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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Functionally, by the time we got to live, nothing. The Hive and (possibly) RWZ are the closest we have to trial zones - and the RWZ is maybe 1/3 of one at best. Basically the zone was designed with an overarching, multi-team (yep, before leagues - I don't recall if that was part of the problem they had) push to get to and defeat some overarching goal. You'd fight to the dam, pass through (which you couldn't do on the live version - unless you could find a map glitch - so Echo got tweaked a bit) and save the generators or whatever it was on the far side of the dam. The entire zone would have functionality around that. Hazard zones are basically "There are bigger, nastier spawns. Have fun!" Actually found a Prima guide on ebay cheap, I'll see if I can find the description there again. Not digging through all my boxes in storage 🙂
  2. Pfft. It's called preventing burnout. You can jump around all sorts of levels and deal with different content.
  3. You can do anything. Incarnate content (trials, DA missions) will give other bonus Incarnate rewards, though. (So will the SSAs.)
  4. To be really nitpicky, old Faultline was supposed to be a trial zone, not a hazard zone. I *believe* the range was something like 17-25 - if anyone has the old (old old) "strategy guide" (not the binder) for it, it had details on it. Trial never got into the game, of course. I think the most use I got out of Faultline was with the original Defiance. Lots of tall buildings to drop off of for that damage boost. 🙂 Granted, the blaster I was doing that with had outleveled the zone ANYWAY, but still.
  5. Start the quest as an Earth/FF or Ice/Emp 'troller and say that. 😉
  6. Welcome back. As for the ideas, 1. I have hasten on very few builds. Those I do have it on, I have few I put it on auto on. I'd rather have control over that END hit. 2. Tough and Weave are not that universal - another "have it on very few builds" here, myself - and I'd like to avoid power creep, thanks. 3. More slots for Khelds would probably break things, given how the code is 🙂 Also, note that sets slotted into forms *still have their bonuses in effect* even while not in that form - that could be "just too much." I'm not necessarily *against* it, I'm just half wondering what all would break.
  7. Posi 1 and 2 weren't designed to be soloed. The patron arcs were.
  8. So as I was browsing through Hold IO sets, I noticed something - None of them have a damage component. Some have procs, sure, for extra mag and such, but there are no hold sets with (say) Acc/Dmg/Hold or Dmg/Hold in them. Now, yes, holds typically have some secondary set type they accept - typically ranged or melee damage. And yes, *typically* Holds don't do a lot of damage (though one of a Warshade's highest damage melee attacks is a hold, and several other melee "slams" have a Hold component to them.) However, you're then either frankenslotting and not getting some nice higher end set bonuses or you're not enhancing the hold itself as a hold. Currently, the only way of getting damage and mez in the same slot is through Titan/Hami-os. Also checking in Immobilizes, they have the same issue - no sets that will do an immob/damage. So, I'd like to suggest two sets with each combination - one that leans more towards damage with a little hold (or mez,) one that does more mez (with a bit of damage enhancement.) Given these are mostly focused on controllers and doms, they'd likely want bonuses leaning towards (small-to-mid) recharge, end reduction and accuracy, among whatever else would be in there. No, I don't actually have example sets in mind 🙂 I just noticed the lack and wanted to throw the idea out there for future IO sets. If people want to try to figure out a set or three, hey, go nuts.
  9. MM, true, I was reading it more as "you'll need that for repeated runs." Then again, IK've also seen people just base (or other) teleport out of there. Of course, if you're going after the Igneous bosses badge, you can get at least one of *those* defeated per run, too. 🙂
  10. You don't even need reveal for this. (Depending on the character and level, I'm averaging between 7-12 minutes.)
  11. Not to mention Mu, redside. I hate dealing with packs of them on a lowbie. Which is part of the issue with looking for these bonuses - when I could *really* use them, they're not there. By the time you get up to where sets would have end drain resistance, you've probably got enough going on - even on basic builds - that you can mitigate the effect in most instances. (Not really against the idea, just not really sold on it either.)
  12. He's not actually there "all the time." I often run through Boomtown (easy 5 merits for zone badges, after all) and flat out do not run across him. He *is,* however, part of the task force. He is supposed to come after the task force as an ambush. *Not* having him do that doesn't make the taskforce unable to be completed, no, but it does remove some of the story and rewards (6 fewer merits for a "hard reward," not to mention just standing around waiting for an ambush - which several see as a fun part of the TF, not to mention other people dropping what they're doing to help, only to stand around until its determined Babbage isn't coming for some reason.) While I don't think he should be immune to police drones, reviewing pathing and guaranteeing a Babbage for the TF I wouldn't see as hurting anything.
  13. Isn't that basically the recovery bonus?
  14. What does it matter? If the argument is "This is immersion breaking," well, more meta-information has *always* been given for quite a few characters. Since, well, before IOs were a thing and SOs were what were sold for most of a character's career.
  15. Also this, yes. Friendly fire is one thing when you're in something like a first person shooter, where it's you (and/or a small team) dealing with things as they come along. It's another when you have powers that will affect 36 targets (I think that's the upper limit of Judgement?) in a certain area, and people *must* be by the enemies for powers to work. Then what about things like Clarion? Or Howling Twilight? Are you now suddenly giving mez protection or rezzing all the enemies in a specific area? We can't *pick* who to affect with AOEs (it's part of why the AOE buff "buff" irks me - I can't skip people who don't want a certain buff.) I could see controllers and doms suddenly becoming MUCH less welcome as a result of something like this. Force Field becomeing even LESS played because you're also buffing enemies... No, I don't think I'd like this at all.
  16. It may not have kept the TF from being completed, but it does remove some of the fun and challenge from said TF.
  17. As someone who likes control sets, especially with confuse, I can pretty much guarantee *that* won't happen. Just like anchor targets, they seem to get killed immediately before they can help the team at all.
  18. Wow. Serious hostility here on both sides for such a ... well, "fluff" idea. Yes, the information can be looked up online. No, that's not a good argument against it. Honestly, neither is "My immersion" - and I'm saying that as an RPer. I mean, really, how different is it from "I can introduce you to Fred, who deals with Freakshow and Crey and sells these enhancements, or I can introduce you to Susan, who deals with Circle of Thorns and sells these enhancements?" Do you normally introduce people that way in real life? "Well, I can introduce you to this person, who does this and sells that, or that person, who does that and sells this!" If the way contacts are introduced *now* isn't immersion breaking, neither is this idea. Especially with the thought you can hide the information (just click on "more info" to get specifics.) If being told which SOs they sell isn't immersion breaking, frankly, neither is this. Personally, I'm solidly in the "meh" camp. I don't care one way or the other about it. I probably wouldn't notice it if it were put in, and wouldn't be bothered if it weren't. Oh, and I do have to add... post an idea here, *deal with* the fact that people are going to have their own ideas, pros, cons, etc. You want just the devs to see it, email them. Otherwise, you're getting feedback, and you may not like it.
  19. I tend to do it with support characters, especially team-focused sets. One team build, one "selfish" build for soloing. Also, contacts still see you as being whatever your max level is - it's just like you haven't gone to visit a trainer in however many levels.
  20. I feel one of my characters needs to make an appearance here.
  21. All you need to do is play the game. You will get inf. And yes, purple sets will drop. Will it take longer? Yes. Will you get them eventually? Yes. There are also other options. You can, at 50, use merits. You can buy the recipies - looking at the AH right now, at about half the price (And the price is *far* cheaper than it was on live.) You can check the prices of the VRs, buy the ones going for less (or even cheaper, buy the recipies for the ones going for less) and convert them to what you want. Heck, if you're running content, you're getting merits. Might not be "the most efficient" but you can get them that way. These are not out of reach for someone casually playing.
  22. I don't *think* the game is "aware" of the walls in that way, other than knocking through a geometry hole and taking falling damage beyond the map.
  23. First, no zones are really level restricted. The hazard zones used to be and that was changed well before sunset. Second, "No other reason?" Nobody can do it because they like it, or are part of a group or SG that was doing other things, saw the raid and said "Lets join that" regardless of level? Nobody can enjoy playing together without having to alt? Yes, there *are* other reasons. Leveling can be "just" a side effect.
  24. Honestly, this palette more makes me want ice cream. 😄
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