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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Wow. I have't seen people try to do that (indiidually) since.... issue 3? 4? Of course, then they got their laughs TPing people inside of guard towers... which is why they now have doors. And why we have the accept prompt option... That's more a "report" than "ignore," I'd say.
  2. ... was the in game browser disabled? It was a fairly poor one, but I seem to remember having one for a bit. I don't remember how to bring it up to begin with...
  3. While I'd be amused to be a Nemesis Nemesis again, I believe I heard somewhere or other that they actually ate more server resources than you'd think...
  4. As much as I might gripe about other things relating to power creep, I've pretty much always agreed with this. Reward for hitting 50 and getting into Incarnates. I'd be... more fine with the other powers working at non-incarnate levels outside of incarnate content (available at the 5 level difference, something like that.) Lower damage/target cap on Judgement, for instance - so you're not outdoing the T9 of a blaster, as an example.
  5. And if you read the rest of the post, the powers being there *but not being used* is the point of those badges I was talking about. Otherwise you could just get them by running the content before getting incarnate powers, which kind of defeats the purpose. The two I mentioned are not click powers. You can choose to have but not use Judgement, for instance. You can't have available but not choose to use Alpha.
  6. Well, two of the powers you can't turn off (Alpha, which honestly I'm fine with being a "reward" for everything, and Interface.) Otherwise, there is one (for some) - Badges. Finish X content/TF/whatever "without using Lore, Judgement or.... " (the one that's slipping my mind right now. Clarion, etc.) "after obtaining them" - get the "(almost) old school" badge. Powers *have* to be in your tray and there to be used, but not used. ... heck, have one that you can only get by having no set bonuses. "Really old school." All SOs (or common IOs.) Just have to have a build with no set bonuses or procs. (Again, fine with Alpha or Interface.) Sure, they're not for everyone, but it'd be interesting to see who'd take those challenges.
  7. Had one person the other day ask about... eh, some Incarnate power. One of those "Which should I take?" Didn't really give any information. Try to get any out of him, get abuse in return. Copied the PWiki link, since, hey, maybe he's new and doesn't know what they do. Get "I know all that already!" in return. He gets asked "well, what is your character weak on, what do you need to fill?" and he throws back "Oh, look, the same old copout answer." Yep. You could hear ignores slamming down like a corridor full of steel doors on him at that point... I think I saw one person try for 2-3 more sentences before giving up on him. So, ignore flags? Get rude and abusive to people who are trying to help and get plonked.
  8. ... daily, actually. And sadly they say "healer." Part of me dies inside every time they do that or someone advertises themselves as a "healer."
  9. So, skimming through, I remember seeing a blurb about HOs (I think, I don't think it was Titans - though it may have been in a description) which said, paraphrased, "These make you more powerful, sure, but what cost might they have in the future?" - implying there was an idea to make them suddenly stop working or do something different vs some mob. I was sorry to see that never happen. Now, disclaimer, I *like* the idea of being rewarded for risk. I liked crashing T9s, draining nukes and the like. It meant you had to think, "Do I *want* to use this now, can I survive" before hitting it. And I think this was touched on already, sort of, but probably the "easiest" way ot introduce a player-controlled weakness could be... through IOs. Red set (to indicate a warning, and with warnings first thing in the descriptions,) that go "These will make you more powerful, but come with a cost," which would introduce a weakness - to a damage type, a group, something. They'd probably have to be made exclusive to each other so one set wouldn't nullify another. ... but would you want to be a more powerful 50 and suddenly take (scaled up) damage from those grey hellions when you forgot in Atlas Park? (Or something similar.)
  10. I'd have to assume it would be a hybrid defense/melee attack set, but... eh.
  11. I don't know if they can revert. Part would depend on just how far back you wanted to go - if someone wanted to experience "I can only run one armor at a time," that code would be *long* gone, for instance. (I would assume.)
  12. To be kind of nitpicky, Incarnates weren't a system originally. They were meant to be an EAT when first mentioned. That fell to the wayside along with Avilans, Blood of the Black Stream, Nictus, and (possibly) Coralax. I should've asked that when they had the AMAs - the process of turning Incarnates from an EAT to an end-game system. Had Incarnates been dropped entirely as an idea, and the idea and name turned up when trying to figure out what the end game system was and should be called?
  13. ... should I mention that I once had a character who had a grudge against the DE because they were the reason he went out of business? After they showed up, nobody wanted to go to Hammy Don's Deli... (Yes, that really was his backstory. And name.)
  14. "I can tell you what that sapper had for breakfast. Malta meal."
  15. There *is* a middle ground, though. As I recall, the devs wanted something in place when they put in ED - remember how long the universities just sat there with no purpose anyone could tell? There's a wide range between "I wish we never had IOs" and "Gimme those purples." 🙂 But, as has been mentioned, the time for those adjustments is long past.
  16. Grouchy pretty well covered it. There's a reason for the recent change. There's a reason we have INF sinks like AH fees, costume fees, crafting fees and the like. Money moving between players (through AH sales, costume contests, etc.) is great. Accelerating the rate money just shows up? Bad, long term. That's when we get things like 2b+ purples being sold off market (since the market can't handle more than that... which also eliminates the fees that take INF out of circulation.) As much as I love the game for growing "out" more than "up" (no level cap raises - and no, I don't want one,) once you hit 50, have your build(s,) have your costumes, there's not that much to spend money on. Work on your crafting badges? Sure, then you have those memorized (less INF going out at that point.) If anything, there has to be more things out there players *want* to spend INF on, especially at the higher levels.
  17. Been asked for before, live and I'm sure here. I'd still like it. Especially when I'm in a rush or tired and find I've done something like three slotted Swift instead of STamina.
  18. Lower levels? People who have just soloed a few packs of Mu and are out of blues? People who are tired? Musicians?
  19. I'm thinking "in general, not without a giant rework." The body's... toned look? (or lack thereof) I don't believe is separate from whatever clothing is on the character. (For instance, you'd have to end up with "smooth bandeau" and "muscular bandeau" tops, versus "she's muscular, and then I put a bandeau top on her.") Definitely doubt it'd be a slider. I wouldn't *mind* seeing this being the actual body instead of a texture. But I wouldn't hold my breath. 'til then, I make them in Daz with my limited skills, or commission people to draw them. 🙂
  20. Hmm. Interesting. All right, then, not Kheld specific. And I should've thought to check on Mystic Flight too. It does the same thing. Thanks!
  21. Ehhhhh.... point of view. For the most part I agree. I don't really like what's happened with a lot of it, seeing it as power creep that could have been nipped in the bud, but it's the way the game is now - and honestly, doesn't affect me for the most part. Other than annoyance at people thinking anything without perma-everything is unplayable. For some things, though - and they're admittedly a small part of the game - I'd agree they were ruined. Sort of. PVP zones are generally empty - at least when they were newish and up through the i13 changes, the zones could still be entered and experimented with by a casual player. Now, between a dedicated PVPer having an IO build and powers not working the same way, there's a bar to competing in the zones. Of course, that is offset by practically never *seeing* anyone there, but on a theoretical level... 🙂
  22. So, while testing for something else (the "can you craft empowerment buffs while in form" and "Do the timers tick down if you don't get the benefit," answer being yes to both,) I noticed something odd in Energy Flight. First, it kept stacking in Combat Attributes. Next, that it had a constantly shifting debuff from Energy Flight as one of the stacks - it went from something like -.14, to -3.x, to -14 %. Thinking it was something to do with the buff I'd created to test, I deleted that power. No change. Shifted, no change. This cycling flight speed debuff kept showing up (along with multiple energy flight bufs.) Switched to another PB to compare, nothing slotted to affect speed, no empowerment buffs. Saw the same thing. Also noticed it in Combat Flight. Am I missing a mechanic here or does someone have an idea what's happening? Or should I go ahead and forward this as a bug? It's minor, but *odd.* Those three are from the one I was testing on. (Didn't screenshot it still happening after deleting the buffs. All the "inccrease speed" ones.) This is a different character with nothing slotted for fly speed, low level, no global buffs (which should show up differently anyway,) nothing that should affect it and no empowerment buffs added, so independent from the testing. Combat flight did the same.
  23. WS: Generally Starless Step them into a Gravity Well. PB: I tend to pick up stealth one way or another (IO or Stealth, not to mention the Bloody Bay / Siren's Call patrol rewards temps.) Toggle that on, target, queue Incandescent, do a flyby joust, clean up.
  24. People using Kheldian (particularly PB) powers and playing as a non-Kheldian has been a thing since live. I've also done it the other way and had "fake Kheldians (typically Energy/Energy blasters and Gravity control characters) - usually either the result of Nictus experimentation, "force of will" or something else (it's a bit of a long story. 🙂 ) Including a mix - grav/energy dom.
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