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  2. Oddly, red is the color used when quoting a dev, and you can find it in the various Quote templates. It’s a leftover from paragonwiki but red to me is a warning color. Like “Don’t click this button or your toon will self destruct!” I don’t actually know how exactly dark mode works, which means I’ll need to do a little more research before anything is decided.
  3. Hmm, I think I see what you mean. The heading structure you did makes more sense. I'll give it a shot.
  4. Well it seems like I already got my answer. XD
  5. So I've been rebuilding the Salvage related pages recently, adding in missing items, sorting them by the rarity or special context, adding in item caps, unifying the language between the pages, etc, and I already finished the Event and Special pages. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Event_Salvage https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Special_Salvage I was about to rebuild the Invention page in a similar way until I realized that that page used a ton of DynamicPageList code, same with the Incarnate page. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Invention_Salvage https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Incarnate_Component So my conundrum is should I rebuild the pages and remove the DynamicPageList code, or should I learn how the DynamicPageList code works and rebuild he page with better DynamicPageList pages?
  6. What about Red? Red looks good on both Light and Dark Mode? Unless Red is being used for something else on most pages?
  7. I am in favor of black italics. Visible on both settings without worrying about how a single color looks against either. I definitely agree with OP, the gold on white is really bad. It also doesn't show up that well in darkmode—but a user shouldn't havce to switch to dark mode just to read something regardless.
  8. Scroll all the way down to the very bottom of the wiki. You'll see "Privacy policy About the unofficial Homecoming Wiki Disclaimers" then "Dark mode." Click on that. Italics, or maybe a more neutral color like a green?
  9. Dark mode. Right. That would definitely be true. How would I see the wiki in dark mode? So italics then?
  10. Dark blue would most likely create the opposite problem, where it's hard to read when in dark mode.
  11. Hello all! I've been running across wiki pages lately (they might have been around for a long time) that use light gold text against a light gray background. It's very difficult to see. There's not enough contrast between the color of the text and the background. Can we change this practice, and may I correct it when I see it? Here's what a page looks like now... Some options could be to italicize the notes like so: or maybe change the text color to a dark blue like so: Looks like the gold color used is part of a template {{gold|}}. To change it to dark blue all that would have to be done is to change the color "gold" to "dark blue". To italicize, I could create a templated named "em" to make it easy to italicize things. So what do you think? UPDATE: the "em" template is now made!
  12. This is a helpful page for editing tables https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables
  13. Sure those are good suggestions, I came up with Nautical and Aerial cause I figured they would sound more formal and fit the "Greek" aesthetic in the lore of City of Heroes, but I'm certainly not opposed to Sea and Air. ^.^ And yeah, I need to see if there's a way to distinguish the table a little more, I did the extra sorting for the second version and it took me a moment to interpret just how to read it correctly.
  14. I like your changes! So... it's weird... even though they are correct... the terms "Nautical Transport" and "Aerial Transport" rub me the wrong way. Meanwhile, "Sea Transports" and "Air Transports" seem nice. Not sure why. It might just be me. 😉 Definitely make the columns for the ferries, ship, and submarine stand out as separate. Right now it all seems to blend in together and it's hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. You can do it a zillion different ways... make some of the cell border lines invisible, thicken some of the borders, change the background color for each column (could do something like light gray, white, light gray, white or just make each column a different background color, etc. Otherwise, FANTASTIC!
  15. The guide is now up to date. Nearly all of the original guide was retained. I added a few things but refrained from adding too much to keep the guide simple and straightforward for beginners. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/The_Incomplete_and_Unofficial_Guide_to_/bind That said, if there is anything any of you think should be added please let me know.
  16. Then the Wiki Dark Mode isn't right, at least on charts, as it should have shifted the foreground objects to much lighter tones to maintain contrast.
  17. I'll have to check mediawiki to see if there's code for that, though the colors it uses right now is cause I use the wiki in dark mode.
  18. I suggest lightening the background grey tone, it's dark and there's not enough contrast between the foreground text and the background.
  19. So I realized that while my table showed all of the overlapping travel points, it didn't show the alignment required which is important to know if you're trying to navigate between them, so I did a few coding adjustments.
  20. Well that's the point of having grouped together pages for similar content, it keeps the wiki from having multiple stub sized pages that have currently been redirected anyway, and Ferry only applies to two of the subjects while my suggestion applies to all current and future ones.
  21. I like the idea of an easy to read table. I do not like the idea of using names not found in game.
  22. Overall I like it. I was a bit dubious about the table initially, then I visited the ferry page and saw that the stops are all listed out anyway. I definitely think that the table is the most useful way to present that info.
  23. So if anyone has been paying attention to my messages in the Discord, you'd probably see that I've been working on the Zone Overview page a lot. I rearranged the Zones to match the changes made up to Issue 27, added every missing Zone and their original lore names, added the alignment icons to show who can go where, and most recently added as many of the game's unique travel shortcut methods as I've been able to find which at the moment is 18, though I found 2 more today that I have to make pages for (The Vanguard DPO portals and the Shadow Shard Portals) which is why I've been so focused on revamping those pages. Currently I've revamped the pages for TUNNEL System, Paragon City Monorail, and the Cole Transportation Authority, but I've got two changes in mind that I wanted to run by everyone first before I put them into action. 1. I want to change the "Ferry" page to "Nautical Transport" because only two of the four boats are actually ferries, as well as merge all the stops into one table, here's an example I've quickly coded up. 2. I want to merge the "Black Helicopter Transport" and "Free Fire Zone Transport" pages into an "Aerial Transport" page with a similar style table as above. I personally think that these are great ideas and I might go as far as making a similar grouped page for TUNNEL, Shadow Shard Portal, and Vanguard DPO portals but I wanted to see if others think these changes would make using the wiki as a reference guide as easy as I believe it would.
  24. Well, thanks! At least SOMEONE gave their opinion... 🙂 OK. I'll put the guide on the list of things to eventually do. As usual, I'll try to retain as much of it as I can while at the same time adding improvements. I've updated the wiki with the Issue 27 Page 7 and Issue 28 Page 1 changes to slash commands and the keybinding system. It turned out that a surprising number of pages around the wiki needed updating because of the updates. I added some new pages too, the most important one being Keybind Profiles. It's in a final draft or first published kind of state, so if anyone has any suggestions or additions, just let me know. Otherwise, I can't think of anything else to do at the wiki related to binds, macros and commands. It seems fairly complete now. 🙂
  25. I say edit away, and make it an official wiki document. I certainly appreciate the effort of past editors, but my personal opinion is that if the page is no longer accurate or could otherwise be edited to convey its information more efficiently, then it should be edited to correct those issues. Paragon wiki will stand for all time as a snapshot in time to preserve the work of editors past. This is Homecoming, and I have no problem with any change that needs to be made to make the HC wiki represent the game as it is now. Again, just one man's opinion.
  26. Should we update The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind? As I said in its talk page, I'm a bit hesitant about changing anything in it. It's been THE guide players have gone to in order to learn keybinding since the beginning of the game. However, there are some important things that could be added from my own Advanced Bind Guide, new discoveries from the Homecoming forums, and from recent updates to the binding system in the game (Issue 27 Page 7). After reading its talk/discussion page, it's clear that @Curveball's guide was rewritten by a team of Paragon Wiki editors with @Curveball's permission. In fact, @curveball even joins in on the discussion and offers his approval of the changes. The guide is stamped with the standard wiki warning "This is a players guide, we disavow all responsibility for it". The guide was originally written by a player, yet because wiki editors played a major part in rewriting it, I kind of feel like the wiki version is not really a player's guide... but rather a wiki guide (if there is such a thing?). The information in it is accurate, authoritative, and proven. If you read it, not a lot of opinion is in the guide either. So... I feel like we should remove that tag and make it an official wiki document. Make it authoritative. What do you think? Re: updating... if we decide it's a good thing to update the guide, anyone interested could work together with me many different ways. I could take the lead, for example, and suggest changes for discussion, or we could do something else. We could discuss it here, or on its talk page... but first thing's first... should we edit it at all?

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