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Efficiency Expert (failed) added to Ouroboros
MTeague replied to Spider's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Given that every other badge is Ouro-able, or has some other equivalent thing like Villian Disruptor to go and get Safeguards you missed, I can't think of any reason this one arc should be held sacred and special. If it would really offend the sensibilities of the devs (and I doubt it would, they enjoy this game too....), but if for some reason there was concern over "watering it down", "making it worthless"....maybe something like scale everything to 44 force exemp to 44 so you *have* to do it without Incarnate powers? Because that seems like it would ramp up the challenge a fair bit, while still allowing people to take another spin on the wheel later if they lost power or real life exploded in their lap in the middle of a mission. -
For all that I see Lethal damage panned, my Claws scrapper has never felt weak. I mean, I won't turn down a buff... but I can't say i've felt like it was needed.
Server Merger Needed to Sustain Playerbase
MTeague replied to Saborwrath1's topic in General Discussion
That's further than I'm willing to go. I can sort of see it for ONE SINGLE character. But "name-squatting" for a character I've created and just havent' played yet, is one thing. Reseving a character name, or several names!, on a server I don't even play on... that would feel wrong to me. I guess it does depend how much you bounce around various servers though. I tend to be only on Excelsior. -
Server Merger Needed to Sustain Playerbase
MTeague replied to Saborwrath1's topic in General Discussion
I wouldn't leave.... but I might simply retire characters rather than accept having to rename them. Depends on the character. About 12 of my character names I am VERY firmly attached to, because I had those names on Guardian back in Live. Even having to change spelling or add an extra word in front of them would distress me. I'd see if I could move them to another server and rename them, and if I could not.... they would simply be parked forever, and I would focus on other characters. I'd also probably take a 2-3 week break playing Civ IV BTS while I /pouted and railed against FirstWorldProblems, until I got back on and played the characters whose names I could keep. -
Server Merger Needed to Sustain Playerbase
MTeague replied to Saborwrath1's topic in General Discussion
Same. Although I will say, I get teams WAY FASTER, if I post in chat that I'm forming one, as opposed to waiting to see an LFG happening for what I want to do. -
I absolutely LOVE /SR. The only bad thing about it? Every power is good. Every. Power. I always take all 9, for every SR character I make. Makes it very difficult to work in pool powers. I honestly forget how I managed it back before Inherent Fitness. I probably just didn't have more than one Epic power. The Scaling Resist in the passives, plus the Scaling Resist IO in Reactive Defense, plus the 5% Resist all PvP unique, plus Tough, plus set bonuses? It's not that hard to build up some good resists to pair with your defense.
Mocking Beratement has some nice Typed Defense.
I'm sure it's too many years of being Guild Main Tank in WoW, but the idea of making a Tank and not taking the Taunt power for an oh-sh** option just leaves me flabbergasted. I can see delaying it .... a little.... if there's other powers you feel like you need first. But not taking it at all? No. Not a thing that I could ever consider on any Tank/Brute character of mine.
will homecoming be able to make new content?
MTeague replied to cparks70402's topic in General Discussion
Technically the Homecoming Dev team doesn't have "rights" to anything, not until there's a signed agreement with NCSoft. Hasn't stopped them thus far. I don't see it stopping them until/unless an agreement is signed. However, given that they cannot allow themselves to make a profit, resources and man-hours are never going to be there to crank out content as if they were a AAA gaming company. Anything and everything we get, is gravy, and should be appreciated as the gift and labor of love that it is. -
Do the admins/devs also seed "in need" enhancements?
MTeague replied to kelika2's topic in General Discussion
Heck the seeded quantities were so darn big they ain't going away anytime soon without dev action. I'm fine with the billions being there at the "failsafe" price for the duration. -
Hand-Mounted Assault and Beam Rifle Animations
MTeague replied to That Ninja's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It's a somewhat obscure movie, but "Real Men" (1987, Jim Belushi, John Ritter), had a few scenes where one of the character makes a gun with their fingers and yells BANG!.... and the target gets shot. To the original post though, the PPD Hard Suit and PPD Shells do have the wrist mounted firepower already. Admittedly, I've picked up enough to know that not every NPC move / animation is an easy-peasy port to players. Horrific Spagetti Code (with a nice vodka sauce....) FTW. But it might be a decent starting point at least. -
more choices is good. I'm pretty well attached to the Metallic staff though, once it clicked "Babylon 5, Minbari Fighting Pike"
Fair enough.
Hand-Mounted Assault and Beam Rifle Animations
MTeague replied to That Ninja's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Worked well enough in some old movies, at least for robots 🙂 -
Actually, I'd like to see Teleknesis changed from a Toggle Hold to a Toggle Immob + To-Hit Debuff, in exchange for having the Repel effect removed. I do not see this happening anytime soon. But I think it would be a valid interpreation of the power.... the Mind Controller is holding you mostly immobile with his mind, you can kind of attack but it's hard to be accurate when you're struggling to move so much... and would make it something that would have a chance to be useful in FAR more situations.
Sleep is a situational power. It's wonderful at the end of Posi 1 if you have your Friendly Neighborhood Mind Controller who can AE sleep the Shadow Team, and then you can pick them off one-by-one. It buys you time if more groups are added than the team can handle. Soloing, it, similar to Immobilize, is a form of control that EB's and AV's do not have special protection against. This is *extremely* important for those few control sets that do not GET an immobilize. I'll agree that sleep is useless if you only play in high end teams that race around the map nuking every spawn to death in 2-4 seconds, but Sleep has it's uses in a variety of other situations.
I seem to have gone deaf for an evening after that thunderous sound. 🙂 I do like the idea of creatures needing to spend more time to get back up. I ... suspect it was discarded as being near perma-able in some cases. At the very least, if it were added, the time spent getting back up would likely need to be un-enhanceable. Or you'd have a pair of Stormies using Gale alternating casts and leaving every single spawn utterly helpless for an entire TF. That said, despite still recovering from Galaxy Brain's shout, it *would* provide a nice extra mechanic to make KB vs KD a tactical choice and sometimes wanting one vs the other.
I suspect he may be thinking of Seeds of Confusion, which.... is... honestly overpowered. I mean, I love my Plant/Psi dom, and I would weep if Seeds were seriously nerfed, but if I'm gonna be remotely honest with myself it's ridiculous how strong the power is for so short a cooldown. However, IF anything is to change, I think it should be targetted at the problem power in question, not a fundamental rewrite of an entire mechanic. Agreed wholeheartedly. I hereby sentence @Lusid to level up a Mind Controller, without teaming and without being able to afford Proc's, all the way to 50. Okay, I can't really impose any kind of sentence on anyone but really... Lusid....I do not think you appreciate how badly this would cripple controllers. Also controllers already *have* a random chance to get increased cc magnitude, and that and the Lockdown Chance for +2 Mag Hold leave me plenty confident enough to solo bosses on a controller. Maybe not an EB or an AV, but Lusid's suggestion would mean my Controller could lock down and EB and then be unable to deal enough damage to kill it before I run out of endurance.
Both Knockback and Knockdown are fine. Both have thier uses, neither one should be removed. Soloing, Knockback, properly used, can be *excellent* damage mitigation, Not only do they have to stand back up again, but you sent them sailing out of melee. They might take a pot shot at you with a pistol, but they're not going to be able to WHOMP you with a sledgehammer while they're 30 yards away. Not to mention sometimes you can deliberately send someone off a roof or over a ledge to buy yourself LOTS of time to deal with his buddies. Grouping, most teams would vastly prefer Knockdown. and, grouping, so would I. a) you usually aren't in a situation where you have ot use pathing and geography with knockBACK to save your butt in groups. KnockDOWN is fine for short term disruption of incoming attacks without causing grief for melee or for AoE attacks. And man, you should see a Stormy using Gale slotted with 1 Acc and 1 KB-to-KD and decent recharge. That can stop a TON of incoming damage if you cycle it, and it's just hilarious seeing like 14 Freakshow all flop to the ground, all at once.
I was looking to make a Shield Defense character with a Loyalist Emblem on their shield.... Cole's.... the large star superimposed on top of a Wreath. You can't do it. It's not an available option. Neither is the Resistance symbol. These are of course, very low priority "It would be nice if" and I'm sure there's many bigger fish to fry. But I'm hopeful these would be relatively tame to code.
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Back on live, after IO's were out but before you could change alignments, my EnergyMelee/EnergyArmor Brute was fun to play... but he was EXPENSIVE to kit out. And I had to take Taunt on him. the actual TAUNT power. And I wasn't afraid to use it, if that's what I had to do to hold aggro!
Ain't nothing wrong with making a sub-optimal character for style points. I mean, it's a comic book superhero game. It lives and dies on STYLE. And really, darn near every powerset can be made to work and work plenty good enough to get the job done once you add in IO's. Patch all the holes you need. There are certainly some specific powers that I've taken .... not often... but I've taken them on various characters, and I'm keeping them, no matter how sub-optimal for funsies or nostalgia. Kinetics/Repel: I just love running into a crowd and sending people flying with it. Ever since back on Live, I and a couple squishes had to escape from the perez park maze, and we didn't want to take the hospital express. I put on repel, and said, "okay, we're gonna freight train right through them. Stay with me!!" (3 of 4 of us made it to zone alive!) Mind/Teleknesis: This was useful levelling as an auto-hit toggle hold. For a controller, before I could afford sets, it let me lock down bosses immediately. saved my hash a few times soloing. I dont' think I've activated it in over 30 levels. But conceptually I love it, and still have it on my Mind controller. Storm/Thunderclap: the stun isn't strong enough for anything more than minions which rarely need to be stunned. it comes with crappy base accuracy. But the animation and sound is awesome. I can't let go of it on my Storm Defender. I keep *trying* to find a way to make it not suck. Leaping/Jump Kick: I really really like the animation. It needs to be about 50% faster. Maybe more. But the flip-kick looks pretty good, even if the animation time is Too Darn Long for the damage it does. Fighting/Boxing/Kick/Cross Punch: this doesnt' really belong in the list. If you get all three they synergize VERY well. But I have all three, on a Beast/Empathy Mastermind. It's probably a waste of Endurance, and I don't doubt people will tell me its three bad power choices for an MM. My own personal damage will never be THAT meaningful compared to the wolves and lions. I get that. But I can't play an MM that just stands there doing buffs and spot heals and looking good. For any few seconds I have where I don't need to rebuff, and where I dont need to cast a heal? She's gonna be a Kickboxing Empath MM, tearing it up right beside her pets.
"Boot to the Head" Sssshump!
I would love more challenge added to the game, SO LONG AS, we keep one of the core strength of CoX. That you don't need a holy trinity of Tank/DPS/Heals. I should be able to slap together 8 players of ANY given archtypes, and still be able to get the job done in the vast majority of content. Maybe incarnate trials kick it up a few notches, fine. But All Blaster Task Forces should still be possible, even if it might require that the 8 blasters in question all took the Leadership powers. Similarly, a 6 man team of VEAT, Stalker, Sentinel, Corruptor, Blaster, and Dominator.... or whatever other combo you want to list.... should be able to roll through any story arc mission. Maybe the teams in my examples should need to pause and rest every so often, but don't buff enemies to the point that any AT starts being "Required" or others become a "Liability".
'Telekinetic' FX for Mental Manipulation/Psionic Assault
MTeague replied to Alchemystic's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Costume wiise, my Mind/Kin uses a bright white "Glow" aura set to his head. Looks great paired with the Hat, Mask, and Trenchcoat.