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One insta 50 a month! Bad idea or Brainstorm?!?


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Kind of like server transfers.  You get one token a month to insta 50 a toon.


This idea came to me because I generally used AE to level a new concept.  Took about three hours. (maybe a tiny bit more, 3 1/2, of "in tunnel time" not counting breaks ) I have not tried under the new system but my ability to not follow the discussion leads me to believe this might be anywhere from 7-21 hours.  One thing is for sure, if there is a current fast way ain't nobody gonna say a damn word.  The love is gone baby.


A lot of people besides me do not care for farming.  there is all the new content, mostly at end game.  Heck, nearly everything good is end game. Enhancer sets, rewards, missions, task forces, trials.  All best at 50,


We know how to level.  Heck, I spent years lazily levelling the toons before an alt acct farmer sprang up.  These dayas I only go into the game out of concept curiosity.  if i like I stay for a couple days maybe and run incarnate stuff.


But there is no way I am spending a work day or two in a farm for a 50.  My days of slow levelling through all old TFs are pretty much burnt down to the wick as well.  


So, this idea thrown at the wall.


Have at thee forum trolleth!

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Why stop at just level 50? Why not Veteran Level 99? Why stop at max level, why not unlock all Patrons, all Incarnate slots and powers, and be able to add infinity slots? Why not give the instantly made character all of the badges, complete every story arc, mission, task force, and trial in the game? Give that character max items and max inf - and you know what, give them the dev console tools while we're at it. Give that character a button that allows them to complete and do everything instantly.


And then give that account away to someone who actually wants to play a character that they make.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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6 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

Why stop at just level 50? Why not Veteran Level 99? Why stop at max level, why not unlock all Patrons, all Incarnate slots and powers, and be able to add infinity slots? Why not give the instantly made character all of the badges, complete every story arc, mission, task force, and trial in the game? Give that character max items and max inf - and you know what, give them the dev console tools while we're at it. Give that character a button that allows them to complete and do everything instantly.


And then give that account away to someone who actually wants to play a character that they make.

Is that an indictment of server transfers (instead of playing up on a different server), double experience boosters of all types (instead of earning it) or did you just go hyperbolic because of lil ol me?

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I'm not a fan of instant-50 characters, regardless of 1/month or whatever. Especially as fast as HC has made leveling already. That said? Whatever the devs decide. They already introduced instant PvP 50s. Not going to rehash the conversation over that. I wholly understand @Glacier Peak's point though. Where do we stop with the instant gratification bit?


Edit: And to be clear? I don't view @Glacier Peak's post as hyperbolic. Given how everything is never enough and more is "needed", it is inevitable that if instant PvE 50s are enabled, instant full Vet levels are going to be among the next requests. Same with full instant incarnate development. That is how these requests always go when granted. Sure, some say that will never happen, like the demand for instant PvE 50s would never be asked for when the instant PvP 50s were proposed, And yet, I guarantee the request will be made.

Edited by Rudra
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How about you actually play your character all the way up to 50 so that 50 is an accomplishment? So that at 50 you actually know how to pilot your character? So that you actually feel some sort of connection to your character?


I'm not just saying this to be a jerk. Well... that's not the only reason.


I haven't played much CoH this year. I've been playing Black Desert Online a lot though. I played my first character all the way up to level 61, the level "soft cap." I learned how to play the game and I learned what every single one of my character's powers does and when I should use it. Because of that time spent this is my favorite character and I've very effective with it.


I also learned that gear isn't level gated.


So I put some "high level gear" in my account storage and made some brand new characters. I was able to get them all the way up to the late 50's in level because they were ridiculously over geared for their level. If you can picture a fully IO'd fully Incarnate Blaster being exempted down to level 1, and working their way up to 50 while also getting to keep all of their bonuses and Incarnate powers, you get the idea.


So I got a bunch of near max-level characters within a matter of hours. But ya know what? I barely know how to play those characters. I don't know what half of their powers do. I'm not very effective when playing them (player skill in BDO matters a lot more than in CoH). And, despite them being based on characters that I roll up in every MMO, and have for decades, I don't feel any real connection with them.



Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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33 minutes ago, Snarky said:

Is that an indictment of server transfers (instead of playing up on a different server), double experience boosters of all types (instead of earning it) or did you just go hyperbolic because of lil ol me?

Join me in the hyperbolic time chamber...




Edit: No, seriously though I am not supportive of this suggestion because I don't think it would be good for the live shards. Don't mind it on the beta, in fact, I play on Beta a great deal because of the conveniences you mentioned.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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22 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

How about you actually play your character all the way up to 50 so that 50 is an accomplishment? So that at 50 you actually know how to pilot your character? So that you actually feel some sort of connection to your character?


I'm not just saying this to be a jerk. Well... that's not the only reason.



Honestly?  Because I do not need to.


Feeling of accomplishment? I have a Dark/Invul that stopped experience and side switched to do every arc from every single contact in every level range 1-50.


Know how to pilot a character.  With the exception of MMs that is not an issue.  


Sort of connection?  If I like a toon I will write dozens of pages of an origin story about them.


Playing/farming a toon 1-49 to discover they suck at 50?  Priceless.  This happens often.  Token me please 🙂 

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Is it safe for me to assume that the use of the word Brainstorm in your thread title was completely intentional? 🤣








... because one can literally do this on B'Storm, and Freebies Menu themselves whatever they want for the build.

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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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How about you get a free 50 but it's of a powerset combo that has a very low usage? BOOM! Free 50! But it's a....


Assault Rifle/Poison corruptor!


Or a...


Ice melee/electric armor Stalker!


Or a...


Gravity control/Icy Assault Dominator!

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11 minutes ago, Yaliw said:

How about you get a free 50 but it's of a powerset combo that has a very low usage? BOOM! Free 50! But it's a....


Assault Rifle/Poison corruptor!


Or a...


Ice melee/electric armor Stalker!


Or a...


Gravity control/Icy Assault Dominator!

that would be oddly fun

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47 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

So that at 50 you actually know how to pilot your character?


Wut! That's when you roll a NEW character! Well. Another new character. Hmm. I should do a head count. I know I have 151 on Indom. Not sure about the other servers...


I will say that I wouldn't mind an insta-50 or two... or eleven...  I'd bring back my golden oldies from the old days. I've recreated them all, of course, but the temptation to play as yet unplayed sets and combos won out over reliving past glories.


Played some BDO but I don't remember what level my highest level character there is. It's the one with the black pet thingy, though, whatever that is.

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something like?


Instant Level 50 PvP Characters



  • At character creation, new Primal characters can now tick a box called "Temporal Warrior (PVP only)". This is not available for existing characters or Praetorians.
  • Characters created with this box ticked will spawn on Recluse's Victory and can only access the four PVP zones (Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg, Recluse's Victory), Pocket D (for access to the various vendors), the Arena and Supergroup Bases.
  • These characters cannot travel to any other zones, enter trials or teleport via LFG, get missions from contacts, or enter mission doors from other players.
  • In return, they start at Level 50 with all Incarnate slots unlocked, Incarnate powers can be crafted at no cost, and Patron Powers don't require the Patron badges.
  • Those characters count as level 1 for the name reservation system, you can't create a PVP character just to lock a name.
  • They still need to provide their own enhancements, there's no easy mode for that. Because their own ability to get rewards is so limited (the only available source of rewards is critters in PVP zones) the expectation is that those characters will receive influence and enhancements from other characters that are PVE enabled.
  • The goal here is to remove the barrier of entry for players that are curious about PVP, but don't want to spend the time leveling up a new character that would be useful under the PVP rules.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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a couple edits and it's ready to go


Instant Level 50 Characters

  • At character creation, new Insta-50 characters can now tick a box called "Insta-50 (PVE only)".
  • Characters created with this box ticked will spawn on Ouroboros and can only access PVE zones, Coop Zones, and Supergroup Bases.
  • These characters cannot travel to any PVP zones, or enter Arena.
  • In return, they start at Level 50 with all Incarnate slots unlocked, Incarnate powers can be crafted at no cost, and Patron Powers don't require the Patron badges.
  • Those characters count as level 1 for the name reservation system, you can't create an Insta-50 character just to lock a name.
  • They still need to provide their own enhancements, there's no easy mode for that.
  • The goal here is to remove the barrier of entry for players that are curious about PVE, but don't want to spend the time leveling up a new character that would be useful under the PVE rules.


"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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So ya'll brag about how you can PL a character to 50 in the AE in 2 or 3 hours, but that's not good enough!!! Now you want to just push a button and make an insta 50!!!



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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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3 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

So ya'll brag about how you can PL a character to 50 in the AE in 2 or 3 hours, but that's not good enough!!! Now you want to just push a button and make an insta 50!!!



Not a brag.  I thought it sucked.  and it was 3- 3 1/2 hours.  


Yes, now I want to push a button and get an insta 50.


At least you followed some of the conversation.  You are doing so well now.

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Another way to go about it is the allow a play who has achieved level 50 to respec a powerset. This capitalized on any skills gained for the Archetype we have potentially some experience with rather than spinning up a 50 on something we maybe have no experience on. We'd also have some slotting accomplished rather than starting from scratch.


Cost could be whatever. I'd be in favor of a level and sink cost,

  • ~10 levels, a powerset respec token and 250 Aethers
  • make up something appropriate


This could encourage people to play their character pre 50 but doesn't force it. Of course they could just go PL it, whatever, that's up to the player.


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

Kind of like server transfers.  You get one token a month to insta 50 a toon.


This idea came to me because I generally used AE to level a new concept.  Took about three hours. (maybe a tiny bit more, 3 1/2, of "in tunnel time" not counting breaks ) I have not tried under the new system but my ability to not follow the discussion leads me to believe this might be anywhere from 7-21 hours.  One thing is for sure, if there is a current fast way ain't nobody gonna say a damn word.  The love is gone baby.


A lot of people besides me do not care for farming.  there is all the new content, mostly at end game.  Heck, nearly everything good is end game. Enhancer sets, rewards, missions, task forces, trials.  All best at 50,


We know how to level.  Heck, I spent years lazily levelling the toons before an alt acct farmer sprang up.  These dayas I only go into the game out of concept curiosity.  if i like I stay for a couple days maybe and run incarnate stuff.


But there is no way I am spending a work day or two in a farm for a 50.  My days of slow levelling through all old TFs are pretty much burnt down to the wick as well.  


So, this idea thrown at the wall.


Have at thee forum trolleth!

I think that is a good idea.


Having a level 50 is basically the same as having a level 1 except you have more buttons to push.

If you don't know how to advance beyond that with sets and incarnates, in a level 50 team you could of been level 1 and it wouldn't of mattered much.


The fact is you can run the same content regardless minus TF's. So having more level 50's means being able to fill those TF's quicker.


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So, I'll answer this from the SWTOR standpoint, because they do allow this for people who buy the expansions (with new level caps).  


Rather than slog thru all of the lower level content AGAIN, you have a certain number of 'tokens' granted with the expansion purchase, such that when you create a new character, you can burn a token and choose to set their level at the STARTING level for the new content.  In the case of Knights of the Fallen Empire, it was Level 60.  In the case of Legacy of the Sith, it was Level 70.  The new character has all of the class story marked as 'completed' up to that point, with a 'neutral' alignment between Light and Dark, and a level appropriate set of gear.   This allowed people to run the new content right away, instead of finishing a character level process to 'get there'.  


While SWTOR shines in story (Bioware did a great job with the class stories and the expansion arcs), the actual character classes are basically mirrored between the two alignments, and there isn't nearly the amount of customization that CoH had even out of the gate (much less now).  So there's much less risk of "not knowing how to play" a newly-minted high-level character.    So that's much less of a factor.


I would support an account-bound P2W token that would allow you to "respec up" a newly minted hero or villain, as long as an alt spent the INF to get it.  And it would have to be substantial, maybe hundreds of millions of INF, perhaps even a billion.  Reason for that is to ensure that the player either has put in the time to earn that kind of money, or has a sponsor willing to drop the cash for the upgrade.  And yes, that would be per upgrade.  

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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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It would not ever stop.  Once someone gets what they ask for, they look around too see what to ask for next.


Insta 50

Insta incarnates

Insta badges

Insta influence

Insta PvP kills

Plus 50s would have to not be excused from the new naming policy.

Edited by Ghost
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5 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

Why stop at just level 50? Why not Veteran Level 99? Why stop at max level, why not unlock all Patrons, all Incarnate slots and powers, and be able to add infinity slots? Why not give the instantly made character all of the badges, complete every story arc, mission, task force, and trial in the game? Give that character max items and max inf - and you know what, give them the dev console tools while we're at it. Give that character a button that allows them to complete and do everything instantly.


You can make a generic slippery slope argument to counter anything. It's a bad argument. But regardless, there's a concrete rationale why you stop this at 50.


A substantial portion of the playerbase likes to play content at level 50. They farm characters to 50, enhance them, and then typically do incarnates, badges, accolades, whatever. This is what happens in the absence of an instant 50. If an instant 50 was available, these people would be able to skip the tedious farming phase and go immediately to the other things I listed. They would still be doing incarnate trials, TFs, etc. to earn those vet levels--just not sitting in a farm map for hours with their alt account first. Another potential upside is less inf generated through farming. Giving them everything, as in your question, removes the reason they are trying to get to 50 in the first place. The desire to skip the leveling process doesn't mean they don't want to play the game at all.


This is another one of those things that would be completely voluntary. Don't like it, don't do it. But the real underlying anxiety I see in these posts is that the devs will make it too easy for other people to play the way they want. I think there are a lot of people that still associate doing what I see as a shitty grind as an accomplishment. Something that they earned. So if someone else can just skip over that grind--that "earning" is tarnished. There's a crisis of meaning. So a lot of players will pressure the devs to keep things grindy so that they hold on to this nostalgic sense of value over the time they've spent. 

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