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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Asked for before. Phantom army, among other things, are an issue. Also, personally... meh.
  2. Eh. *Should* there be? Would you have sat through a bunch of Marvel movies if it were hero moment - talk - hero moment - talk - hero moment - small fight - Hero moment? I mean, even Michael Bay doesn't cram that many explosions in. 🙂
  3. I'd disagree, to a point. Especially now, as you mentioned - recharge complicates things. That said, they could cut the recharge in half and I don't think they'd be reducing the "cost" - again, to me. There's obviously a limit to how much a power's recharge should be cut (even if it can be flagged to ignore buffs to recharge) before that's not true. Generally, I end up seeing thinking that armor T9s "need" to be usable frequently as being... not the point. They should be there for the "heroic moment," not part of the bread-and-butter, use it 50 times a day power choices. (But, given how IOs have changed things, there are fewer times for the ... even moderate IO user for those to come up. I mean, replace the cavalry in the charge of the light brigade with a division of modern tanks... it's much less risk!) See, I like having these decisions in game - having to make these choices in what's otherwise a fairly just-bulldoze-through game. Like I said, I don't perma-dom, i choose when to use it and deal with enemy mezzes other ways. There are few other items like that. Absorb Pain leaves *me* vulnerable for a short time, so I have to take a second to decide if it's a good time to use it - will I die right afterward? Is *that* worth it? (so it's rarely used on, say, mothership raids.) The old ET, where you could do a lot of damage but would damage and could kill yourself. (The flip side being a Defender nuke just... wasn't worth it, often, unless you had a team to follow up. The damage (payoff) wasn't worth the risk (-recovery, etc.) ) Eh, I don't have the answers, just a perspective.
  4. I'm just the opposite. I think T9s *should* crash (barring something like rise of the phoenix.) They should be useful to the point people want to take them, and have a cost that makes people think "Do I want to use this now?" so there's some tactical thought in it. (This includes nukes, btw, which I know aren't being talked about.) Having them ignorable - or crashless - just makes them another button to push that disappears into the mass of other buttons. (And yes, this is the same sort of reason that keeps me from wanting to hit perma-dom. That's boring. I like having to decide when to use it.) Of course, with IOs now there's just not much point. What are you going to do, buff beyond your already capped defense plus incarnate stuff? IOs have just ... bland-ified a lot of the game. But that's a whole other discussion.
  5. It would probably have to have some restriction like "limited to top rank, once every 30 days" or something, but I don't think it's unreasonable.
  6. Hell, if someone wants to argue about Requiem suddenly taking over the meaning for everything (I highly doubt they're renaming a mass for the dead, or the music involved in it,) we can look at another example - a person who is experienced in the art of government or versed in the administration of government affairs. a person who exhibits great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues. ... you know, "Statesman." I don't think the character was at all "experienced in the art of government or versed in the administration of government affairs." Or that his existance in world keeps anyone else who deserves the title from being called one. Or that neurosurgeons stop calling synapses and neurons synapses and neurons. Or that any shark or spider breeds have been renamed. Or any of the other examples that can be come up with.
  7. I find myself using Bailiwick a fair bit. At work, in game, etc. And while I don't use it as often, Tintinnabulation is fun.
  8. Oh, I'm not even talking animation. You keep knocking them down/up/sideways, they won't be able to get that out at all. The sleep's just to knock down the bubble. 🙂
  9. However, Sleep drops them on fake nems, too. Which makes them easier to hit and hold or knock down and (hopefully) keep them from going into PFF.
  10. Specifically, they were removed from the game because they didn't *do* anything, actually.
  11. So, since VV was mentioned - we haven't anything Homecoming-related set up that's similar, have we? I haven't wanted to use VV for HC stuff since, well, even with some of the same characters, the way things have gone *here* for them can be quite different. ("They were inspired by... wait, that character doesn't exist. They dated that person for years and had... wait, no, ,they exist but are doing something totally different here.")
  12. I'm ... "kinda sorta" with this. I seem to recall the thing being grafted to them in some fashion, but I'm not invested enough to go searching (though it seems Vanden remembers that too.) I think I'd probably like an option that would also just hide the legs, or leave some sort of "connection" on the back. This is 100% a "just me" thing, but having it vanish without a trace would just be odd for some of my characters. Though that would be more complex and (potentially) require adding geometry and "stuff." (As a side note, if you're on DeviantArt - and have mature content selected, since, well, boob - and you check Bakart's "Cobriza," that's one of my characters. With pack removed for repair - as well as graft tech needing to be plugged in, etc. too.) Hmmm. I wonder if there *could* be an "off duty" color piece, similar to the cybernetic spine, with other hookups on the back... (More work, I know. I'm just musing.)
  13. To be fair, he didn't say a thing about the people being disgusting. He said the idea was. For me, personally, I'd be fine with a generic "This spot has been the launching spot for numerous raids against Hamidon throughout the years." After all, the plaque would be on all HC servers. And there have been hundreds of people launching hami raids from live through now. Plus, a generic plaque like that would serve a second useful function - "First time in the Hive? Don't know where the safe rock is? Look on the map and come to the plaque."
  14. Not exactly a typo, but - random NPC chatter in Steel: Carlton: string
  15. *nods* As I believe I was told once, the character select screen isn't really aware of the "pages" we see our characters by, it just lists, then lists more on the next screen, etc. And there are a lot of potential sorting options and filters that would be nice. Ideally I'd like to see a big rewrite on the character select screen that was aware of more, as well - such as your supergroup, should you have multiple alts in one, for instance. Something like checkboxes for alignment, level range, search on super group as well. And let us create (and label) actual "pages" for some custom listing and sorting of characters - people could create things like "raid faves," "mains," "current projects," "PVP" and focus a few characters in those pages. Which is more work. But could be useful.
  16. I know, I was kind of doing a "er... but..." with that. And yes, you're 100% right. It does lose meaning when calling out *actual* racism when everything not related to it has been called that, too. (Which, of course, is why some people do it.)
  17. Ehhhh... I'm sort of "yes and no" on this. I don't get "esports" at all, or that people make a living from it. I do find myself watching Baradul's Mechwarrior Online videos for build ideas (... if I ever go back to that,) and watched a bit of Battletech. Mostly because he runs mods I'd find.. interesting but not enough to play. And there's the occasional "ok, how do I get past this," which I'd call more understandable. But general "video game watching," for pleasure, no, I don't get.
  18. Language isn't tied to race? Plus the comment was "I'm getting the feeling English isn't your first language," which given some of the wording, punctuation choices and such, does seem like a possibility - they fall under fairly typical "ESL" habits. I'd probably make similar mistakes in German or Japanese or whatnot. (Which, re-reading, is just reinforcing what you asked, so... 🙂 )
  19. Do the streams show ads? Do the services show ads? That's all that matters. Regardless, answer is no for now.
  20. When they have news, they'll have news. They're still talking with NCSoft. Assume no streaming 'til the discussions are done or nearly done, whenever that may be.
  21. Well, you can search by AT, but other than that, yeah, more sorting options have been asked for before and I'd still love to see them.
  22. Yes, they're useful. Situational, but useful.
  23. Should rebuild the system I started COH on. *Starts hunting Ebay for a Thunderbird 1 Ghz and Maatrox Mystique 440*
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