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A Stuns/Disorients-a-Plenty Powers?


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I have a theme in mind for a new alt, but I am looking for the perfect powersets for it.


The idea is a primary and secondary that are stun-heavy or anything that causes the "drunken wandering" or "standing still and wavering" animations (stuns, disorients?). Archetype doesn't matter, I'll make it work. For example, Howling Twilight for the disorient, that sort of thing.


But what I was hoping is that there were some powersets that had more of this than others? Bonus if there is a great build for this idea.


Maybe not, but figured I'd ask.

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I run a Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tank built entirely around stacking stuns. It's like playing a melee-ranged Controller that doesn't fall over in melee range. Sounds like it might be what you're looking for.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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Sonic/Energy Blaster is a non-traditional suggestion.  Screech, Stun, Energy Punch, Bonesmasher and Total Focus all disorient, Power Boost to extend duration of the stuns, Siren's Song for an AoE sleep that leaves a whole spawn slumped over and woozy.  


Otherwise, Energy or Stone Melee alongside Dark Armor also stacks stuns.  

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The control sets that have AE stuns are Dark, Earth, Fire and Grav. I would try a dominator with one of those. For secondaries i think /energy and /elec are the best contenders. /energy has a few single target stuns and /elec has one AE stun.

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Energy Melee and War Mace dish out a lot of stuns.  Stack them with Dark Armor's Oppressive Gloom and you should have your own troupe of Thriller zombies walking around you.


While not a guarentee, the Pounding Slugfest set lets you add a mag 2 stun proc to any ST melee attack.  You can also add a stun proc to any immobiloze with Debilitative Action as well, but that typically stacks with the immobilize for a pseudo-hold that won't cause them to walk around like goofs.

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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Back in the early days of PVP, I had people *hate* my energy/energy brute. They couldn't see her, couldn't teleport her, and *every* attack had a stun slotted in it that would take it. 


Then we had things like billion-inf IO builds and i13 come in. *shrug* But it was fun, and that's where I go to when thinking of stuns.

Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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Stalker's /Energy Aura secondary has a power called Disrupt.  It works just like /Dark Armor's Oppresive Gloom giving +2 mag stun aura toggle in melee range, except instead of burning Hitpoints for each enemy it hits, it burns Endurance for each enemy hit.


When paired with a 100% chance to stun power (such as Total Focus) you can perma-stun bosses in 1 hit.  In fact, by adding a little duration boost to TF I use this combo to perm-stun 54 AVs when they're outside their "purple triangles of doom" cycle.


I really think it's important to look for those 100% chance to stun powers.  Many powers say they disorient, but it's at 33%.  That's not quite the same as knowing you're taking that boss out of the fight from the first hit.

Edited by Shred Monkey

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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1 hour ago, GM Impervium said:

Moved thread to the archetypes section; hopefully it will gain more traction here!


I'd like to pick a bone with those who move threads.  It was where it was for less that 24 hours.  It was not taking up time or space.  It was purely your choice to move it.

Who run Bartertown?


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Both of these are stacked stuns vs bosses.  ... This is a very old retired concept project.  It worked, I soloed a +4x8 ITF with at least one of these, if not both.

I was likely using dampeners, amps, and base buffs with at least one of the builds.  ... I do crazy things like this.

I might of have used stun grenades with one or other builds as well.  ...  I frequently do this.


The Controller

 Dark Storm - Cailin Liath Concept 1 - [i25].mxd


This is 'probably' what I did for incarnates, but it might not be.

Melee Core T4,
    Control Core T4,
        n/a: Assault Core T4
Polar Lights Radial T4
    Knives of Vengeance Radial T4 (Aka Angels: Brigid, Anann),
Ageless Radial T4,
    Clarion Partial Core
Ion Total Radial Chance for Hold
Degen Partial Radial 25 Proc, 50 Dot
Spiritual Partial Core (Recharge, Stun, Healing),
    Agility Partial Core (EndMod, Recharge, Defense),
        n/a: Cardiac Partial Core (EndRed, Range, Resist, Fear),


The Defender, Looks like this is the DAB build

Storm Elec Dark Defender - Druidess 2a - [i25].mxd



Dark Storm - Cailin Liath Concept 1 - [i25].txt

Edited by Linea

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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Mine is an Earth/Storm/Stone Controller.  Using Stalagmites, Thunderclap and Fissure as her main mitigation against her foes.  She doesn't generally allow them to wobble about much (but that's choice rather than necessity) but it's quite effective at minimizing incoming damage without high or capped defense or using Hurricane's debuff to do so.  Harkens back to The Mighty Storm's "diso-queen" build ideas from way back on Live.

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