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Anyone Else Sad Like Me?

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Always interested in other people's data collection:

My headers are:

Name, Lvl, Vet, Server, Origin, AT, Primary, Secondary, Day J#, Day Job %, Created, Age, Enhanced, Tports, Incarnate, TAFP, TFC, Halloween, SBB, Vday, Winter, Zones, DA, MC, Account


My incarnate is just tracking the level shifts, though once I have t4 everything i want on a char, I'll mark that.  Only a couple chars I feel are complete there since I tend to collect a variety.

Separate sheet tracks the day jobs and yet another one does Minds of Mayhem badge, but that's one I'm just curious how many runs it takes.  I used to have one for the incarnate salvage, but decided the upkeep wasn't worth the work.

Some explanation for some of the less clear labels

Day J# How many Day Jobs are complete
Day Job % What's the total percentage of the 3300 hours needed?
Enhanced Clear, Y, Respec Needed, Sets
Tports The P2W Mission TP, Base TP, etc...  BSMTA if complete
Incarnate How many shifts, 4 if I feel they really don't need or want anything more
TAFP Stat Accolades done?   (And I just use this if they have the red side version, like Invader)
TFC 000000 if none of the main TFs have been done.
Halloween, etc.. How much of those badges has that char done
Zones Exploration Badge progress with a code like A-B9R6G5C4P1O2 (how many of those zones need completing, but have I done the exploration and history for the stat accolades?)
DA Which contact of the DA arcs is this char on?
MC Have we done market Crash?




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11 hours ago, lemming said:

Always interested in other people's data collection:

I'm just glad to hear someone else has a spreadsheet!


I track the salvage, because it's easier when the reward screen comes up with Rare or Very Rare to pick something quick without having to dive into the UI - especially on Tinpex's. If it's uncommon or common, I just pick something random. Not being a badger or an accolade hunter (apart from TFC & Atlas Medallion which I usually do in one sitting), I don't track badges or completion of things, although the Market Crash completion is useful. I'll probably add that in.

Edited by Harlequin565
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2 hours ago, Harlequin565 said:

I'm just glad to hear someone else has a spreadsheet!


I track the salvage, because it's easier when the reward screen comes up with Rare or Very Rare to pick something quick without having to dive into the UI - especially on Tinpex's. If it's uncommon or common, I just pick something random. Not being a badger or an accolade hunter (apart from TFC & Atlas Medallion which I usually do in one sitting), I don't track badges or completion of things, although the Market Crash completion is useful. I'll probably add that in.

The badge stuff is just a few areas.   During the Halloween & Winter events, I just check to see who hasn't done them and then I just went ahead and added the other events.  Halloween got a bit more staty when we got Prismatics.   The Day Job portion dates back from live and just went a bit CDO with it.

Market Crash and zones are the most recent tracking. Zones will probably be the least accurate over time.


I did the incarnate salvage for a bit, but now I try to check my inventory at the start of anything that will have a rewards table.  (And sometimes I succeed...)


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I don't keep track of this kind of information. I personally find it more fun to log onto random alts, and see what there is to work on.


However, I was very enthusiastic about optimization in the period shortly after coh was brought back, and I collected very extensive data regarding various powersets' ST and aoe performance. If you've seen the recent melee powerset comparison thread in the AT forum, that's the kind of thing I did, except that my methodology was far superior to Ston's and my data vastly more extensive and accurate as a result. I stopped around the time of the TW nerf; I realized there's really no point to that level of statistical data-collection in a game where encounters are not very deterministic and where there is no content that demands, or even rewards, that level of hairsplitting.

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Another advantage is seeing how much money I have across all my alts because I was spending quite a bit of time in the market trying to make more money for the never-ending supply of new characters. Once I realise how much inf was banked I stopped marketing almost immediately. Now it's a simple case of buying what I need, and trading merits for converters I just sell. I enjoy playing the content, so the inf keeps on raining in without the need for marketing strategies.


1 hour ago, Zect said:

I realized there's really no point to that level of statistical data-collection


Heh, I get this.

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I'm pretty sure I have two characters done including all T4. I can name only one of them. I'm far more likely to park a level 50, than to get them to T4.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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On 7/9/2023 at 6:31 AM, Harlequin565 said:

I'm not sure this is a good thing. Interesting to note that my Vet 22 50 still hasn't +4'd everything.


I await suitable character choice shaming.

Screenshot 2023-07-08 222200.png


Nothing for you to be sad about. You've done more than arguably a large portion if not a arguably a majority of the player base have done already, especially with your dedication to spread sheeting things like that.   

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On 7/8/2023 at 5:31 PM, Harlequin565 said:

I'm not sure this is a good thing. Interesting to note that my Vet 22 50 still hasn't +4'd everything.


I await suitable character choice shaming.

Screenshot 2023-07-08 222200.png

I've recently started tracking my influence as well as other details.  With over 300 characters, I've occasionally lost track of where I've left large sums and had to go logging in every character until I find it.



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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

With over 300 characters, I've occasionally lost track of where I've left large sums and had to go logging in every character until I find it.

I think that's why I started too. Thanks for sharing your sheet too. It's given me some ideas for new characters too.. Ice/Ice Brute and a Dark/Storm Cor. Both sound fun.

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