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Sending Yourself INF after Issue 28 - An Open Question

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Sending yourself INF. It should be trivial, right? Technically, it is! Open your inbox, compose a new message, type in your global, type in some numbers, and hit send. Great, done. OK, now now many alts do you have? It's not a flex, it's a genuine curiosity; we get 1000 slots per shard! I can't imagine filling that, but I'm juggling 200+ and I'll never stop myself from making a new toon when inspiration strikes. So that brings me to the point of this thread:


With Page 1 of Issue 28, we no longer have the ability to use /emailsendattachment . Discovering that command here at Homecoming was an absolute gift. Using this command and understanding its syntax, I was able to use it in a fancy icon macro:


/macro_image "DayJob_BlackMarketTeleport" "BoP Deposit" "emailsendattachment @archaelia BoPx05m 5000000 0 0 $name"


which I could then rapidly click the appropriate number of times (about 10-12) before editing the code for 10m instead of 5m to repeat the process. BoP stands for Bank of Paragon, just an in-name for myself, and $name lets me know which alt sent the INF. I make a lot of alts, and I make a decent amount of INF on my mains, but ultimately I'm a filthy casual who loves S.T.A.R.T./P2W Vendor buffs and attacks and QoL stuff--I need a way to easily shuttle INF to these new characters without having to do this manually. Having an inbox full of a couple dozen emails I can pull from when I need to, to grab a buff or get that Team Transport, is vital to how I have come to play the game over these few years.


That said, I understand why these commands posed a potential vulnerability for players and needed to be disabled from regular usage. Unfortunately I don't have a suggestion for how to reimplement this ability at this time, I'll simply have to go back to sending these manually, as painful as that sounds -- how do the rest of you manage this task?


(Thanks, if you're still reading. I don't usually write things like this, I don't enjoy complaining in general; I absolutely love the life continually being breathed into this game with each new Issue/Page update -- but this is just one of those blows to QoL for me that was unexpected. I had looked into the beta notes when it dropped but I do not remember seeing this change then, though I may have overlooked it accidentally in blind excitement.)

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@archaelia - Torchbearer :: Pure Sunlight | Hyperline | Skittles | Wyndra | Stellagirl | Persephone Yin | Cilatra | Trance Gemini | Cyan Essence | Voidweaver | Zael | Multiplicate | Clanket | thiccuracy | Galaxy Gem | Infinite Rose | Nightflower | Hot Sands | Sandweave | Jetfuel | Plasmahead | Ice Chest | Internal Locus | Danger Dancer | PPD Parks Ranger | FDPC Cryoforce | Black Silver | Vanguard Viper | Arrowdyne | Adam Adrenaline | Violet Velocity | Hypervoltage | Star Huntress | Kat Huntress | Violet Vycanthys | Edge Witch | :.

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I just leave an email (from main account) in my inbox and have my farmer (from secondary account) reply to it with 25 mill and have the newbie (on main account) claim it and delete that email so I don't clutter up my email with empty stuff. That's enough inf for all the P2W teleports and powers and buffs for a newbie toon. It doesn't feel cumbersome to me but if you've been doing it differently for a long time I can see how this would be frustrating.

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SCRAPPER: Sir Kit Breaker-Elec/Shield *DumDum Pounder-WM/Shield *Snoglobe-Claws/Ice *Ice Flow Joe-Axe/Ice *TANK: Gamma Goon-Rad/Rad *Bernjamin Tanklin-fire/claws *Skullgrin Von Killjoy-Invul/SS *Frozen Snowshoo-Ice/Ice Quarry Goon-Stone/SS *BRUTE: Megahertz Donut-EM/Shield *Ohm Ahgerd Stone/Elec *Shadow Goon-Dark/Dark *Devilaint Le'Z-Rad/Fire *STALKER: Double OHM 7-EM/EA *Sir Kit Interupt-Elec/Shield *TROLLER: Chilly Lilly-Ice/Rad *Chlorophyllis Vance-Plant/Storm *Mechamoo-Elec/Cold *Johnny Burnsalot-Fire/Kin *Countess Gone-Ill/Dark *Lady Gone-Dark/Dark *Calpernia Tomik-Ill/Rad *Porkchop Scallywag-Fire/Nat *Gone Daddy-Plant/Dark *Merrie Melody-Symp/Dark *Toot Sweet-Fire/Dark *Lord Gone-Grav/Dark *Misty Burnsalot-Fire/Storm *Maddie Burnsalot-Fire/Rad *DOM: Scorched Eartha-Earth/Fire *Gazebo Malarkey-Dark/Psi *Clawsin Bloom-Plant/Savage *Diatomaceous Earl-Plant/Thorn *Permafrostasha-Plant/Ice *Corn Cob Earth/Earth *MM: Stupid Robot-Bot/Elec *Dark Leader-Demons/Dark *Silas Greenback-Thugs/Time *FENDER: *Dr. Gone-Dark/Dark *BAG3L-FF/Sonic *BLASTER: PinPointress-Arch/TA *Shimmy Burnsalot-Fire/TA *Lil Beefy-Ice/Fire *H0TT-fire/fire *CORRUPTOR: Shady Burnsalot-Fire/Dark *Kinetic Koala-Ice/Kin *Atmospheric Hazel-Water/Storm *Hami Dum-Seismic/Nature *MiHami Heat-Fire/Nature *SOA *Big Gravy-Crabbermind *Sentinel: NP Seymour-Elec/Regen

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20 minutes ago, archaelia said:

how do the rest of you manage this task?

I check the alts I play most often to see if they have any inf' or reward merits to spare for my other alts. And if they have the inf', I just send myself an e-mail with basically all the inf'. Then whatever alt I'm wanting to buff opens said e-mail, claims the inf', and spends it. Or if the more played alt(s) have the reward merits, I have them buy whatever I'm looking for and just e-mail that instead. (Though, all my characters are broke. And I do mean all of them. So usually I just press on without bothering unless I know I have been playing a specific alt enough recently to have sufficient inf' to do anything.)

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theres no way someone plays 200 alts at the same time.  maybe 20 active and 180 inactive.

start pooling your inf on "mains" on page1, and start selling stuff when you are done and mailing it to yourself.  either claim the inf on the main to hand out later or claim it on a leveling alt

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Open up email, start new email, drag a merit from salvage to attachment box (which autofills your global for you to assure there is 0% chance for mistake), type in inf amount, type 1 letter into message box, send.


Works for me, but I guess I don't do it often enough that I ever worried about a macro for doing it.  Best tip I ever got was attaching a merit to autofill my global, as I was always paranoid about mistyping it.  I find it faster than doing the reply method and it doesn't clutter my inbox.

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3 hours ago, kelika2 said:

theres no way someone plays 200 alts at the same time.  maybe 20 active and 180 inactive.

start pooling your inf on "mains" on page1, and start selling stuff when you are done and mailing it to yourself.  either claim the inf on the main to hand out later or claim it on a leveling alt


I know someone who does. Has more 50's than I have characters. Seems like every time I turn around they are on a new character, or on one who's name I don't recognize that can be anywhere from L 15-50.


I recall someone posting a macro to more easily create emails to yourself with inf, don't recall who or where.


Sadly, it doesn't work if your global has a space in it and in over 4 years no one has been able to get it to work.

Edited by Oubliette_Red

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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13 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

Sadly, it doesn't work if your global has a space in it and in over 4 years no one has been able to get it to work.


The whole thing shouldn't work anymore, as OP pointed out, "emailsendattachment" was removed with the Page released yesterday.

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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1 hour ago, Oklahoman said:


The whole thing shouldn't work anymore, as OP pointed out, "emailsendattachment" was removed with the Page released yesterday.


Well pancake.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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18 hours ago, kelika2 said:

theres no way someone plays 200 alts at the same time.  maybe 20 active and 180 inactive.



How about not judging what someone does and doesn't do? Unless you're them, (A) you don't know and (B) it's none of your business.

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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My global had a space in the name, so the macro was never working for me.


I don't maintain many alts, and my Inf hoard is pretty much established to be self-sustaining... that is, I don't have the need to accumulate more Inf, and between the other things in my hoard (Merits, Recipes, Enhancements, etc.) my slow-ish playstyle allows me to build up new characters as desired.


As for how I transfer wealth: It's pretty much a single on-demand email transfer of a single Hero Merit plus anywhere between 50M and 100M Inf, depending on what I want to purchase from S.T.A.R.T. at level 1.  Initial purchases are usually some prestige travel options, turn off rez insps, Reveal, some temp attack powers, and the offensive/defensive/recovery buffs. The Hero Merit is usually just to allow some quick conversion to whatever: typically unslotters and converters.


Things like ATO and other commonly used enhancements will be waiting in the SG base.

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I store my Inf mostly in Global Emails, values 800million, 400million, 200million, what's left, or some combination similar.  I also keep at least 1million Inf on each Toon.  This is enough pocket change for trivial expenses.  When their Inf drops under 1million or they need more, I claim the smallest Inf email to get more, then mail the remainder back to my Global.  I also usually spend ~36million Inf on a new Toon.  Even at a low level of activity I'm at now, I earn more Inf faster than I spend it.


There's also apparently a bug in the new version of our game causing emails to your own Global to (sometimes?) fail to send.  Hopefully that will get hotfixed soon.

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