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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. I did....AFTER making a few mini-posts elsewhere. >.<
  2. Pretty sure it's server side to prevent abuse. Probably why we've never see an offline base editor.
  3. I just commented something related in another thread. Basically turn it into a GC type starting map. Or maybe have it be part of the EAT origin tutorial I just wrote about creating. Either will require lots of work from those who would be creating content though.
  4. How about we drop the donation bit and sway the topic to: Can we get the ability to download base templates? Something that allowed you to import/export a base you've made so that you could do things like cloning your group on a different server for those groups who are cross-server OR for the solo person with a personal base that they'd like to do something similar with (because their friend is on a dif server, but they don't want to migrate totally. Obviously base storage contents wouldn't be able to transfer as there's likely some serious abuse chance there.
  5. How about an EAT/VEAT specific origin tutorial? Since they're very specific designs it could work and new story would be awesome. Granted, that would be a lot of work that would require a creation team (that we don't have right now?), but it would be awesome.
  6. I agree with the above restoration as well as building in the spaces between zones. This Khallisti Wharf place looks neat (and very familiar), why not use it as a new starting zone if GC is too much work.
  7. I love the concept, but then I also came across some binds that would actually work better perhaps. They're basically hard coded binds that target specific Insp to activate nomatter the spot they're in.
  8. How about simply put the prestige on keeping the base functional? Keeping the lights on, etc? I can see where the starting over won't work, but maybe throw everyone a lot of prestige, turn on the earning and allow us to watch the free prestige dwindle causing us to learn how to use it. IDK, there's plenty of other things I'd like to see that mostly deal with being able to see what you're clicking on. For example, I have a Really hard time reading the tabs or seeing what I'm clicking on during edit. Also, I can't seem to remember the simple "duplicate item" key(s) that made base building less painful.
  9. WRT to why we should group now, the biggest solo player advantage to being in a group was us of the porters, rez in base (with quick access to storage/store), and crafting. Coalitions allowed for groups to share one functional base (conserving need for prestige) and the left could do whatever (group storage, etc).
  10. Anyone (else) from this themed SG still around and if so would like to have any alts reconnect to the group? I've already met up with EO (who is actively working on a base on a different server than I'm on), so part of the gang is slowly getting together. The Torch server base has yet to be built, but the group is established in name again. Note: At this point I'm going to go ahead and retire the Torch LL group and leave a redirect to the Indom LL group. If anyone happens to read this from the remaining LL crew (and hasn't found us yet), then find one of us in-game. @ElectraOutlaw @WanderingAries -> Will likely be on Torch more often unless LLs want to group, but I have invite priv if you need
  11. Anyone (else) from this VG still around and if so would like to have any alts reconnect to the group? I'm working on the base in the near future , so it's not usable quite yet. Going to be doing a big indoor/outdoor style area in the future to resemble the OG base we had. Aiming for Base is 100% useable for those who want storage/crafting/travel shortcuts. Open to coalitions for those who want to use the travel bits for convenience when the base is operational. [EDIT] Group is on Torch server
  12. Not seeing a spot yet for old SG/VG reconnects, so here's my template. Anyone (else) from this casual SG still around and if so would like to have any alts reconnect to the group? I'm (slowly) working on the base right now and it's partially fully functional (mostly porters and rez to base is next). Going to be doing a big outdoor style area in the future, but trying to get it is 100% useable for those who want storage/crafting/travel shortcuts. Open to coalitions for those who want to use the travel bits for convenience. [EDIT] Group is on Torch server
  13. /altinvite seems to be available. Is that new? I just heard about that yesterday and it damn near blew my mind. Yeah, these whipper-snappers and their new fangled ways. In MY day we had to pony up a 2nd account or bother some random stranger to get ourselves in. ;)
  14. Mini? ;) Little? *stares in Klingon* https://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/img/s5Leo0Bx5UXReUOR1Q_Er3kgcfg=/2016/09/02/41f02b67-d8ff-4179-8c32-a0f0c5bdfd7f/tng-worf00000993d.jpg[/img] And that's bigger than I expected it to be...making all the more amusing. :p
  15. I'll let the others give more specific direction, but I'll leave it to this. Don't worry about the endgame, it's less about the character's specific traits (granted some powers may pack more punch) and more about the player (and the team they find themselves on eventually). As for building a character, pick a concept. Do you like a particular character from some favorite show/movie? Then make a tribute. Have YOU always wanted to be a hero/vill/etc? The what would YOU want to be? It's not like the other games or the single player games many of us are putting aside more often now. It's more about being part of a community of friends/heroes/vills and get this....HAVING FUN!!! All that and You get to choose whether you pay to play or not. ;)
  16. You know what kind of community the game created (and you help bring back) when people are legit SAD that they can't give more!
  17. It's more likely due to the RL "Day Job" schedules of the Admins and average server load recorded to date.
  18. The Guide to Guides provides somewhat of a table of contents to guides... https://web.archive.org/web/20120907031222/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=122411 But most the links break, so you'll still have to huff it once you've narrowed down your thread.
  19. So I've never quite been into the number crunching as some (probably because I can't read them in Mids very well), but I'd like to optimize this build. I've also re-found out that you can actually toggle between build types (IE: this one is for mostly solo vs a "Team Player" build), so this isn't supposed to be as team oriented. Note: I haven't finished slotting as I stopped when I realized I'd forgotten what I eventually built OG (that wasn't so damned squishy as he is now!). Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! Pyromethious: Level 34 Mutation Controller Primary Power Set: Fire Control Secondary Power Set: Empathy Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Flight Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Ring of Fire (A) Damage Increase (3) Accuracy (11) Recharge Reduction (29) Immobilisation Duration Level 1: Healing Aura (A) Healing (5) Recharge Reduction Level 2: Char (A) Damage Increase (3) Accuracy (11) Recharge Reduction (31) Hold Duration Level 4: Fire Cages (A) Damage Increase (5) Accuracy (13) Recharge Reduction (31) Immobilisation Duration Level 6: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction (9) Recharge Reduction (19) Recharge Reduction Level 8: Smoke (A) To Hit Debuff (9) Accuracy (13) Recharge Reduction Level 10: Fly (A) Flight Speed Level 12: Hot Feet (A) Damage Increase (15) Accuracy (21) Endurance Reduction (33) Slow Level 14: Flashfire (A) Damage Increase (15) Accuracy (21) Recharge Reduction (31) Disorient Duration Level 16: Resurrect (A) Recharge Reduction Level 18: Cinders (A) Hold Duration (19) Accuracy (23) Recharge Reduction Level 20: Clear Mind (A) Recharge Reduction Level 22: Fortitude (A) To Hit Buff (23) Defense Buff (25) Recharge Reduction Level 24: Maneuvers (A) Defense Buff (25) Endurance Reduction Level 26: Bonfire (A) Damage Increase (27) Knockback Distance (27) Recharge Reduction Level 28: Recovery Aura (A) Endurance Modification (29) Recharge Reduction Level 30: Assault (A) Endurance Reduction Level 32: Fire Imps (A) Damage Increase (33) Accuracy (33) Recharge Reduction Level 35: Fire Blast (A) Damage Increase (36) Accuracy (36) Recharge Reduction Level 38: Regeneration Aura (A) Healing Level 41: Tactics (A) To Hit Buff (42) Endurance Reduction Level 44: Rise of the Phoenix (A) Damage Increase Level 47: Fire Shield (A) Resist Damage (48) Endurance Reduction Level 49: Consume (A) Damage Increase (50) Accuracy (50) Recharge Reduction (50) Endurance Modification Level 1: Brawl (A) Damage Increase Level 1: Containment Level 1: Prestige Power Dash (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Slide (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Quick (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Rush (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Surge (A) Empty Level 1: Sprint (A) Run Speed Level 2: Rest (A) Recharge Reduction Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift (A) Run Speed Level 2: Health (A) Healing (7) Healing (17) Healing Level 2: Hurdle (A) Jumping Level 2: Stamina (A) Endurance Modification (7) Endurance Modification (17) Endurance Modification ------------ *Side note: How do we default the "Return to this topic" option for the forum?
  20. That probably won't work until we get multi-level bases. IF we're going That route, then I suggest having the editor only load one level at a time to avoid excess system/server load (trying to draw all the 3D and textures).
  21. @silk, Be careful when trying to get them connected as moving the portal around can accidentally connect to a random portal to either side. I'd advise building them one at a time and placing the beacons carefully next to each portal. It seems I'd also limited my connections to 6 on my old builds for whatever reason. Probably thematic or the scrolling list reasons.
  22. As asked above, how Do these types of tags work now?
  23. I wonder if we could convince some people to migrate some of the still relevant content?
  24. What about the zone(s) that are hinted at in the base builder? There's something in there about a Khalisti Wharf?
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