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A Question from The Homecoming Team


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One more annoying thought: make your build as easy (and flexible) to alter as your costume, instead of having to resort to all-or-nothing respecs.  I accidentally put one slot where I didn't want it?  Fine, I'll pay a fee to remove it and then and move it over to this power.  Decide I don't want this power at all?  Drop it and choose from one that was available at that level insread.  Respecs would be like free tailor fees, "click here to pay with free respec token."  This could be quit e a decent Inf sink for the game and would keep rebuilding/respecing from being such a nightmare of a time suck.


I have no idea if this is feasible or not, though.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?

Support, as in help desk or forum based system that ensures response.

Commitment to keep the game running without making client/server changes that impact on game experience - not game play or mechanics but for example no longer running on 32 bit machines.

Edited by HeroReborn
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On 9/7/2019 at 7:13 AM, Jimmy said:

Today we have a simple question for everyone: What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?

Mostly to keep playing.  Stable servers and support.  If we contribute to Homecoming, then I'd like to be sure that those contributions aren't simply hovered up by NC Soft.  (So maybe some transparency as to the license agreement on that last statement.)


If we're contributing code or other assets, it'd be nice to be able to contribute code that is licensed under BSD style or Apache 2.0 licenses.  Lots of code out there uses those licenses, and would make contributing a lot easier.


For actual game stuff, costume pieces are big for me.  Content would be big, as would "fixing" some of the content in game that hasn't aged well (*cough*bluecaves).  Easier ways to contribute might figure in here.


Maybe some advertising as well, just to keep new people aware of the game and some new players showing up. 


A lot of the game is pretty easy right now, maybe a new "hard" server would suit some folks.

Edited by gameboy1234
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I'd also should add: more power customization.  Specifically:


1. Ice Blast doesn't have a Dark option, I was really hopping to do a "black ice" set with this, and I can't.  Probably across the board powers should be reviewed for both light and dark options available.


2. Radiation Blast has 2 or 3 powers that are not customizable at all.  My ghost does not shoot green energy he shoots white ghost beams.  Argh!


3. Toned down or alternate SFX for nearly all powers.  The sound effects on Sonic really turns me off.  I'd like to see a sound effect that's more like a sci fi sound (and a gun for blasting sound) and one sound effect that more like music (and maybe a musical instrument to hold).


4. Some power sets have different weapons I can hold, but what about power sets without a weapon?  Water Blast needs a trident to hold.  My dapper English time traveling gentleman would like an umbrella or a walking stick to hold in his normal idle and running animations.  Etc.  Stuff to hold when the character isn't specifically holding something else would be great and a great costume addition.  Books, clipboards, flashlight, staves and wands, guns, melee weapons, etc.



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I suspect at this point the HC devs have more then enough suggestions, ideas, complaints, warnings... so lets pile on a few more! 😈


Really minor QoL improvement-- add easy to see grab points for window resizing.

It's been 48 hours since my last new alt and I'm starting to get twitchy....

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A solid financial model for covering server costs, development, support and profit, preferable by subscriptions.

I'd personally be fine with $15 per month or more, with options to buy and gift non-recurring day, week or month passes for casual players.

Micro transactions are fine for premium costumes, emotes and other stuff that don't give the player a direct advantage.
A guarantee to avoid "sun setting", and a fallback plan to how the game can live on in case of financial issues, loss of key persons etc.

More alternative animations in power customization.

Two yoga-based powersets, one for melee and one for support.

A "huge female" or other way to make bigger and more muscular female toons.

More enemies that might require an adapted strategy, like sappers.

Allow all powersets and pool powers with customizations in Mission Architect.

Easy in-game share of deeds in social media (like Champions Online).
Allow all RGB colors in costume creator.
Upgrade old "body paint" textures to look like clothing.

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2 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

No thank you.

It's a better way to do MMOs and results in a higher quality of service 90% of the time though.


15 a month might be a bit steep for a game which is 15 years old. No MMO I know of charges more than 15 a month


Edited by ZeeHero
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14 minutes ago, ZeeHero said:

It's a better way to do MMOs and results in a higher quality of service 90% of the time though.

If it were that great we wouldn't have seen sub fees being abandoned in favor of micro transactions.  Take a look at the list of games over at MMORPG.com and see how many are sub fee vs. item shops.  Not even close.


STO dropped monthly subs as an option like a year or more ago because they were not profitable.

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19 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

If it were that great we wouldn't have seen sub fees being abandoned in favor of micro transactions.

The conclusion does not follow from the premise.  Just because corporate MMO's (ever in search of ever more profit) have largely shifted to microtransations (read: loot boxes), that does not mean that the subscription model is faulty.


21 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

STO dropped monthly subs as an option like a year or more ago because they were not profitable.

Ok, let's cherry pick - Ultima Online still sticks with monthly subs.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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1 minute ago, Derekl1963 said:

The conclusion does not follow from the premise.  Just because corporate MMO's (ever in search of ever more profit) have largely shifted to microtransations (read: loot boxes), that does not mean that the subscription model is faulty.

I never said or suggested it was faulty, just that subscription fees do not provide the profitability like they used to.  They did have their day.   However, it's not the case anymore for the majority of games out there. 

1 minute ago, Derekl1963 said:

Ok, let's cherry pick - Ultima Online still sticks with monthly subs.

So do some other ones.  Take a look at the list I included.  There is a rather substantial disparity between the number that require sub fees versus those that are free with item shops.  Companies have been abandoning the sub fee in favor of the items shops because they make more money in doing so.

Quite clear microtransactions provide a " solid financial model for covering server costs, development, support and profit", which is what the poster I replied to suggested would be required.

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34 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

If it were that great we wouldn't have seen sub fees being abandoned in favor of micro transactions.  Take a look at the list of games over at MMORPG.com and see how many are sub fee vs. item shops.  Not even close.


STO dropped monthly subs as an option like a year or more ago because they were not profitable.

Sub fees were abandoned in favor of shitty microtransactions becuase in most cases it makes more money to prey on the customer with microtransactions than to charge a monthly sub. it has nothing to do with quality. F2P games are decidedly of lesser quality.

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2 minutes ago, ZeeHero said:

F2P games are decidedly of lesser quality.

I wouldn't say that they're inherently of lesser quality...  But based on what happened on Live when it F2P, it definitely attracts a "different" (and that is not a compliment) quality of player.

But yeah, the prevalence/popularity of micro transaction and PTW based games has nothing to do with the sustainability of the game.  It's all about preying on the playerbase to maximize profit.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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2 minutes ago, ZeeHero said:

Sub fees were abandoned in favor of shitty microtransactions becuase in most cases it makes more money to prey on the customer with microtransactions than to charge a monthly sub. it has nothing to do with quality. F2P games are decidedly of lesser quality.

I never said anything about the quality of the games, nor did I say anything about whether microtransactions are good or bad in general.  You're admitting that they make more money, which means they provide the "solid financial model for covering server costs, development, support and profit" the poster was looking for.

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1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

You're admitting that they make more money, which means they provide the "solid financial model for covering server costs, development, support and profit" the poster was looking for.

You're absolutely correct.  Which is why everybody in this conversation has repeatedly agreed with you.

1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

I never said anything about the quality of the games, nor did I say anything about whether microtransactions are good or bad in general.

You may not have said anything, but others have - and it's a point worth discussing.

Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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6 minutes ago, Derekl1963 said:

You may not have said anything, but others have - and it's a point worth discussing.

You seem to keep injecting some alternate meaning or subtext to my posts that isn't there.  I never suggested lootboxes weren't worth discussing nor did I say what anyone should or should not post.  I simply tried pointing out that in my experience sub fees probably aren't going to work all that well for what the poster was after.


If lootboxes are what is being thought about as a means of revenue, then yes, absolutely there needs to be a big discussion about them.

Edited by ShardWarrior
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On 9/20/2019 at 1:05 AM, Ry said:

You gravely underestimate Lord Recluse's influence and overestimate the superhuman villains that "constantly siege" him. First of all, a lot of the villains in the Isles are losers at the start. You start the game being broken out jail by Arachnos (unless you're a VEAT), which implies you were either weak enough or dumb enough to get caught in the first place. The entire content is about your character proving themselves by working with or against people, it builds you up as this rookie trying to make it big and I think it works personally. It mirrors how as a Hero you don't start off as this big shot who can one punch skyscrapers. Heroes -can- inhabit the villain zones to a lesser extent by playing as a Vigilante so that point isn't all that much, aside from the fact Heroes get a much better alignment power than Vigilantes do. Villains can fight hero NPCs/NPC groups yes that's true, but its usually Longbow with maybe a hero or two along with them. Why? Because its a separate government entirely and Paragon has MANY of its own problems to deal with. The Isles work as a proving ground. I'm not saying its flawless, certainly not, I'd make a few changes here and there. But overall? I enjoy it very much.

To each their own. I tend to see the Rogue Isles more as hunting grounds for my villains. They have their own agendas that have nothing to do with Lord Recluse and his lot so proving worthy of them is never on the list of priorities. Be it money, power or other less savory goals my baddies have the power to take what they want regardless of anything.

"As Nintova suggests, you can treat a tanker like a melee controller."

- Heraclea

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Here's a off-the-wall wish:


Has anyone tried compiling the client with target ARM64?



Doctor Ditko

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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