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Tell me about your favorite psychic character!

Draeth Darkstar

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Lately I've gotten the kick to play a psychic, and I've been having a lot of fun with a Fortunata. It's wild to have so much blasting power with status protection and team support, it's like what a Sentinel should be. I'm curious about exploring the other options though, and I'd like to hear what people have been having fun with since there's so many. Psy/Kin Corruptor? Grav/Psi Dominator? Psy/Mental Blaster? Something else entirely?

@Draeth Darkstar

Virtue and Freedom Survivor

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I had a Fortunata, a Mind/Time controller, a Psi/Bio scrapper, and a Beam/Mental blaster.


The fort was great to help on Minds of Mayhem by buffing team psi resistance.  Had some useful control between confuse, knocks, and holds.  Damage wasn't too shabby.


The controller seemed smoother to level, and could heal as well as buff.  Damage wasn't amazing, but he could float through the levels wrecking havoc and it felt great.


The scrapper was an attempt at a Marvel Comics symbiote, with the blades colored to match the bio armor in an attempt to represent tendrils.  Still had the knocks and confuse that I associate with psykers, so I made her a psychic that got eaten by a Devouring Earth shoggoth to explain the blend of abilities.  Could have tweaked the secondary and ripped off Psylocke.  The blaster was just basic Cable.  Big gun backed by psionics.

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I have a Psi/Dark Corrupter.  I like to think of her as sort of a succubus, tempting and blinding everyone with powerful mental imagery while sapping their life away with the darkness.


It also helps that the build I rolled up for her is quite strong.  So long as i'm not fighting robots or zombies she can easily shut down spawns, sap health, endurance, and damage, and cause a considerable amount of passion-induced misery in short order.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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I remade my Grav/Psi dom, this time taking the cold mastery epic pool vs the Black Scorpion one on live.  He's basically the equivalent of a group of space Judge Dredd types, but when he decided to put a bit more energy into proper investigation and morality, he got kicked out.  But he's able to control physics=Gravity, and has strong psychic powers=Psi.  But to complete himself, he learned to harness the elements in the case of cold through water.

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I have two characters that lean 'heavy' into the mental aspect, and then a third that uses a mental primary, but I don't think of as 'psychic'.


The first is a ranged Fortunata, with none of the melee or dart attacks. She has the Presence pool as well for an extra PBAoE (and Unrelenting). She also has Weaken Resolve, which has a very 'use my mind powers on you!' animation.


The second is a Fire/Psi/Psi Dominator. The Fire primary dominates (hrm hrm) the visuals, but I like having most of the secondary's Psi attacks by level 20 and using the first three powers in the Psi Mastery Epic (Link Minds, Indomitable Will, Mind over Body) to beef up survivability. This is one of the most complementary pairings of identically-themed secondary/epic that I've played.


The Fortunata and Dominator ultimately have similar performance, but they approach mission clearing from different directions. The Fortunata's positional defenses and offense has her leveraging controls (with %damage procs) to disrupt an enemy spawn she's engaged with, while the Dominator locks down spawns first, and then punishes with attacks.


The third 'mentalist' is a Mind/Poison Controller. The concept of the character is that he's basically such a complete klutz that he was always messing up missions (as a villain) and so was forced to go on his own. I picked the Mind/Poison combo to reflect the sorts of ways he would screw up jobs, so I don't really think of that character as a mentalist. Many of the powers on this character are tricked out with %damage procs mostly because of the low inherent damage scale for Controllers, but a little bit because my head-canon for the character isn't specifically about 'control'.

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Back when psychic blast was only available for defenders, i wanted to make a psychic blaster that focused on blasting. So, which defender primary would interfere the least? Force Fields. And thus Inwall (short for Inner Wall) was born. She lives again on Homecoming (Reunion) and is my #2 character. She now has two sisters - Outwall (Psi/Shield Stalker) is her Praetorian equivalent and Nowall is an amalgam of both when they psychicly merged to to do some important stuff(TM) - in a universe even more fictional that CoH.


inwall: Defender psi blast is different (and better) than either than the blaster, corruptor, or sentinel variants. Longer range and more side effects. FF is a bit boring these days and a set that's likely to get some attention, but as an excuse to mostly blast away it still works well. Her signature color is cerise, a fashionable color when I was a teen. Yeah, I am that old.


Outwall: Stalker Psi Melee has a short-range confuse that does not break stealth. That is huge when playing solo. This is one of my favorite solo characters of all time. Shield is a solid defense if built right and gives a damage bonus when you have to scrap things out. Her favorite color is teal-


Nowall: The sentinel version is the least liked and least played of them. Her main claim to fame is the mix of cerise and teal in her costume - it looks pretty awful but is significant to her story.


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On 1/28/2021 at 8:07 PM, Darkneblade said:

psi/sr stalker.

It is fun but slog sometimes because some enemies resist psi damage

I found t his to be frustrating as well. I had a psi/rad brute, and between insight mechanics that drove me batshit crazy, it didnt feel strong at all.


Also, I have an elec?/psi defender, and I had the same problem there as well. Damage just... well... sucked. Elec + water (cor or fender) is so much better it isn't even worth discussing.

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