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Everything posted by Trike

  1. I do wonder how difficult it would be to create Technology/Science attacks of things like ice, fire, sonic, and mental powers. In the real world we have sound cannons, and the Klingons use sonic blasters. DC has a number of villains who use ice weapons, particularly Mr. Freeze and Captain Cold. DC’s Mad Hatter and Marvel’s Ringmaster use mind-control hats, and Marvel also has the brainwashing Serpent Crown, while the Penguin has his mesmerizing umbrella (also a heat ray umbrella). Jafar in Aladdin has a mind-control staff, as does Loki in the MCU. Then there are characters like Paste Pot Pete who have glue guns to immobilize foes. So it’s not like these types of weapons are unprecedented. The question is, how hard would it be to animate these things in the game.
  2. Maybe a one-off level 50 mission: Contact: “Hey hero, remember back in the day when you beat up Frostfire and sent him to the Zig? Well, he’s out of prison now and looking for some payback. Oh, and he’s brought his big sister along to even the odds. Her name is Firefrost.”
  3. I also play mostly soundless. I don’t find that the audio adds much to the game in most instances, although I have always appreciated the fact that footfalls vary depending on the surface, a detail few games include. The various sound glitches while teaming can be aggravating, and as others have said, some sounds are just unpleasant. So hearing those constantly, and often overlapping with multiple toons with the same powers, can lead to migraines.
  4. Going back to the original question, are there any human immortals? Or “potential immortals”, barring death by misadventure? I like srmalloy’s distinction between “unaging” and “undying” versions of immortality. Undying implies godlike abilities to recover from any injury, even complete dissolution, a la Dr. Manhattan, or a creature incapable of being so destroyed due to godlike invulnerability. I assume a purely human immortal is impossible, given our built-in senescence, but a near-human mutant with a healing factor might suffice to fit this category. (And a male who passes on his unaging + undying ability would effectively result in an entire planet of immortals, something I don’t think the writers of Wolverine have ever pursued. Technically a female immortal (X-23/Laura, Wolverine’s female clone) would eventually accomplish the same, but she could only bear one child per year, while a man could impregnate several women per day.)
  5. So taking this all into account, is the ultimate takeaway that a nictus is effectively immortal if it manages to find a new host every decade? Related: I’m not up on nictus lore; can they take over an unwilling host? If so, that makes their immortality fairly assured.
  6. My favorite mission arc is the Keith Nance doppelgänger one. My favorite *map* is the Frostfire finale one. I never tire of slippin’ around and skating down that ice ramp. That said, I am curious about some of these others, such as the Dark Astoria one. I haven’t played that in over a decade, so I’d like to give it a go. What’s the first contact there?
  7. https://ibb.co/pz6tcZR https://ibb.co/DWMT7mz https://ibb.co/tb4CDSz
  8. https://ibb.co/mcpVrk3 https://ibb.co/gPC4xbH https://ibb.co/BwmqtVz
  9. Lots of us have been using DeviantArt since way back, but today I was organizing my various favorites folders and came across these two concept pieces. Uploaded in 2015, but I have no idea when they were done. Click the link to see them full size. I’d love to see CoH using Unreal 5 or similar. https://www.deviantart.com/scribblepadstudios/gallery https://ibb.co/pQhF273 https://ibb.co/cvXFnRC
  10. Or a mug with all the icons circling it, maybe in a spiral for design pizzazz. I'd buy that for a dollar! (Or ten.)
  11. I made a new one just now. Roadracer! Any resemblance to other characters is unintentional. As far as you know. The fact he has a coyote pet is a total coincidence. https://ibb.co/fpvTp22 https://ibb.co/gZP7WMh
  12. I’ve written bios that made laugh, which I think counts as emotional.
  13. I also have a non-speaking character, and boy-howdy is it hard to get on teams!
  14. A couple nights ago I made a character on Excelsior named Truth Fairy and immediately ran into a brand-new character named Monsters. Good names are still out there!
  15. Just a heads-up: I *will* be sharing new costumes Soon™, because I have characters with names like Chibi Kaiju, Terrible Two, and Capt. Cupid, and that Baby New Year look is perfect for them. You have been warned. XD
  16. The movement and lighting are awesome. How do you make such gifs?
  17. Yeah, it’s pretty easy to not be able to log into the game for a month or more. When I had Covid in 2020, I could barely do anything for more than 3 months, nevermind play video games. This past winter my dad died from complications caused by Covid and the going back and forth and dealing with all of that meant that I didn’t play (or want to) for several weeks. I’m not opposed to this going into effect; I’m well aware of the value of a cool name. (I just scored “Birthstone” last week on Excelsior, which surprised me.) I just think the low-level policy should be extended from 30 days to 60.
  18. Yes. I have one character who will always be level 1, regardless of what his combat level is, because it’s a fun/weird experiment. He also doesn’t talk, because he can’t. He’s fiendishly hard to play (try getting on a team without talking!), so I rarely take him out of the toy box. Currently it’s been 78 days. I have another that will always remain level 2, as another experiment. I have a third that has stopped leveling at 10. These are hardcore toons that I don’t play much, but they’re fun to trot out every now and again. I also have holiday-specific characters who only come out once a year, so they level very slowly. I have a number of Halloween and Christmas characters who are… let me check… 6, 8, 8, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, and 47, plus a couple 1s and 2s I’ve made in anticipation of this year’s events. I have a few characters that I’ve made in anticipation of additions to the game that I hope to see, like a snake-themed toon in case we ever get snakes as MM pets. I’ve never played him and I’m admittedly camping that name, but when we get snake pets I will rock’n’roll with him. Right now he’s been offline for 190 days, which is probably when I made him. I get the need for this change, but I kind of hate it.
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