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  On 9/7/2019 at 2:18 PM, Neogibu said:

Transparency (ya'll have been stellar at this so far)  

Content across the board, not just adding to endgame content, this will stop AE from being the hangout place. 





I want to give a generic shout out to several GMs and even a couple Devs who I've interacted with (from a technical support standpoint, i.e. Telephone) on how AWESOME y'all are with acting professional and being more transparent than most professional game studios are these days.  Keep up the good work!  The only one who is kind of a mystery is Jimmy, can't say anything good or bad about somebody you've never interacted with.



  On 9/7/2019 at 2:21 PM, Minotaur said:

I'm happy with the servers as they are now, with ongoing development as available. The major thing I want is the security, that we're not one C&D notice away from oblivion. Not having to restart would be good too but not essential.



One area of improvement allowing AE and the Base-Builder to be one cross platform thing.  Same file format so you can load  up any base you created into AE or even save it and move it to another Shard/Mapserver.  No Prestige costs was one of the smartest thing HomeComing did.   AE is currently a multiple-choice map thing and the only thing you can truly customize is custom factions.  The interface could be greatly improved and provide endless content especially once you start combining what you can do in the base editor:

(i.e.: Imagine if you could create enemy NPCs to try to invade you base that you and your friends can fight off)


  On 9/7/2019 at 2:21 PM, LorannaPyrel said:

* New Content, across all levels
* New Powersets
* New Costume and Powerset Customization Options
* New Incarnate Abilities
* New People To Meet And Game With! ^_^



Powersets are rather well balanced, IMHO. 


My only complaints for areas of improvement are specific areas of improvement for specific archetype set roles. 

For example, to name a few, from my perspective:

  • Electric Blast powerset's -END drain is actually quite effective on a Defender (when slotted), but is highly useless on a Blaster or Sentinel. -END also has to be paired with -Recovery to be truly effective.  Electric Blast would be much better with a different secondary effect, such as: 1) if it stunned (mez with a low mag but could be stacked) or 2) if it chained (additional damage to nearby targets).
  • It would be nice if all the other Incarnate Judgements were brought up to the same target cap & radius as Ionic, or even additional Judgement powers added entirely for variety and not cancelling out your teammate's attack.  Glad to see more people using Mighty Radial's Knock-Up and Void Radial's debuff, but Pyro and Cryo are kind of... not up to par somehow (or if keeping them as-is they need a much faster recharge to compensate).
  • Staff and Dual Blades could use some rework on Scrapper and Stalkers, respectively.
  • Kheldian's could use some love. A good suggestion from another player was to set [Shadow Slip] to magnitude 4.  Basically +1 more than the pool power [Fold Space] since power pools are supposed to be lesser versions and the only way to get [Shadow Slip] is to actually be and level-up a Warshade (which is all build around manipulating and reading the battlefield, for an example so a search for Dythok / Conventus)
  • Improving Inherent powers and Alignment powers (the Villain one is very nice on a Brute or Dominator, but otherwise the other three are all "meh"). Defiance for Blasters is also quite "meh" 
  • Removing zone restrictions for heroes and villains?  Again this is a teamplay focuses game, so if we're going to lock out several zones based on alignment, then those alignment powers have to offer a better tradeoff, IMHO.
  • Increasing or eliminating caps on AoEs, we are not in dial-up internet days anymore.
  • And finally increasing the aggro cap to 24 or 36 (versus only 17), just enough that tankers can hold a bit more threat to protect their team; but nothing like uncapped to where one could pull the entire map's enemies to one dumpster bin. Also good fun for crazy AoE DPS mains like me who want to see how many enemies I can take on at once and survive.

Ok maybe more than a few, but my point is we don't really have anything game-breaking.  No micro transaction items that take over the game (i.e.: Vehicles! On Alert! from Champions Online), and no new powers or weapons that you purchase with real money to give you an in-game edge over your peers (looking at you DICE Studios and Electronic Arts!!!)


But yes, the most important thing is bringing in players, those in particular who want to enjoy playing with others here. Quantity is important, but quality is too.  Really don't want the toxicity of Fortnite, CoD, Rust, or even WoW for that matter.  This community is hands-down one of the best I've ever come across in any online multiplayer game, period.  I mean it. The artistic talent, the generosity and helpfulness to newcomers to the servers, the knowledge and willingness to share it (rather than horde it for e-Peen reasons).  Keep up the good work everyone!





  On 9/7/2019 at 2:18 PM, Ellis said:

To me, the most important thing about CoH is its community, which has generally been better behaved than other MMO communities. Anything that keeps the community intact, civil and cohesive would be my primary goal.




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  On 9/23/2021 at 6:56 PM, agentx5 said:

My only complaints for areas of improvement are specific areas of improvement for specific archetype set roles. 

For example, to name a few, from my perspective:

  • Electric Blast powerset's -END drain is actually quite effective on a Defender (when slotted), but is highly useless on a Blaster or Sentinel. -END also has to be paired with -Recovery to be truly effective.  Electric Blast would be much better with a different secondary effect, such as: 1) if it stunned (mez with a low mag but could be stacked) or 2) if it chained (additional damage to nearby targets).

Something like this huh? I was just thinking about this the other day. Heat Loss from Cold Domination makes me feel more like an end drainer than anything else I've played with.


They could add an additional power sets for all powers that only unlocks at certain levels depending on the powers, for example for MasterMind it should unlock when they reach lvl 32 where they will have all pets and upgrades. For MM specifically this additional power set that's connected with their primary (and secondary with different powers depending what they are) should add more pets they can summon (with the same amount of pets that you can summon for each summon powers just like the current ones like the whole summon 3 of the first pet summon) that can also be upgraded like the normal pets but they would be more like an advanced version of the pets you've been using so far. Your existing upgrades can also be used on the new pets and this new power set can come with 2 more upgrade powers that either affects all pets or only all the new ones, it can also comes with a powers that can revive at least 6 of your pets since you would have 12 of them at this point and it would only revive them randomly with the cooldown being very very long. And when I say they're more like an advanced version of the current pets, I meant take Robotics MM for example, the advanced version could look more humanoid or like the robots from Gundams or the Cast race from Phantasy Star series with the same type (not same exact powers) of powers as the current robot pets but with new arsenals and more powers. Now even though this sounds very OP, this is just in case in the future or far future that the Devs decides to do some game-changing stuffs like new maps, increased lvl cap, stronger enemies and missions, new powers, and possibly even something like new expansions if it ever gets that far. Note: For some people who reads my stuff sorry if it sounds confusing for some since this is something that I actually put a lot or some thoughts into it (which I don't usually do sometimes) and I guess I just get really excited for MM sometimes (cause it's still my favorite archetype) because right now MM is somewhat boring to play because there's not anything new with them and I really want them to get some new contents that would make me play them a lot more often and not just for a few hours at best.

Posted (edited)

- The Guardian AT

- Defenders with melee secondaries (and corrs with melee primaries)

- Wind Control

- Water Control

- Illusion Control Dominators

- Dominator Secondary with whip attacks

- HC working hand by hand with Ourodev Team

- New costumes

- Pointed Mask and Rounded Mask moved from "Face" to "Detail 2"

- New bionic / cyborg / robotic arm models

- Cigars with beards

- A new face detail "Unshaved" to round up existing beard options

- New Axe and Mace skins (especially Axe)

- New lvl 35 - 50 co-op TFs (lots of them)

- Hawaiian shirts and proper shorts (yes I have a Magnum P.I. char)

- Synapse TF, Citadel TF and Numina TF revamped and redesigned

- The ability of putting more than one power in auto, one per power tray should do

- Strawberry flavoured Müller Rice Pudding

- More things I forgot about

- Perma-ban for ppl who spell "Corrupter", "Rouge", "Gaurd", "Sentinal" and "Pheonix"



What I DON'T need /  want to see is more lame powersets like Electrical Affinity


Edited by Nightmarer
Forgot one
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Being chased by a wasp is the most complete sport practice!

  On 9/27/2021 at 10:18 PM, Nightmarer said:

- The Guardian AT

- Defenders with melee secondaries (and corrs with melee primaries)

- Wind Control

- Water Control

- Illusion Control Dominators

- Dominator Secondary with whip attacks

- HC working hand by hand with Ourodev Team

- New costumes

- Pointed Mask and Rounded Mask moved from "Face" to "Detail 2"

- New bionic / cyborg / robotic arm models

- Cigars with beards

- A new face detail "Unshaved" to round up existing beard options

- New Axe and Mace skins (especially Axe)

- New lvl 35 - 50 co-op TFs (lots of them)

- Hawaiian shirts and proper shorts (yes I have a Magnum P.I. char)

- Synapse TF, Citadel TF and Numina TF revamped and redesigned

- The ability of putting more than one power in auto, on per power tray should do

- Strawberry flavoured Müller Rice Pudding

- More things I forgot about

- Perma-ban for ppl who spell "Corrupter", "Rouge", "Gaurd" and "Pheonix"



What I DON'T need /  want to see is more lame powersets like Electrical Affinity



There's a lot of that stuff on other servers, or so I've heard. 

  On 9/27/2021 at 10:18 PM, Nightmarer said:

- The Guardian AT

- Defenders with melee secondaries (and corrs with melee primaries)

- Wind Control

- Water Control

- Illusion Control Dominators

- Dominator Secondary with whip attacks

- HC working hand by hand with Ourodev Team

- New costumes

- Pointed Mask and Rounded Mask moved from "Face" to "Detail 2"

- New bionic / cyborg / robotic arm models

- Cigars with beards

- A new face detail "Unshaved" to round up existing beard options

- New Axe and Mace skins (especially Axe)

- New lvl 35 - 50 co-op TFs (lots of them)

- Hawaiian shirts and proper shorts (yes I have a Magnum P.I. char)

- Synapse TF, Citadel TF and Numina TF revamped and redesigned

- The ability of putting more than one power in auto, one per power tray should do

- Strawberry flavoured Müller Rice Pudding

- More things I forgot about

- Perma-ban for ppl who spell "Corrupter", "Rouge", "Gaurd", "Sentinal" and "Pheonix"



What I DON'T need /  want to see is more lame powersets like Electrical Affinity




I like this list! (even the silly ones)  Did you like mine, out of curiosity? 😀

  On 9/30/2021 at 12:33 AM, agentx5 said:

I like this list! (even the silly ones)  Did you like mine, out of curiosity? 😀


The electric blast idea was good, I think that something like that might be looked at in the future.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/20/2021 at 6:44 PM, GraspingVileTerror said:

Flurry presently has a small chance to Stun, right?

Maybe Flurry should be a moderate-to-high chance to Confuse instead.

After all, there are already plenty of Pool and Ancillary Powers which can Slot Stun Sets.  It would be nifty if everyone had the opportunity for a weak Confuse (and naturally more potent for Controllers and Dominators).


I've been saying since and before conception that recall enemy and especially fold space should have a short like 3 second mag 4 confuse added. That way you could actually slot some sets into them, and be able to actually get decent acc/end/rech stats with less slots without only being able to slot common IOs. It makes an OBSCENE amount of sense as well when you figure, yeah if you got ported somewhere you had no idea it would take you a few seconds to realize WTF just happened and would be attacking anything nearby lol. That and obviously for those two powers and wormhole FIX THE MAG ISSUE SO IT ALWAYS TELEPORTS EVERYTHING EXCEPT AV/MONSTERS!

Edited by WindDemon21

Could we also get the AH fixed so  that it puts sales on items that have been listed LONGER first. I have noticed forever, and after just putting a bunch of items on sale between multiple toons for the exact  same price, the ones that were listed on the most recent toon all sold while the others are just sitting there (and MANY on older toons that have been sitting listed forever that at this point will never sell). It is clear that however it's coded the ah favors the most recently listed item when faced with same listing values. This should be the other way around and if that could be fixed that would certainly help.

  • 4 weeks later

I would love to see the option to build characters that can overcome current limitations (such as continuous movement while attacking, attacks that only work when using movement powers in place of standard powers - things along those lines), and maybe have to forego some standard strengths to get those types of abilities. Everything is give and take and where a strength is created, a weakness is created elsewhere. You'd have a wider array of functionality in the character population not strictly determined by min/max considerations.


Also, and more importantly, while creating individual costumes is one of the most compelling parts of the game, it is still limited to the inventory of available costume pieces. The biography, on the other hand has no limit to creativity...except for character space. I  L O V E reading interesting bios, but the character space is so limited. I'd love to see it quadrupled, the community has some great writers - they just need to space.

  On 9/27/2021 at 10:18 PM, Nightmarer said:

- Defenders with melee secondaries (and corrs with melee primaries)


What I DON'T need /  want to see is more lame powersets like Electrical Affinity



 aw yis, melee defenders would be fantastic. would love me a kin/stone melee def, amazing


completely agree with you regarding elec affinity. great to have people volunteering and creating new content, spending their own time to add to the game but.. yeah, not really sure what happened with that set, dead on arrival

If you're not dying you're not living

Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2021 at 3:46 PM, GraspingVileTerror said:

Would you be able to elaborate on what you mean by "legit mechanics," @Zugzwangz?


People who demand that sort of thing rarely know precisely what they're talking about, and often, any mechanic that does get added isn't what they wanted. Most MMO fight "mechanics" are: interrupt the room nuke, stay out of the fire, and face the boss away from the raid (because cleave is a thing). Sometimes they'll try to freshen that up with dragging bosses into specific areas/into walls, or making sure the enemies all die at roughly the same (otherwise they just keep resurrecting). While technically mechanics, they aren't interesting and usually enforce particular team comps in order to pull off.


Hamidon gets away with this because it's an entire zone with a large player cap, practically guaranteeing you're able to field everything you realistically need to make the fight possible. This guy wanting that kind of restriction placed upon teams of 8, in a game where one of its biggest strengths is that "every team can be successful", just seems like a bad idea. When I read comments like his, I just see someone who wants another angle of elitism to leverage against his fellow players.

Edited by ForeverLaxx
  • Thanks 2

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

  On 10/25/2021 at 10:56 PM, Glacier Peak said:

I've always wanted to fit Flurry in my attack chain 😄 



It's not the worst with Kinetics, since you can cap your damage so easily.  But if Sands of Mu had been available when I made Electron Girl, I would've used that instead.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

  On 10/25/2021 at 10:48 PM, Luminara said:


Well doesn't that bring back some memories...

@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter


How about P2W vendor selling some ground bound vehicular travel powers like Motorcycles.  I really want a big bad bike for my toon to ride around on.

  On 10/27/2021 at 3:25 AM, Knyghte said:

How about P2W vendor selling some ground bound vehicular travel powers like Motorcycles.  I really want a big bad bike for my toon to ride around on.


Right! If a Thugs Mastermind can summon henchmen that ride in on a motorcycle, they at least wouldn't be starting from nothing. 

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