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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I was trying to think who did this. Yeah, there are still badge tours on occasion. As far as the old Hollows? Well... all I can say is people loved my Warshade. Recall friend at low level? Yep... You know. I should get on a lowbie and see if I can remember how to run to Julius without cutting through Death Valley. Of course, stuff doesn't do a late-spawn in to instakill you, either.
  2. This *really is* why they're dead. Pre-13, the zones - yes, even on servers other than Freedom, I was typically on Pinnacle or VIctory - were reasonably busy. After that.. well, some people gave it a shot, but part of why i13 killed it is that it became very casual unfriendly. Yeah, I know, "wut, PVP casual friendly?" Yeah. Sure, you couldn't compete particularly well against PVP-focused builds and there were definitely FOTMs (just like in ... pretty much any other aspect of the game where people want to compete - best pylon times, best AV soloers, etc.) But you could bring your character in and... well.. *know what their powers would do.* And have some idea of what the enemy would be able to do. Imagine if you went from Steel Canyon to Independence Port and suddenly you did less damage. Your tank's status protection turned into status resistance - meaning you would be held. You try to heal yourself furiously only to have each successive heal do less good, and so forth. You wouldn't be very fond of going to IP. Lusca would probably be hunted less, etc. That's part of what happened to PVP, at least in zone. The rest of it moved to teams in the arena, from what I could see. Yes, there were lowbie matches and such, but in general? It turned into a different game. Which is a shame. Zone PVP was a lot of fun. I have some good memories there - teaching people the hard way that you can't really TP Foe an Energy brute (and chuckling at being called a stalker. It's funny how many people won't believe you.) Playing spoiler with controls when I saw someone being hunted. MA/Regen Stalker vs MA/REgen Scrapper - the fight that was never going to end. (we called it a draw.) My Corruptor - yes, PVE build - one other and a dom holding Siren's for a good half hour until we got overwhelmed by numbers. We have plenty of "I wish the game were harder" threads. These were interesting and fun challenges, seeing what my build at that time could do versus enemies who could actually (but ... didn't, as often as they should have) plan, strategize and do the unexpected.
  3. I'm not sure what all does it. I was thinking some sort of environmental change, thus testing the halloween vs non halloween "skies" of the zones. Next hami raid I have to remember to pop out of the blob and see if I still see it - I want to say I do when chasing hami buds. But I can't swear to it.
  4. So, it seems in most zones the Kheldian "Nova tether" is long gone. (If you don't know what I mean, it's a ... beam... that just stretches off to some unknown point when you're in Nova form, PB or WS.) However, I've started noticing it again - but only in very specific times. Today, it was during a Dilemma Diabolique trial, and a Hami raid. Going into Eden outside of a raid and going into nova just now though, even with attacking something... no tether. So, not sure what's happening to *cause* it exactly, but... it's still there, sometimes. Obviously not something major, it doesn't affect gameplay at all, just graphical weirdness. (I'd also tried a zone with and without "supernatural events" going on... didn't see it there.)
  5. I would actually be fine with making getting the things noticably harder in the PVE zone. As long as they're otherwise the same (no incarnate powers working in PVE-Bloody Bay, for instance, as you're exemped to 25.) Otherwise it's just cheesy and *even less* risk. You could spawn 20 shivans around a meteor that takes even longer to gather, but if you're a 50+ Incarnate, they're just flat out not even close to the same threat, even "invasion-coded." (Mind you, I think the current exemp rules made Siren's Call much less fun, since it joins the T9-fest of the other zones with allowing powers up to 35, but that's a whole different conversation.) And please stop using the word "griefing" as a synonym for (risk of) PVP in a PVP zone. It is not the same. You throw that out *far* too casually.
  6. Ehhhh.... that seems a touch... *wrong* to me. Basically rewarding you for players actually dying. I know it's not how you *meant* it, but...
  7. "Forced" is a common argument. People are "forced" to go in to get things totally unneccessary. "Things I want" are not the same as "things I need." Also, players defeating other players in a zone designed for players to fight other players is not griefing. It *is* part of the risk of getting those badges and other rewards. Now, if you read what I said, a PVE flavored zone would have "same but different' badges, so there's no "tax." But as far as nukes, summons, shivans? Yes, those *should* be far less powerful if obtained in a PVE zone. Less risk = less reward. You bring up the scientists, as an example. Yes, their AI is awful. But in a pure PVE zone, it's nothing but an annoyance. You can casually walk back and get them. In a PVP zone, the risk is that someone engages and defeats you, *then* steals the scientist, meaning you have to start over again on that one. Why should someone get the same reward (same, full strength nuke) for less risk? You're not doing or risking the same thing. You're doing something optional that's similar but easier.
  8. I'm not sure it would save any time. Even just considering *live* changes, there were a lot of changes from 2004. Add to that the launcher points to different servers... it's probably better to just download the launcher and let it obtain the newest relevant files.
  9. ... and then there are powersets with status protection and how *that* changes in PVP.
  10. Whether you got the PVP or PVE zone badges, you would have the same number of badges. If you went to the PVP zone for the badge after getting the PVE badge, the badge would change. (Or not. I'd even give the option of picking which one to keep, if someone liked it as a title.) You would not be able to get both PVP and PVE badges "combined" (if zone A has 5 and zone A-PVE has 5, and you go to both to collect them all, you end up with 5.) Edit: As far as if it would give merits for exploring both? I'd say yes, just for the time taken, but it's not a big deal to me either way.
  11. Given the answer was (a) in the original post and (b) expanded on in the reply, I'm doubting that. But just to save you the effort of *scrolling up* for a second: Original comment: And the exploration badges are differently named to show you didn't bother going into the real zone. You can have one or the other so you're not "forced' *cough* to go anywhere to make up badge numbers. (Emphasis added.) Expansion on first explanation: Re-read what I said. The mechanic already exists (think of how X times the victor changes. You get one badge, not ten.)
  12. I already did answer. You did not understand, and obviously don't want to. (And "force" anything from you? Really? Nothing is being "forced" from you by suggesting you take a few seconds to re-read something you obviously didn't get the first time.)
  13. Re-read what I said. The mechanic already exists (think of how X times the victor changes. You get one badge, not ten.)
  14. Only if any and all rewards are severely reduced in effectiveness. Less risk, less reward. And the exploration badges are differently named to show you didn't bother going into the real zone. You can have one or the other so you're not "forced' *cough* to go anywhere to make up badge numbers. Time spent in the PVE zone does not count towards the day jobs. Those badges, etc. that reward gladiators, don't. (They're not PVE rewards, after all.) Side missions don't count. (Are you going to buff/debuff mobs? Those are PVP objectives.)
  15. Looks like I'm at 100 on everlasting, ignoring my two base editors. At least as of *now.*
  16. Denbora Zauriak (V) Hellion Keller Rei Falcon Hot Purrsuit Starlit Knight Devilsewn Blonde Moment (101 now!)
  17. Tundra Runner Earth/Ice Dom (I've actually remade this several times since issue 3. Started out as an ice/ice blaster. Eventually one of them will hit 50!) Cat Anna Say the name, guess the powerset! 🙂 Alltheworld - STAGES base holder/editor Materra Spine/Fire Brutre Diplomat, actually. One from someplace known only as the Empire. She joined the Seeker when he refuted his name and went into exile to protect his family - a great warrior, fighter, soldier, but lousy at politics - primarily to try to keep him out of trouble. (There are two other characters that go with this. Need to remake them...) And it doesn't hurt to have a priestess trained as a diplomat along when showing up in an ... odd, backwards place such as this Earth.. Polly Trauma Nin/Pain MM A nurse and an avowed pacifist, she found herself in a warzone along with a group of volunteer doctors. Unfortunately, this warzone also had war*lords* fighting... and her team found itself in the hands of one of them. Captured, they seemed to find her pacifism amusing, doing what they could to make her fight back until they broke her spine. She was finally rescued and returned home for care. But to the surprise of most, the ordeal only made her more entrenched in her pacifist views. SHe's there to help, not harm. Of course, her assistants don't necessarily *share* her views... Moquerie Dark/dark scrapper Super Sand Witch Water/dark Sentinel CTI Dreamer Wintersheart (V) Madison Longshot
  18. Memphis Bill Fire/SS tank My original back in I3. Lost his family when his powers came to the forefront, result of the chemical factory he was a guard in. It's been years, he's come to terms both with that and his own abilities. Violet Flame. Warshade Former unlikely undercover agent, discovered and scheduled to have a Nictus implanted. The Nictus was, himself, a double agent and sensing it was time to escape made a deal with Vi. Umbral Flair Warshade Soulblighter's Own (V) Staff/WP Brute Myth/Myth II inspired - you'd be surprised the sorts of things you can find because of video games. New Nuance Grav/energy dom Daughter of Violet FLame and her Peacebringer partner. Not sure just *how* she has abilities - not a trace of Kheldian they can find, but seems to have a blend of abilities. Feliney Mischief (R) Savage/nin Stalker Former hero until her team decided "focusing on the mission" was best... despite her telling them about Feliney Assualt being trapped down in the lab. She decided to do what she thought was right. Her team threatened to haul them both in, so she left with her new partner. Beach Bombshell Rad/Energy Brute (Greyscale.) Originally just a picture taken at a nice, secluded spot on a Paragon beach in the 50s. However, that beach was secluded for a reason. Odd things happened there, thanks to various magics set to protect the beach. Decades later, one of the photos... woke up. Home Guard Mace/shield tank She's not sure of her name. But she's shown up for centuries wherever wars have threatened the home, a mysterious woman warrior defending those left behind. Shock and Ow Elec/fire Defender Hey, electricity burns, right? Caduccia Ice/Emp Controller (Old, single digit live character)
  19. Medikitty Emp/Rad Funny things happen to mascots. Medi's mother was the mascot of a medical research team. Of course, they tried keeping her out of the more dangerous parts of the lab. And you know how *that* goes with cats. And that odd thing they were working on was so nice and warm. Silly humans yelling about ... raydeeyashun. OK, one of the kittens was a little strange later... Fel Lynne (PR) Ice/pain Praetorian Medi. Casually Purple Warshade. Because of *course.* Necro Ophelia Necro/cold Part of Ye Olde Undead Shakespeare Companie. Apocalypse's Harold ... ok, mostly for the name. Yvette Horizon Grav/Rad The Nictus performed many experiments on people. Some got away - maybe not as unscathed as they thought. Yvette's more than happy to turn these abilities around and use them against her former tormentors. Louisville Slaughter (R) Mace/WP Hey, a womens' softball league in the Isles has to be able to defend itself. And perhaps aggressively pursue donations. Sundancer Squid Peacebringer (Previously just Sundance Squid, but, well, names again.) Beatrix Park-Leigh Elec/elec "Primal" version of Ish. Older, in college, part-time heroing, working more in inventions now. Two Pints of Demon Demons MM Did you know ice cream could be magic? That wasn't blue bunny... wonder what got into that batch.
  20. Details to be added later - Vondrakkar Fire/Storm Controller (END? What END?) Live remake. Leader of a clan of Dragonkin... which also need remaking. Daughter of Storm and Flame. Therra Halsturm (V) Another therra, furtherst off the elec path - Mercs/storm MM. Mostly for fun. Bright Ideas Another bots/rad. Formerly Dee D'ribead. For no good reason. ==Base maintenance character== Sweet Child o Mimes Psi/WP Stalker Son of two mimes, until his mother was tragically stuck in an invisible box and his father blown away by a wind he couldn't walk against. Home Fires Fire/kin Controller Because everyone needs one. Somewhat short fused, rushes into things. Resolved SJ/WP Brute Exposed to unexpected bigotry from her family when her mutation came out - that mutation simply being "she turned orange." Does her best to inspire and defend others. Regina Arctus Ice/Elec blaster Originally put in cryogenic suspension in the 80s until a cure for a her neurological disease could be found. Capsule ruptured during the first Rikti invasion. She was saved, but blinded by the rushed emergency process to wake and save her - which also turned her skin blue. Agreed to an experimental procedure from Cray which gave her a cybernetic spine and neural boosters. Thought she was doing some good until she learned what they were *really* up to... and she lost her home and husband (the lab tech that saved her) to them trying to silence her. Piracat BS/SR Scrapper Originally just a cat on a pirate ship, 'til they were chased by some irked members of the Royal Navy. Cat hopped into a case that cracked open, which happened to contain a magic sword. The crew were... surprised... to find a catgirl instead of their cat after they got away. Cobriza (V) Crab Spider Of *course* she'd serve Arachnos. Who else protected her home? And wasn't it worth the sacrifice of the medical procedures to graft this backpack on? Wasn't it?
  21. Mixed page: Therra Paladina Peacebringer How did Therra escape being captured by the council? Merging with a Peacebringer. (First PB, made… geez, 15 years ago almost to the day (issue 4. 7/14/2005.) Loved Khelds since.) Made to continue her story. Obsidian Flake SJ/Stone brute OK, a little clumsy. But not actually a flake. She *is* a geologist and knows what she’s doing. Lucien Leonis (V) Mind/Savage Dom Those clones I mentioned with Grace? This is a clone of their creator… who became a bit too independent, not to mention megalomaniacal and a bit nuts. Hydressa (R) Huntsman Mostly… for having a huntsman and liking this one’s saved costume. Sera Lane (V) Widow Part of Lane-Oliver R&D, competitor to Crey in the pharmaceuticals area. Great with PR. Not afraid to get her hands dirty. Red Bill (V) SS/DA Brute A “What might have been,” villain version of Memphis Bill, originally made before I could make a dark/SS tank (which really fits the character best.) Knows how to own the docks and various illicit trades and defend his ownership. Rogue Stiletto (H) Nin/Nin Stalker One of the Knives of Artemis who managed… not to be. And strike out on her own. (OK, made her a hero just because. Should probably be rogue or vig.) Dreamon. (V) Mind/Fire Dom Really wish I had the original, non period name back from live… Succubus, sort of. At least that’s what she’s called by others. Not really accurate, as she can thrive off the emotional energies in an area. Will hang out in pocket D. And yeah, while she’s a “villain,” well, absorbing that extra helps sometimes. Unnatural Acts (H) Mind/Poison Controller (Another live refugee. Had to bring her in, though as a troller vs her old MM self.) Thoughtbubble (H) Mind/sonic (Formerly Thought Bubbles, but, well, names.) Because things aren’t as bad as you think they are. Or, if you’re one of the bad guys… maybe they’re worse.
  22. Oooh, some redside! Therra Malevola (V) Dark/Therm Corr Therra Arcson at one point had been captured during a raid on a Council base. The Circle of Thorns - who had gotten rather annoyed at T - took advantage of the opportunity to get hair and blood, deciding that if the heroine escaped, having her come out to her reputation trashed and family dead would be far better revenge than just killing her outright. However, they could not replicate her powers - The Lady blocked that - and the result was this Dark/Therm corr… who didn’t care much for her creation or creators. Killing them, her focus was on hunting down and getting rid of the original. Carrie Jessamine (V) Plant/Thorn Dom Her father was a researcher. A competing corporation, when they couldn’t buy out his formulas, decided they could just pay off lawyers and use their HR department to wipe out any issues with just killing him and taking it. The formula he was developing for use with plants? They never found it - it ended up injected into Carrie. Who took *great* pleasure afterward in using it on said corporation’s goons, via her newfound control of plant life. Deadly Diana (R) Thugs/Poison Loves the good life. Loves getting it via blackmail even more. And a bit of violence when needed. Her preferred targets tended to be in entertainment. Currently has “understandings” with the Marcones. (Yes. Initially inspired on live by "Dirty Diana.") Feliney Assault (V) En/Rad Brute. Will likely be redone as energy/energy. Used as a lab experiment. Freed despite orders by a member of a raiding hero party, Feliney Mischief. There… wasn’t much lab left afterward. You know how cat owners sometimes joke their cats try to kill them? Not a joke for her. Sinthesia (V) Dark/Nin Stalker Not much of a story. Just loves her work. Keres Mot (V) Ice/Dark Corr Rolled well before the DA remake. Wants to tap power between this world and the next. Control it. Be the queen of it. Therra Vindicta (V) Elec/Elec Brute Alt of Therra Arcson. After losing her partner who, similar to this world, thought her dead after her capture, she went on a cold rampage, making sure governments paid for it. Eventually became an iron - or electric - handed empress of her world, working on eradicating other magic and consolidating power. She was betrayed and ended up here… where she’s working on consolidating power enough to get back and make sure some people back home have a very bad, very *final* day. Back to heroes. Three related ones: CryoHavoc Ice/ice tanker. (Mildly irked at not having the proper Cryo Havoc, which I had on live.) Older cousin, Roger Green. Took his cousin on a road trip to Alaska in time for a rare event they weren’t expecting - an eruption, not just of a volcano, but a magic “node.” Turned him into an ice/ice tank. Cryo Might Ice/Ice Stalker Roger’s cousin Lance. While protected from the event by Roger, he still got… infused. Fits his somewhat more sneaky, trickster-y nature. Lava Flo Fire/Bio brute Vulcanologist who happened to be studying activity in the same area at the time. (Made, honestly, because seeing Bio for the first time made me think of… well…. lava floes. )
  23. Cryosphere Ice/Ice Sentinel Worked with her inventor brother, who since went missing. Uses the suit he created to do some good, though she prefers fighting fires. Was also psychic, unawakened, until they moved to Paragon and it “overloaded.” Sent elsewhere and the ability was mostly removed, though she lost some time - and fought in a war, lost a husband and child, and came back to find only a few months passed. Feverdreams Ill/poison Probably should be a vigilante, honestly. Changing perceptions changes results. Break Fix Beam/Pain Corr Clone, Praetorian, created and ‘programmed’ to be a combat medic. Currently going through school to work on nursing certifications. Kate Greyson Rad/Invuln Sentinel Praetorian version of Cat Grey. No warshade. Was testing out tech to be passed to either the PPD or Powers division. Ended up here. Sure she should be dead. Cyber Crystal Bots/Kin MM Tinkerer. Sci fi junkie. Partial play on Khyber Crystal. Her parents said she had to get out of the workshop more. She didn't. Her parents told her to make new friends. So she did. Crystal's not the most talkative type, and can usually be found with her nose in a book (either a tablet or an honest to good *book,* usually a tech manual.) Quiet, but approachable, she loves her tech. Grace de la Hache TW/WP Brute Clone. Created for disposable “entertainment” in arenas as part of a ring Cat broke up. Fighting for other clones as well as downtrodden people wherever she finds them. Radiannie Bots/Rad Another remake, though a MM instead of a defender. Might revisit that. Sandra Thompson Necro/Poison Oh. Long history here. Former tomb robber, after putting on a certain headdress during an expedition that got attacked. Now working on being a respected archaeologist, re-discovering and returning what she’d stolen previously. Uneasy relationship with the midnighters. Aurora Crush SS/WP brute Former semi-pro (and sometimes not so legit) fighter. Fell in with a villain group as muscle for a while. Realized that wasn’t the life she wanted, went legit. Runs a gym, teaches self defense. T. Lynn Wolf Plant/savage Dom Former Isles resident, daughter of two researchers who had more time for work than their family. Brother’s a soldier in Arachnos, sister went missing. Lynn (don’t call her Timber) also became a scientist, more interested in botany, with some extracurricular lessons from the Legacy Chain - then jumped ship to become a hero and offset some of what her parents contributed to.
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