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ITF - Enhance the final battle


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40 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

And here I am, remembering begging the devs to not nerf the ITF further, because during the beta for it, LOTS of people couldn't get past Nictus Rommy and his 3 floating buddies. It took showing that it was duo-able with a MM and a Dominator before people really started to realize you can't just jump into the fight and hope to win. The ITF was one of the first Task Forces with an actual mechanic (the three different Nictus, the mass stun on death, and ambushes) which meant you had to actually think about what to do, instead of just face roll on the keyboard and win.


Oh how the times have changed.

And we did it with without Incarnates, and we liked it! 😄 

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Thematically, it makes sense that Rommy would get weaker each time he rezzes.  He's being powered by the Nicti, which are being consumed to give him one more chance, however, he's now got fewer Nicti powering him, hence, weaker.


I'm not saying it *should* change,, but I'm not sure why the ambushes stop after the first defeat.

What this team needs is more Defenders

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  • Lead Game Master

Hid several posts.

Let's go back to talking about how the ITF is too easy, hmm?

Also, know that we are planning to port the Enhanced Difficulty Options being introduced with the Aeon Strike Force to other content, including the ITF, sometime in the future.

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I'm gonna have to lean on the side of "no". Doing ITF at 35, 50, and 50+ are 3 completely different experiences. I say this having run it with all flavors of toons. The overarching problem here is 50+4 incarnates stomp everything, but that's been brought up so many times that it's almost not even worth mentioning.


The design of the Rom fight is supposed to be frontloaded. By the time you get to no nictus Rom, it's essentially a victory lap. It's meant to be that way. Also, the Nictus that spawns like 20 or 30 smaller nictus mobs used to shred teams as well. And back when DPS wasn't reaching astronomical numbers, the autohealing Nictus was a problem as well. There were teams that just couldn't complete this encounter without careful planning and a couple of team wipes.


Hell, I'll shake my old man stick some more and say that back when the ITF dropped, pulling Rom and Req into the Phalanx was an insane thought.

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19 hours ago, Greycat said:


Which it is not meant to be. 


Back on live, JRanger was (briefly) a user who started just posting "no" to everything. Not even things he necessarily disagreed with. There's a little more history to him elsewhere online. Basically he picked up the "There's a forum cartel that doesn't want anything to change and just says no to everything" idea and (along with ... someone else, whose name I don't quite remember) got somewhat aggressive with it, as I'm recalling.


So when I /jrangered him, it was tongue in cheek. More "You're being a bit silly with this - are you sure this is what you want to be known for?" than actually malicious or derogatory. I didn't expect it to last more than a few days, a week at the outside. I figured he'd either get the point, talk to me about it, or be annoyed enough to stop and cool off a few days.


Instead, people took it, ran with it and just used it instead of "no." Or in many cases, as you put it, a derogatory "no."


Frankly, since he's (obviously) not here, and the OP certainly hasn't done anything to warrant that sort of holding up of a mirror - and I can't think of any other thread it's been put up in that does - it shouldn't be getting used. If anything, the most appropriate (in the vein of how it was meant) thing to do right now would be replying to it with a /pfalcon. And if you read the first reply, it should be obvious as to why.


Personally, I'd be perfectly happy to see it put back on a "do not use" list. I'm amused that it's remembered still. I'm not in how it's being used.

No Graycat I knew what you meant. 


Edited by plainguy
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3 hours ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

I'm gonna have to lean on the side of "no". Doing ITF at 35, 50, and 50+ are 3 completely different experiences. I say this having run it with all flavors of toons. The overarching problem here is 50+4 incarnates stomp everything, but that's been brought up so many times that it's almost not even worth mentioning.


The design of the Rom fight is supposed to be frontloaded. By the time you get to no nictus Rom, it's essentially a victory lap. It's meant to be that way. Also, the Nictus that spawns like 20 or 30 smaller nictus mobs used to shred teams as well. And back when DPS wasn't reaching astronomical numbers, the autohealing Nictus was a problem as well. There were teams that just couldn't complete this encounter without careful planning and a couple of team wipes.


Hell, I'll shake my old man stick some more and say that back when the ITF dropped, pulling Rom and Req into the Phalanx was an insane thought.

I don't think the OP completely realized the lower level potential issues.

But would be nice if you could have it harder but just disable the potential difficulty. 

But then you have the thought..  We do all this work to make it harder then a majority just disable the difficulty, so we did this for nothing.

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11 hours ago, plainguy said:

I don't think the OP completely realized the lower level potential issues.

But would be nice if you could have it harder but just disable the potential difficulty. 

But then you have the thought..  We do all this work to make it harder then a majority just disable the difficulty, so we did this for nothing.


But the vocal minority is happy. So it really depends on how much you want to make the power gamers happy, vs leave things at the status quo.

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5 minutes ago, Greycat said:


You realize how totally irrelevant (and rather whiny) this is, right...


I realize how it can be taken that way yes. But truth be told, the vocal minority are the ones wanting a higher difficulty, not the silent majority.

The argument was really 'Why are we adding a hard mode if only 5% of the player base uses it' which is a valid question if you have limited resources to better the game with.

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30 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

I realize how it can be taken that way yes. But truth be told, the vocal minority are the ones wanting a higher difficulty, not the silent majority.

The argument was really 'Why are we adding a hard mode if only 5% of the player base uses it' which is a valid question if you have limited resources to better the game with.

To your second point, it is because the folks who make the content (the volunteer devs) wanted to. Whether there is a vocal minority or 5% of the playerbase (assumptions not backed up by any empirical evidence I have seen) is irrelevant. In this community, the players don't tell the devs what do to. They tell them what they would like. Sometimes the interest of the developers line up with the interests of the players and we get things that are popular (or unpopular). But their volunteer time is theirs to spend.

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2 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

To your second point, it is because the folks who make the content (the volunteer devs) wanted to. Whether there is a vocal minority or 5% of the playerbase (assumptions not backed up by any empirical evidence I have seen) is irrelevant. In this community, the players don't tell the devs what do to. They tell them what they would like. Sometimes the interest of the developers line up with the interests of the players and we get things that are popular (or unpopular). But their volunteer time is theirs to spend.

This is big.. This should be a dam sticky.. 

But I  get also, sometimes you get so involved in the conversation you lose sight of this above. 

The reality is Suggest away.. Your not so great suggestion might spark someone else to make it better and someone else to make it even better. This might spark something for the Devs as this might have been sitting with them as well. 

Just like there are no dumb questions, there are no dumb suggestions. 
Not everyone understands technology or coding.. They just want wings on their arms instead of their backs.. They don't grasp the work involved. Doesn't mean you beat them down to a pulp. 

But at the end of the day the Devs might have a long list of stuff they think is totally cool and wish they could add but just can't due to time. 
Personally I would pay to get things that mattered to me to be done. EG if they said we can make a whip set but we need 2k because I am going to take off from my real job to do this and need to feed my kids., I would donate 300 or 400 for that and it doesn't get done until the 2k is met. 

But at the end of the day they get to decide not us and that makes total sense and I am okay with that.


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