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A modest proposal, and an immodest request.

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I would argue that the characters name is of no less importance than the costume itself. Many a character begins its creation with the name, which is more of a title really, the costume then manifests around that. For others, their imagination goes wild, the character takes shape...and then the perfect name to finish...until you get notified that :


   'That name is already being used by another character. Please Try again'.


 Not a good look for someone who's never played before only to find the iconic name they needed to complete their character is unavailable. In the back of their subconscious, this slowly drains any interest for long term investment. Sad, but true.


  THEREFORE, I propose that for communication, mail, ect. the individuals handle/account name should be used, thus allowing the use of any name for any character. The same way that StarTreck Online does it.


  Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe that this can only be a good thing, as it promotes more creativity, unhindered by first come first serve. It will allow new and old players alike to get the perfect name for their character without worry.




Admittedly, this is a somewhat unrealistic request, as it would require someone to tutor me in the ways of code/asset design, among many other things.


  I've only recently started playing COH compared to most. I believe COH and consequently the community is something truly special. Homecoming stands alone in what it has to offer people this day and age when buying something isn't owning, and corporate fat cats think they have more right to your life than you do, in that it promotes imagination, good times, and quality interactions.


  What I'm getting at, is that most people my age, have no interest in quality. They are susceptible to peer pressure and value the opinions of the internet more than that of themselves or even their own family. 

   It's a shame really. They play the newest $120$ game, not because it's good, but because if they don't, then they are a 'loser'. If they play a game that is of a certain era, they are a 'loser'.


   Personally, for me, a supercomputer couldn't even begin to compute the number of F@&#$ I do not give. I like what I like, and I hate what I hate. 

     Which is why I want to contribute to Homecomings wellbeing. Specifically, I want to create content, run maintenance, things like that.


  Now I would be lying if I said I knew what I was asking. I don't really know what I would have to learn. What I am saying, is that I am willing to learn, if someone is willing to teach.

  I'm not tech savvy. I'm a nature guy. Arborist, Park Service, State DNR; that sort of thing. I do posses an adaptable mind however. 


  I want Homecoming to be around for many, many, more years to come, and I'm willing to learn to make that happen.


Edited by KillstardoAbominate
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Your naming idea has merit, it's unfortunate that the way to do it would require a lot of work in how the various DB servers talk to each other.


You can find a bunch of topics about this all over the forums.


On the helping out bit, you may want to apply to be a game master.  There's always call for people who can help out that way.

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Yeh, Naming Sickness REILLY blows very very hard!!!!! Not only STO, but also Champignons Online have that name@handle system and it's one of few things those were Awesome there.


And initially btw Champignons online's system was just name w/out handle, but when several games were merged it became name@handle, so all that work is doable actually. But attempt to make that on a live game, however, may lead to unpredictable effects, like various DB corruptions and necessity of reverts to backups, so handle that with care, but it'd be 100% better than not handling it anyway.

Edited by Purrfekshawn

To keep this game safe, We have to give it to the world.

Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

Arc ID #21066 - Archvillain Beatdown - Past Edition!

Letz now talk about existing Incarnate Lore Pets:


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I'd imaging that on the forums, people having the same names would get a bit confusing.


As for in-games names, I believe you want this section:


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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I'm earnestly curious where Gen Z and Gen Alpha are getting $120 to blow on a game they don't even want to play but feel like they "Have to" in order to not be a loser.


As a Millennial staring down a $60 price tag on a game I -want- is rough enough... The disposable income the aforementioned people have is impressive!

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On 2/12/2024 at 6:27 PM, Purrfekshawn said:

Not only STO, but also Champignons Online have that name@handle system and it's one of few things those were Awesome there.


STO and Champions were built using the upgraded version of the engine CoH was built on, so they were able to correct the issue with names there.  As @lemming mentioned, it's been talked about here over the years.  It's technically possible, but would require a lot of work and not something a small volunteer team will want to take on.  I hope they can at some point in the future though. 

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On 2/20/2024 at 11:31 AM, Steampunkette said:

I'm earnestly curious where Gen Z and Gen Alpha are getting $120 to blow on a game they don't even want to play but feel like they "Have to" in order to not be a loser.


As a Millennial staring down a $60 price tag on a game I -want- is rough enough... The disposable income the aforementioned people have is impressive!

It always amazes me that game prices are $60 today.  In the early 1980s, console cartridges were ...$60 (well, actually new ones ran from $40 to $60), and even $40 in 1982 was like $128 today. This Gen-Xer bought a couple of dozen over 7 years.  Also sank a ton of quarters into arcades.   I probably should have sunk that money into investments or towards my first car.  One makes sacrifices for the desire, and not necessarily from disposable income.  Not wise sacrifices, mind you.

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