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How do you give back/pay it forward?

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So, you made a fortune on the market, or you hit level 50 and make mad Inf just by breathing, you have a super-powerful character and most if not all of the things you could want. How do you pass some of that on and make life easier for people just starting their characters?


I like to hang around Atlas Park and play hide-and-seek for money, giving out pretty softball clues so I'm easy to find. ("I'm hanging out with an old friend from Galaxy City" when I'm standing by Back-Alley Brawler.) Or sometimes I'll just go up to random people, hit trade, and drop a million Inf on them when they accept.


Sometimes I'll show people how to do Enhancement Conversion to turn Uncommons into more salable Rares, too--occasionally holding a class for several at once. And, of course, I'll sometimes invite a few along on a x8/+2 Peregrine Island radio mission with my 50+1 Fire/Fire Tanker and proceed to lay the smack down and get them some levels.


What do you like to do?

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!

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And, of course, I'll sometimes invite a few along on a x8/+2 Peregrine Island radio mission with my 50+1 Fire/Fire Tanker and proceed to lay the smack down and get them some levels.


If you have any Tips active, lots of times those missions spawn in the zone in which you activate them, so you don't have to get the folks over to PI.  Just a thought.

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I don't know anything about tips, as I've never really looked into changing my alignment. How do I find those?


Once you hit 20, defeated foes will drop Tips, little clues to disposable/repeatable missions that can be responded to one of two ways.  For a Hero, one option will be the "Hero" option, the other will be the darker "Vigilante" option.  Choose whichever one you prefer, and the mission will be set.  COmplete the mission, and you're 1/10 on the way to an "Alignment Mission," a chance to either change or reinforce your commitment to your current alignment.  (Alignment Missions pay 40 RMs so they can be worth doing sometimes in lieu of Radios/Newspapers.)

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Right, but how would I know if I even have any tips? I've never bothered with them.


It's under Contacts...and unless you turned it off in the options (if that is such an option) you definitely have some

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Right, but how would I know if I even have any tips? I've never bothered with them.


It's under Contacts...and unless you turned it off in the options (if that is such an option) you definitely have some


IIRC, the Contacts window has 4 tabs, "Active", "Inactive", "Detective/Broker" (depending on blue/red), and the fourth, "Tips", shows up when you hit 20.


As @justicebeliever said, if you're level 50, you've had some tips waiting for a while now.

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I still like to be out punching nazis on my characters, and living an army of alts, so I'm not yet in the 'costume contest/hang out and hand out' stage.  I live on the Help channel, answer all the questions I once asked as many times as they need to be answered, and am always down to drop what I'm doing and help someone with an EB/AV/Wipe Recovery/Glowy Hunt.


Cause its Paragon - there should be a hero there when you need one.  The chance to do that for real people is so much better than the chance to do it for an NPC (but I have trouble walking past a purse-snatching in Atlas, too...)

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute

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I still like to be out punching nazis on my characters, and living an army of alts, so I'm not yet in the 'costume contest/hang out and hand out' stage.  I live on the Help channel, answer all the questions I once asked as many times as they need to be answered, and am always down to drop what I'm doing and help someone with an EB/AV/Wipe Recovery/Glowy Hunt.


Cause its Paragon - there should be a hero there when you need one.  The chance to do that for real people is so much better than the chance to do it for an NPC (but I have trouble walking past a purse-snatching in Atlas, too...)


This.  And I help out on the forums (and debate a lot)

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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And I help out on the forums (and debate a lot)


Debate, when done in a civil manner, promotes the health of the community over all.


As for me, back when I originally played, if I was ever on any form on kin def/controller/corrupter, I'd randomly speed buff people.

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If we're counting out-of-game stuff too, I guess all the guides I've written and write are my way of giving back.


(Heh. Randomly speed boosting people. Gives me an image of some citizen walking along minding his own business, then suddenly zooming ahead to smack face-first into a wall... :) )

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!

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I drop level 50 enhances/salvage on others lowbies. I hit someone with Fortune before then enter a door mish. If someone is fighting and their health is dropping, I heal them or rez them if they are expired. Considering all the wonderful folks who have helped me so much in this game, I try and pay it forward every chance I get.

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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...Considering all the wonderful folks who have helped me so much in this game, I try and pay it forward every chance I get....


+1 .......try every time I play and would expect all other vets to do as well!  :)

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I do random costume contests and give out way too much.


Buy full sets of IOs for people.


Give struggling lowbies cash.


I pl people that want it free of charge.


I find myself spending a lot of time explaining the entire incarnate system and veteran reward drops in great detail to people just starting out with it. Soon as someone asks anything about it in help I immediately send them a tell, and if they know nothing about it, spend the next half an hour explaining the whole thing. It's so simple once you know but when you don't it can seem so complex.


What I really like is giving out influence to people but with interaction from players or a reason, along the lines of a costume contest. What I did back in the day was have trivia night and give out influence to the first correct answers. People really like that stuff. If you have any suggestions or ideas for things like that, let me know!

Influencor- Need PL'd... no charge. Pay it forward.

Fabulous Freddy- Faaaaabulooous!

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joey, you could send out a message via broadcast saying 'the first person who finds me (whatever character you are playing) and says "I found you and you look AWESOME!" (or whatever you'd like to hear) will get XXX influence/purple enhancement etc'. :) Be sure and place yourself on top of a statue or in an accessible building.

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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I like to hang around Atlas Park and play hide-and-seek for money, giving out pretty softball clues so I'm easy to find. ("I'm hanging out with an old friend from Galaxy City" when I'm standing by Back-Alley Brawler.) Or sometimes I'll just go up to random people, hit trade, and drop a million Inf on them when they accept.



I have done both of these back in live. Nowadays, I just hit 50, so all my Influence is going to... well, you know....

Project Manager, Haphazard Projects

Founder of the L.A.U.G.H. SG

"If you don't laugh at yourself, someone else will laugh at you first!"

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I like the idea of hide and seek but it doesn't work in the game if you know what to do and how to cheat it. Friends would get so mad when I could find them instantly.

Influencor- Need PL'd... no charge. Pay it forward.

Fabulous Freddy- Faaaaabulooous!

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I like the idea of hide and seek but it doesn't work in the game if you know what to do and how to cheat it. Friends would get so mad when I could find them instantly.


How can you find someone instantly?  I’m racking my brain...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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If I'm farming, I'll invite random people on the farm and help them out in some levels. If someone is working on a build, I'll give them money or IOs that I got from farming. If someone is struggling on a low level mission, I'll get one of my 50's who has a good build and go in and help. If someone is running a task force and needs a specific type of AT ("need CC" or "need tank" or "need buff/debuff"), I'll go do that.


I owe a lot to people who helped me get to a good spot, so I just pay it forward and do what they did to help me.

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"Give back" and "pay it forward" implies that 1) you were helped in similar fashion along the way and 2) you do it because of that. I went ground up from nothing, without help on this server. By that logic, I should keep entirely to myself.


I help people because it's who I am. I don't publicly PL anymore, because back in the day I had too many people take PLs as an entitlement (it would get quite vexing having "friends" who only talked to me when they were obviously looking for a PL).


I do though randomly gift people with influence or valuable enhancers. I'll pretty much always help people finish missions if they need it. When I run a team, I will bring anyone along for the ride. I don't care if it's a level 1 looking for fast XP (though I don't tolerate door sitters unless they specifically ask to join just to lurk at the door).

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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Mostly the following:

  • I start teams and invite people of pretty much any level to enjoy the XP
  • Answer stuff on the help channel whenever I can
  • Help people with their builds


Sometimes I'll toss a Miracle +Recovery or something similar to a teammate who seems to be struggling despite decent slotting, but mostly I like to help people learn skills so that they can earn things rather than give it to them. I believe anyone can 1) earn a lot of inf very easily on the market and 2) make great builds on their own given the right bits of information, so I'd be doing them a disservice in the long term by just providing them with a lump sum (unless it's a relatively small sum of inf for something very specific) or giving them a build rather than discussing how to make a great build or providing feedback.


Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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Oh, and one other thing I do is I offer to craft any needed common IOs for lower level folks on PUGs I'm on. I've got the crafting table and everything memorized, so it's easy enough just to slap that thing down, pull up the auctionhouse, and grab whatever salvage I need to craft whatever other people need.


Or sometimes I'll go to origin stores on Talos Island, wait for someone to come in, then drop a bunch of common IOs on them of the right level for them. :)

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!

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