lemming Posted June 3, 2023 Posted June 3, 2023 On 5/26/2023 at 11:11 PM, MonteCarla said: I played a Sentinel (Rad Blast/Regen), and very much enjoyed the survivability out of the box when I soloed. Expand That's my favorite combo of Sentinel so far. Been playing a Storm Blast/Dark sentinel and it's going to take a bit of tweaking. Mainly because I have no idea how currently. 😄 Other than being End hungry it's a fun combo.
Heatstroke Posted June 3, 2023 Author Posted June 3, 2023 Rad Blast/Regen is definitely something im taking a look at making. Currently working on a Storm/Nrg/Elec build
Crysis Posted July 21, 2023 Posted July 21, 2023 Sents are literally the perfect beginners hero AT. Highly survivable, mez defense, decent but not great damage. Tank mages, but scaled down dps. Fun to play, but you tend to outgrow them quickly.
Heatstroke Posted July 22, 2023 Author Posted July 22, 2023 (edited) On 7/21/2023 at 2:51 AM, Crysis said: Sents are literally the perfect beginners hero AT. Highly survivable, mez defense, decent but not great damage. Tank mages, but scaled down dps. Fun to play, but you tend to outgrow them quickly. Expand I havent outgrown Sents yet... just about to start another one.... and I have played every AT in the game to 50... Edited July 22, 2023 by Heatstroke
nihilii Posted July 22, 2023 Posted July 22, 2023 There's no hope for me: I've outgrown the knowledge one outgrows Sentinels. 1
Heatstroke Posted July 22, 2023 Author Posted July 22, 2023 Im think about a Psi something... not sure what to do as a secondary yet... thinking Regen or Willpower
Sykar Posted July 26, 2023 Posted July 26, 2023 On 7/21/2023 at 2:51 AM, Crysis said: Sents are literally the perfect beginners hero AT. Highly survivable, mez defense, decent but not great damage. Tank mages, but scaled down dps. Fun to play, but you tend to outgrow them quickly. Expand Nonsense. Character concept > anything else. Furthermore there are plenty of concepts like Iron Man type power armour wielding heroes that go best with Sentinel. Also they have the fastest recharge on their T9s so if you are into spamming one of those sentinels will let you blast to your heart's content. Their AT active is also appreciated in group content. I have not once seen anyone asking someone to leave because they are sentinel and I had groups with 3 or more sentinels and we did just fine. In fact I recently ran a SBB with a sentinel, 2 defenders and me on a controller and it was smooth sailing. They have a place and perform well enough. Blasters are overrated. The only people who care overly much about not playing sentinels and try to bad mouth them in an effort that they are no played seems to be a particular brand of elitist min-maxers that I can happily give a wide berth in-game. 1
FupDup Posted July 26, 2023 Posted July 26, 2023 On 7/26/2023 at 11:29 AM, Sykar said: Nonsense. Character concept > anything else. Furthermore there are plenty of concepts like Iron Man type power armour wielding heroes that go best with Sentinel. Also they have the fastest recharge on their T9s so if you are into spamming one of those sentinels will let you blast to your heart's content. Their AT active is also appreciated in group content. I have not once seen anyone asking someone to leave because they are sentinel and I had groups with 3 or more sentinels and we did just fine. In fact I recently ran a SBB with a sentinel, 2 defenders and me on a controller and it was smooth sailing. They have a place and perform well enough. Blasters are overrated. The only people who care overly much about not playing sentinels and try to bad mouth them in an effort that they are no played seems to be a particular brand of elitist min-maxers that I can happily give a wide berth in-game. Expand I just wanna nitpick and point out that Full Auto and Rain of Arrows actually recharge slower on Sents than other ATs, with no compensation either. But otherwise I agree that Sents are more than just a "training wheels" AT. Also I wanna point out that it's ironic for the guy named "Crysis" to say that Sents are only training wheels since Sents can actually do a Crysis character concept better than other ATs. Crysis is a game about shooting stuff (ranged attacks) and the Nanosuit is a semi-organic symbiote that rapidly adapts to its environment with mutually exclusive toggles for stuff like armor and strength (literally Bio Armor to the letter). I had a Crysis-inspired Beam/Bio Sent and it was pretty beastly even before the AT got revamped. 3 .
Benchpresser Posted July 29, 2023 Posted July 29, 2023 My latest Sent was a AR/WP. Dear ELDER GODS the AoE damage.... he is running against my Elec/Elec Sent as the most insane ranged character I ever had. I have learned to LOVE Sents... my newest? DP/SR.... 2
Heatstroke Posted August 4, 2023 Author Posted August 4, 2023 On 7/29/2023 at 3:07 AM, Benchpresser said: DP/SR.... Expand gooooooood goooooood embrace the power of the Sent Side..
Thraxen Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 Just rolled a archery/ninjitsu. It’s a lot of fun. Rain of arrows with aim outside of “hide” is awesome. Only 34 or so atm. 1
BazookaTwo Posted September 1, 2023 Posted September 1, 2023 On 2/16/2023 at 7:57 PM, ThaOGDreamWeaver said: I wouldn't call it cruise control. Soloing an AV-level Clockwork King on a solo Synapse became a bit of a heart-in-mouth experience... but did it. With the very last scrap of END, no inspirations left. BTW, Agent Chernekoska ("Black Cat") is Dual Pistols/Ninja/Ninja, and a hell of a lot of fun to play. I might reroll my Egon-clone Ghostbuster (Beam/Ninja) at some point with a different Secondary. Any other fun ideas? Expand Just yesterday I was running duo with my Archery/Ninja/Ninja and a Ss/Energy brute. We ran at +3 and did the Wildflower arc from Crimson. The two of us competently chewed through Malta at +3/8 at a pretty good clip. The Brute was quite impressed. I keep looking at the build and where to shore it up, but I can't find anything I'd change. Ok, I swapped an acc/DMG/rech IO for a toxic proc. Beyond that it's hard to improve on. - 50/42/42 positional defenses with just Ninjitsu + Maneuvers, with Barrier and Kujin Retsu for godmode level def. - 65% range boost - 75% DMG boost - capped run speed with only Infiltration. - 50% to hit boost before Aim - 5 AOEs counting Incarnates/4 ST attacks. - Decimation proc letting me have twice as many build-up instances. - 2 fire DMG procs - 2 toxic procs - hybrid assault double strike proc - pyronic Judgement with the prolonged "I am on fire" effect - robot drones, doing dmg and adding another bubble. so yeah I bet DP nin-nin is great too. Try the archery version! 1
CaptTastic Posted July 4, 2024 Posted July 4, 2024 I absolutely love my Sentinels and did so even when they were a bit fluffy back in the day (compared to now). It’s the AT I pretty much play exclusively now. While I can’t say I’ve seen teams specifically criticise Sentinels, I’ve also never seen any actual credit given to Sents either. There have been numerous times they’ve been deserving, too. I’ve been on teams when my Sentinel was all that was left standing and I’ve managed it to get everyone back up and running without a hospital run. No credit. I’ve been in teams when we’ve been up against it on an AV and I’ve been the one quietly keeping the aggro off the debuffers at the back. No credit. Well, there was, but the debuffers got it. That’s just a couple of examples. For me, Sentinels are the most versatile and dependable AT in the whole game. We can adapt to pretty much any requirement and contribute in many different ways. Fair enough, we aren’t the best at anything. Tanks hold aggro and survive better. Scrappers and Blasters do damage better. Corrupters and defenders debuff better. We do everything well, though. 😎 1
Exqzr984 Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 (edited) Mostly, I am amused by the lack of Sentinel love given by other ATs who don't play and, dare I say, understand Sentinels. Let me echo some of the truths spoken in this post by the OP and many others. Sentinels are imo the best AT for new player to learn the game. They are very forgiving. Easy to level, easy to slot, allow for any kind of playstyle. and are objectively the most FLEXIBLE AT. Then, as the game is learned, the silent strength of the Sentinel will emerge. As a new player becomes an experienced player, an entire world of possibilities opens up through the Sentinel AT. An experienced Sentinel Player will start to see complex multi directional playstyles and nuanced slotting for some truly epic final builds that will satisfy the hardest of the hard core. In short, the entire leveling experience from 1 to fully incarnate is very rewarding. ANY Sentinel build will work in solo play or in Team Play. I know, i''ve tried them all. And soon I will have a level 50 representation in every power set available to Sentinels Sentinels make the best Team Captains. Yes, even better than Tanks. This is because they can play up front, mid or backline as needed. while maintaining an overview of the entire battle. Sentinels are the quintisential survivor. Yes, again even better than a Tank. A Tank can get overwhelmed, stuck, mezzed, overextended or hopelessly surrounded. True, this can also happen to Sentinels, but with any kind of situational awareness, much less likely and a Sentinel has better tools to deal with it when/if it happens (kiting is but one example). Sentinels do not get the credit they deserve? While it is true that I have not once been complimented at being THE carry for a struggling team in a difficult spot or gotten a pat on the back for taking all the aggro when the TANK couldn't do it or Peeling for the Defender/Controller because the Blaster/Scrapper/Dominator couldn't be bothered. I also think, in general, dedicated Sentinel players are the sort of people that do NOT need to be validated by others. Sentinels are the unsung and we don't care. A dedicated, skilled Sentinel player knows the value they bring to any fight and this value does not need to be confirmed by anyone else. We know we are often last one standing. We know we can do 90 to 95% percent as much damage as anyone else while at the same time sharing aggro as an off tank, all the while peeling or controlling as needed. I have said this before and I think it is worth repeating. Sentinels don't BREAK. They DON'T rage quit, abandon hard pressed teams, complain about x,y.z tough situations. They don't bring in a more "suitable" AT for the team comp. I have never once experienced a Sentinel being a cry baby. So, I applaud not just the wonderful design of the AT by the Devs but also the type of player that is drawn to it. Sentinels are not the BEST at any one thing. This is why a min/maxer will find places to criticize. So if you want a team of the BEST DPS, BEST Aggro management BEST control, BEST support, it can be easy to ask the question where does a Sentinel fit in here? In a tailored team, maybe even a fair question. However, the question that is not being asked is now that you have this, who glues it together - that is the Sentinel. Moreso, in a Random team, the flexibility of the Sentinel is always, always helpful, even critical to the success of 8 Randoms. A final note. Most of the criticism directed at Sentinel's seem to come from Blasters. Particularly, the bad ones. I love my Blaster Brothers and Sisters. Played well, they make any run easier. However, there are just SO MANY bad Blaster players. You know the ones that run into the middle of a mob to get off their Melee attacks they rave about, only to get completly obliterated, blame the defender for a slow heal and then either rage quit or port to hospital after 3 seconds because they weren''t rezzed fast enough? Or the ones that can't stop talking in chat about how much DPS they do and how much they love their blaster but are always out of position because they spend to much time talking about how great they are? I have a particular dislike of Ego filled Blasters who die multiple times in a run, have no Idea how to properly use the DPS that was gifted to them and then talk trash about how much better their chosen AT is then the lowly Sentinel. A bad Blaster player will view the Sentinel as a poor man's version of themselves - one that won't heal them, taunt for them or debuff for them. All in all a self centered way of looking at the game dynamics. A good Blaster player will, rightfully so acknowledge that a Sentinel won't directly benefit them but is the Foundation the the team can rally around. That the Sentinel is playing multiple roles and doing a tonne of work every bit as valuable, and often moreso than any other AT in any given team. My wife, also a Sentinel player (not for lack of trying other ATs) put is best. Who defends the Defenders - Sentinels. Who Plugs the holes the Tank/Brutes miss? - Sentinels. Who chases down the runners - Sentinels? Who holds the line when all else fails? - Sentinels. My wife plays her Sentinal like a Paladin. I play mine like a Battlemage. Together we can lead/carry any team, anytime, anywhere through any adversity. End rant. Edited July 6, 2024 by Exqzr984 2 My Sentinels: 108 Wat/SR. 90 Wat/Reg,. 68 DP/Dark. 63 Ar/Nin, 62 Rad/EA, 53 Ice/Stone, 53 En/EA. 50 Dark/Rad. 49 Psy/Will. 25 Storm/EA
Sovera Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 Funny enough it is not the damage that makes me drop Sentinels but the runners. Having to chase enemies be it on a Sentinel or any other AT is what makes me stick to Brutes or Tankers (or the few Scrappers who lucked out on having an agro aura). Or eliminate all Kill All missions as a compromise. 1 - Simple guide for newcomers. - Money making included among other things. - Tanker Fire Armor: the Turtle, the Allrounder, the Dragon, and compilation of Fire Armor builds. - Tanker Stone Armor: beginner friendly (near) immortal Tanker for leveling/end-game and Stone Armor framework. - Brute Rad/Stone and compilation of Brute Stone Armor builds.
Exqzr984 Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 On 7/6/2024 at 11:17 AM, Sovera said: Funny enough it is not the damage that makes me drop Sentinels but the runners. Having to chase enemies be it on a Sentinel or any other AT is what makes me stick to Brutes or Tankers (or the few Scrappers who lucked out on having an agro aura). Or eliminate all Kill All missions as a compromise. Expand I had this problem as well until I made it mandatory to have an immobilize on all my Sentinels. Be it Chain Fences, Fire Cages, Frostbite, Paralyzing Dart etc. You also have access to slows in many different sets. What I have found in almost all Sentinel build theory has a heavy reliance on the AT Offensive set. I see 7 or 8 skills routinely taken in 95%? of Builds.. But, I honestly believe that 6 is the ideal amount and I have one build that only has 4. For example on my Water SR build I skip Hydro Blast, Dehydrate and Water Burst - something I got yelled at for. However, the theory behind this is sound and more importantly it allows me to get Chain Fences, Lightning field and Havoc Punch actually providing more damage and better utility. Chain Fences allows for the Gravitation Anchor Proc - Chance for Hold to really ensure you lock everyting down. And if you need endurance assistance it takes Peformance Shifter as a bonus. Anyway, once I started looking at doing a litte more control and dropping one or more attacks that are not needed in my rotation (water jet is supreme and has a 4 second cooldown) - evenything just clicked. As I began to apply these ideas in respecs, each time I noticed a smoother battle sequence, less chaos and a feeling of being on top of any situation. I short if runners are a problem, chain fences and its ilk are the solution. My Sentinels: 108 Wat/SR. 90 Wat/Reg,. 68 DP/Dark. 63 Ar/Nin, 62 Rad/EA, 53 Ice/Stone, 53 En/EA. 50 Dark/Rad. 49 Psy/Will. 25 Storm/EA
Thraxen Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 Don’t have to chase runners when you’re on a ranged class. Just shoot them in the back. 1
FupDup Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 I only find runners to be a serious/substantial issue when using "rain patch" style powers that the devs deliberately designed to make enemies run away immediately, which is a problem that goes far beyond Sentinels. .
Exqzr984 Posted July 6, 2024 Posted July 6, 2024 (edited) On 7/6/2024 at 9:21 PM, FupDup said: I only find runners to be a serious/substantial issue when using "rain patch" style powers that the devs deliberately designed to make enemies run away immediately, which is a problem that goes far beyond Sentinels. Expand Fup I think I read you don't like Procs (in general) but have you ever tried a proc cocktail on your rains. Given their mid cooldowns and low damage, I think they make an excellent candidate for Anihilation - rez, Bombadment - fire, Positron - Energy, Javelin - Lethal and best of all (Superior) Frozen Blast - Immobilize. 6th slot is flex depending on what other sets you can put in it. Basically turns your rain into an AOE Stun with both Burst Damage and DoT Damage. Edited July 6, 2024 by Exqzr984 My Sentinels: 108 Wat/SR. 90 Wat/Reg,. 68 DP/Dark. 63 Ar/Nin, 62 Rad/EA, 53 Ice/Stone, 53 En/EA. 50 Dark/Rad. 49 Psy/Will. 25 Storm/EA
Heatstroke Posted August 8, 2024 Author Posted August 8, 2024 On 7/6/2024 at 8:03 AM, Exqzr984 said: Mostly, I am amused by the lack of Sentinel love given by other ATs who don't play and, dare I say, understand Sentinels. Let me echo some of the truths spoken in this post by the OP and many others. Sentinels are imo the best AT for new player to learn the game. They are very forgiving. Easy to level, easy to slot, allow for any kind of playstyle. and are objectively the most FLEXIBLE AT. Then, as the game is learned, the silent strength of the Sentinel will emerge. As a new player becomes an experienced player, an entire world of possibilities opens up through the Sentinel AT. An experienced Sentinel Player will start to see complex multi directional playstyles and nuanced slotting for some truly epic final builds that will satisfy the hardest of the hard core. In short, the entire leveling experience from 1 to fully incarnate is very rewarding. A dedicated, skilled Sentinel player knows the value they bring to any fight and this value does not need to be confirmed by anyone else. We know we are often last one standing. We know we can do 90 to 95% percent as much damage as anyone else while at the same time sharing aggro as an off tank, all the while peeling or controlling as needed. My wife, also a Sentinel player (not for lack of trying other ATs) put is best. Who defends the Defenders - Sentinels. Who Plugs the holes the Tank/Brutes miss? - Sentinels. Who chases down the runners - Sentinels? Who holds the line when all else fails? - Sentinels. My wife plays her Sentinal like a Paladin. I play mine like a Battlemage. Together we can lead/carry any team, anytime, anywhere through any adversity. End rant. Expand Here Here... Well Said !!!
Heatstroke Posted August 8, 2024 Author Posted August 8, 2024 On 7/6/2024 at 8:40 PM, Thraxen said: Don’t have to chase runners when you’re on a ranged class. Just shoot them in the back. Expand pew pew...
Without_Pause Posted August 23, 2024 Posted August 23, 2024 (edited) Initial theory craft for an Ice/sr. Obvious softcap Def, 41.8% Res S/L without RoP factored in. I might play around with it to get better Res numbers, but again, this is essentially an initial pass on the build. I've made a few small changes even while I posted this. I couldn't really talk myself into any other blast set based on everything I have already and the slows and -Recharge will further mitigate things for an /sr. P.S. It should be obvious, but I would pick up Ice Bolt and respec it out later. |MBD;22951;1340;1788;BASE64;| |G6ZZAKyKx/lXLKSkJLigx4yXS5GuPc0mU34aB8Jc297vCb8sd1swEkOydPW1DgtIV51| |O5auXBdrCQOkreX9qb1U9u3fXTdesekTslwwnDCPA2b9fTV9txMxoPTGLca3u3FpLK2| |t39IVcWZhgSsOtQh4M95DeonyxBAawTFDCYZhpTIauq0qdO2AN60j7o3PEouiXCvFhv| |7gugqWz/q3gyWEKMn+B4HnfrcsEEJEGCPwShwK/jz0xssV589zpwkBDKl18LWDo7iKX| |X8kNb3UYhf+miE7glA1SoJ9NLHi/5yZkUPjudQIbKvoMotfsjvW4we2BYeSON3SRz+s| |3MqNq4zzmACOcS9j9dtoiib81woWpUZ1CUa/YFna4InIgP29yVCzniKXlVlMfyHV/mS| |8d7o0uOdT/C1tgWvikA9uL5J0mXNGtFbEp8n2j9fDuvMI9VRvOl+fRLW3VqpNY1Zs5M| |8bN9vvagudGJvs+LI7pJxLebxZdDDNan9f7JuJA8DAuM5egZ9ZL1b6bNf8Vf1J3/G6d| |BGTLuzm6t2Pyjc7PHcXUuEUOAsbeeoIjHLvuGbsZ78HqszffAT/hFGh1dv6Vv5Cm14U| |pUaT7en/54VuznOqA6gSMkLWC6ka2Ew0tuerck5an6SIZwWSl7ls9egNT7o3JpO2LEP| |/u/D/BQ9bNkPMMhNzaAtoSMEIGCGUNb2k+amBwqHpcQllCWS2U1aL4tJAvN7bh/y4VD| |zUoO1zDsDf2qbDJ7dbkKLkES1wlAZTECWY6LQUYQ/mnxLYv4yNrQs8x9QeXfK5xGwXu| |sO68zvJsO9ZtOXos0SewmgAKEeiqKaAkTtTt1PDsVOhSX+XHvpmQreF5/ZBdpeLF/ek| |jPG/8KjjsTtQOeifd6+wGPH8yUt4NWcAJHK7A4boKVbS+GLTpWro7coUuMGGYZYh1a5| |gPkBM3n2BKXi0BGCHA0tLQLHMYG8JdT5Wj2MLjia0Ehhcc67NaB6c5rraADcOOR5XVU| |WwXKGeY0W+XnS3EAxq4YbjpDVrYrJGgoqcEQ2Sv5OMfFdqNZLoO8Lj9ThEvCUOXVqtq| |ZEoqOLkVV0kAhQhPT0kBxQjPbSDFxGppxXygthg4nJJRjZKTTKclKyfClH2TSHiITOA| |Lpf3IZGboyFRCPlLIRwohsuSL6//uH05cMcQ+r0KRMxmwPeMoThmwXYHtfhy1PW64v+| |nXl+QMV+CGkl3IHCafL+VFMUJUwghKuqthz61nlHaGl9LwTuRwfz+lNLwHHig7ZOOc5| |Tp1Sd3VNqFzYmuD2nsPxEe9SREr2CJHUzjy2wH5On3FfpwLwdl90+q8vSl7JM53w2M3| |1yWpA5eugK4CjBG4YRKBNzSVePoLeWIBXCrNcHUV7Ge49CxQdYm31KoCgrqkXyebzhN| |Pow41reffOeCB4bETGxQt3ZiyZIfvRG1H+piZNOKNx4AzWXrczuNEQ6aJI+6r3SsKdL| |amvsgNk6nSkcWRK1bcvM8Djl2qMSxIbkUIYBK1BEsi8rneWw04dRwsB1xofu91E//wg| |R8EtHKTV1RIAcgCG3m1rdklSqoLbWuQD64IPU7y1uMKH31mI4/j86CN3QRVexWbGq7w| |XvAgkWwWB+3V241t6c/Xdoj+AIQhtT+zo3sK0tOF6oE5EGWVsP+LzT/Fftd7f/Ce/s2| |075wGF08KnC+xfa7vr0xcBoSzScF/bcde6lLM8KcYCj4g+K91acowpDu4QupoCUU/7P| |3ZCCZ0j79E5nagG3nk7cWNLP6hAHTGlvnQC+b0AyWUOxo=| Edited October 2, 2024 by Without_Pause Build update Top 10 Most Fun 50s. 1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute. 10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. "Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."
Stellarex Posted August 24, 2024 Posted August 24, 2024 Really enjoying beam/invuln so far and looking forward to higher level content 1
Vulgaris Posted September 1, 2024 Posted September 1, 2024 My only lingering gripe is sents still have the damage tax on their T9s while getting the recharges set longer. I know blah blah scrapper "design" parity but IMO Either the damage tax stays or the more active and aggressive cooldown does. Both feels off.
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