Wingslord24 Posted September 17, 2024 Author Posted September 17, 2024 4 hours ago, arcane said: Comparatively speaking, the OP makes too much sense. What gives, King. As I said, I'm not king or any other user here please stop. 3 1
Wavicle Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 Overall, not bad. Keep in mind the Upgrade powers now get to be slotted. It looks like maybe the first one would be slotted with Heal and the second with Resistance? Maybe switch that aspect of them, so you get the Resistance slotting in the level 6 Upgrade, and the Healing in the 26 Upgrade. 2 Wavicle's Guide To What Really Matters: What Needs To Be Done On Every Toon
Lusiphur Malache Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 I like this idea, but I like clown pets more 2
Vanden Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 21 hours ago, FDR's Think Tank said: You could use the Latin terms for Lower, Middle, and High if you want something fancy looking. (Inferiora, Medius, Summas) This also escapes the religious classifications and let's players do as they please while still satisfying the dominant cultural perspective on Angels for people who would be playing a Western Modern Mythology themed game. Latin words? I say, don't be a dilettante, go for full-blown Enochian. 1 A Cheat Sheet for efficient Endurance Recovery slotting Invention Set Designer Tool Spreadsheet with every Ancillary Power Pool
Xandyr Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 I had suggested Angel Summoning about 2 years ago. People struck me down because Masterminds wouldn't be able to summon any kind of Angel/Throne/Dominion/Cherub/etc etc. Blah blah blah. I still feel like it would be a great set to have. I do like the idea that one of the pets would have like a healing Aura....or each successful hit would cause a small AoE heal. Or lower enemy -To Hit as they are overwhelmed by the power of the Angels. And I've been thinking about revamping my ideas for Angel Summoning and resubmitting... 1 1 What you wanted to know about Bio, but never asked - Tanker - Homecoming (
Wingslord24 Posted September 17, 2024 Author Posted September 17, 2024 1 hour ago, Xandyr said: I had suggested Angel Summoning about 2 years ago. People struck me down because Masterminds wouldn't be able to summon any kind of Angel/Throne/Dominion/Cherub/etc etc. Blah blah blah. I still feel like it would be a great set to have. I do like the idea that one of the pets would have like a healing Aura....or each successful hit would cause a small AoE heal. Or lower enemy -To Hit as they are overwhelmed by the power of the Angels. And I've been thinking about revamping my ideas for Angel Summoning and resubmitting... Go ahead and add yours the more ideas would have the better. 1
Xandyr Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 (edited) On 9/16/2024 at 5:41 AM, Wingslord24 said: Angel Summoning Power Set (Mastermind) It is designed to counter the Demon Summoning power set by using fire, energy, and cold damage. The Mastermind summons angelic beings with abilities to both assist allies and hinder enemies. The set combines healing, crowd control, and powerful attacks to weaken and defeat corrupted forces. Power Name Level Description Effect Divine Purge 1 A ranged attack that deals light energy damage with a chance to ignite enemies, causing fire DoT. Reduces enemy resistance to energy and cold. Light Energy Damage, Minor Fire DoT, Foe -Res Summon Cherubs 1 Summon Cherubs that deal energy and fire damage from range, igniting enemies with each attack. Summon Cherubs (Energy & Fire Damage, Fire DoT) Righteous Strike 2 A close-range attack dealing moderate energy damage with a chance to cause burning and knock down enemies. Moderate Energy Damage, Knockdown, Fire DoT Blessing of Grace 6 Buffs Henchmen Buff Divine Cleansing 8 A cone attack deals moderate cold damage with an additional fire burst that stuns enemies. Moderate Cold Damage, Fire Burst, Knockdown Summon Archangels 12 Summon two powerful Archangels that deal high energy and cold damage, with attacks that have a chance to ignite foes. Summon Archangels (Energy & Cold Damage, Fire DoT) Holy Fury 18 Temporarily enhances the damage output of your angelic minions, increasing fire damage and their hit accuracy. Pet +Damage, +To Hit (Bonus Fire Damage) Summon Seraphim 22 Summon a mighty Seraphim dealing high psionic damage, with an aura that heals allies and burns enemies over time. Summon Seraphim (Psionic Damage, AoE Healing, Fire DoT) Celestial Empowerment 26 Enhances the power and resistance of all summoned angels, making them stronger in combat and more resistant to fire-based attacks. +Damage, +Resistance (Minions & Allies), Fire Resistance's a few thoughts.... Pets I think the pets would be more "Defense" based, with some resistance. Their Defense could be Typed (good vs S/L/E/F/C, weak against Negative Energy, pretty good against Psi,weak against Toxic.) Resists could be similar. Summon Cherubs So, would their attacks be mainly Ranged? Their powerset could be from Archery? IMO, I still feel that with each successful hit, it would cause a small -To Hit Debuff since the enemy would be overwhelmed with the sheer awesomeness of the Angels. Tier 2 pet Archangels Again, in my own mind, I'm seeing Archangels as more of Holy Knights....maybe modeled after the Grave Knights from Necro? Each would have a flaming sword (of Righteousness!!!). They would mainly be in melee. Perhaps they would have a self heal as the GKs do also. We could even go as far as letting them have an Aura of their own. Whether it's a Damage Aura, Healing Aura, -To Hit/- Resistance aura perhaps? T3 Pet Seraphim I really feel like this pet should have a good mix of control, damage, and support. A mixture of the Lich, Demon Prince, and Dire Wolf. With more focus on the Control/Support side. Being the highest ranking Angel, enemies should tremble at the very sight of Seraphim. The 1st upgrade could take Defense enhancements as it bestows some of their powers, and their Defense. The 2nd upgrade could take Heal enhancements. They'd obviously get the rest of their powers, and the Healing would benefit their Max HP, their heals, and the "Soothing Aura" Heal toggle. As far as personal attacks, that leaves 4 powers. The 7th power pick could be Meditate. " You meditate for a moment to strengthen your Angel army". This could be a power similar to gives a nice bonus to To Hit, Damage, Regen, Recovery, and Resistance. These bonuses cascade over a period of time. The other 3 powers? Hmm...I don't know. Divine Purge sounds nice. Maybe a beam of light that causing minor Energy/Psi damage with a -Resistance effect thrown in? Or a minor PBAoE heal? Righteous Strike....again the name is awesome. Maybe it could be modeled after the SFX of Direct Strike from Storm Blast? You call down a beam of light from the Heavens causing moderate Energy/Psi damage? With a chance of Knockdown. I like it. The level 8 power...instead of Divine Cleansing, it could be more like the Call Ravens power from Beasts. Perhaps it would be a Swarm of Angels/Army of Angels? It would be a cone attack , Moderate DoT (Energy/Psi), with a side effect of -Speed and -To Hit Debuffs? Again, with each successful hit your Pets/Henchmen/Angels do, it could cause of minor PBAoE Heal or a mixture of the heal and a minor -To Hit Debuff. Their Defense values could be similar to Beasts (with the exception of being TYPED and not M/R/AoE) along with mediocre Resists as mentioned beforehand. Their survivability would depend on the strong Typed Defenses, with mediocre Resists backed up by the minor PBAoE heals when they hit their target? It could be that the 3rd T1 pet only has this ability, and the T2 pets would have a "Soothing Aura" PBAoE Heal toggle. I like it. I like it a lot. -x Edited September 17, 2024 by Xandyr 1 1 What you wanted to know about Bio, but never asked - Tanker - Homecoming (
Ridiculous Girl Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 if the tier 3 angel does not look like this... it's a no go! 😁 PS... aren't there already cherubim pets in game already? 😄 1 2 "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat "Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre" (It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean "وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب” (Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz
Wingslord24 Posted September 17, 2024 Author Posted September 17, 2024 (edited) 50 minutes ago, Ridiculous Girl said: if the tier 3 angel does not look like this... it's a no go! 😁 PS... aren't there already cherubim pets in game already? 😄 Edited September 17, 2024 by Wingslord24 1
Owl Girl Posted September 17, 2024 Posted September 17, 2024 21 hours ago, Rudra said: As opposed to demons meshing well blue side? Why even try to differentiate? There is already lore in abrahamic religions about fallen angels. And there is already comic depictions of angels and demons being from opposed realities or basis, light versus dark, but that both are dangerous to humanity. So there is already ample ways to identify angels from a villainous perspective. ty tundra for agreeing with my brilliant and insightful point ❤️ 1 g_d's lil' monster ❤️
Xandyr Posted September 19, 2024 Posted September 19, 2024 Wonder if any Devs/GMs have read this suggestion and if so, what their thoughts are? 1 What you wanted to know about Bio, but never asked - Tanker - Homecoming (
Wingslord24 Posted September 21, 2024 Author Posted September 21, 2024 On 9/19/2024 at 8:34 AM, Xandyr said: Wonder if any Devs/GMs have read this suggestion and if so, what their thoughts are? I would be interested in knowing myself as well.
Xandyr Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 (edited) What models are in place now that could be used for the pets? There are plenty of "winged" or angel type models in game already, there's baby new year that could be modeled a bit different for the T1 pets? Modified Grave Knights for T2? Modified Lich for T3? I haven't researched yet for the models....those just came to mind. Possibly Knives of Vengeance could be used for T2? And I wonder if we should start putting out the actual damage/powers/effects the pets have, what IOs can be slotted, damage/effects of the MM powers? Hopefully someone could chime in and give a little direction. I have wanted Angel Summoning for a LONG time, and would love to see this get started. -x Edited September 21, 2024 by Xandyr 1 What you wanted to know about Bio, but never asked - Tanker - Homecoming (
Owl Girl Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 imo to keep concepts as open as possible and to avoid biblically implied power creep, I would suggest keeping the angels as generic as possible in regards to specific denominational paradigm or ranking hierarchy, similar to how Demon Summoning is handled. perhaps some 'lil motes of golden Light or ephemeral pillars of Fire that fire beams of energy that inflict -tohit for T1, some mysterious robed figures with ranged in and some kind of res or dad buff they can cast on the mm and fellow minions for T2, and reserve the model with wings and a fiery sword and burning crown or an Owl's eye surrounded by interlocking circles and triangles for the T3, a melee powerhouse maybe with some kind of damaging aura. while the instinct might be to give angels some kinda healing or ressurection-like powers, let's not forget that typically they are seen as destroyers and messengers first in most mythologies, and are the original source for the demonic in abrahamic traditions... g_d's lil' monster ❤️
Sakura Tenshi Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 On 9/16/2024 at 3:43 AM, Razor Cure said: We have I mean, you wanna get biblical, then demons are just fallen angels so we have angel summoning.
Rudra Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, Owl Girl said: imo to keep concepts as open as possible and to avoid biblically implied power creep, I would suggest keeping the angels as generic as possible in regards to specific denominational paradigm or ranking hierarchy, similar to how Demon Summoning is handled. perhaps some 'lil motes of golden Light or ephemeral pillars of Fire that fire beams of energy that inflict -tohit for T1, some mysterious robed figures with ranged in and some kind of res or dad buff they can cast on the mm and fellow minions for T2, and reserve the model with wings and a fiery sword and burning crown or an Owl's eye surrounded by interlocking circles and triangles for the T3, a melee powerhouse maybe with some kind of damaging aura. while the instinct might be to give angels some kinda healing or ressurection-like powers, let's not forget that typically they are seen as destroyers and messengers first in most mythologies, and are the original source for the demonic in abrahamic traditions... With that in mind, you can still use generic angels rather than reducing them to motes of light or whatever. For instance: Summon Angels Summon Archangels Summon Celestial Guardian In all 3 cases, they are basically just winged humans with or without a radiant aura. Other traits/abilities from the OP could be maintained. (Edit: The first tier "angels" works because angels as a concept are not limited to judeo christian belief systems. The second tier "archangels" work because those outside of judeo christian belief systems are still aware of the term and of them being a higher tier angel than "regular" angels. [They just think they are the highest tier rather than the second lowest....] And "celestial guardian" works because it invokes the idea of a guardian angel without specifically tying it to the judeo christian concept of a guardian angel.) Edited September 21, 2024 by Rudra
Owl Girl Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 zoroastrianism has winged goodly spirits, and the norse have their valkyries, but besides that winged humans is a pretty particular and specific understanding of angels. but i guess that would be fair enough considering that the minions from Demon Summoning all look like the same bog standard "horn headed beastials" look instead of a broader (and better...) variety to accommodate a greater range of interpretations. g_d's lil' monster ❤️
Rudra Posted September 21, 2024 Posted September 21, 2024 (edited) 54 minutes ago, Owl Girl said: zoroastrianism has winged goodly spirits, and the norse have their valkyries, but besides that winged humans is a pretty particular and specific understanding of angels. but i guess that would be fair enough considering that the minions from Demon Summoning all look like the same bog standard "horn headed beastials" look instead of a broader (and better...) variety to accommodate a greater range of interpretations. And the celestial maidens of Japanese myth, though like the original western angels, they lacked wings. Devas from ... I can't remember the religion.... And the Gandaras? (Or something like that?) That were also human in appearance, though again wingless. (Edit again: And the Garudas could also be considered angels for how they act, and they have wings.) And there are other examples of celestial spirits that are human in appearance from across the world. Edit: Though if you want to veer further away from the concept of the angel while still retaining angels as a theme, you can go something like this: Summon Celestial Warriors Summon Celestial Avengers Summon Celestial Champion Edited September 22, 2024 by Rudra 1
kelika2 Posted September 22, 2024 Posted September 22, 2024 fire/energy damage with either energy or fire DoT to simulate holy damage 1
Wingslord24 Posted October 2, 2024 Author Posted October 2, 2024 (edited) On 9/17/2024 at 4:10 PM, Owl Girl said: ty tundra for agreeing with my brilliant and insightful point ❤️ Dark Angels I approve of this. Edited October 2, 2024 by Wingslord24 2
Owl Girl Posted October 3, 2024 Posted October 3, 2024 On 10/1/2024 at 8:25 PM, Wingslord24 said: Dark Angels I approve of this. did someone say something about darker angels? 1 g_d's lil' monster ❤️
Wingslord24 Posted October 3, 2024 Author Posted October 3, 2024 10 hours ago, Owl Girl said: did someone say something about darker angels? Did you draw this?
Xandyr Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 I know it's been a while, but does anyone else have any thoughts/feedback? - X What you wanted to know about Bio, but never asked - Tanker - Homecoming (
biostem Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 (edited) 22 minutes ago, Xandyr said: does anyone else have any thoughts/feedback? I think keeping it more straightforward would be best: T1s could be your stereotypical angels in robes, perhaps using luminous powers similar to Peavebringers, (maybe give the 3rd one glowing touch or some other heal-other). T2s could be more like avenging angels - have them primarily be melee attackers, using broadswords and shields, but use a flaming sword model. T3 could be an archangel, using some luminous blasts and illusion powers, (blind, gleam, flash), to represent the power of their divine light. For the set's special power, maybe something that grants a particular minion "light form", whilst also summoning some lesser angels that aren't quite so bound to the material plane, (basically just have them be photon seekers). The MM's personal attacks could also be various luminous blast attacks. Edited December 1, 2024 by biostem 1
Jeagan Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 This seems like a cool idea, but you're making me feel like I put too much effort into my suggestion xD I definitely agree with the general "upgrades are necessary to have the pets actually be combat-viable" but maybe having support pets would be a nifty idea. You could have a "cherubim" type, that has melee attacks and small AoE heals, an "ophanim" type that buffs/debuffs and has weaker ranged attacks, and your "seraphim" that's a straight up nuke blaster.
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