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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I'm not debating, I'm *asking questions,* because it looked strange to have Warshades there for the reasons I mentioned, and Khelds have the ability to stay at range in Nova (it's all they *can* do unless they want to get killed quickly) which may cause issues in a melee bracket. Thus asking what I did. Edit: Talked with AA and we're good.
  2. VEATs, maybe, they suck - I only play up to the level 10 to get a costume slot. I like and pretty much always play the Kheld arcs, though.
  3. The last line didn't exist when I replied. See my reply (currently 46 minutes ago) and the timestamp of your edit which added it (42 minutes ago at time of writing.) So, no, I didn't. That said? It's echoed very much in game. Otherwise... we'd have more people PVPing and the zones wouldn't be dead. It's not like they're hard to find or not referred to in game, or not visited by people (say) looking for shivans or badging.
  4. Picking player spawn locations. Even if it was just in a few designated maps. I had an idea or two back on live that just couldn't be done because of things like "can't spawn the player in a holding cell."
  5. No, it isn't pure speculation. It is going from, again, *years* of comments of people saying they don't like PVP, period. Want nothing to do with it, play COH because they don't have to deal with it, etc. You just have to read through *this very thread* to see that. And the suggestion's been made other times, too - I'm sure a quick search would bring up even more threads with the same commentary on it. And you can use the Internet Archive and (with judicious searching) see comment on it going back to PVP's introduction into the game. There are people who *just do not like* PVP, and play COH because they can avoid it. There are people who don't like PVP in this genre or environment, but might play it elsewhere. But it is not "pure speculation," by any means.
  6. Super pack for getting 0 escapes in the "keep fir bolg from escaping" mission in Croatoa (first run only, whether it's at level or ouroboros.) And for succeeding with Efficiency expert Pither.
  7. ... so why is the Warshade being listed as melee? Dwarf form, maybe, but that's not *spectacular,* and human form has two auras and two melee attacks (Grav well and essence drain.) Is Nova form being restricted from the melee fight, then, as well?
  8. I'm going with years of history that I'm pointing out. I'm not making assumptions here. And I never stated "everyone," because quite obviously there *is* a PVP-ing population - pre-i13, *I* enjoyed PVP quite a bit, and still poke my nose in and look around for someone to fight (or at least go into the zones ready to do so, even though I'm not generally built for it,) so if you're thinking you're talking to someone who's anti-PVP, you're not.
  9. It'd just be chat spam. I've seen people do it with fort, clear mind, pretty much anything they do and it gets.... annoying, honestly. On my buffers, unless there's some specific reason ("Multi-AV fight coming up, buffs will be ready in 28 seconds") for announcing it, I combat buff. I get as many people as I can when it's ready, if you're not there, be closer next time.
  10. Nope. This conversation has been had since PVP was introduced - quite a good portion of the population does not *like* PVP. Even at the height of its popularity (pre-I13, so pre-current-system,) PVP was still a *small* portion of the population. At the time, we had warzone liasons (the ones standing outside the zones, now) inside the zone, and they'd be introduced as a contact - and block you from getting others. People complained *heavily* about being forced into a PVP environment when they wanted nothing to do with it. The same comments have come up when open world PVP gets mentioned - not just having everything spread out, but people don't *want* to "see heroes beating on each other in the street." PVP has a long history, *regardless* of system, of not being loved by most of the population.
  11. Four zones, not that hard to find. And people in this game pretty overwhelmingly *do not* want to "stumble upon" PVP. PVP being in the dedicated zones (and arena) is probably the best setup for this game. Nothing in there is needed for the rest of the game. People who want to go there can. Those who want nothing to do with it can completely ignore it.
  12. Dear $deity, no. It's bad enough in BB, where you've got a 15-25 range. (with the "+5 if you're exemped down," which should *really* be removed from PVP zones. Really screwed up Siren's too, AFAIC.) 1-50? They'd find a way to be even *emptier.*
  13. Ehhhhh.... I don't *dis*agree it would be a useful thing - after all, we have a shared attack in human/nova and human/dwarf already (and dwarf needed a ranged attack,) but while on one hand it would be a buff, you'd also be *losing* places to stack IO bonuses, as well.
  14. Kheldian lore's a lot more involved than that. Not to mention that starting in Praetoria, you'd completely miss the 1-50 Kheld-specific story arcs. If there are Praetorian EATs, let them be *praetorian* EATs. Not awkward shoehorning of things that don't make sense.
  15. I've seen one group that "required" Discord for their itrial runs. I don't run with them at this point for various reasons. That was ... symptomatic. I haven't seen anyone else "require" Discord. Even the SGs I'm in, they may *have* it, but it's usually to BS back and forth, and that's usually text, too.
  16. Yeah. As soon as I read this and saw "dedicated," all I can say is... Build *balanced* characters, not "dedicated" ones. I'll take a an Empathy Defender over a "Pure Healer" any day. Also, secondary side on defenders? Don't forget, those skills tend to do *debuffs,* as well. I'd also suggest, for *some* powersets (Empathy does stand as an example here) to make a second build that's more offense-oriented for those times you just want to solo. Of course, you have to fix that income problem. There's been other advice on that throughout. Pay attention to what else is dropping - what are you getting in salvage and recipes? Ending up with 60k inf? One piece of orange salvage dropped on the market for 5 inf should net you ~400-450k pretty much instantly. Some recipes can go for quite a bit, even if you can't craft them into the (generally more desirable) IOs. Also, (a) explore the zones - download Vidiotmaps and snag explore badges. 5 merits per zone you get all the badges for. And (b) run your *own* missions so you get those reward mertis. They'll make you money.
  17. Flip side, outside of some grabbing an attack or two, I can only think of one that does have it for tough and/or weave in my collection. I know the "meta" is to have them and/or hasten, but I don't care (or, for that matter, take hasten most of the time.)
  18. Being honest, if a team lead sent me that, they'd be told "Fully slotted with nunyas." If they ask what that is? "Nunya damn business."
  19. "Epic," as used by the devs regarding Khelds and VEATs, specificially means they're tied to a story ("epic" as in, for instance, "Epic of Gilgamesh.") It's why you couldn't previously change origin. It's why you have arcs specifically for your AT from 1-50, face Quantums and Voids (sadly no cysts any more, and the voids are mostly in Kheld-arcs, and limited at that) and the like. As far as an asset to the team? I already see my Khelds as being assets. More damage, control, perhaps healing, backup (or main) tanking as needed. The only thing really desired in toggles is having them suppress instead of shut down when swapping forms, and even that I'm not that concerned about. And the slots? You're piling in *way* too many slots with that idea. Yes, triform is difficult. It's part of why you used to have to have a character at 50 to unlock it.
  20. I know there are a few out there that are aimed towards lowbies of any AT. Usually taking down a series of bosses. I think you can search "XP for any AT" (that tends to be in the title. I *might* have the wording wrong.) Edit: Yeah, check under @A humble farmer.
  21. *Debates.* *Considers who I'd bring and how far away from 50 they are...*
  22. *Plans out claws/sr that also takes leaping for jump kick.... *
  23. But you're still "gaining it from the well," as I recall, which... no thanks. Maybe some of my characters would be fine with it - some might even *want* the fast progression, damn the risk, though we don't get that choice either - but for the most part... no.
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