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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Heh. Granted, I cringe when I hear a team saying they need "a healer." But anyway... It did remind me of ... early (I3-I4) live. I was on my Ice/Emp 'troller, in the hollows. Responded to a "LFM" - given it was the hollows, it was probably a team about to take on Frostfire. Only two other people on the team at that point. I got to listen to the other person complain to the leader for a while that Controllers didn't have Empathy. Despite me standing right there, and the fact that right click - get info was a thing then...
  2. Yeah, I'll second that. I don't think we ever got an answer on what they were going to be / do.
  3. Well, that's already in the game. Quantum Flight does that. (Did that? I actually have to look again.)
  4. Some pieces do. *shrug* I think "tops with skin" is probably the biggest one with this - they generally don't take patterns or have anything to put a second color on.
  5. I'm not sure why you seem to be arguing with me when I'm agreeing that "yes, that should be doable and not a bad idea." Which I've said multiple times.
  6. .... riiiiight, which is why I said what you mentioned would not be a bad idea. We have mechanics in game that could be used to allow for it.
  7. Most comic books don't require their characters to gain XP. 🙂 Thus the piles of random gangs (with enough members on the street they could just go found their own city at any time.) And I don't mind *this* idea because... you'd be fighting NPCs. (there's have to be good reason for Black Scorpion to be there instead of a lesser villain, but you get the point.) Mentioned that in the other thread when you brought this sort of idea up, which I wouldn't mind seeing implemented. I'm talking specifically about player characters.
  8. We (sort of) have a taste of this with the zig breakout, syndicate, protester, etc. events. And with GMs showing up at various times. This would not be a bad idea.
  9. Yes, but unless they've got their own country and are doing their thing there, they're rarely *allowed* to just be out in the open doing their thing, which is kind of the point - someone calls it in, or they're reported on the news, and SuperPerson goes out to stop them, rescue their victims/hostages/stray cats, etc. In game? That would generally be PVP. Which, again... open world PVP is not generally desired. Plus, of course, we're not in a comic book or movie. We don't have someone writing a plot where bad guy must get away with something for so long while good guy has to learn about it, get the clues and stop them. We're in a game with a comic book theme. If this were a single player game, the whole thing would be moot (well, for more reason than just being single player.) ... perhaps to you, but there are people who care about their characters and actions to the point that they won't go grey or switch sides for anything *because* the alignment does, indeed, mean something to them. There's a whole range, from "mechanics and numbers wrapped in graphics" who just click through the annoying mission text to get the XPs and merits so they can tweak every tenth of a point of DPS or get ONE last set bonus, to those who put a lot of thought into the *character* and their motivations, who don't care about the numbers and pick missions - even where they'd go - specifically on that, and of course every point in between. (Edit: For me, I'm in between. I don't really care a *great* deal about numbers, and on most characters it doesn't "break" them for me to, say, go redside to join a patron arc if the powers would fit them - I've got a scrapper who has a beach theme and backstory that Mako fit perfectly for - but there are times there are story or alignment based things that make me just go "eh... no.")
  10. ... eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh... A couple of thoughts. 1. Is this solely for ... let's call it "pure" alignments? (hero/villain) Because there are an awful lot of people it seems who are running grey just because they want to be able to jump sides to run content with their friends or SG (or just "whenever it comes up,") and i'm fairly sure a good number don't care if they picked Vig or Rogue, it's just "grey." After all, in this (theoretical) world, while the *zones* may be open, the *content* likely wouldn't be (Posi wouldn't call a hero to save the dam. Which itself is another wrinkle or ten with how these NPCs would react, but that was mentioned, and not really part of the discussion as a whole.) 2. There'd have to be more of a timer, for multiple reasons - both to keep opposing-alignment (which I'm just going to list as OA, now) players from getting swamped, and to keep it from being too farmable. (Yeah, I know, you can farm in AE, there are missions, etc. but still.) 3. I'm ... a cynic when it comes to people behaving, which is part of why I mention #2. I remember the original Sonic graphics all too well and asking people not to put them on, and having people (open world, not just accidentally "forgot while I was bubbling the team") deliberately keep bubbling characters because "huh huh *snort* dat funny *grunt*." And people disrupting RP events has been a thing, historically. So, yeah, I see the possibility of this being a harassment tool, so some mechanic against that would need to be built in.
  11. I don't think I have one - though when VEATs were new and shiny, the godawful story "arcs" they had just about made me delete the one I was working on around... 30 or so. Now? If they don't fit the concept I have in mind, they get renamed and a new backstory while I roll an alt that does.
  12. ... which does have an issue - there's a "floor" to the effect as well. Yep, you can fall through the bottom of the water, at least as I recall.
  13. I've seen this mentioned in a couple of threads and figured I'd put some thoughts here for discussion so as not to derail them. So. Picture this. You're running between missions in Talos. Suddenly, on the street you see Murderbot 9k, wanted for at least that many murders, still steaming from all the weapons they set off in an office. They're hanging out on the street chatting with Canniballer, who's idly chewing on what was someone's arm and wearing a T-shirt saying "Donner throws the best parties." You've stopped council and COT plots, brought in Frostfire, Protean, Countess Crey... but you can't touch them. Why? Because those are villain players, not NPCs. Or, you're cutting through Nerva because there's a macguffin that would really advance your power when you see Shiny Justice and Lighthearted off to... do whatever heroes do. Probably save a kitten from a tree. They'll likely interfere with your plans somehow, and even if not, beating them down would really make your rep. Only... you can't. Those are hero players, not NPCs. You sigh and move on. (Should any of these be someone's character... made up the names on the spot, so 'scuse me.) A few times in the last day I've seen "Open all the zones to any alignment" mentioned in different threads by different people. Given open world PVP is unlikely to ever happen (or be embraced by the community if it were turned on,) how would you deal with seeing "enemy" players in opposite-aligned zones? (Edit: As an aside, no, I'm not making the suggestion - due in large part to what I'm mentioning here, among other things.)
  14. Pfft, I'm only at ... around 100. Nothing like live. 🙂
  15. Have it scale. See, I was going to say "eh, not really," but early on, yes, it's rough. They're not slotted for enough damage because you don't have slots. They're not slotted for recharge because you don't have slots. So have them last longer and/or recharge sooner when you get them, and have that gradually back off to the current time as you hit 50, when you should have the slots and set bonuses.
  16. It varies. I don't mind exemping, I don't build for it or keep it in mind. If I feel like doing a posi with my 50, I know I'm going to take a hit. But I've got so many alts I can often find something in range, too.
  17. For some people that answer is just flat out "you can't." PVP wasn't in the game from the beginning, and they liked it that way. They just don't like PVP, period. Different strokes. (And no, that answer does not apply to me. Used to enjoy it.)
  18. I13 did a lot of things, one of the big ones being changing how powers worked. You went from being able to play a character in PVE and haul it over to PVP where, it might not be *optimal* ("Bring a team!") but you know how it works, to having holds that don't, mez protection that doesn't, and heals might but won't after a while, among many other things. As for what I'd do... hmmm. Unpopularly - drop the rule of 5 to a rule of 3 for set bonuses. (And fold LOTG into regular recharge percentages.)
  19. Should be a thread about these... somewhere. I'm not a fan of removing zones from the PVPers (or... in general, really.) Doubling them, though - there's plenty of investigation to be done in Siren's, I'd say the plot needs to be fleshed out more than scrapped. BB is sort of "out in the middle of nowhere," so for those looking for coop - well, yes, bit of a revamp and some more Shivan storyline to flesh things out (besides DiB.) Warburg makes sense to be a redside zone, if it were duplicated for PVE.
  20. You should have other tabs for things like task forces, which will fill in as you hit their level. If you've done DIB, you should be showing Positron 1 and 2 as well as Synapse, possibly Yin if you've hit 20. As far as one mission trials, there really aren't a lot like that. You'll see the Cathedral of Pain listed, but that needs... more than a few people. Same with the Rikti mothership. You'll see the respec trials listed, which aren't *one* mission but are fairly small. Cavern of Transcendance is fairly quick. Most of what you see will have a few missions to go through.
  21. "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." We have literal years of experience of what happened on live. Ignoring that and just saying "live is gone" is, frankly, foolish. We've learned what people do and do not like, what works, doesn't work and sort of works and that sort of thing. "Now is now" *IS* now because of what happened before.
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