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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. If you've downloaded it from the links in the thread, then no.
  2. Isn't there a special kind (special insulation) when going through the ceiling? Or is that just for businesses?
  3. If you do that, then you'd likely want to find out who made it and If they're willing to share the codebase. Once accomplished, I'd recommend not including titan in the name.
  4. True, but it also boils down to how much you trust said dev. In this case, I'm talking exclusively about the apps listed on the forums (Mids, etc).
  5. The most common issue is people confusing Forum and Game account logins.
  6. Because I haven't read up on it yet...but what's this Cat8 I hear about? And isn't one of those a simple rebranding?
  7. That...would be cool to see the results of as I'm sure this isn't the Only instance of "fat-finger typing" in-game. I know I almost had a moment before realizing I 'did' do it right, but that's a side effect of playing 8' from my screen.
  8. Comcast throttling / modifying content in transit? Never happens. ;) Realistically though, sounded like something was crunching the packets somehow. I know too little of networking to speculate accurately though. :/
  9. There's a lot of love already in there, but even if it retired now, it'll be appreciated for what it is.
  10. Is there a reason you're playing in 720p? Increasing the rez will help that out significantly. If you have trouble reading the text, then you can increase font size while still keeping the scaling so that you can see the game.
  11. Oddly enough, no. Each version adds different things, but Requires its predecessor (from the way I understand it), so you Do have to install them in sequence. Like HS said, it should be done through the Add/Remove when redoing it and then going to the Windows Downloads page. Granted, I don't see why WU won't pull it down on its own, but it's slower.
  12. Realistically speaking, yes, it'll likely run it fine, but on the low-mid GFX range. You can't upgrade to Catalina Anyway, so there's that out of the way. You Could install Win10 via Bootcamp as well if you wanted increased compatibility (less headache) and most of the 3rd party apps are Windows based. With a 1Tb drive, you could even Rebuild the system to run 1 copy of MacOS for non-gaming stuff and 1 copy for just CoX. Mac enthusiasts (the ones who know how to do it) are known for having a system running multiple copies of the OS. It takes learning, external drives, and patience, but it keeps your files separate from the gaming and allows you to wipe that partition whenever you want. No, I don't have a walkthrough. :/ Also...*smacks HS' hand* Bad, BAD @Hyperstrike:p
  13. Not really as that's how things like HeroStats, etc worked back in the day. The data's there for a reason and none of it is RL user data.
  14. There's a few topics on this already with Caution in the comments. There have already been efforts to recover things like the old forums and such as well, but most of these projects lack solid funding, time, and energy. Sorta like a game running off of blood, sweat, and tears...we have to work at the pace we get handed in life. Well, unless someone knows a RL Tony Stark...or maybe a Gamer version of Oprah? :p
  15. More than certain that Meta's right, but just what exactly would you want out of it? What are you trying to debug?
  16. Wouldn't this be served better as an external tool? Something that somehow pulled character data, but also allowed you to do things like set goals or make a shopping list of sorts (what I think is being asked)?
  17. Back then we really didn't know if we'd have More servers anyway I'd think. Well, not at a player level that is.
  18. Unless it's a Bethesda game, then it's a "feature". ;)
  19. Yeah, I mean most see the linear progression of the app and would rather expect things to continue to be compatible from a previous file standpoint. Perhaps even I missed a memo, but I wouldn't have expected my old builds to no longer work properly in the current iteration as that would imply the powers, enh, etc would no longer exist from a logic standpoint. Going in Reverse would be understandable in the same way that you can't take a USB-C plug and expect to put it into a DB port expecting to move data. Related, side note...as rebuilding said builds would be annoying, can we view the old build files in a readable fashion, thus allowing manual recreation within the new versions? I don't "think" I'll have issues, but I'm not sure what version they were last saved in. That and I haven't tried manually reading the files in a while.
  20. @Tahquitz, been busy have we lately? :p
  21. Try sending a message to that same email on the Off chance someone has it?
  22. I read somewhere on here (Install thread maybe?) that the password shouldn't be more than 15 characters. Just in case...
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