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A Relook at DPS balancing

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These are only observations, from data I collected. The data presented is not universally accurate, but is good enough to establish a trend.


Why is the data not truly accurate, is because within each class there are lots of varieties and build configurations, which will result with sightly different results. Yet my short sampling, I did, is indicative of a trend.


I also limited the data collection to hero side, but suspect that a similar trend could be expected. If any of you have the time to collect it and posted, I would be grateful.


How I collected the data: I went to Cimerora and hunted Generals (bosses) and counted how many hits it took to defeat him, I did not count missed shots.


The data:

                                         Hits  Mez Protect  Res Cap   Def Increase Opportunities   Res Increase Opportunities

Controller                          42        No                75%                  4                                         2

Tanker                                23       Yes                90%                   5                                         3                                         

Defender with Vigilance:   21        No                75%                   4                                         3

Defender no Vigilance:     24        No                 75%                  4                                         3

Blaster                              15        No                 75%                   3                                          3

Scrapper                           10        Yes                75%                   9                                          2


Do note that Scrappers have two routes to go, that is resistance or defensive based. I used my MA/Shield Scrapper for my test, which is in effect defensive based.


Long ago, in a time far away, during beta and live, Jack Emmet hat a development discussion over DPS vs protection, with the inclination if you are nearly invulnerable to all (tank) your DPS should be very little and contrasting with this if you were made out of glass (Blaster) your DPS would be very high to compensate for the weakness.


Of course, as the game evolved and players complained, some louder than others, the basics of DPS to protection balance, was lost.


The chart above, documents how much the deviation to this principle has evolved to.


Notice when it gets to protection be defense or resistance, it is generally how many opportunities you have to boost your base defense or resistance.


Any thoughts about perhaps giving some arch types a DPS boost?


As always, please make this a learning opportunity, if for example you use the line "they are support, why would they need DPS?" that is fine, but go into detail of why your assertion is balance honest, would prefer to avoid the "it is how it always has been done" because it is a pre-emptive statement with no room for discussion, because the contention that because it has always been done that way may not be so right after all, specially after examination.


Perhaps some may be adventurous and actually recommend in "how many hits" should an arch type defeat a boss?


Thank you

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1 hour ago, DrRocket said:

Any thoughts about perhaps giving some arch types a DPS boost?


Many, all of which can be summarized as "Unnecessary."  I say that as someone who built a Kin/Elec defender with only the default T1 ranged attack, eschewed the use of that attack in favor of Flurry, Air Superiority and Thunder Strike, slotted no damage enhancements in those melee attacks, and still soloed AVs and GMs.  I say it as someone who plays a Grav/TA/Earth controller that only uses one control, Wormhole, and beats enemies to death with Cross Punch, Fissure and Seismic Smash.  I say it as someone who has a 50+3 petless mastermind that wasn't farmed up, but played all the way.


The damage is there for every archetype.  If you want it handed to you, play a scrapper or blaster.  That's what those archetypes are there for.  If you want it on other archetypes, you have to build for it, and that's an integral part of the game.  This is an MMORPG, not a console game with no options.


1 hour ago, DrRocket said:

Perhaps some may be adventurous and actually recommend in "how many hits" should an arch type defeat a boss?


It doesn't work that way.  Even within an archetype, there's too much variation between primaries and secondaries to create a baseline of that nature.  Some combinations won't meet that bar because they lack something, like -Res, -Def or -Regen, others will exceed it because they have extra.  The only way to bring that kind of parity would be to replace all of the primaries, secondaries, pools, *PPs and temp powers with one primary, one secondary, no pools, no *PPs and no temp powers.  To homogenize the game to such a degree that the only differentiation between characters would be the colors they selected.


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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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What kind of controller(s) and defender(s) did you test? Both primary and secondary matter significantly. Do they have -res, -def or -regen? Do they have damage buffs? Praefectus Castorum have defense against S/L/F/C/E/N attacks but none against Psi or Toxic attacks. They also have mezz protection, which impacts a controller's ability to establish containment. 

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As others have noted DPS, is not something you can talk about in a vacuum. Also a lot of folks in game, and in the forums and in discord actually think the damage in this game is too high. Especially with Nukes (both archtype and judgement).


So I would bet money that the devs would actually look to DECREASE overall dps if they were pushed to look at it.


Personally I think dps in this game is just fine. No decrease needed at all on nukes or anything else. And sure as hell an increase is NOT needed.

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16 minutes ago, arcane said:

Other than the Changeling exploit badly needing to be nuked from orbit, we’re in a good spot DPS-wise in this game.


Yes (setting aside the Changeling issue, because that's kinda complicated *1).


One thing that I don't think gets recognized enough: 99% of the rewards (and 99%+ of the ability to progress) in the game are explicitly tied to damaging enemies to defeat them (solo or in groups). This is natural, this is good. However: It is only fair for solo players because through straightforward power-slotting choices (ehem, %damage procs) can characters that otherwise would do minimal damage to enemies can now do damage that is roughly on par with poorly-slotted attacks from other ATs.


(*1) Kheldians that don't 'Changeling' are in my experience the slowest to solo content, compared to other ATs... and it hasn't been like I'm skimping on my Kheldian builds.

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7 minutes ago, tidge said:


Yes (setting aside the Changeling issue, because that's kinda complicated *1).


One thing that I don't think gets recognized enough: 99% of the rewards (and 99%+ of the ability to progress) in the game are explicitly tied to damaging enemies to defeat them (solo or in groups). This is natural, this is good. However: It is only fair for solo players because through straightforward power-slotting choices (ehem, %damage procs) can characters that otherwise would do minimal damage to enemies can now do damage that is roughly on par with poorly-slotted attacks from other ATs.


(*1) Kheldians that don't 'Changeling' are in my experience the slowest to solo content, compared to other ATs... and it hasn't been like I'm skimping on my Kheldian builds.

The subpar state of non-Changeling Kheldians does not forgive leaving a major exploit in place. Whoever is driving the decision to leave the Changeling cheat codes in the game is one incompetent developer.


Personally, I won’t play the AT again until the egregious error is remedied.

Edited by arcane
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7 minutes ago, arcane said:

Personally, I won’t play the AT again until the egregious error is remedied.


Yeah.  I personally know at least three people that have been wanting to make and play Warshades for over two years, but won't until the Changeling exploit is remedied because they don't want to use an exploit but feel that they will be forced to do so on teams.  I pointed them to play Kheldians on the Rebirth server instead, although only one has done so.

Edited by Lunar Ronin
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1 minute ago, arcane said:

The subpar state of non-Changeling Kheldians does not forgive leaving a major exploit in place. Whoever is driving the decision to leave the Changeling cheat codes in the game is one incompetent developer.


My point was more along the lines of how %proc damage is a pretty good equalizer across all ATs (and drives a sweet variety in build choices), and that some players see the corner-case of the Changeling exploit similarly. I personally don't use the Changeling trick because it 100% seems like cheat code, whereas we've had a decade of %proc and fun for everyone except possibly that one edgelord on some "speed leaderboard".

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My concern is less about the damage and more about the tradeoff or lack thereof involved with getting it. Building for max damage is basically the default for most veterans and there's not really many sacrifices being made in the process. They get to have their cake and eat it too. 


Somebody who builds for survival, on the other hand, will be making many very large sacrifices in the process, which is how it should be. How exactly to get to this point is up for debate, whether that means changing procs, set bonuses, power base values, IDK. All I know is that it's not really good game design for one path to get the best of all worlds with minimal drawbacks. 

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Closed Beta Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DptUBzh


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23 minutes ago, FupDup said:

Building for max damage is basically the default for most veterans and there's not really many sacrifices being made in the process. They get to have their cake and eat it too. 

I don’t know… my characters that have zero resistance and maybe 5% defense certainly feel like they’ve made tradeoffs for extreme offense when they’re dead the second Barrier decays.

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