With list of names I provide, perhaps that can help you in the future. No need to bitch about it. You have no right to tell me how to run my team, cuz you don't have to join it. Just like I have no right tell you how to play(If you want to play different way, go for it, just don't join my teams 😛 ) I just have a set rules I prefer we all follow. In exchange, I promise you levels and maybe some random banter.


Simple Rules of my Team.


1. Follow the Team Lead(Unless otherwise stated)

2. No running off to Solo(Refer to Rule 1). We work as a team.(I literally could just solo everything, but I like watching folks lvl, sorta of a addiction)

3. I'll be handling any pulls(Unless otherwise stated)

4. Everyone puts in the work(No door sitters). If you need to AFK, just say Hey, gotta AFK. I understand RL before Game life.


Another way to spot me in LFG: Blueside or Redside Mish Team, Lvl(insert level). (Lowbies Welcomed or All Welcomed), Spot:


Also when joining my team. If I actually ask you with my patent: LFT? /invite. Don't freak out if your lowbie. I am confident in my skills & team skills. Just jump in there and put in the work with the rest of us. That's all I ask. Don't freak out if you see extra mobs being pulled to the group. Just do your best 🙂  If you ask WHAT ZONE??. I'll respond with Check your Nav Bar. It literally tells you 98% time, if does not click missions on it, it should show, If it doesn't, then ask. If you are lost outside the mish as in you have no clue how to get to said zone. FOR LOVE OF CHEESE, ASK! I watch so many folks zoning all over place with no idea how to get to say P.I. or D.A. or R.W.Z., etc.. JUST ASK. I'll gladly tell you how to get there.


My list of Characters(So you can better team or avoid me)


My 50s

  1. Shield Spider(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Crab Melee Tank

  2. Huntsman Delirium(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Huntsman

  3. Toiletbreaker(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Brute

  4. Polyphagia(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Tank

  5. Mechanized Storm(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

  6. Josiah Stark(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

  7. Soundstone(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Controller

  8. Mockingbow(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared -- Defender

  9. Hemoglobin(Next on list to clear out lvl 50 contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Mastermind

10. Trauma Hound(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Scrapper

11. Bully Goat(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Tank


Those I'm leveling.(All of which have attuned recipes for most part)

  1. Kadrak Flinteye -- Scrapper

  2. Space Penguin -- Peacebringer

  3. Cuban Pete -- Sentinel

  4. Lucha Libre -- Scrapper

  5. Hyoketsu Shogun -- Mastermiind

  6. Pestilent Pyre -- Controller

  7. Hotdog Cart -- Mastermind

  8. Eli Electric -- Sentinel

  9. Dorian Night -- Stalker

10. Colton Rayzer -- VEAT Ranged Night Widow

11. JJDrakken -- VEAT Range Bane

12. Darkmire -- Controller


JJDrakken the person.


I'm your typical 44yr old Gamer.  I've played games since I was 5(if not younger). Board Games, Card Games, Video Games.  I spent 30+ Yrs playing/DMing/GMing. Many Tabletop RPG games. I use to do Tourny Play in MTG. (Played since Early Beta). I love to BBQ/Smoked foods. I was a Chef for a lot my life. Use to enjoy Basketball & Football(I watch highlights more then anything anymore). Fan of Geek/Nerd Culture and Science stuff. I write on the side(Nothing published, though folks tell me I should). I use to do graphic art, till that desire in me died.  I love music in general and pets(Though I have none(pets)


I am Anxiety/Social Anxiety ridden Guy. I've had two Heart Surgeries for SVT, Im 5'10 & Weigh 367lbs(Was 430lbs 5 months ago and working on losing more). I, like many of us in RL, lack confidence in myself or abilities. But hey, that's humanity right? I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, though working on it. I have bad knees/back/hips. But I work on it. My brain is a constant jumbled mess of insanity trying get out(Arnt we all). I 6yrs ago attempted to take my life, but was talked out of it by a man I consider my brother. Who I met because of this game. In fact many of my close friends/family is do to City of Heroes. I am currently trying to do Disability thing. Cuz my social anxiety gotten so bad, I tend to shut down or become aggressive when I am around people, especially crowds of folks. But hey, I'd rather find some work from home and never deal with humans, then living off dwindling savings doing this disability stuff. I aint that lucky though.   Yes, I have depression, one could say Manic-Depressive at times especially if I get anxiety attack. I have OCD nature.(Thus my love of rules/teamwork in game)


If you have questions about me ask. I'm pretty much open book. Don't take my silence & quiet/caring nature as weakness though. I've lived through era when being a Gamer/Nerd/Geek was not "Cool" had to fight mentally and physically most my growing up life.  Maybe this will give ya'll some insight to who/why I am in the game. Inside the game, I am a confident person. I know for sure I'm good at it. Outside of it, I'm a mess like rest of humanity. -waves- Ya'll be well.

im pretty sure I teamed with you and we gotten along too bad im not on this server 

  • 1 month later

So...I'm not quite sure what to make of this. 
I read your rules, and you lost me with the word rule. You're entitled to your conditions, but I'm not surprised we haven't crossed paths, particularly since I play a blaster more often than not. 

Then I read about this ...condition you're in. It made me feel badly about instantly mocking you in my head. With all the physical issues you have, it's not a surprise you find yourself ignoring a lot of people. You must be truly miserable, physically, if not emotionally. And I find it hard to believe the two aren't connected. 

I do want to encourage you on the weight loss. I know it's not easy. I was 280# when the game shut down. Probably the best thing that could happen to me, suddenly having extra free time. Now, I'm 215 and in the best physical condition of anyone I know, and winning indoor rowing competitions across multiple states, including collegiate rowing teams. And I'm 54, making college rowers wonder what I'm doing differently than they are. I bust my ass, is what I do, And I diet with purpose. But I didn't get in this shape overnight. I started walking 2.5 miles a day. Increased it to 10 miles a day. That was taking too long, and I discovered the indoor rower. I'm really too short to ever be world class in it, but worked at it, and got very good. 

I know this is harsh, and I don't mean it that way. I mean it to be serious, though.  Whatever you're doing to lose weight - please keep doing that. But also, consider limiting your play time in all games. They're  just recreational, and there are better ways to recreate until you get your weight in check. Even if you're 7 feet tall, that's way too much stress on your heart & your joints to carry around for too long. Try to be active in some way, every day. 


  • Like 2
On 1/31/2021 at 6:17 AM, Snarky said:

I'm pretty sure I am on your ignore list.  Because I just started laughing during the first three rules.  

Hmmmm.  I rarely backtrack on Snark.   Not really going to this time either.  If i wasn't on your global ignore list before I probably am now.


But I seriously did not read past your first three paragraphs and into the RULES!   Then I posted Snark and moved on.  For this I do apologize.  You have a serious story.  You ability to write about it in a compelling way is noted.


So I will share a bit.  I do not ignore anyone.  I will team with anybody.  Do not ask why, I honestly have no idea myself.  There is great successes.  There are....well, mistakes are made.  When i see someone post something like "my ignore list is so big..." (how I read it) I am like "toss me on there as well"  I am a lowbie villain.  in every sense of the word.  petty small vindictive, opportunistic.  These are my good qualities.  The only way I exclude people is by pushing them away.  


I honestly hope you are doing better physically.  That is all we can hope for, is to progress to being a little better.  My physical difficulties are not as extreme as yours.  But I do have a few, not the least of which is advancing years.  So from one petty villain to someone who writes a compelling narrative (when I finally take time to read it) I wish you the best, in game, and in life.




I remember teaming with Toiletbreaker (hard to forget that name) and thinking….this is odd. The structure and flow of the team felt very tyrannical to me. It wasn’t for me but I don’t think I blocked your or anything. Knowing more about the person now, it starts to become less odd. 

I wish you luck on your journey to health and happiness. Life isn’t too unlike an RPG game. It’s less fantastical, but you are faced with just as many choices and do have the freedom to build yourself any way you please.  Pick your skills, train them, invest time in yourself, and then refine and polish to become the best version of yourself. Most importantly though, just have fun. 


I also had weight issues.  Clocking in at nearly 275 during early coh.  Never really got below 255 for any great length of time.  Then hurt my knee.  Physical therapy was mostly stretching and stationary bike.  


Last year i upped my focus on my health.  Started stocking fresh fruit, veggies, those premade smoothies from grocery store.  Low sugar options.


Walmart delivering groceries helped a TON.  Apparently im less likely to buy crap when i have ot delivered.


Today hit 220lbs.  My college weight.  I work a job with crazy hours sometimes 24-36 hours straight.  Travel worldwide.  Man if i can do it.  I know you can.  Sometimes the mind just clicks.


If i can ever provide advice or encouragement.  Feel free to message.  Not just @JJDrakken

  • Like 1

Stretching and easy yoga every morning.  Some mornings i felt so bad id do yoga in bed or roll onto the floor lol.  Anything to get the body loose.  Get the blood flowing.  Made me feel alot better.

Posted (edited)

Nice too bad I don't play on this server.  I'm on everlasting, maybe i'll create a character on the server.    I have a few years on you I'm 47.   As a mainly MM player.   I'd like to know what are your favorite MM combos are and which of the MM builds you posted in your other thread are ones you've actually used.  Just out out of curiosity.

Edited by SmalltalkJava
1 hour ago, SmalltalkJava said:

Nice too bad I don't play on this server.  I'm on everlasting, maybe i'll create a character on the server.    I have a few years on you I'm 47.   As a mainly MM player.   I'd like to know what are your favorite MM combos are and which of the MM builds you posted in your other thread are ones you've actually used.  Just out out of curiosity.


Well this post got busy all the sudden after being quiet, didn't expect much out of it. Posted this post help clarify who I am, so folks know what they'll expect out of me in game. I also expected a lot of vitriol from others in it, which I can see it seething there.


As for my MMs, I have: Beast/Forcefield, Zombies/Nature, Robots/Storm, Mercs/Pain, Mercs/Cold, Mercs/Thermal, Thugs/Sonic, Ninjas/Cold so far. As for my favorite. Mercs over all, folks give them a bad rap. But they Middle of road when it comes to DPS & Surviving if you look at raw values. But they have what many others do not have. C.C. out the ying yang. Tier 2 guys drop such a variety of it. Besides, it's the most Dakka Dakka one can ask for.

  • Thumbs Up 1


Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, JJDrakken said:

I also expected a lot of vitriol from others in it, which I can see it seething there.

Seems to be a lot more support from what I've seen, and some valid criticism of the your teaming expectations. Very very little vitriol, and a ton of support. I deal a lot with depression and anxiety too, don't let it tailor what you see into what you expect to see. I think a lot of people care, and were kind enough to post that for you.

Edited by subbacultchas
  • Like 1

Vitriol? Cruel and bitter criticism is how that's defined. Nobody was cruel to you. In fact, we were all supportive and encouraging. I get the feeling that you see what you expect to see. I'm rooting for you. I'll never team with you because your expectations are ridiculous, but other than that, I'm pulling for you. 

  • Thumbs Up 1

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