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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. In the case of Posi specifically, there's also the option to run "Classic Posi" (1 + 2, combined) via Ouroborous. That just has an EB at the end of it. No Archvillain at all. Still counts to Task Force Commander. But... yea.... I have definitely noticed difference in the population numbers when I choose a shard to log onto.
  2. *stands on soapbox* The increased XP/Time from Confuse pays for itself! You can easily tag bosses / lieut's before they die, and honestly, who's even going to NOTICE the lost XP of a handful of minions across a mission map? *yields the floor*
  3. I *like* the Shadow Shard! Butt I also don't mind travel time and I'm one of those players who generally never used /enterbasefrompasscode, and only uses mission teleporters when the team is busting htem out on a regular basis. If travel time is anathema to you, I could see it being an issue.
  4. I mained an Enchanter in many years of EverQuest. Part of me wants something like this. Charming a critter that would rip your FACE off and playing the dangerous game of Hasting it and sending it to kill things for you and being ready with your PBAE stuns to re-establish control? Good times, man. OTOH, that's... sort of... what Confuse is? I don't know DAoC. I know of it, but I never played it. But in EverQuest, there was no Perma-Charm until for the first five expansions or so. ALL Charms in EQ invovled the risk that your charm pet could break from of your control at any time, and when it did, it was going to Hate Your Guts. It would beeline straight for you unless a Warrior/SK/Paladin taunted it off you. And might STILL come at you, if you'd charmed it a few times in a row. Later on in EQ, a permanent Charm was added as an "AA" (alternate xp) ability.... sorta like incarnates? But it was lvl capped, and even at lvl 65, you couldn't permanently enslave any critter higher than lvl 45. So permanent charms.... while tempting from several RP angles.... well, they'd probably be massively OP. Limiting it to "the duration of this map / does not zone with you" would allow some containment of unintended consequences. Would also have some issues with "Defeat All" maps. Can you release it to kill it? Would enslaving it count as Defeating it? All in all, I think I'm.... probably happier with Mind exactly as it is now. Lots of Confuse, but no permanent mental enslavement of a foe. Though I would like to see Mass Confusion's recharge dropped by about 50%.
  5. Personally, I'd prefer a plethora of lvl 44-and-below TF's. But I'd be okay with 1 lvl 44-and-below TF created for every 3 lvl 50 TF's that are created. MOST people will want the max-level-content, or, such is my perception. I'd just like an occasional bone thrown to the non-incarnates.
  6. Not gonna lie. Biggest reason I haven't gotten any P2W pets is the letdown of having a german shepherd and not being able to name it.
  7. Definitely interested to fire up my AR/MC blaster and check out faster cast Ignite / Full Auto. Also, curious to see how Enflame works on characters without a Taunt aura. If they all ignore it can cook, I'll have a couple characters I'll want to use it on just for concept, whether or not it's the most effective attack.
  8. All in all looks fantastic. I foresee some agonized decisions for where I can chisel out 1-2 more slots for Fly Speed. But it's a good problem to have. Also huuuuuge Thank You for the changes to Rooted. I may be able to make a Non-Granite Stone Armor character now. (My OCD forbids Granite itself, I have to see at least hints of the costumes I spend so much time on....)
  9. Clearly the proper solution is to name the new power Stinvisibility. I have more bad ideas too! Available upon request! 😀
  10. My only characters with softcap defenses have defense-oriented powersets. SR, Energy Aura, Ninjitsu, etc. But all my characters generally have decent defenses, which I define as 27-33% range. Close enough to pop a luck or two. For my controllers / doms, ,it's generally not an issue. Within a couple attacks I've locked down the entire spawn and they're NOT getting away after that. Support characters, either I'm using a lot of debuffs, or I'm ragdolling them, or I'm tankerminding and incoming damage is pretty well distributed anyway. For my blasters, *most* spawns solo, I do right fine with mid-range defense, and then pop some Luck's or an Adrenal Booster when Brown Matter Impacts the Rotating Blades. But I honestly don't care if my characters can solo +4x8 or not. It's nice. But it doesn't govern my power selections. Theme > All.
  11. Seriously. I have so many unclaimed respecs from superpacks, I literally don't know what to do with them.
  12. I don't use mids. Never have. I just wing it. very rarely more than 1 respec during 1-50 levelling. Happens sometimes when a power that looks good turns out to be a stinker, but pretty rare. at 50, one respec, not to change the list of powers I've taken, but to massage which powers get how many slots. sometimes another respec after a patch, if the patch changed something very significant to my character. However, I do not do "incarnate only" builds. I do builds that are meant to be played at all levels of content. Take them for a spin, flashback to ANY LEVEL, and it should work just fine. But nothing ever relies on Clarion or Barrier or Ageless, etc. Within those constraints, I do go wild with IO's and slotting for a good mix of bonuses that should serve me well at various levels of play. But a) most of my characters never take the fighting pool at all, b) only about half take Hasten, c) the only once who softcap are characters who have a Defensive armor set to begin with. A lot of my characters will get up to 28% or 32% defense. But 45% or higher? I'm generally not concerned with unless it's an SR or a Ninjitusu or Energy Aura, etc.
  13. MTeague


    I recently rolled up a Psi Melee/Fiery Aura brute, for the 1-20 praetoria grind. It's NOT goin to be all smiles and sunshine and the perfect most complimentary sets. That's not my intent. This is Fun/Concept > All Other Concerns. Though I will be sugar-daddying the heck out of the character with ATO's and misc unique's. I'm deliberately starting behind the 8 ball, so why not. Partly I just want to do a Fiery Aura character who is NOT a farmer, planned around general content and mixed damage types from the word go. Partly I like the look of mixing in a bit of orangy-fire looks into the Psi attacks, and mixing in a bit of purple/psi coloration into the Fiery Aura's. It works for me.
  14. The only issue I really feel day-to-day playing is Control powers feel increasingly useless after 32 and carrying onward to 50, unless, the team really seeks out the "this mission arc will break your teeth and make you cry" arcs. When the team starts fighting massive amounts of Rularu, or some of the really hard Night Ward arcs, or the Belladonna / Number Six arcs, then you'll be very glad to have some controllers or doms on hand, and you'll be so glad for control, you won't care which it is. But for your average high end murderball doing nonstop ITFs or Radios? It's not worth joining most teams as a controller, unless you truly don't mind feeling like a seventh wheel / being carried. I have no viable solution to that, however. Teams aren't going to gravitate to the kick-your-face-in arcs when the other arcs provide the same rewards. If other mobs were beefed up to the point where teams no longer felt safe in most content without multiple tanks or a few controllers, that would be a step backwards in the idea of "bring what you got".
  15. "Fun" varies from person to person. I'm willing to accept this is a role the original poster belives would be fun in a team. But this really strikes me as something leftover from the early years of other MMO's. The MainTank who holds threat like a champ but struggles with defeating anything on his own. Not because he's easily damaged, but just because his own damage output is so bad that what's a 2 minute win-or-die fight for a DPS class becomes a 12 minute epic battle for him solo. Each hit against him merely plinks against his armor, but because it takes him so long to kill they get like 2000 plinks in. And if a second group adds in, he'll be nibbled to death that much faster. For the playerbase writ large, I think the Defense/Support version would be viewed less charitably than petless masterminds. And the Control/Defense version.... even less than that. For good or ill, whether it's how you think the game should be or not, much of the playerbase holds fast to the idea that "Damage Is King". Support characters are often viewed through the lens of "Do you help us kill faster?" Hence why Force Fields is in such a bad place right now. Before IO's, Force Fields still shone strong because of the math behind "How much DPS does a dead Blaster do?" (yes, slightly more than 0, Rise of the Phoenix, Vengeance, Fallout, etc) With IO's, and Incarnate powers, the original perceptions of what is valueable on a team vs not, has changed. Now there is still challenging content out there that will make players VERY glad for a few Controllers on their team. But you have to go hunting for it, and most players don't touch it, because the rewards for doing so are no better than doing the easy missions that they can overpower. I consider this a damn shame. I also have largely given up hope of this ever changing. I think this might have been an interesting pair of AT's back in 2004 / 2006. I can't see how they survive in today's world. But, the HC devs have surprised me several times. If these catch they're eye, and if they have an idea for how to make it work, who can say?
  16. Removing Dehyrdrate from Water Blast to put in a snipe? Bad trade in my book, so I vote no. I actually like that there are some sets that get no snipe at all, but which get other benefits in exchange. Bitter Frost Ray being a Hold is part of what makes Ice/Ice the Blastroller. I would want to keep those as-is. Of course, I also like KnockBack. Which from your post, you clearly do not. That said, I have nothing against your proposed changes for Electric Manipulation.
  17. Starfire / Koriand'r may have considered him a pet.... of sorts.... he probably didn't mind, though.
  18. I did solo a Nin/Nin stalker through 1-20 praetoria. Even before SO's were available. Though I did sugar-daddy the HELL out of him with Attuned IO's. Full ATO sets, Panacea, both +3% def uniques, both +Res uniques. I also mailed him some big inspirations for certain missions. It was not exactly a live-off-the-land character. I'm more worried about my upcoming Sonic/Sonic corruptor, though. THAT's gonna get rough. Even as a hoverblaster.
  19. re: motive, it would not be unthinkable for some Heroes, and especially Vigilantes, to have an occasional Proactive arc. or even if you consider it reactive, it would be reactive to historical events. example of Hypothetical mission text: For a less Vigilante-minded one:
  20. Not gonna lie, I keep hoping some April Fools day or other they'll turn Sally into a Apocolyptic Monster that requires 50+ T4 incarnates to defeat. Or have it so regular Sally still dies that fast, but as soon as she's killed an Elder Lovecraftian Horror spawns where she died. And do it without telling anyone. So the first person is like "oh hay, it's Sally, quick kill.... " *tosses firebolt* ROOOAAAARRRR "What? I can't.... I don't even" *dies*
  21. Welll.... you have a point. I did my federal taxes tonight, which contributes to the "bad day" aspect, some. An evening slogging through the IRS Form 1040 instructions, and several schedules and sub-forms does not do wonders for my attitude. But I really can't blame it all on that, though. I chimed in on several other threads without being snippy. I suppose some of the Lore AMA's just irk me on a "No, that's a horrible direction to go with the story" level. And i'm ranting at you because.... you made me aware of it. Which is entirely unfair and uncalled for. I apologize.
  22. This I agree with completely. I actually think you should be allowed to choose to NOT betray Sirocco, and do your level best to help him achieve his scheme. You should be railroaded into off-camera failure.... You succeeded at this, but it turned out there was a vital component he was missing, or was otherwise sabtotaged by someone ELSE, so that his gambit ultimately fails... but you the player should have the choice of trying to help even if the ultimate outcome is still the same.
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