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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Farming, to fund other characters. PVP, because that's not typically a "story driven" exercise. There are some ATs that... frankly have horrific slog levels. (I hate dealing with low to mid level masterminds, for instance, from about 18-26 when they have three weak -2 minions, one -1, and you don't really have great support ability.) And here? On homecoming, or any other resurrection server? I'd say that's a silly question, honestly. People have characters they had literally spent... perhaps the entire time from issue 0 to shutdown playing, who were 50 long ago, and want to bring them back up to where they were. Not everyone does, of course, because everyone gets to play the way they want. So, there are several perfectly valid 'points.' You not PLing is also perfectly valid if that brings you enjoyment. Neither path is "wrong" or less valid than the other.
  2. Flipside for me is I've done "the journey" so many times (400-some alts total live, around 100 here,) I have content I enjoy, but my "journey" is more defined with the character itself and RP, which - like RL PNP - can throw things you don't expect in the way since it's created by the people you're with. Doesn't mean I PL to 50 - sometimes, sure, or to other levels (low level masterminds are a draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag) - but I'm more interested in what it does to the characters. I had a warshade, meant to be a PI turn into one of the leaders of a large, decidedly not "PI" focused RP group. Definitely not what I had in mind when I created her. I've had joke one-off, cameo characters get lives of their own and become favourites to play. Of course, there's always part of what drives my altitis - that even in the same AT, different powersets can lead to very different experiences. That group that X character could just slice through is going to give Y character with a different powerset fits, and so needs to be approached differently. Combine that with my characters *being characters,* well...
  3. And if other servers were jumping off a bridge, would you? *waggles finger.* 😉
  4. If Steve Rogers wears a hat, is it a Cap cap? If he did it while firing a noisy toy gun, would he be firing Cap's caps in a cap? If he made a post about it and typed with no lowercase, would he be talking about Cap's caps in a cap in all caps? 🙂
  5. I believe the reason for the cap is less a matter of "Let's put a cap at this level" and more "the way it's programmed, this is the highest value it can have." Besides, when the game was created, there were no IOs, no market, and they likely didn't see anyone really *hitting* the cap any time soon.
  6. Well, we're also not paying a development team, marketing team, management, janitorial staff, etc, etc, etc. That said, there's a lot to lay at the feet of NCSoft. Like their clever advertising scheme for COH of "don't advertise anywhere." And their short lived "let's bring irrelevant advertisements into the game, because Jeeter Clutch needs to be on a broken billboard in Boomtown."
  7. Yes, it was a (questionable, from our standpoint) business decision. COH was doing well enough and the decision to close it down seemed to take even Paragon Studios by surprise (not likely they'd be having a meeting on new content when word came down.) WOW was an outlier with all its players and anything Asian-market is... odd... compared to the western market, given how people access (or accessed, not sure how true it is now) games there. As far as the Hollows? The "slog" was largely gone by 2012. Between early travel powers, familiarity, etc. it was orders of magnitude easier (given I hear frequent mentions of people running Frostfire teams, I don't think anyone's really avoiding it now, either.) 2005, when I started? Yeah, it *was* a mess. Die on the way to a mission, you had to run back from Atlas, without a travel power (even a temp, like ninja run.) Taxibots (and Warshades - early inherent recall friend was useful, plus tp or flight if you took Nova at 6) were popular. And yet... people kept playing. So, yeah, I'd agree - if it didn't turn them off *then,* I highly doubt the Hollows turned anyone off by 2012.
  8. I absolutely hate that phrase. This is a game. I'm playing for enjoyment, not to maximize XP per second and every ounce of DMG out of every attack like my life depended on it. Being told to stop helping because they're "carrying" you? That's pretty much a 1-star, tell to F off, and leave.
  9. You emailed the person a few hours ago. They may only get to play a day or two a week. They may have a job, such as many nursing jobs, where they're working shifts going 7 (or more) days on, then several days off, and may not see it for a while. Patience.
  10. And sometimes they're stuck in an orange suit, and you realize you've just met Gordon Freemint.
  11. Not necessarily. (I don't, for instance.)
  12. If you don't know who has your name, /getglobalname charactername will give you the global and you can PM or email them.
  13. While I'm neither for nor against the suggestion, at least for MMs, they are the primary offense (and it can pretty fairly be said a big chunk of the defense) for the MM. No other AT can have their offense completely removed by an AOE and have to take time to re-create it (as opposed to, say, a hold where you wait or take an insp and are immediately back at full strength.)
  14. Nah. You *really* want to scare them, you make it a cute little girl in a frilly dress. Then make her look up, eyes shadowed, and just slowly *smile.* Perhaps throw in a comment about "Ooh, someone new to play with."
  15. Is that normal for a phantasm? After all, you're summoning one of them, not a human. (And yes, I'm mostly just BSing here because I found the wording amusing.)
  16. 1. I play on everlasting. There are low level teams constantly. 2. Do you understand that high level players get exemplared down and can *also* play on low level teams if the offer is made? I see plenty of people looking to do Frostfire, for instance, the Posi duo and the like. If you're seeing "no one to team with," you're not looking. Yes, even on low levels. This is not WOW. There's no real "gear grind" that forces you to stay on one high level character. There is great incentive to alt. And exemping down is easy. So, no, these people are not "disappearing." How to solve the OP's dilemma: Open the LFG channel. Say "Hey, I'm running Shauna Stockwell's arc" or "Hey, running Frostfire, room for 7 more." Get replies. Invite people who replied. Play arc. Alternate solution: "Starting a content playthrough group!" (or even supergroup.) "Let me know if interested, planning to be around these times, playing through all the arcs we can, 1-50." This could even be done... *gasp* redside if desired.
  17. No. Edit: Actually, since I'm the one that first said it on the old forums and can see this is *exactly* the sort of situation it was intended for... /jranger
  18. Doms are great. I like mind. Or anything with a confuse.
  19. So team and play at lower levels. Don't sweat people who don't. They don't affect you. Some people enjoy RP. Others don't. They can coexist. Some people enjoy creating "builds" for characters. Others don't. They don't affect each others play. Some people enjoy base building. Others find it too tedious to do much more than a basic "here's storage, here's teleporters," if they do anything. That's perfectly fine, too. There's room for everyone. Invite people along, don't worry about people who like something different. They're not wrong. Neither are you. Only saying they are or that they won't enjoy the way they play is wrong. They know what they like far better than you do.
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