Venture Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Erm just got booted from the server and the status page says all shards are down. Was this planned maintenance or not?... Literally had just logged in so no clue if there were any in game messages.
TheSwamper Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 I was wondering that myself. I just logged in and was surprised to see all the servers down on a Saturday. There doesn't seem to be any posts about it.
British Battler Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 It was announced in game at 55 mins before and 30 mins before, I saw it, went and did the washing up around 15 mins before the downtime myself
Clave Dark 5 Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 I was working on a costume, probably lost it all. :/ Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game... ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise. This game isn't hard work, it's easy! Go have fun! ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
nightroarer Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 It was announced in game at 55 mins before and 30 mins before, I saw it, went and did the washing up around 15 mins before the downtime myself Ah, so I logged in after the last announcement. Thanks for answering this for those of us who missed the announcement.
mousestalker Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 They announced it in game right before Lusca popped. The stated reason was to revert to before the patch. The downtime is supposed to be thirty minutes. We had just enough time to defeat Lusca before the servers dropped.
Redlynne Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Unscheduled maintenance to revert version due to memory leaks and anticpated server crash(es) if not rectified. The fact that such an important ANNOUNCEMENT didn't make it into the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum is ... well ... sad ... because presumably you would go to the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum to find any information on such an important ANNOUNCEMENT. Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
SwitchFade Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Unscheduled maintenance to revert version due to memory leaks and anticpated server crash(es) if not rectified. The fact that such an important ANNOUNCEMENT didn't make it into the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum is ... well ... sad ... because presumably you would go to the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum to find any information on such an important ANNOUNCEMENT. Yeah.... Except the devs work for free. So... NOT a big deal.
jubakumbi Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Unscheduled maintenance to revert version due to memory leaks and anticpated server crash(es) if not rectified. The fact that such an important ANNOUNCEMENT didn't make it into the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum is ... well ... sad ... because presumably you would go to the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum to find any information on such an important ANNOUNCEMENT. Do you go out of your way to pedantically criticize all of the volunteers and other people in your world for not being perfect? You choose to do this insulting and pedantic stuff. Are you perfect?
HelenCarnate Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Unscheduled maintenance to revert version due to memory leaks and anticpated server crash(es) if not rectified. The fact that such an important ANNOUNCEMENT didn't make it into the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum is ... well ... sad ... because presumably you would go to the ANNOUNCEMENTS Forum to find any information on such an important ANNOUNCEMENT. Yeah.... Except the devs work for free. So... NOT a big deal. Exactly what I was thinking. If you can't handle the occasional down time then cancel your sub.....oh wait.
Shazzie Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Exactly what I was thinking. If you can't handle the occasional down time then cancel your sub.....oh wait. YEAH! RAGE QUIT! Delete all your characters! Cancel your sub! Threaten to take your ENTIRE SUPERGROUP with you and that is just SO MANY PEOPLE they can't possibly afford the loss! .. Uh, yeah, right, that'll really show 'em. Sorry, I know I'm over-exaggerating things here, but I'm sure a lot of us have seen such responses before elsewhere, and it always boggled me. I'm feeling rather melodramatic today so I felt the need to exuberantly advertise my hopping aboard the train to nowhere. p.s. Hey Homecoming team? I love this game, and I love you. I love you so very very much.
Warlawk Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 p.s. Hey Homecoming team? I love this game, and I love you. I love you so very very much. My first post on the forums (I tend to lurk a lot) is to quote this. All of my This. Would it be nice to have something in the announcements forum? Yeah, but it's not a big deal at all and certainly not enough to fling angst at the amazing volunteers who brought this game back and allowed me to share it with my kids who are now old enough to play. Thank you. Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries @Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord. Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.
Redlynne Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Only playing Captain Obvious (as seen on TV!) because what ought to be obvious wasn't done ... obviously. So the Homecoming Team can either learn from this experience (recommended) ... or they can repeat the failure as many times as are necessary until Achievement Unlock. Your go. Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
jubakumbi Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Only playing Captain Obvious (as seen on TV!) because what ought to be obvious wasn't done ... obviously. So the Homecoming Team can either learn from this experience (recommended) ... or they can repeat the failure as many times as are necessary until Achievement Unlock. Your go. Wow. I thought people like this were just memes, not real. You actually think you are somehow educational or helpful. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just wow. The only failure in this instance is your pedantic attitude.
Redlynne Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 The only failure in this instance is your pedantic attitude. You know what ... you're right! Which then begs the question ... why are you ... jubakumbi ... so resistant to learning from mistakes? A message gets written up and put into the GM Chat in game 60 minutes and 30 minutes ahead of unscheduled downtime. FACT. I know this to be true, because I saw it ... both of the notices ... but not everyone was playing at that time and saw them. Meaning that some people would have missed seeing the notices, otherwise why would the OP post this thread and other people chime in saying that they didn't know what was going on either with the servers going offline. So riddle me this (bat)man(ticore): How much extra effort would it take to copy/paste that same message into a forum post in the Announcements Forum? Or better yet and for a longer term and more comprehensive solution ... how much effort would it take to put up a (timed) banner with a copy/paste of that same message onto the Server Status Page (where there's plenty of room for info) so that when people try to log in and CAN'T they can come "here" and get that information while the servers are down and for a time afterwards so they don't have to GUESS as to why they are unable to log in? I know ... gigantic, massive, incredible effort would have to go into copy/pasting a message posted into the GM Chat in game into a post in the Announcements Forum and/or a banner on the Server Status Page for Homecoming! Totally unreasonable, right? Well, am I right or am I right? You tell me. Oh and don't look now, but you've got some sewer muck on your white knight costume from when you were fighting Vahzilok in the below the city streets. Might want to wash that off before you get up on your high horse (again). Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
Sanguinesun Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 I think what we can do here is offer constructive feedback without cynicism or derision. As well, I think we can recognize such feedback given and not invalidate it with similar derision and / or because the team working on the these servers are non profit and / or volunteer. No one in this thread is wanting the opposite of success for the servers or the team and I think its important contextually to remember that.
Redlynne Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 No one in this thread is wanting the opposite of success for the servers or the team and I think its important contextually to remember that. Granted and agreed. We ALL want these servers to succeed! Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
jubakumbi Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Oh and don't look now, but you've got some sewer muck on your white knight costume from when you were fighting Vahzilok in the below the city streets. Might want to wash that off before you get up on your high horse (again). HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow. Sparing with bullies that think they have the right to dictate the teams time makes me a 'white knight'? So no we are using kindergarten Internet-speek? You are trying to bully the HC team into conforming to your tiny little world view over the pedantic semantics of how and when information should be issued. I think bullies suck, and not in a good way. Period. Does not have anything to do with this team, this game, anyone of the individuals here specifically. Bullies are Evil, you are being a bully, even in your attempts to act like you are a saviour.
Redlynne Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Bullies are Evil, you are being a bully, even in your attempts to act like you are a saviour. So pointing out that a failure to communicate is ... bullying ... and calling that failure "sad" ... is bullying ... and wanting communication to be improved in the future is bullying ... and pointing out how it can be improved in the future is bullying. You can lead a man to water, but you cannot make him THINK. Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
jubakumbi Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 So pointing out that a failure to communicate is ... bullying ... and calling that failure "sad" ... is bullying ... and wanting communication to be improved in the future is bullying ... and pointing out how it can be improved in the future is bullying. You can lead a man to water, but you cannot make him THINK. What word would you prefer... Insulting? Pushy? Pedantic? Unneeded? Short-sighted? Rude? Condescending? They all fit I think.
Redlynne Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 They all fit I think. And this is why we can't have nice things. Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.
SwitchFade Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Bullies are Evil, you are being a bully, even in your attempts to act like you are a saviour. So pointing out that a failure to communicate is ... bullying ... and calling that failure "sad" ... is bullying ... and wanting communication to be improved in the future is bullying ... and pointing out how it can be improved in the future is bullying. You can lead a man to water, but you cannot make him THINK. Putting aside other posts that are as uncalled for as yours, I will address your original post. Sure, you have a valid idea, that an announcement sticky would be great. That said, your method of delivering the idea was lacking. I suggest, you think about how you suggest improvements, and not couch them in sarcasm or derision.
City Council Widower Posted June 23, 2019 City Council Posted June 23, 2019 They all fit I think. And this is why we can't have nice things. No, we can't have nice things because I was asleep during emergency maintenance and couldn't repost the announcement. Sorry! Anyway, with the question having been answered and the thread heading down a dark path, I'm going to close it. Community Manager, Homecoming City Council "We need Widower. He's a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos - very important." - Cipher Are you also a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos? Consider applying to be a Game Master!
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